Rebirth Dominator

v1 Chapter 334: Corpse of the Sky Soldier

Although Yinsi Difu is an independent one of the three realms, it is closely related to the Yangshi Mountains and Seas. The mountains and seas have four continents, the prefecture also has four lands, the Yangshi has four waters, and the Yinfu naturally has Sifang.

The entire Yinshi Difu can be regarded as the projection of the Yangshi and the reincarnation of the Yangshi and the Three Realms.

However, at this moment, only the Eastern Underworld and the Southern Underworld showed order. There was a **** Yinsi managing the dead souls, while the Northern Underworld and Western Underworld were still in a barren and chaotic state.

One of the most chaotic nature is within the sea, after some powerful aquariums fell into the sea after death, swallowed all the dead souls that fell into the sea, and a lot of terror appeared in the sea over time. The ghost of evil spirits.

Fortunately, although there are many spirits within the Four Seas, the spirits and spirits are turned on, and there are not many souls with three souls and seven souls. Most of them enter the Yin world and they are transformed into real spirits and integrated into the reincarnation.

The most terrifying nature is within the sea area of ​​Dongming, Yin Dynasty. It is rumored that the old dragon mother Qingli was unwilling to enter the reincarnation after falling into the Yinji, and turned into a monstrous ghost dragon within the Yindong Dongming. Foolishly engulfed the remnant souls who could not enter the reincarnation naturally.

At this moment, in the vast and magnificent central Yintianzi City, within the bronze temple of hundreds of millions of ghosts and gods, an emperor wearing a black ghost dragon crown robe sat high above the temple and took out a white jade pen on the spread life and death book Added a stroke.

Immediately, I saw an island ghost palace rising in the sea of ​​the Ming Dynasty, or condensing into a water palace.

Because there are many souls in the world, but there are not many responsibilities for the souls that really need to be managed. Four priesthoods are enough.

The four princes' heavy duties were immediately born on the sea, but this **** is different from the legendary lord of the four seas and the dragon king, but it is only the responsibility of the varsity. It cannot be responsible for rain, water control, drought, lightning, Power like this.

It belongs to the yin god.

After the departure of Fang Xiu, the South China Sea Shark People Kingdom once again developed close ties with the monks of Dongzhou and Nanzhou. There are many islands in the South China Sea. Many monks and hermits were scattered on the major islands of the South China Sea. Some schools, schools, and families moved from the continent to the sea because of the failure of the struggle or the escape.

It is isolated from the rest of the world, and most clan sects also live like Taoyuan on that small island, never contacting outsiders.

At this moment, the Shark People's Country not only attracted these overseas practitioners by holding a sea market above the sea, but also attracted a large number of practitioners from Nanzhou and even the distant Dongzhou to the South Sea Shark People.

The Kingdom of the Sharks took out top treasures such as Yanmingdan and Impatiens, which attracted a large number of alchemists and alchemists, and the appearance of the nine-day cold iron attracted many sword repair swords to the sea.

A treasure ship came across the sea, and a monk stepped on a flying sword, or an emperor crossed the sky with a magic weapon, and came to participate in the sea market hosted by the Nine Kingdoms.

The location of the maritime city was chosen to be near the border of Nanzhou in the territory of the Shark People's Kingdom. It is not deep into the sea, and some powerful monks can even fly directly from the royal weapon.

After arriving in the sea market, you can see the basalt blood veins from afar. There are palaces and pavilions built on the tens of thousands of mysterious tortoises. There are also dozens of third-order buildings and arches nearby. Powerful aquariums wear armor and parade guards.

The building boat is exquisitely crystal, reflecting the dreamy light above the sun and the sea. The tall palace is built on the building boat. You can also see a charming and gorgeous alien maid walking among them.

A huge dragon mirage surrounds the sea market, and the mist sprayed out shows various phantoms and wonders, and the weather of the fairy mountain pavilion and the celestial celestial body floats on the sea.

At first glance, what looks like a sea market is completely a peach feast of heaven and earth.

The mongolian people show off the wealth and power of the South China Sea to the outside world, and also bring a lot of monks a different understanding of the overseas and mongolian people.

And under the sea, there is a magnificent and dreamy undersea water palace. Everyone thinks that overseas is a wild land. The sharks are foreign barbarians. Where have I thought that the wealth and prosperity of this country are far beyond their imagination. People speak the language and understand etiquette, which is not like the barbarians they imagined.

