Rebirth Dominator

v2 Chapter 621: Moon God Tree

Six horses rushed out of the gate of the demon by the yellow **** beast, pulling the immortal dragon out of the gate of the **** and demon. The alarm of the gate of the **** and demon was quickly sounded. The guardian practitioner quickly rushed out. This is a gray-haired **** Monk, it seems that the decayed skin of the skin is the flow of divine light in his eyes. As soon as he flew out of the quiet place, he roared: "There is an immortal god! Quickly open the door of the demon!"

This is not the first time that the gate of the gods and demons have encountered this kind of movement. The powerful practitioners of these immortal gods came out and did not reason with you at all. With a slap, the entire door of the gods and demons was overturned, and now all the personnel of the door of the gods and demons moved instantly when they saw the movement.

At the moment when the movement emerged, the door of the **** and demon, like a steel fortress, was opened, and then the golden light of the thousands of miles of the ice lake at the bottom of the abyss of the **** and demon broke out to the extreme, reflecting the scene of the world of **** and demon. Yellow Divine Beast took the lead in breaking through the water, and pulled a fairy to seem to break free from the mirror and keep moving upwards.

The pillars of light and phantom soared from the earth to the sky, and the divine light rushed towards the sky, all the way to the distance.

This movement not only shocked all the practitioners and staff above and below the gate of the demon, but also attracted thousands of monks waiting in the waiting hall to enter the gate of the demon. It was seen through the floor-to-ceiling windows of the transparent hall To the divine light outside, a large group of practitioners kept asking what happened to the female staff who checked into the station.

Before leaving, the **** and demon bathed in divine light and glanced back at the door of the **** and demon, as if searching for memories of the old memories here.

But a large number of practitioners who were watching the distant divine light instantly felt a shadow of the gods and demons reflected in their minds, and the entire waiting hall fell, and many successful monks also felt that their minds were blank and sweating. Dripping.

The great practitioners who guarded the gates of the gods and demons looked at the distant divine light in shock, and he was not unseen, and he even practiced under the gate of the fifteen kings of Baigang Xianjun, Yuan Shen Dao, It can be regarded as a named disciple, but the power of the law of surging divine light has surpassed several divine demon he has seen before.

From a distance, I felt my heart tremble. It seemed that even the Yuanshen had to be taken away. A pressure from death directly overwhelmed my heart, ringing like a giant drum.

At this time, the screens and photos on the big screen of the two personnel on the monitoring tower and the confidential data files were constantly turned out, but there was no correspondence. After all, this is just to collect the existence of the gates of the gods and demons. In addition to the fact that Changde was just established at the gate of the gods and deities, it is like a small town that has been here before, and has never been in or out since. The information file of the gate of the gods and demon certainly cannot find his information.

Each country also has its own archives and data collected, but of course it will not be placed here at the gate of the demon, especially the files belonging to the fairy god, no matter which country belongs to the top secret.

The Baifayuan Shinto monk walked into the monitoring tower that stood hundreds of meters high in the wind and snow: "How is it? Which immortal monarch and **** monarch is recorded in the computer?"

A mixed-race woman wearing a uniform of the sign of the God's Gate immediately reported: "Not found! All the practitioners during the robbery period and the land real fairyland are not matched. They are not the major practitioners who recently witnessed the soaring. They are searching. God and demon files, but the door of **** and demon is not complete about such files, and requires the highest authority authorization."

Two high-level supervisors in charge of the watch tower looked at him as if waiting for authorization.

But the guardian monk thought about it and shook his head. He felt that even if authorized, he should not be able to find the other party's information: "No more!"

"Absolutely not a major practitioner who recently witnessed the soaring of Taoism. This is definitely the fairy of the older generation of Taoism!"

Although the divine light is shrouded and no scenes can be seen, there are not many gods and demons who can have this kind of cultivation in the upper realm, and the scenes in his mind flow through the scenes, and then think of the six horses holding the fairy Riding the Yellow God Beast, it immediately reacted.

"Changde God Changde?"

The face of the demon gate guardian monk's face suddenly changed, immediately took out the shadow bead, and quickly reported the previous scene, and many people in various departments of the door of the demon gate also had the same action.

The gods and beasts carried the golden light all the way across the sky, and finally stopped over the original city of Baigang, but this was the most prosperous place in the Antarctic. The holy land of all practitioners, the Holy City, was long gone.

There is no sky in the sky above the city above the sky, and there is only a deep pit in the ground. In the constantly whistling white wind and snow, there is a sadness after the prosperity.

"Have you left?" Chang De looked at the sky as if he saw the scene where the city of the sky left the earth before.

Changde knew about the news that Tianguan Emperor Fang Xiu left the Three Realms and went to the present world. He also heard that he was planning to establish a cross-satellite transmission on the moon, but the news inside and outside was blocked. The city has left.

After Changde's Dharma stopped in Parliament in the sky, he walked all the way to leave Antarctica and headed towards the Pacific Ocean.

Although it was originally a creature from Houtufu Realm, since it is already an immortal **** in Heavenly Court, and now he is in Houtufu Realm again, he must first go to Houtu God Mountain to meet one of the four royal courts of Heavenly Court, Houtu God Realm The lord of the world will even be the master of the entire solar system behind him. Although he may not necessarily be able to see this **** in Houtu Shenshan, the necessary courtesy is indispensable.

