Rebirth Dominator

v1 Chapter 345: Angel and God?

The Optimus giant pulled away from the sea a little bit, the black clouds in the sky spread out a little along the broken cloud hole, exposing the sea of ​​white clouds above the black clouds, exposing the thousands of clear skies, and the horror Gloomy skeletal ball.

It's just that the skeletal ball that looked huge at the moment, so small in the face of the figure on that day.

The dazzling sunlight flew from the sky to the dreadful sea, and fell on two figures standing motionless in the air.

I only saw a cloud-like figure sitting above the clouds, with a sky above his head and foot on the sea of ​​clouds.

It exudes an endless and endless white light, and the light converges into a white robe and dances, and it seems to be connected with Yunhailian as a whole.

The man sat on the sea of ​​clouds, and at that moment, the figure like a demon covered the sky and the sun, as if it had become the only one in the world forever.

"Hey! What a joke?"

The necromancer Gilgood once again showed that smiling smile, but this time there was a fear in his eyes that could not be covered.

The rusty chain that bound the horror bone bird was shaking in his hands at the moment, and the clattering sounds seemed to reflect the trembling of his heart at the moment.

The vast figure above the sea of ​​clouds was reflected in his pupils at that moment, and the unmatched strong posture seemed to be imprinted on the core of his soul, so that he could not bear the slightest resistance.

Seraph Miller's white wings stopped dancing, the hilt hung down, and stared at the existence in the sky.


However, it immediately reacted, and there seemed to be a strong flame in his eyes: "No! No! This is definitely not a god!"

"What exactly is this?"

"What exactly is this?"

Seraph Miller's crazy roar, the calm and beautiful expression in that handsome and perfect face was instantly destroyed, as if falling from the sky to hell, doubt, fear and anger appeared in his eyes.

The presence above the sea of ​​clouds lowered its head, and its eyes sprinkled like sun to the sea, bringing endless pressure. The screaming winds above the sea were still in an instant, and the endless waves in the sea were fixed.

At this time, Seraph Miller moved in an instant, and turned into a Changhong sweeping toward the figure above the sea of ​​clouds.

The magnificent angel sword was raised, and the white wings swept the gusty wind, oscillating with a strong air wave, and rumbling toward the sky.

At this moment he had to move. He was worried that he would lose the courage to make a sword when he glanced at the figure of the magnificent shore again. His face was like a dog for the family. There was no possibility of escaping.

The long sword waved, pulling and moving the weight of light, and a circle of spirit patterns was outlined in the void behind the Seraph Miller, just like a round door to heaven, and the vast sea of ​​runes was branded in a circle. In the circle spirit pattern.


Miller screamed out the spell, and the spirit pattern behind spread to the limit, reaching hundreds of meters. Thousands of flame guns shot from behind and shot towards the sky.

For a moment, the sky was full of traces of the gun of flame, igniting the whole sky and the sea of ​​clouds. From the sea, the sky was dense, as if it was rain of flame.

The power of Seraph Miller's almost fatal blow reached its limit.

At the same time, the people on the distant island witnessed this scene at the scene. A holy angel spread his wings towards the sky, like an epic myth, raised his sword and condensed into a divine art, bombarding the demon **** towards the end of the sky.

"Angel, is that an angel?" An ordinary man holding his wife and children, standing on the top of a villa on the hillside, made a sound like the collapse of faith.

It was not only him who took refuge on the roof of the building, there was a piece of Zeguo at his feet. Every roof was covered with a crowd. At this moment, many people saw this scene and fell to their knees.

"An angel? Attacking a god?"

"Is this the end of the world? Or did God make a joke for us?"

"Am I crazy? Or is this world crazy?"

Someone prayed aloud, others wept bitterly.

The extraordinary world crowd scattered all over the world, all watching the screen on the mobile phone or computer at the moment, hands clenched, cold sweat, feet trembling unconsciously.

The posts on the extraordinary forum are crazily on top, rising and falling at a speed beyond the naked eye.

"Who the **** is that?????

"Who is the angel?"

"Seraph Miller, a former member of the Sun Temple Association, a fourth-order transcendental..."

"Who is that figure? God Lord Jia Yi? Fengdu? Or John Fogel? Or is there someone who ran out of the world of gods and demons?"

Everyone witnessed the angel's wielding all his strength and launched the final offensive. The dense guns of flame like the ocean gathered towards the sky.

But the rain of flame spears disappeared one by one in the moment near the sea of ​​clouds, extinguished silently.

It seems that the gun of flame is also afraid of the existence of the great shore like a god, one after another is constantly extinguished, one after another hit an invisible curtain standing between the heavens and the earth, wiped out without a trace.

"Sinners posing as gods!"

"Today is bound to..."

Seraph Miller brandished the sword of the angel, with an unstoppable anger on his face, swept by thousands of flames of guns and struck towards the presence above the sea of ​​clouds.

A weak as a ant and a powerful as a god, the collision and collision between the two seem more shocking.

At that end, the existence sitting on the sea of ​​clouds finally moved, and the palm was gently condensed, and the **** condensed and popped.

The endless power formed a storm at the fingertips, and all the guns of flame were blown away in an instant, and the huge spiritual pattern behind the Seraph Miller was wiped out in an instant.

A white light descended from the sky, as if the punishment of God came into the world, bursting suddenly, forming a beam of light connecting the heaven and the earth.

The Seraph Miller was in the dazzling beam of light, his eyes lost his sight instantly, his wings were annihilated a little, and then his body.

The long sword that he held up slowly fell, scattered with the wind, and a little real spirit entered the reincarnation along the channel of nothingness.

This tragic scene completely stimulated the undead warlock Gilgood watching under the clouds of sea, and tore his last point of courage to nothing.

Looking at the Seraph Miller, who had completely disappeared, the necromancer Gilgood shook his body like a sieve, and the cold directly poured into the soul of the gods, freezing the true spirits.

He, who has always been in control of death, has never discovered for a moment that he is so afraid of death.


"Escape from here! Leave this horrible figure like the devil!"

"Nothing matters. As long as you can survive, nothing matters!"

The necromancer Gilgudra lifted the heavy chain, and the huge bone bird turned and fled. The big bone ball was no longer needed, and he rushed towards the great shore in the sky, trying to win for himself. time.

The presence of the great shore above the sea of ​​clouds protrudes. UU reading books The huge sleeve robe directly covers the world, and that power directly locks the necromancer Gilgood, whose escape is inevitable and avoidable.

The Necromancer Gilgood rode on the huge skeleton bird, watching the dying giant sky hand approaching. He clearly flew away in madness, but seemed to be constantly receding, the distance is getting closer and closer.

At this moment, it completely collapsed, without the slightest gesture of a strong man.

"Let me go! Let me go!"

"Do not kill me!"

The sharp cry pierced through the sky, and the emotion of fear was unrevealed. The necromancer sitting on the bone bird looked at the sky darkened a little, and his soul was trembling with fear.

The Optimus giant's sleeve robe turned over and received the Necromancer Gilgood and the bone ball together in the sleeve. The huge dark smoke in the sky, the terrifying giant bird, and the powerful Necromancer disappeared in the blink of an eye. trace.

The whole world is left with only that figure.