Rebirth Dominator

v1 Chapter 307: Construction of Dongtian Small World

Stomping the foot in the hall, I saw the complex pattern lines under the feet light up instantly, and then the antique wood-like door at the gate seemed to be involved in a vortex, twisted instantly, and became a A large iron door with a modern color.

And all the windows also moved together, from the original sea-view port to a city in the snow.

"Floor heating! Floor heating is on!"

"It's cold!"

As soon as I changed it, I saw a small black head with long black hair protruding from the entrance of the stairs above. Heisha seemed to be sleeping. At the moment, his eyes were dimly wrapped in a small quilt, and he said to Fang Xiu who was adjusting the space coordinates below.

"Now we are reporting extraordinary morning news. The Waikang City of Huaguo broke out another terrorist attack last night. The stateless and unorganized men’s organization named Eddie Stamp targeted the terrorist attack on the Waikang City. In the outbreak of this extraordinary event..."

Fang Xiu turned on the TV and began to listen to information about the extraordinary events in Baigang. The first news in the morning was the extraordinary events that broke out in the city of Weigang. Spokesmen from official extraordinary organizations in various countries condemned the vicious incident. And announced that Wraith Eddie Stamp was on the wanted list.

The explosion of Weigang City can be seen on the TV, which highlights the situation of the Junzhishan Special Prison and the situation near the energy tower in the city center.

Tier 4 Transcendental Wraith Eddie Stamp, instantly became the top of the Transcendental Wanted list and topped the list.

The transcendent world in this world is orderly, at least maintaining the order on the surface, and what Eddie Stamp did is obviously breaking this order. Baigang is similar to the United Nations in the transcendent world, while China It is an important member of this United Nations, not to mention the Eastern transcendents and top powerhouses, and it is also the most. This has also caused the Eastern transcendents to have a huge influence in the transcendent world.

Eddie Stamp openly attacked China and the city of Siege. If it succeeded, he held incense artifacts. There are countless countries and forces willing to cooperate with him, but he failed, and instantly turned into a dog of bereavement. The world's transcendents are wanted, and they are hostile by the entire Eastern transcendent community.

Fang Xiu took a look at it and changed a channel with the remote control. This is the news and facts broadcast in Baigang.

Instead, the internal news of Baigang looks much more serious than the external news, and the newscaster has also changed from an ordinary human girl to a second-order middle-aged extraordinary.

Because listening to this news, the residents inside Baigang are basically transcendents, and most of them are transcendents with powerful power.

"The Temple of the Gods, the Church of the Sage, the Gatekeepers, and the Giant Freedom Association also released a convening message, calling on all transcendents in the world to enter the world of divinities and spirits in search of legendary divine relics. prosperous profits."

"The establishment of the energy tower declares that the use of extraordinary energy has entered a new era. This kind of energy is a new energy that ignores the laws of this world. As long as humans and intelligent life still exist, the energy will never be exhausted. The city will be the first side city to truly achieve extraordinary territories. All members of the Baigang Management Council are here to call everyone to the world of gods and demons to open a new era of extraordinary territories."

"The major forces and organizations have locked the remains of the Undead. They believe that there is a real devil in the depths of the Undeath that has never been cracked. With the exploration of hundreds of years, the depth of the Undead remains more and more. It is difficult to enter. Many third- and fourth-order transcendents have explored the depths of the ruins of the undead country. They all believe that the undead area deep underground is another kind of divine state, and this kind of **** is formed. The reason for the environment is definitely a treasure left by the gods of ancient times."

Fang Xiu took a look. All the news is basically around a new round of exploration upsurge of energy towers, extraordinary energy, and the world of gods and demons. All extraordinary organizations are calling on the extraordinary people of the world to enter the world of mountains and sea for exploration. Look for legendary heavenly ruins and clues related to gods and demons.

The tasks hung out in Baigang City, even if they only provide accurate clues, can also obtain the third-order extraordinary inheritance, the third-order extraordinary props, the cubs of the blood of the gods and demon, the potions and potions that can prolong life, and they are full. One screen, you can also check it on the extraordinary forum.

