Rebirth Dominator

v2 Chapter 681: Last stop

The twisted ring of the three giants of Endless Time and Space, the Sage of the White Tower, and the ancient dragon of the early days, the three are all time and space rulers in the top ten of Endless Time and Space.

They even received gifts from the last batch of ancient gods who left endless time and space before the distant times.

The Ring of the Creator of the Twisted Ring, the Wand of the Sorcerer of the White Pagoda Sage, and the ancient dragon inherited the power of the time dragon **** from the beginning.

Of course, they have heard of the gods of the creator world, especially Catherine, the last existence with the seal of the creator.

A world boat that spans vast time and space, on the deck is the land of the gods, the kingdom of heaven.

At this moment a figure of great shore stood up from the deck of the eternal boat, looking out at the outside world, and at the same time looked at the three supreme masters.

One of them, wearing a white silver border, the great existence of the lord's robe of the tower, stands at the very center of the gods.

The three masters of endless time and space immediately looked at the past: "The Twisted Ring, the Sage of the White Tower, and the ancient dragon had seen Catherine under the crown."

Catherine, the Lord of the Tower, just nodded and looked at the origin of time and space.

It is a breath that is closer to the origin and origin than the chaotic worm. Endless time and space and everything come from here.

Just like a giant pillar supporting time and space, the wand of the creation artifact magic net is inserted in the closed origin of space and time. There is no end to the connection between the endless space and time and the origin of space and time. The endless source of quality still escapes from the origin of space and time toward the outside. Outflow.

But it's impossible to compare it with the time when the old clock city was attached, the silver-like black hole and the streamer light column in light years.

Catherine blurted out: "The entrance to the real kingdom of creation."

The gods of the Creator Kingdom have a lot of discussions: "Is this the entrance?"

Miente Ambrose, the second emperor of the Arcane Empire: "Yes, this breath is the breath to the origin and the power of the creator, and the entrance to the apex of the dimension."

An ancient **** came down from the eternal boat and went to the top of the origin of space and time with the three giants of endless space and time. Fang Xiu and the master of the arcane spirit also accompanied the gods to arrogantly move forward. Nodded.

The gods are standing in the darkness, and under their feet is a silver abyss glowing with light.

Sage Baita looked at the origin of space and time below: "Since the light of order left with the creation slab, although the origin of space and time has not been closed, no chaotic worm has ever been born."

"My authority can only maintain the origin of time and space and not allow it to be completely closed, but I still can't do anything if I want to restore the former state of the clock city."

In the early days, Gu Long's rough voice said: "However, the origin of time and space was originally opened by the first generation of gods, and now the first generation of gods is here, dragging the world of space and time for a long time, the reconstruction plan of the clock city should be carried out by the first generation of gods."

The three endless time and space supreme rulers looked at Fang Xiu and the ruler of the arcane spirit beside him.

They knew that this one was the first generation of gods, but they did not know what the final decision of this master was. They left with the ancient gods of the creator, or chose to stay in endless time and space.

If it is the former, I am afraid that the endless time and space will encounter the biggest disaster since countless eras in no time.

Fang Xiu, the first-generation main god, seemed to have made up his mind long ago: "I have moved my space-time world from the middle reaches of the endless space-time towards the origin of space-time. It shouldn't take long before I will arrive here."

"At that time, it will replace the originally destroyed Clock City universe and become a new world that guards the origin of time and space."

"I will also restore the origin of space-time to its peak state, and there will be new chaotic worms and a new space-time world."

Fang Xiu did not refrain, but he was not going to build the Clock City any more, but moved his space-time world here to re-establish the order of the space-time origin world.

Catherine the Lord of the Tower said at this moment: "Then we will wait."

Catherine looked down at the ancient gods behind him and many gods and myths on the eternal boat: "After waiting for the space-time world under Fang Xiu’s coronation to reach the origin of space-time, the myths and gods that came out with us from the creator’s crystal wall system Believers, you can choose to stay in the world under Fang Xiong, or you can choose to leave here and go to other time and space."

"And when the origin of space and time is completely opened, we will take the eternal boat and leave here."

"Go to the real kingdom of the Creator."


The gate of the shadow realm, the gate engraved with the eternal mark of the Creator, is the greatest miracle of endless time and space and the largest projection portal in history.

It is the gate of mythology left by the universe of Clock City.

At this moment, we can see that a vast shore-to-pole wave is transmitted from the gate of the shadow realm, and the endless space-time world crosses from the other end of space-time and reaches the coordinates of the origin of space-time.

At the beginning, the projection was just an ellipse comparable to the ordinary crystal wall system, and then expanded suddenly, spreading and growing at a speed beyond light, and the rumbling descended on this void.

It enveloped the origin of time and space, the gate of the shadow realm, and then everything.

Stars, stars, galaxies, rivers.

This is a noisy and silent universe, looking up to see endless stars, countless stars hidden in darkness.

However, it was empty to make people feel extremely lonely, such a huge world that made people feel a little scary, even the ancient gods of the Creator Kingdom were also a little shocked.

"The space-time world of the universe model, I have seen it before, and I have never seen such a big one." The master of Arcane Spirit stood beside Fang Xiu, looking up at everything around him, and didn't even know what to say.

Catherine, the Lord of the Tower, also looked around curiously: "It is said that such a world is derived from the hometown imagined by the Creator?"

"Does he really have a hometown? Did it originate in a certain place?"

The gods on the eternal boat do not cultivate. At the same time, with the arrival of Fang Xiu’s space-time world, the myths, gods and believers of the ship, and various mythological races originating from the kingdom of the creator, began to walk off the eternal boat. Among Fang Xiu's universe, choose their ideal country and open up their new home.

The ancient gods of the Creator Kingdom left most of their deities, myths, and believers in other river systems in Fang Xiu's universe, and helped them create a new ideal country.

Fortunately, Fang Xiu’s space-time world is unimaginably large, even if it contains so many creatures from the creator’s kingdom, it’s just a corner, and it can’t even give this great universe a sense of vitality. It can only be said It's tinder.

Between them and Fang Xiu's universe, the distance between the heavens of the Milky Way is also very different. UU reading

Although the Heavenly Court occupies the Milky Way, it can only be said that the Teleportation Gate has been placed in various important fairyland locations. I really don’t know how long it will take to explore the Milky Way, let alone thoroughly develop the Milky Way. Gods, demons, and fairy peoples have lived in many times.

By the time they come into contact with the creatures of the creators of these other river systems, it is estimated that they will be very far away.

Of course, there are more gods and myths who choose to leave here and go to the downstream of endless time and space to find or build their own ideal kingdom and world.

Some of these myths leave with the creation artifacts of the ancient gods, while others choose the ancient gods to swim in endless time and space.

As the eternal boat travels through Fang Xiu's universe, it turns around in a large circle, and the placement of various races and myths is almost the same.

Fang Xiu is also ready to reopen the origin of space and time and restore the original endless order of space and time.

Also, send the ancient gods away.