A large number of practitioners have come across thousands of miles, looking at the vast array of treasures, from the unprecedented treasures on the sea floor, to exotic creatures, hard-to-find refining materials and immortality ingredients on the land, you can find them here.

It's fun, and at the same time, it brings more legends about the mirage overseas and the country of the sharks to the distance, attracting more monks on land.

At the same time, the Shark People's Kingdom found that their model of opening up the sea market had far exceeded their imagination.

The submarine spirits, spirit materials, and building materials and consumables that were not originally needed, can be exchanged for a large number of magic tools, magic weapons, and various inheritances that are only available on the mainland.

A large amount of wealth and treasures gathered in the Shark Nation, naturally can cultivate more powerful and demon guards, all kinds of magical inheritance of Dongzhou and Nanzhou bring a variety of powerful spells.

However, more importantly, with the arrival of a large number of monks, human races, and demon people, people have appeared on the islands overseas, and there have been connections with each other. The shark people’s own power is still the profit of the sea market. Share, etc., connect these island masters, martial monks, Xiuxian family and themselves.

The Shark People's Kingdom is the master of the South China Sea, and these families, martial arts, and nature are attached to the Shark People's Kingdom.

Under the deliberate control of the Shark Nation, on these large and small islands, a **** of mountains and waters naturally appeared, but unlike the gods of Dongzhou and Nanzhou, their power was more limited to Above the water god.

Moreover, most of the gods are aliens or aquariums, and they are managed or sealed by the Shark People's Kingdom. The Shark People's Kingdom, which had no influence on the reincarnation of the reincarnation, also began to have some influence on the Yinshi prefecture.

They are coveted in this way, a little bit to increase the influence on the vaginal reincarnation, and then seek the priesthood of God or even above.

As the neighbor and mortal enemy of the Dragon Kingdom, the Dragon Palace in the East China Sea is most concerned about the movement of the Dragon Kingdom. The purpose of the Dragon Kingdom is naturally passed into the Dragon Palace.

Afterwards, everyone knew that the mongolian people wanted to seize the princely seal to increase the influence and control over the South China Sea.

The Donghai Dragon Palace is not good at management and trade, but their biggest strength is that there are many dragons and dragons, and in that Dongzhou, a large number of Jiaolong families served as water owners and He Bo, even Nanzhou had originally from Donghai Dragon Palace The dragon species that escaped.

This is the greatest influence of the Dragon Palace in the East China Sea. Under the orders of this generation of Dragon King Aohong, they began to contact the dragons and their descendants who had fled the Dragon Palace hundreds of years ago.

They want these genus of dragons scattered all over the world to return to the management of the East China Sea Dragon Palace.

But this is not easy. These dragons fled the East Sea Dragon Palace to the land, and now they are independent and have a close relationship with the human race. The East Sea Dragon Palace will inevitably confront the Dongzhou Dapan Dynasty.

Both the East China Sea Dragon Palace and the South China Sea Shark People's Kingdom started their own big moves. For a time, the original barren and cold sea also became lively and boiling.


The Dongzhou Great Pan Dynasty, the ancient Que City of Dongli County is close to the boundary of the 100,000 mountains and is the territory of the Great Pan Dynasty.

The name of the ancient Quecheng comes from the relics under the city that are wrapped in Yunhai Yunshan. The cloud overflows to make the mountain and the city seem to float in the sky. It is said that in the Yunshan like a wall, there is a Tiangong The tip of the fall.

There are monks in the city, there are no ordinary people, all major schools have a resident here, here is even a world-famous monk market, large and small shops can be seen everywhere on the street, and groups of innate and A monk who practiced Qi.

But until now, the ruins of the immortal palace have not been explored. Legend has it that there are secrets and endless treasures about the heavenly court. A large number of corpses of heavenly soldiers are still guarding the door of the corner of the immortal palace.

At the moment, Fang Xiu was buried in the core of the immortal palace ruins, and a seedling was planted in the core point of the banned by the killing formation. It was cultivated by the seeds of the tree of youth brought by Fang Xiu.

However, Fang Xiu later discovered that this tree is very magical. It needs a certain strength to grow, and it needs another strength to be able to bear fruit. It has no effect on him.

Fang Xiu had no way to take it, and he was reluctant to destroy the core of the tree, otherwise he would not have the function of extending life for two hundred years. In the end, he decided to bury this seedling in this spiritual gathering place to see the past hundreds of years Will there be any changes afterwards?