In order to attract some extraordinary people above the second level, help build a kingdom in the southern world of the demon world, and provide the conditions for tens of thousands or tens of thousands of strong population.

Fang Xiu took out his mobile phone and turned it over, and he could feel that the world's extraordinary people were sensational. Under the leadership of the organizations of the extraordinary forces, a new round of extraordinary world development began again, and a large number of people who had just become extraordinary people The new nuns will contain greed for treasures, longing for the world of gods and demons, and legends of people like Fengdu and Jia Yi, rushing to the world of gods and demons.

"Isn't this the idea of ​​no longer besieging the energy tower of Hong Kong City? Is it ready to turn to the Shanhai world completely."

Fang Xiu looked at it, and knew that the original forces that had just moved around had already changed their strategy again. A large number of energy stones flowing from the city of Waigang rushed to the world, just like the currency of the extraordinary world, affecting the world and endlessly. Extraordinary resources are flowing into the hands of Weigang City and Huaguo through energy stones.

They saw the power of the energy tower in Weigang City and its impact on the world. They also saw this future trend. Since it is impossible to wage war, it is impossible to destroy the energy tower from Weigang City and grab the incense artifact. Naturally, only Able to seek from the mountains and seas.

"I'm going out. Remember to adjust the connection between the Throne of Blood and the Eye of Coordinates. I'll watch it later!"

After Fang Xiu said something, he did not wait for Chen Jin to respond and walked out of the door. A large number of ordinary staff in Baigang are organizing the distribution of flyers everywhere.

Fang Xiu took it and looked at it, with an exciting slogan on it: "Creating a new era of excellence."

With the excavation and development of extraordinary energy, Baikang Junction has now begun to cover the entire Baigang City from a single area,

Fang Xiu raised his head and found that the original white city wall of Baigang had become taller. A layer of transparent and thick crystals, under the influence of extraordinary energy and magic, extended a little bit from the city wall. A few months later, the entire Baigang urban area was completely covered, and Baigang was completely closed.

At that time, the entire Baigang will enter a closed state, like a small world in a crystal egg shell.

The creation of the first generation of extraordinary city is nearing completion. This is the new city construction plan of the master astrologer Darryl, the founder of Baigang, based on the alchemist John Fogel’s alchemy and the theory of the alchemist Lu Zhou. The second generation of extraordinary city.

Using spells and extraordinary energy, combined with certain metal and material formulas, you can refine the rune spar with good magic ability, use the rune spar to build the dome of Baigang, and close the entire Baigang.

At that time, the entire extraordinary city will form a closed world, the enchantment and the rune crystal dome will be integrated into one, and it will be stronger, and the interior of Baigang will also be completely entered into the extraordinary system, which can freely regulate the air, temperature, and defense.

If another energy tower is built in the center of the city, UU reading and a large population can completely transform Baigang into a self-sufficient extraordinary city, a large number of ordinary people and extraordinary people are scattered. The outgoing force provides the power of emotion, faith, and then transforms into an energy stone, and then provides the maintenance of the extraordinary city of Baigang. The endless stream is like a perpetual motion machine.

This is the third generation of extraordinary cities envisioned by the astrologers Dalil, Fang Shiluzhou, and John Fogel.

Fang Xiu all the way through the large and small streets of Baigang. With the gradual completion of the construction of various districts, Baigang has also begun to have large-scale stores, convenience stores, restaurants, takeaway services, bars and other supporting facilities, of course, gather at the same time There are also a large number of ordinary people.

Among these ordinary people, there are some lucky people who took advantage of the opportunities in this city to gather a lot of wealth in a leap and even become extraordinary.

Fang Xiu finally came to the Baigang University Library. It was different from the last time he opened when he came here. At this moment, there are people everywhere. Fang Xiu is trying to figure out how to design and build the first cave world in Shanhai Realm. He is currently preparing. Go to this library to borrow some modern materials on this aspect and the places that can be used for reference, and then refer to the construction of floating islands and witchcraft gardens in different worlds, and then we are ready to start construction.