Rebirth Dominator

v2 Chapter 586: Pantao Banquet

Youxian Island, inside the Xiangong Juntian Temple.

The dragon girl Fujia was sitting in the hall, the immortal palace was floating in mid-air, and Haoyue outside the palace covered half of the sky, and inside the cold palace, only occasionally saw a few naughty green lanterns swimming around A few faces appeared on the white paper wall, discussing carefully.

"I heard that Xianjun became the heavenly emperor of the heavenly court, and now it is the great fairy of the heavenly court of heaven." A palace lantern with round face expression narrowed her eyes and said.

"How do you know?" the thin and long palace lantern beside asked.

The round-faced palace lantern was full of gossips, and the pupils with squinted eyes and ink gurgled: "The old dragon king of the East China Sea came a few days ago, and I heard it while hiding in the palace. The old dragon king said that this fairy star After the killing of the emperor, he was sealed by the Heavenly Court as the Shangyuan Tianguan Emperor, and he ruled the heavenly gods.

"That is Emperor Tianguan, the star king sealed by the heavenly court, and all the star owners must listen to Emperor Tianguan."

The thin and long palace lantern is strange: "That's a good thing? But how do you feel that the young master is not very happy recently?"

Round-face palace lantern: "The young master was very happy at first, but he turned back and waited so many days, and was angry again, saying that the fairy king has become a **** of heaven and has not yet come to pick her up."

The thin and long palace lantern looks much simpler than this round-faced palace lantern: "Isn't the young master the torture yet to be over? Isn't it possible to fly as soon as the torture is over?"

Round-face Palace Lantern: "I haven't finished yet? I heard that the Xianjie Heavenly Court is going to open a flat peach banquet, do you know what is called a flat peach banquet?"

Slender Long Palace Lantern: "I've never heard of it!"

Round Face Palace Lantern: "That was the first time the Heavenly Court reopened the fairy banquet. All Zhou Tianxing Gods, Heavenly Court Star Kings and all parties must attend at least the lower fairy ranks. Those ordinary soaring fairy, hey Gee, I don't even have the qualification to enter the gate of the fairy world."

"Even if all parties are immortal, such as the Four Seas Dragon God and Zhou Tianxing God, etc., they can only go to the Heavenly Court to see the appearance of the gods, great gods, even the Heavenly Emperor and the Heavenly Lord, However, they are not yet qualified to bring their family members to the Heavenly Court for a feast."

"Only Tianting Xingjun and Shangshen Shangxian are eligible to bring people into Tianting to participate in such a grand event."

If someone can hear the conversation between these two people, I am afraid that this is what the ancestors of the various avenues, the land real fairy talk, after all, this anger, the content of the talk feels more cattle than the land real fairy, some Ordinary little fairies and goddesses become worthless in their mouths.

These two palace lanterns are themselves strange creatures. They are the same as ordinary second- and third-order magic instruments. Because they live in the palace lanterns of the Xiandao Tian Temple, you have seen more fairy gods, so they have their own status. Not high, but this vision is high.

After all, it bears the master of the ancient golden fairy and the capital, and he can often see the ancient gods such as Jun Tianxianjun, and all the fairy gods come and go, and the common poor are also the fairy gods such as the East China Sea Dragon King.

Slender Chang Gong Lan understood the meaning and seemed to understand: "The young master wants to go to the Pantao fairy banquet, but the old dragon king can't take her?"

The sound of the round-faced palace lantern suddenly became louder, and he laughed aloud: "The young master is looking forward to the fairy princess taking her to the upper realm to participate in the banquet of the peach? Sullen!"

However, as soon as the round-faced palace lantern was finished, lowering his head, he found that the long and thin palace lantern that had just whispered with him was gone. Looking back, he saw an extra figure at the gate of the palace. It was a fairy in a palace dress. Girl in skirt.

The round-faced palace lantern whizzed towards the distance, and yelled, "You are thin-faced, you are not loyal!"

But the girl in the palace skirt in front of the Juntian Temple waved her hand and saw two escaped palace lanterns being caught back at once. The girl grabbed a palace lantern in one hand and crashed the two of them together with a clang.

There was a smile on the girl's face, but it looked terrible at the two palace lanterns: "Thin face! Round face!"

"I'm going to tie both of your tongues together, and then tie your two souls together to make a wick, and ignite it with a real fire of soul refining, don't you like to talk bad things behind your back? Then I will let you say Enough!"

"No!" A shriek sounded.

At this time, a divine light radiated from the heaven and earth, penetrated the thirty-sixth heaven sky, directly over the Juntian Temple.

That fairy light cloud came across many realms that I don't know. Through the light, you can see the caves of the starry sky world hanging above the sky dome, and the immense shore to the extreme gate of the fairy world.

The five dragon horses dragged a white jade car down the cloud, and the car seemed to ignore the far distance, followed by the light, and immediately stopped at the Juntian Temple. This scene immediately attracted the entire Youyu up and down. Looking, even the fox phases and major demon gods in the palace, and even the ancient demon **** heroic moves of Xianque Mountain looked over.

The dragon girl Fujia was immediately attracted to this scene, as if she immediately thought of something. Just walked in, she saw a golden light rushing into her hands, and when she picked it up, she looked like a fairy.

That token reads, on the front is the Yuan Yipin Tianguan blessing the shrine, and on the back is written Tianguan Great Emperor's blessing, this is a token that can lead to the world of the Yang world and heaven.

"Master really didn't forget me! Peach Feast! Peach Feast!" The girl danced with joy holding the token.

"The light shines from the heavenly court, this is the upper realm fairy gods move!" Hu Xiang immediately understood what, but he didn't have much thought, he also received the fairy order, when the fairy banquet opened, he also had Qualified for a trip to heaven to go to the banquet, but he is also the only one in the entire quiet world, and the others will not have this blessing.

"Is it possible to go to Heavenly Court? Is this going to Heavenly Court's Fairy Banquet?" A group of demon gods saw that the light was shining on Juntian Temple, and they knew what was going on, and they knew where the light came from and who was hot. Extreme.

The five dragon horses are all fairy beasts of the heavenly court. The dragon girl Fujia also appeared cautious when she sat up. The white jade car is gorgeous and bright. The whole body is made of fairy celestial material. There is a sense of a vast and bright road in it.

"Thin face! Round face! You two also come up to me!"


As soon as the two palace lanterns escaped, the UU reading was caught again by the dragon girl Fujia. The dragon horse roared, the river under the hoof rotated, and the clouds shone for nine days. Then he broke through the thirty-sixth heavy sky, went straight to the sky, and the light instantly disappeared into the fairyland of Xiandao.


Earth, now the whole earth is more and more feeling of evolution towards a mythical world. Various sky cities, mythical islands, practitioners are flying all over the sky, humans are no longer satisfied with the earth, or even with the sky. Going beyond the universe.

Especially in the three places near the city of sky, the city of alchemy, and the Temple of Houtu, the circle of practice established around these three holy sites has developed into an amazing and unimaginable place during these years. To the point.

And at this moment, the ray of light on the Houtu God Mountain and the sky in the Pacific suddenly tore a crack of thousands and thousands of miles. Behind the crack, there was a star world and the gate of the fairy world that could only see a corner.

After that, Tushen Mountain was pushed through the crack and reached a distant boundary.