Rebirth Dominator

v1 Chapter 326: Taibaixing

Although the stars in the sky are as innumerable as the sands of the Ganges, the main star position is roughly divided into three quarters, five buckets and twenty-eight places, and Fang Xiu is now in the position of Taibaixing.

Other than that, the others are nothing more than ordinary spirit worlds.

Fang Xiu's goal at this moment was within the Taibai Star Mansion, passing through a layer of space barriers and star enchantments, and a sea like a yin scuttled past Fang Xiu's side before Fang Xiu really entered the star mansion.

What he can see is the heavy white clouds under his feet, and a vast earth. There are rivers and mountains on the earth. The sky here is not high. Fang Xiu fell thousands of meters and stood on the ground.

But what is even more peculiar is that there are tall giants on the earth. These giants are incredibly tall, and they can directly reach the mid-mountainside of the high mountains.

Each is as high as a hundred feet, and their feet step on the earth, leaving huge footprints.

But it was them. Yes, inside the Starry Mansion, this hole became like this. Only by seeing where they passed, the earth was constantly flattened and flattened. With a breath, you can see the high mountain uplift.

These giants stomped and stepped on this star house, controlling the formation of mountains and rivers.

I saw the earth veins spawned a little bit, and traces of life began to appear on the earth.

Trees, flowers and rivers have emerged one after another.

When they are about to die, they will also rush to the edge of Xingfu, and when they fall down, they will instantly turn into a big mountain, spawning a vein full of mineral deposits and expanding the space of Xingfu.

These giants are the Longbo Kingdom. At present, these giants are only Tier 3, they are already so terrifying, and they will not waste their powerful bloodline power. If they really display the mythical bloodline of them, they will become Tier 7 and they might even be in The mountain and sea world can also head into the clouds and step on the sea like a small river bay.

These Longbo nationals are exactly the products made by Fang Xiu using the blood of giants. However, when they evolved, Fang Xiu made some modifications from the soul and the magic talent, and it became the current state.

And in the center of Dongtianxing Mansion, there is a fairy mountain floating in mid-air, and the buildings above the fairy mountain are heavy and misty.

At the moment, a large number of powerful feathers are flying in the clouds and fog. They live on this fairy mountain and have been waiting, waiting for many years, as if they have been waiting for the birth of their master.

These Yumin people wore Chinese clothes and colorful clothes, soared around the Xianshan Star Palace, and made a cry. Inside the Xianfu, you can also see a Yuren standing outside the palace.

The great power swept through the palace star palace, and at the moment, a silver-haired white man appeared in the center of the palace. There was a star seat in the palace. The huge star power was born from this star palace. Out, you can see that a huge vortex is formed, spreading in all directions.

The whirlpool was rotating indefinitely, like an illusory flowing smoke, and like a giant star dome, and a little starlight continuously spilled out of it.

"Dongtian has already evolved, and the star personality has also condensed and formed, which is almost the same!"

"It's time... it's time to be born!"

After Fang Xiu said this, with a wave of his hand, he saw a gap between the world and the world. That was not a real crack, but a channel for the reincarnation of the three realms of the Shanhai Realm.

A true spirit that burst into infinite golden divine light threw into the vortex through the channel.

Seeing the place where the star power condenses, a fairy boy was born slowly at the position of the star master. In the blink of an eye, he was born from an embryo. The golden true spirit instantly evolved from a single true spirit into three souls and seven souls, and then Have their own consciousness, memory, and emotion.

All the starlights were wrapped around him in a star robe, and the fairy boy opened his eyes and fell to the position of star master without crying.

It was born in heaven and earth, and was the master of this Xingfudongtian as soon as he was born. He inherited the order of the stars. If the heaven is not open, I am afraid that it will not be a star owner but a star king of heaven.

This star-lord is a fourth-order creature as soon as he is born, and Lingyun Zhongxiu is a fairy born in the real world.

Fang Xiu glanced and confirmed that the first star owner of the mountain and sea world was born without any mistakes. He immediately waved his sleeves and turned away. The feathers outside the temple and the fairy mountains surrounding Xianshan also found no one to break into here. .

