Rebirth Dominator

v2 Chapter 509: Ancient God and the Eternal Boat

Looking at the Golden Moon and the **** Raven, Fang Xiu looked at the wind crow hiding under the corner of the wall.

Don’t look at it as fake in front of Fang Xiu, but the courage is very small, especially when I saw the raven **** in the kingdom of the raven gods who had been afraid since childhood, he turned back to find him in a golden moon fold, and even more It was so scary.

"Speak! What the **** is going on?" Fang Xiu watched him rush out of Crow's Nest to find himself. Without going far away with the Golden Moon, he felt that there must be some secrets in it.

Fang Xiu thought for a while and frowned, "Why wouldn't you steal something from the crow's nest while you were chaotic?"

Rooster Joel, the wind crow, found that the Golden Moon and the crow **** who came to find it had left. At this time, he dared to fall out of the corner, and he spun out of the corner to pry out the shadows.

When he found out that the other party was really far away, he walked out.

"No, the key of the ancient **** is originally something of our Joel family and never belongs to anyone."

Above the highest temple of the mythological tower, the shadow of the tower spirit silver appeared. This doll-like tower spirit was wearing a futuristic tight suit, and the body was mechanically shaking his head, as if he was sinking into thinking.

"Key of the Ancient God? I seem to have heard it!"

"It is said that an ancient deity at that time brought something from a time and space in the very front of the sequence, and there is a secret hidden in the legend."

Wind Crow Roth Joel scoffed at Silver's claim, and suddenly seemed to tilt his head to the sky. "It's not a sequence with a very advanced space-time. That's the No. 1 space-time. The oldest and endless space-time is the beginning. Time and space of birth."

"It is a **** who is too old to imagine, a real ancient god. It is said that this **** once saw the creator with his own eyes."

"I have seen the God of the Creator! It is said that at that time, the time and space rulers have not yet been born, let alone the Clock City, have you ever seen such an ancient existence?"

"What is hidden inside is no ordinary secret, it is the ultimate secret of endless time and space, the secret of the creator."

Roost Joel, the wind crow, waved his wings exaggeratedly, yelling and terribly excited.

Silver seemed to have heard of this time and space, and continued to advance mechanically. Standing in front of the wind crow, Rost Joel, he asked in surprise, "Sequence 1 time and space? The first world created by the legendary creator?"

"That's right, that's right!"

"Few people in the endless time and space know the origin of the ancient god's key, so they all thought it was just a common mythological item left over by an ancient god. No one thought that this was brought out by a sequence 1 time and space god. secret."

Rooster Joel, the wind crow, seemed to finally meet the general knowledge and jumped up.

Fang Xiu didn't think that there seemed to be something extraordinary and secret in this kind of wind crow, that he could be related to the creator who created everything and endless time and space in the legend.

Fang Xiu, who was sitting above the shrine, struck the seat of the **** and recalled it.

"Since it wasn't stolen from the crow's nest, it means that it was originally in your hands. I should have seen everything in your hands. How come I don't know there is such a powerful thing in it?"

"Is that the one?"

Fang Xiu immediately recalled that the wind raven Roost Joel was auctioned by the astral merchant of the Red Moon Floating City in Destiny City. What the wind raven got was like a boat in a bottle. Fang Xiu, and Fang Xiu saw an identical thing in Rost Joel's space parcel.

At this time, Wind Crow took out the ship model in the bottle and the ship in the parcel before.

The thing is not big, only a few meters long and wide. At least it is not a real ship. The only special thing that makes Fang Xiu different is that there is a mark on the ship that has been seen by the clock city before. Two eternal giant snakes are entwined.

"This is the key of the ancient god? What secrets are hidden in it, you tell me, one by one, five and ten, what is the serial number 1 space and time, the eternal boat and the lost myth mentioned by the crow **** of the crow nest before? what?"

Fang Xiu originally thought it didn't matter, it wasn't a big deal anyway, and after listening to the communication between Wind Raven and Taling, he couldn't help but be cautious.

Rooster Joel is very good at telling stories, or exaggerating storytelling, Fang Xiu had to remind it, otherwise this guy will come to add fuel.

Rooster Joel, the wind crow, was about to sing an epic chapter out. After listening to Fang Xiu said, suddenly the flag fell down and became disappointed.

According to the wind raven, the serial number 1 space-time is the first space-time and world born of endless space-time, that is the space-time created by the creator himself.

It is said that it is a super-large crystal wall system, which has an infinite plane and the oldest gods. The origin of all wizards, arcanes, gods, demons, humans and ancient races is also the hometown of the wind raven family.

At that time, the Creator personally walked into the world and walked on the ground he created, creating the initial life, guiding the operation of all creatures, and within that time and space, the oldest gods and myths were born.

There is a myth of the lost creator. Legends hide all the secrets about the creator, the artifacts of the creator, and even the original mythological host. The source of the birth of all time and space governors is likely to be hidden in that world.

No one knows that it is there, and no one can find him. Until one day, an ancient deity rides on the eternal boat of the artifact left by the creator, leaving the completely closed kingdom of the creator, and coming to the endless space and time. .

"We, the Wind Ravens, are said to have also left the Creator Kingdom, Time and Space No. 1 with the ancient deity in the eternal boat and came outside the world."

"But this **** from the kingdom of the creator finally entered the origin of time and space and embarked on a journey to find the creator, but never returned. UU Reading"

"Before leaving, He hid the eternal boat somewhere in the endless space and time, leaving four keys. As long as anyone can find these four keys of the ancient gods, he can find the coordinates of the eternal boat and get this An artifact of the creator."

Wind Crow Roth Joel finally said fascinatingly, "Legend, as long as he finds the eternal boat of creation artifacts, he can ride this boat of creation, go to the end of time and space, and open the gate of sequence 1 time and space. The world is full of secrets about the Creator."

Fang Xiu also feels a bit of a surge of emotions. This endless time and space hidden secrets and ancient secrets are more interesting than Fang Xiu imagined. Before there was the Clock City, there is now a sequence of time and space 1 again. The boat, let Fang Xiu's rare blood boil.

Sure enough, in this broader world, it is the real world that belongs to time and space dominators. Only here can they find the meaning of their true existence.

Fang Xiu picked up the key of the ancient god, and there were two symbols and projections that seemed to have no meaning at all. There are two here. According to the wind crow, Roth Joel, there is one more in the kingdom of the raven god.

So as long as you can find the remaining clue, you can find an artifact left by the legendary creator, and even find out about the serial number 1 space and the kingdom of the creator, and explore which lost creator myth and his secret?

"Isn't this symbol a symbol of Clock City? Why did it appear on this ancient god's key?"

"The symbol of the clock city? This is not the symbol of the clock city. Some ancient rulers and gods will know that every creator artifact has such a mark."

"This is the mark of the Creator, representing eternity and infinity!"