Rebirth Dominator

v2 Chapter 628: Ground moon traffic

As the highest part of the portal of the whole moon began to cap, the dense steel frame and the Yellow Scarlet Rex and Alchemy Golem that used almost all the power of Skywalker Heavy Industry finally began to load and gradually evacuate.

A monitoring tower was built around the portal of the Moon and Moon, and it also included a wall of seals. Below the monitoring tower was a wall of small seals, which encircled the entire group of portals of the Moon.

Some of the people who left the Skywalker Heavy Industry Group were responsible for the finishing work, or started the construction of the Kubuqi New District. A series of bidding work has ended. In addition to Skywalker Heavy Industry, there are various schools and companies starting to settle in.

After all, it is different from the Diyue Portal. The construction of the entire Diyue Portal is completely completed by Skywalker Heavy Industry and is highly classified. However, the construction of the Kubuqi New District is completely open to the outside world.

At the same time, the news that China's land-month portal has been completed has also spread to the whole world.

Qian Xing, the chief engineer of the Earth-Moon Portal, also appeared on the news, backed by the towering giant gate, this great miracle project: "The Earth-Moon Portal will be on May 20 On the opening ceremony, we will open the door to the world and be connected to the new moon world, and all humans will be in common..."

Once the news came out, first of all, it was a sensation in China. I was still discussing how the new world of the moon was built. So fast, the first portal to the moon has been completed. At such a speed, only China can do it. Arrived.

On the Shanhaijing Practitioner section and the circle of friends, you can see news and interview pictures about this news everywhere. The height is more than 3,000 meters, as if the picture opened a door between the sky and the earth. Everywhere.

Not to mention that when this picture was taken, because there was still light rain, cumulus clouds in the sky covered the upper half of the Earth Moon portal, and the lightning flashed above the portal. This scene is more like a myth.

"I was just looking up the news and photos of the new world of the moon, but I turned this out unexpectedly?"

"The Diyue portal was completed. I just said that I was going to travel to Kubuqi a few days ago to see what the Diyue portal is. Is there a cow on the Internet that has to be built in a few years? I haven’t bought my ticket, it’s already built?"

"Proud! Cowhide!"

"Does this mean that we can go to the moon directly by car in the future?"

"Boom, we are sitting in a small train, eating hot pot and drinking wine, and then we are on the moon. Then we feed the ear mouse in the morning on the shore of the Moonlight God Lake, and then come back by car in the afternoon."

"I rely on! It's really exciting to think about it!"

There are also objections on the Internet: "The Earth-Moon Portal is not just a portal that can be opened. It is necessary to complete the construction of the portal on both the earth and the moon, so that when they are opened at the same time, the mission can be completed. If only A single fan has no effect."

Immediately, someone sent a piece of the latest news published by the Lunar New World News, which was taken back from the interview with the reporter of the starship accompanying the moon last time: "The portal above the moon has already been built, you Is it questioning the power of the **** of Baigang?"

The Earth-Moon Portal standing not far from Baigang stands between the heavens and the earth, behind it is the city of Baigang that is already located on the moon, and further away are the laurel **** tree and the light world covering thousands of miles and the mirror-like lake.

Through the light world, you can see the lush vegetation inside, and you can also see the ear mouse and various creatures flying inside the light world. Everyone who sees this photo seems to be witnessing the power of miracles and gods. great.

A group of people immediately echoed: "You know nothing about power."

"Just said, the portal will be opened on May 20. If the moon is not completed, the old man of the moon and the portal will not say this."

Everyone abroad is envious of Hua Guo’s construction of the Earth-Moon Portal at an unimaginable speed, making envious and shocking words, while expressing dissatisfaction and criticism about the country’s fateful Earth-Moon Portal project. the sound of.

"Why is our Earth-Moon portal still far from completion?"

"When will we be able to land on the moon like Chinese people."

"Every time we are lagging behind China. Since the era of spiritual practice began, all this has been caused by those inactive politicians..."

This is only the seven permanent members of the International Cultivation System Affairs League that are eligible to complain. As for those countries that have not obtained the qualification tickets for the portal to the moon, they are even not qualified to complain.

On the day of May 20th, the Kubuqi New District welcomed reporters from all over the world. Vehicles crossed the road, whether it was a speeding car, a spirit boat, a magic boat, or various flying props. Fly to the ground and accept the inspection.

All the reporters and interviewers took long shots and short guns to shoot around, but the whole project was basically completed, everything was covered up in the tall building, and the place they could reach was not a core area, it was impossible to shoot What is the picture about the core technology.

Under the giant gate facing the sea of ​​clouds, there is a large flying ship port like Xinggang, preparing for the passage of the flying ship in the future, and there is a special track for the sky on the side.

The Earth-Moon Portal has a main door and two auxiliary doors. The main door is generally not opened, but only two auxiliary doors are opened to save energy. The sky train is connected to the auxiliary door.

In the main control room, Qian Xing activated the energy core and energy, and activated the entire portal, he saw a spirit wearing a robe standing in the sky, as if pushing the unreal gate, layer by layer The space vortex is derived from the door and leads to the unknown land.

In front of everyone's attention, a sky train with the Skywalker Heavy Industry logo started. Like a silver snake, after entering from the left portal, a sky train with the white port logo came in from the right portal. , Stopped at the port.

Cheers rang throughout the Earth-Moon portal.




Under the door of the demon, UU reading books light surging, the entanglement of the chain and the sound of turbulence continue to come out, the sound of the chain seems to be pulling something not, but it seems to be pulling the whole space in turbulence Many of the practitioners on the gate of the demon even have a sense of turning around.

Afterwards, Lushu, like nine starry sky monsters, rushed out of the glacier abyss, and behind it was a fairy like a Jiugongge.

But at this moment in this fairy object with some space laws, you can see a giant mountain sealed in it, just like a boat in a bottle.

It was a precipitous mountain, a **** capital at the foot of the mountain, and an ancient shrine hall at the foot of the mountain, but the most attractive thing was the stone monument at the foot of the mountain, on which was printed the words of ancient and desolate.

A female fairy sits on top of the Nine Star Palace, a fairy artifact sealed with a deserted ancient mountain, and crosses the border. As the starry beast rushes all the way through the gate of the divine demon, she rushes towards the sea of ​​clouds.