At this moment, the entire fairy mountain floating in the middle of Dongtianling Realm also burst into infinite light, and the light in the sky also gathered in a line and fell on the fairy mountain, as if cheering to celebrate the birth of the star master.

The crowd of feathers outside also moved in an instant, spreading their wings around the fairy mountain, one after another, as if dancing some dance.

For the first time, the main gate of Xingzhu Xiandian was opened, and a third-order feather person waiting outside also entered the hall, welcoming their owner, the new lord of Dongtianxing Mansion.

At this moment, from a distance, I saw a building that seemed to be upside down, with a spire below, a flattened fairy mountain floating in the sky dome, and a sea of ​​clouds at the foot of the mountain, holding up this magnificent mountain.

The light of the sky gathered in a line and fell on this fairy mountain. With the refraction of the sea of ​​clouds, it continued to spread far away to form a thousand golden lights, and the swarms of feathers spread their wings in the sea of ​​clouds.

The stars have the Lord, not only the cave beyond the sky dome, but also the entire mountain and sea world.

However, this influence can only be noticed by the monks in the mountains and seas, only to see the Taibai star suddenly appear in the white sun, and the aura tide of the whole world began to fluctuate with the emergence of the Taibai star.

Among the large schools of spiritual mountains in Dongzhou, a large number of practitioners can be seen flying out of the mountains of the hidden repairs, looking at the sky, staring at the Taibai star twinkling at the end of the sky.

"Taibaixing suddenly appeared! What does this mean?"

In Yangjing, the capital city of Panguo, several officials of the Qin Tianjian were busy with dizziness and ups and downs, and a middle-aged black-bearded official looked at the constantly turning star instrument at a loss: "This There is no solution to the astrological signs of daylight!"

"Sir, there are many such records in the history books, every time it is a disaster!" Several officials beside him shivered and were at a loss.

And many fourth-order practitioners feel more strongly. They feel that the star is so close to them at the moment. It seems that as long as they are approved by the star, they can leave the Yang world and ascend into the spiritual world.

However, under careful sensing, I found that the stars were too far away from them. Although they could be seen by looking up, they were never reachable.

In Xizhou, there are also a large number of monks concerned about the appearance of the Taibaixing day, but for them, the sudden Taibaixing appeared a little bit, far from the spectacular and **** ghost river that came out of the rolling, the horror.

Many people came near the Taotao Blood River and glanced at it from afar. Some left after leaving some images.

A large number of monks found several remains of Buddhism in Xizhou, and even the remains and scriptures of ancient Buddhism, some people stayed here immediately, renovated the Buddhist path, rebuilt the temple, and opened the gate here. Because Buddhism practice depends on incense, this barren Xizhou has slowly started to have some people.

At this moment, the monk of Hongyuan, Leiyin Temple, walked thousands of miles, stepped on the boundless desert and arrived here.

Wearing a gray monk's clothing, he walked far before this blood river and watched the blood river roll out. UU read books www.www.'s rich and dark air dyed the sky black.

The black wind blew the thin monk's clothes, the wind and sand fascinated the vision in front of him, but the monk Hongyuan was unmoved. His eyes penetrated the cave like a devil's cave, and saw the constant struggle of ups and downs, roaring and roaring. Blood sea creatures.

After several investigations, the monk Hongyuan can be sure that it is this nether blood sea that seals the entire vein of Xizhou, and the real blood sea is far more than the blood river in front of it, under the cave, There is also a world of blood seas spread across a vast territory of Xizhou, where hundreds of millions of blood sea creatures live.

However, these creatures cannot survive the sea of ​​blood, so they cannot step on the ground. The horror that is hidden in the sea of ​​blood is also because they cannot step into the earth.

If one day, this sea of ​​blood swept out from under the earth and flowed across the entire Xizhou, this entire Xizhou may no longer be a Buddha soil, but a real magic earth.

"This sea of ​​nether blood must be a great problem for my Buddhist door, as well as a great problem for the Buddhist soil in Xizhou!"

"If this disaster is not eliminated, it will be difficult for Xizhou Buddhist soil to flourish!"