Immortal palace ruins are full of killing arrays and prohibitions, and with the passage of time, the banned killing arrays within the ruins are still recovering and becoming stronger and stronger, this is the generation of practitioners The cause of the entire ruin has not yet been solved.

Even the large body of celestial celestial corpses who died in formation outside the ruins gradually produced strange changes with the recovery.

After Fang Xiu planted the spirit root **** tree in the deepest part of the ruins of the Xian Palace, he decided to leave. Fang Xiuhua turned into a big battle for Jun Tian Hu, and just wanted to go outside, he found that the remains had not been opened. , There is something active.

Fang Xiu lowered his head and saw that it was a corpse refining, and there were dozens of refining corpses lying inside the large array outside, all of which were made from the corpses of soldiers who died in battle. His body was full of blood, but others All of them have been smashed into pieces, and only this corpse smelter luckily slipped in from the outside. This is because this corpse is a dead object, so it can bypass most of the killing ban.

Fang Xiu's eyes penetrated more than a dozen miles, and saw a young man sitting in the clouds, who was controlling this corpse, this was already the farthest distance stuck, and further away, he was afraid To lose control of the corpse.

Fang Xiu's mouth twitched up, but he didn't expect to encounter a hole in this way. Fang Xiu did not intervene in front of him. He wanted to see how this kid wanted to steal it.


"No, it's too far away from cultivation and age, his apprentice?"

At this moment, the corpse is quietly breaking into the prohibition, and then carrying a half-body corpse standing under the gate of the collapsed palace and running away, he meant to pick up the bodies of some monks who died in the ruins. , But the perspective of this corpse refining is not very good, he directly picked up a corpse of a soldier and ran away.

Suddenly, thousands of complete corpses of the soldiers on the ground were moved at the same time, and a pair of horrible eyes looked out. The half-corpse with the corpse behind was also convulsed.

The huge pressure instantly locked the corpse, torn the thief, and then looked at Zhongwen, the second generation disciple of the corpse school who controlled the corpse.

"Curse? This is dead!" Zhong Wen spit out a bit of blood, and the whole person's face turned pale as a zombie.

The blood of cursed blood cursed that Zhongwen instantly, and his face was covered with black air, but that Zhongwen was proficient in the way of corpse refining. Instantly, a few gold charm needles were inserted in several big holes, suppressing the curse, Running desperately towards the clouds and fog.

At this time, Fang Xiu glanced at the half body on the ground that was about to return, and with a wave of his finger, he saw that the half body of the sky soldier chased toward the Zhongwen.

"If you don't die, this chance is yours, and you can also lift the Shensha spell." Fang Xiu glanced at the interesting corpse sent Taoist, and he won the Shensha spell, basically there is no solution. If you cannot surrender this half-corpse soldier, you can only have two results. You will die under the corpse soldier, or you will die under the spell.

Fang Xiu stepped on the cloud and sat on the crane above the crane to the distant Lingshu Mountain. The birthday feast of the 380-year-old Jia Yi, the ancestor of Lingshu Mountain, will be held there. Fang Xiu is ready to take a look.

But the entire ancient Que city exploded in an instant, only to see a dead Taoist ran out of the ruins.

But even more frightening is that behind him was a corpse wearing a god's armor. It flew in the air, leaving only half of the body exuding a terrifying power, dispersing tens of meters, and the stench.

"The Corpse of Heavenly Soldier? How is this possible?"

"How did this thing come out? How could they come out?"

"What about the guy who brought out this body? Find me for him!"

The ancient Quecheng was a mess, and a large number of monks from the ancient Quecheng quickly flew out, intercepting the half-corpse soldiers, and the various spells of the aura burst, rolling toward the sky, even if they were monks of the third-order Dan realm, They couldn't break through the defense of the Divine Armor, let alone the overwhelming grief, and even the monks were killed immediately.

However, the Xiangong Corps always followed the Zhongwen, chasing him to the gates of the various schools.

"Kill the kid for me!"

"It's this guy! The body of the Sky Soldier is drawn out!"

"Kill him! If you kill him, the soldiers will go back!"

In the end, the entire ancient city of Que was exploded. The half of the corpse in the sky was like a demonic god, and the guards of the ancient city of Que could not fight back.

In the end, a bronze coffin flew from the sky and collected the half of the corpse. An old road fell into the ancient city of Que, carrying the Zhongwen and disappeared.