Not to mention whether he can compete for the position of Lord of the Confusing Stars, but also have to rely on the existence of this one.

Along the way, you can see that Antarctica is no longer in the past. Although there is no white port and sky city, there are still many coastal and inland cities that have evolved from the former Antarctic scientific research stations and ports. , Also inhabit a large population.

Because of the departure of Baigang and the city of sky, these Antarctic cities have also developed rapidly. After all, the location of the gate of the devil is here. Naturally, it will attract thousands of practitioners to gather here.

On the road, you can see all kinds of trackless trains floating directly on the ground and going away. The strange orbital city and the port like a temple are where countless flying ships set sail.

In a burst of exclamation, Changde's Dharma rushed out of the Antarctic and went across the sea.

On the uppermost floor of the energy building in the center of Weigang City, the ancestors of Lu Wu, Zhexian Maji, and Weigang City God are discussing which stars and auxiliary stars in the solar system are suitable for the development of extraterritorial dojos, and those resources can be used, and in the conference Among them, one of the most discussed terms is Mars, the lord of confusion.

In fact, it's not quite the same as what the land official, Jia Yi, said. The powerful opponent competing for the Lord of the Profound Star is not just a Buddhist gate.

After all, Jia Yi has not returned to the present world for many years, so he understands the situation of the Buddha Gate, but does not understand the present world. Except for the Buddha Gate, almost all the existence of the gods and devil ranks in the present world are focused on Mars, which is close to the earth and environmental conditions. A planet suitable for opening out-of-domain dojos.

At this time, the intelligent shadow bead of Lu Wu, the ancestor of the human fairy, suddenly jumped out of a light. He closed his eyes and then opened it, looking at the other two.

"Changde, the ancient **** of desolation, entered the world from the gate of the demon fifteen minutes ago, and is now heading towards Houtu Shenshan."

Weigang City God didn't know much about this monarch, and asked in doubt: "What does this monarch want to do when he enters this world?"

The corpse fairy Maji frowned: "I'm afraid it came for the dojo outside the realm. This desolate ancient prince gave up the position of the true monarch of the earth. He has long heard that he wants to open the dojo outside the realm and serve as a **** emperor. "

Lu Wu nodded: "And according to the arrogance of this prince's heart, his target is probably Yingxing Star, and he is determined to get it."

Several people frowned in an instant, and suddenly there was such a strong competitor, and they couldn't help but feel the pressure.


The moon, the huge crater on the back, the new Baigang, which was formed by the fusion of the original sky city and the ground city, has fallen into it, and even the various areas of the ground city originally fused at the bottom have been split apart Afterwards, they will be moved to various established locations by Baigang Shenmo Heavy Industries, and construction of the new lunar city and the deity will be started.

Many practitioners have walked out of Baigang under the protection of the magical aura of light, and shuttled over the stars outside the land. Among them, you can see flying cars, spirit boats, and flying swords.

Among them is the Baigang Shenmo Heavy Industry Driver's engineering fort, which is like a fortress, shuttles through the sky, finds a place to take root, and countless alchemy machines continue to extend like deformation, hundreds of thousands of work in the uniform of Shenmo Heavy Industry The personnel wore clothes like astronauts and drove down various alchemy engineering vehicles in the hall of the engineering fortress.

Not only Baigang Shenmo Heavy Industry, other Skywalker Heavy Industry, Star Construction Group, etc. have been dispatched to start work according to the original plan.

At the top of Baigang, Fang Xiu, the current leader of Baigang, looked at the laurel **** tree that he had been suppressed by his power, and its moonlight covered the entire upper mountain range.

As a top-ranking fairy tree that can be ranked in the entire mountain and sea world, it is currently only 100 meters high. Whether it is the peach tree that covers the Bailihuaga like a palace, or it is like a mountain, it occupies Tanggu and greets the rising sun. The hibiscus **** tree can't be compared.

But this is the result of Fang Xiu's repression, as long as it is released, the power of this **** tree can quickly release the power of the heaven and earth laws inside, directly through the sky city, up and down, reaching the sky, and going down through the Nine Nether.

"Laurel God Tree! Laurel God Tree!"

"Starting today, you are the real moon god!"

Fang Xiu waved his hand, and UU read to see that the **** tree that fell in the lake rose up from the ground. The first floor of the dome exit of the sky city opened, and after it entered the second layer closed and opened the second layer , And finally appeared in the outside world.

The magnificent Shenhua blooms, and it swells in the air, growing free without any restraints.

Thousands of feet, far above the entire city of Baigang, hundreds of miles away, you can clearly see the **** root that is the pillar of heaven and earth, and the light illuminates the entire barren and barren land of the moon.

Finally, among the crystal-clear fairy roots, a shadow of a **** appeared, circling the **** tree, pushing it forward, and finally fell on the earth, the root system continued to spread, directly rooted in the heart of the earth, together The earth vein is centered on it and spreads towards the surroundings.

On the original barren earth, we even saw strange translucent spirits growing out of the earth. This is only the most preliminary. When it completely assimilated the lunar earth veins, it is the most powerful of this fairy root **** tree. At that time, it is possible to directly modify and adjust the laws and orders of the entire moon, generating atmospheres, forests, unique plants and creatures of the moon, water veins, oceans, mineral veins, modifying gravity, the length of seasons, etc. The moon truly turned into a dojo outside the territory.