Rebirth Dominator

v1 Chapter 475: World Flight Competition

When Fang Xiu came back, the city of the sky happened to carry out routine diplomatic activities around the world as planned.

The so-called diplomatic activity is that the city of sky stays above a certain city, allowing the applicants within the city to go to visit, and then the official personnel of the city of sky will also come down from above to communicate and visit.

Fang Xiu also did not know who brought this so-called diplomatic activity, but there was always a feeling of naked bragging of force. Such a big sky city opened above others, saying that it was friendly exchanges. Fang Xiu did not believe it.

However, the effect is still very obvious. Baigang has once again increased its influence and popularity in the world, more people can truly see the magnificent scenes of the sky city all the way through the world, and also increased publicity. The advent of the practice era.

The city of sky stayed all the way in Australia, neon, Russia, Germany, and the United Kingdom, and it is currently just over Washington, DC.

Street people waving flags, some world-renowned Western superheroes took to the streets to give speeches, and the large screen at the end of the street also played the current visits to the sky city above, as well as the sky city Live broadcast by thousands of viewers.

Next is the opening of the world flight competition, which is what the full name looks forward to.

Since the rise of practitioners, flying has become a very popular sport activity among practitioners. The city of sky passes through all countries and will be held once every place, inviting practitioners in the country and the practice inside the city of sky. The participants participated in the registration and received a strong response.

Seeing the practitioners maneuvering flying tools such as flying swords, magic carpets, spirit boats, escape shuttles, etc., they flew through the sky like electric lightning, surrounded the city of sky and flew the whole city, and live broadcasted to the whole world.

The thrill of accelerating to the limit, even as an audience, feels that adrenaline is soaring and can't help but roar with it.

"The 1st World Flight Competition! Washington DC in the United States is about to kick off!"

"At this moment, not only the hundreds of thousands of viewers from all over the world, but also the residents of the entire Sky City."

"Because the contestants will fly around the city of the sky and the entire Washington, the entire Washington below will also watch the live broadcast of the event directly on the spot."

"It doesn't matter if a friend in front of the TV can't come to the scene, because at this moment, there are billions of spectators around the world to accompany you while watching this great event!

Before Yunhai Station in the sky city, thousands of practitioners were ready with their flying magic tools and magic instruments. A man with yellow skin and black hair was warming up for the opening.

The Yunhai Train at Yunhai Station has been suspended for a long time. The clouds spread into layers and form an entity that can accommodate people to stand and sit down. It looks like it has become a huge stadium.

Hundreds of thousands of people sat along the layered clouds, shouting and cheering towards the participants, and the scene was full of noise and excitement.

Fang Xiu and the five kings of Baigang who just happened to be in the sky city also came to the scene, sitting at the highest point of the clouds in Yunhai Station, and the six kings of Baigang sat on it. Shouted from above.

Participants are limited to practitioners below level four. After all, in the aspect of escape technique, although it is not the higher the level of cultivation, the faster the flight, but when the level is above level four, the older practitioners will definitely run stronger. The sooner.

Because in the mountains and seas, the escape technique is also a key column in the fighting method. If you can’t beat it, it’s dead.

Those who can survive and cultivate to a long life are not necessarily the strongest, but they must all run fast.

Therefore, in order to avoid that the flying competition will eventually become a competition for the Xiuxiu, it is limited to those who are above 4th and 4th level.

However, there are not many people who are taking advantage of the loopholes at the moment. After all, this is the first World Flying Competition. Various rules are not perfect. And because it is the first, it has attracted great attention. Many old monsters have even started. interest.

After all, the prizes are given by the fifteen kings, which is considered to be extremely rich. The top three awards the Changsheng Pool access permission plus one magic weapon at a time, and the first one even has one that Fang Xiu still took out, which is called an elixir. Wu Dao Dan.

Some people took elders’ magic tools, martial arts swords, or treasure boats to participate in the competition. Among them, Fang Xiu also saw old monsters who cheated by using incarnations.

"Countdown to the competition!"

"All players start preparing! Ten, nine, eight..."

Above Yunhai Station, it is divided into several layers according to the cloud bed. Thousands of participating practitioners stand on top of each other. At this moment, they take out their own spiritual boat, step on the magic carpet, and Jian Xiu wraps himself with sword light. Some people still Constantly put on the body to accelerate the spell, to speed up to the limit.

Suddenly, I saw a flash of light above the cloud bed, and various colors of light rose into the sky.

Fang Xiu's eyes turned to the penultimate figure in the second row, because this time not only the old incarnations of those old monsters, but also Chen Jin who had Xiu suppressed to the third order.

As a sword repairer, she was naturally very interested in this kind of speed competition. Chen Jin will be suppressed to the third level, saying that for fair competition, Fang Xiu may also understand, but she took a fairy to participate in the competition. what happened.

At the moment, Chen Jin was wearing a white mask, holding his inanimate sword on the cloud bed. Others were busy and busy, trying to do everything to prepare for the opening, but Chen Jin was motionless.

But after a thunder fell from the sky, Chen Jin rushed out like a thunder fire for the first time, and Bai Mang passed through thousands of people in an instant and rushed out of Yunhai Station.

Behind the book moved to the light of various magic instruments chased behind him, rushed down from the head of the cloud, and passed along the city of the sky.

In an instant, everyone at Yunhai Station roared with them. In the city under the sky, the people watching the big screen and the sky dome also waved flags and shouted loudly.

Not to mention in front of the TV screen, everyone is watching this live broadcast, only then did they feel that the practice world and this era are so close to them.

"No. 0256 rushed to the front! God, this is a powerful Eastern sword repair!"

"Her sword light is very sharp. This is definitely a powerful magic weapon. No. 0256 is probably from a powerful martial art or a powerful monk!"

"No one can catch up with her! No one!"

Everyone shouted and roared together, the scene was completely ignited, and there were accidents on the way. Mana transported the situation of being rescued by falling from the sky. It seemed dangerous and stimulating.

Finally, after three laps around the city, UU Kanshu players returned and it was the grand award ceremony.

With a white mask, Chen Jin stood at the highest place, and without a word, Gao Leng became the champion of this world flight competition.

After the end of the event, the two sides conducted another friendly exchange visit, only to declare the end. The City of Sky then went to Antarctica according to the flight track to end this voyage.

At the top of the sky city, Fang Xiu looked at Chen Jin who took off his mask: "Okay! It's almost time to play!"

Chen Jin nodded: "Okay!"

Fang Xiu then said: "Then get ready! Save your last thunderstorm and become a mythical life!"

"Because I'm going to the Clock City to participate in a meeting of all space-time governors and discuss the management of this space-time event."

"I am also going for the first time, so I don't know how long I will leave. Before leaving, I will temporarily hand over the management of the earth to you, and you will temporarily guard this acre of three-point fields for me."