Rebirth Dominator

v1 Chapter 421: Baigang in the sky age

The moon is full of stars, and under the stars is a thin sea of ​​clouds. As long as you raise your head, you can see a magnificent **** city floating on the sea of ​​clouds. You can see a circle of fifteen symbols above the white **** stone at the bottom, blinking With all kinds of light, it can be called the greatest miracle in the world.

After three days of orbiting the earth on a satellite orbit, the city of sky returned smoothly, once again above the Antarctic, just staying over the outer city of Baigang.

Residents who temporarily stayed in the outer city returned to the inner city again. Now the city of heaven has become lively again. The upper and lower seven-story city, the originally empty street market, the alchemy workshop, the spiritual material shop and the extraordinary props production workshop have reopened. door.

The crowded population of more than 1 million people is scattered in the Seventh City, and it seems to be relaxed. Except for the bottom two floors, there are still few people on the top five floors.

The staff and residents who stayed in Baigang before entering the planned orbit along with the city of sky also took a lot of photos, including many photos of the Earth from space, and also posted on the extraordinary forum.

Various videos and pictures have witnessed the safety of the Sky City and the smoothness of the whole plan. It can create such a great city, and indirectly witness the power of the 15th King of Baigang.

Once the city of the sky returned, waves were again raised on the extraordinary forums of various countries. A transcendental person and a large number of transcendent people all looked at the pictures and videos sent from inside Baigang, with photos and photos taken from various angles. video.

In one of the photos, you can see that on one side is the vast and endless sky and buildings, on the other is the quiet and deep space and the blue planet behind. A girl wearing short sleeves is sitting on the dome A place on the upper and lower layers seems to be checking the air alchemy device of the internal circulation system.

In a video, you can see someone flying the sword, passing through the fifth level of the ecological environment park, the dome that stretches outside is the endless space and the moon looks much larger.

In the basement, not only the base of the sky city, but also the control center of the circulatory system of the whole world.

In the internal circulation system, you can also see the marine world. Among them, a variety of peculiar sea beasts shuttle through it, emitting jellyfish with heavy starlight, worm-like beasts, and nine-headed giant snakes. You can directly see the azure earth and the origin of all life from under your feet.

Several members wearing Baigang city government work clothes are taking photos in the water, whether it is the various beasts behind and the peculiar sea world, or the blue planet under the feet, they are suffocating.

After that, there were still many photos of the sky city standing back after the return of the city of sky, which was taken and released by the residents who landed in the city of sky later.

The picture shows a city floating under the moon and above the sea of ​​clouds.

You can also see the square standing at the entrance gate, overlooking the entire sea of ​​clouds. The sea of ​​clouds seems to be floating with starlight. Through the thin clouds, you can also see the ground under your feet. Behind is the magnificent city, in the clouds and fog. If now.

"It's too beautiful!" A large number of comments and barrages constantly appeared on the extraordinary forums, under the posts and photos and videos, and everyone was paying attention to the sky city plan.

"No wonder some people call this city of the sky the kingdom of God, and only God can create such a great miracle." The supernaturalists at the bottom can hardly imagine the power of those beyond the fourth order, especially the fifteen kings of Baigang Everyone can't imagine what kind of power is necessary to build such a city of gods.

To the transcendental, every other order is like a difference between heaven and earth, not to mention the difference between the fourth order and the fourth order or less.

"I also want to live in such a city!" After seeing the beautiful pictures, like the pictures in myths and legends, everyone can't bear the yearning, I don't know how many extraordinary. And more ordinary people sigh like this.

"How this gravity is maintained, why the legendary Celestial Stone can do such a thing, this is simply unscientific!" More real people have studied why such a magnificent city can float on the sea of ​​clouds.

"Eternal immortal gods have appeared, do you still tell me science?"

"I decided that I must save money to buy a house in the city of the sky and live here. I don't feel like a normal human being, but like a god."

"Buy a house in the city of sky? Which is the second generation of this extraordinary organization or a true disciple of the Eastern practice school! The house there was not bought with money, but had to use magic stones and incense money. Now the houses in the outer city have risen. After the sky, let alone the Sky City project, it is estimated that the lowest house in the inner city will have to be ten times."

"The house can't afford it, but it's okay to go to see it. The last time I went to Baigang was last year. This time I will go back and see what the real Sky City looks like."

A large number of tourists from the extraordinary world began to gather towards the Antarctic. The extraordinary people who were scattered around the world once again arrived at Baigang as if the major events had erupted.

However, compared with the past, today's transcendence is more than a hundredfold, and Baigang in the era of Sky City once again ushered in its heyday.

Because the inner city turned into a city of sky, the original inner city turned into a huge abyss, but after being repaired by the extraordinary construction team of Baigang, overnight, I saw that the center became a big surprise Square, the city of sky can fall on this square, land on the ground again, and when ascending into the sky, this square can also serve as a passage hub connecting the sky and the earth.

Above the square, there are two special trains every day to the city above the clouds in the sky. In the center of the square there are also mountains of materials, which are organized into dense containers.

As long as the city of the sky above the sea of ​​clouds starts, the materials will fly to the sea of ​​clouds like weightlessness and be accepted by the city of the sky. Of course, there are a lot of extraordinary props, materials, magic stones produced by Baigang every day. Elixir medicine and other items are packed into a container and fall from the sky city, accumulated on the square, and shipped to the whole world to provide the operation of the extraordinary world.

The passengers generally take the Baigang Sky Train, which has a relatively high safety performance. The silver train rushes directly out of the station and track, hovering along the illusory spirit line, and rushing into the sea of ​​clouds.

"My God! It's really energetic!"

"It feels a hundred times higher than the high-end atmosphere of the previous extraordinary city."

"Look above, look above, the city of sky is getting bigger and bigger and getting closer!"

The passengers on the train on the cloud can feel the feeling of flying in the clouds, and finally reach the sea of ​​clouds, and they see the sky city that is looming in the clouds.

The clouds piled up like mountains, spreading from top to bottom, enveloping the heavenly city, and they took the silver train, rushing along the sea of ​​clouds, constantly approaching, and finally rushed into the city of the sky Among Yunhai Station.

The entire Sky City is operating as planned, in an orderly manner.

On the top floor of the Sky City, with the completion of the Sky City plan, only the finishing work is left, the 15th King of Baigang once again convened the supreme meeting, UU reading discussed the next Baigang The direction, even the future of the extraordinary world.

The spokespersons of the thirteen kings of Baigang and the other two kings of Baigang gathered together, and the top of the temple on the top of the Tongtian Tower was rarely filled.

Everyone first looked at the figure sitting on the sign of the bright moon above the East, and saw that it had no meaning, and the other most powerful kings of Baigang also remained silent.

Then they looked at each other, first of all, Irving Harrison, one of the fifteen kings, and the fifth-order transcendent from the British Temple was the first to speak.

"The Baigang Supreme Conference was held this time because the extraordinary world has developed to the present. I think it is also time for a showdown with the whole world. It should let the world know the existence of the extraordinary world and let the extraordinary people move from behind the scenes to the front stage."

"And this time the success of the Sky City project is the best opportunity."

Irving Harrison looked at the other 15 Kings of Baigang, his eyes showed ambitious flames and high fierceness: "Everyone, this time, we will open a new era! Belong to the era of the extraordinary!"