Rebirth in a Perfect Era

Chapter 123: Kind of interesting

People in Baidu are going crazy these days.

A strange infectious disease is said to have spawned among senior management: red eye.

So the first thing that executives do to the company in recent days is to first understand the data of and Tieba. When they see the rising data on Tieba, these executives can't help but be jealous.

They were just preparing to copy the post bar model the other day, and used their own advantages to address the shortcomings of the easy-to-read internet post bar as a pop star post, and went directly to the all-star post. As a result, their technical development team had not even written the requirements , People posted it on the All-Stars.

This made the company's executives and technical directors vomit more than three liters of blood. Immediately afterwards, Tieba had a more aggressive move: build it by itself.

Zhou also tried this feature, and then easily built it for a week. He thought this was really interesting. Thinking of his wife, he also created a post with his wife's name, exclaimed: "Bull It's awesome! "

The vice president also tried it. He likes to play badminton, so he wanted to build a badminton. As soon as he entered it, it was established a few days ago, and now more than 2,000 netizens have followed this post. There are a large number of posts about communication technology and equipment. He was deeply shocked by the ability of post friends to share the same preferences, idols, and pursuits. He even felt that the current post can already be valued at 50 million. Even higher.

At this time, he took another look at the same attention, and suddenly felt that he was relatively optimistic before he was weak. This navigation station is the same as Baidu search at the moment. It ca n’t retain users. Users come here for a few seconds. I went elsewhere afterwards, and it felt so painful!

User retention and user viscosity have been pain points for Baidu! Combine this pain point to see the post, it is just a straw-like thing for life, God! Genius idea! Just why isn't it a Baidu idea!

So he immediately reported to the president, hoping to acquire the paste as soon as possible regardless of cost. It is best to package, but its own pricing power is limited. If the people on the board of directors want to take the board together, then quickly hold a shareholder meeting to discuss it.

In fact, Baidu right now is not the rich and handsome of the Internet, they have just started not long. Right now they still need to rush to other platforms to provide search engine services for others. Although the founder Li Yanhong brought a lot of investment when he returned from Silicon Valley, there were also capital follow-ups, but it also burned a lot of money. , The profit model has not really figured out.

After all, Baidu itself is also crossing the river by feeling the stones, and now it takes a lot of money to buy it, but it is still not too open, so shareholders need to discuss if the shareholders unanimously decide to buy. If the company doesn't have enough money, they will increase the capital to collect it. If they decide not to buy it, the company has enough money on the account to use up.

However, Li Mu took the time to go to the house he rented on Saturday and checked his mailbox with the computer there.

Right now, there are several companies interested in Post Bar.

Mr. Yi and Mr. Lang are also very interested and hope to meet with Li Mu.

Li Mu only communicated with his representative online to get an approximate quotation, but he was not very satisfied with the valuation. But the quotations did not exceed 30 million.

Li Mu declined for the time being for consideration. He still tends to sell it to Baidu, because he knows the truth and wants to sell things to those who need it most. In order to get the best conditions, although selling combs to monks sounds superb, it does not meet market principles.


Near noon, Su Yingxue called Li Mu and asked him what he was doing. Li Mu said he was surfing the Internet outside. Su Yingxue asked him if he would have lunch together, and Li Mu agreed. Cold Wedding Sweet Wife

The two met at a restaurant outside the school, and then Li Mu shut down the computer and looked out of the mirror.

As soon as the two met, Su Yingxue asked Li Mu: "Are you doing anything this afternoon?"

Li Mu did not answer, but asked: "What's wrong?"

Su Yingxue said a little distressedly: "Our school has a few of my junior high school classmates. They have to take me to a village party in the southern province of South Jiangsu in the afternoon. Would you like to be together? "

Li Mu was surprised and asked, "Do you still have your junior high school classmates?"

Su Yingxue nodded: "I went to Jinling Experimental Middle School in junior high school, and only returned to Haizhou in high school."

Li Mu just remembered that he had forgotten that Su Yingxue was the best junior high school in Jinling when he was in junior high school. Jinling Experimental Middle School has always been the cradle of Jinling college students, both in junior high and high schools. First in the province.

Su Yingxue's junior high school students there should also be at the school domineering level. Besides, the number of admissions programs of Renmin University for each year in Nansu Province adds up to 50 or 60. Among them, a few of Su Yingxue's junior high school students take the exam. Entering Renmin University is also normal.

Li Mu thought about it, and said in surprise: "Will there be hundreds of people in this fellow?"

Su Yingxue nodded: "Theoretically there are so many, so organizers usually gather separately when organizing a party. This time, they mainly invited us as freshmen, and then their sophomores, juniors, seniors, and The fellowship of the graduate school's fellowship has a small number of representatives, so there should be dozens of them. "

Li Mu smiled slightly: "Our sleeping Sun Jian is also from the South Soviet. I was asked to accompany him yesterday, and I agreed."

"Really?" Su Yingxue hurriedly said, and said in a hurry: "That's great, I don't want to go at all, but I can't refuse it, just have you together."

Li Mu hasn't seen Su Yingxue in the past few days, so she asked what she has been doing these days. Su Yingxue's response is similar to Zhao Ziqiu. Except for class and self-study, she is in the library. After class, she wants to prepare in advance.

After listening, Li Mu asked awkwardly: "Have you survived the senior year, do you want to relax?"

Su Yingxue smiled slightly: "Is it already summer vacation!"

"Can it be the same?" Li Mu said with a lip: "University is not a senior year, so there is no need to make yourself like a learning machine."

Su Yingxue thought about it and said, "But if I don't study, I don't know what to do, what should I do? I can't sleep in the bedroom after dinner every day, right?"

Li Mu served, knowing that the world of Xueba could not penetrate himself, he laughed two times: "You're right ..."

The time of the fellowship is set at 2 pm. It is said that the typhoon shelter was given to the charter party, after Li Mu and Su Yingxue finished eating. The two casually strolled outside the school. It was almost time, and Li Mu called Sun Jian to meet him at the south gate of the school. He went to the South Gate with Su Yingxue and waited for him.

Sun Jian came quickly and saw Li Mu and Su Yingxue together for a moment, but when she thought that the schoolgirl who had been in the school recently was Li Mu's high school classmate, she knew she was also from South Jiangsu. So it's not surprising.

Li Mu introduced Su Jian with Su Yingxue again, and then the three went to the shelter together.

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When they arrived at the typhoon shelter, the two senior seniors set up a small table at the door. They had already collected the information about the freshman's native place in Nansu and created a form. Regardless of whether an invitation was received, as long as it was the people. Freshmen of South Korean origin from University 01 can participate.

When Li Mu, Su Yingxue, and Sun Jian arrived at the signing office, they found that the two seniors were looking straight at Su Yingxue.

One of them quickly stood up, and said with a smile, "Oh, it's Ying Xue. Come in!"

Su Yingxue surprised and pointed at the two students who had just registered to pay the money, and asked, "Don't you still have to pay?"

The man hurriedly said, "Your share of Wu Shuai, the deputy chairman of our fellowship, helped you."

Su Yingxue frowned and asked, "Who is Wu Shuai? I don't want him to pay for me." With that said, Su Yingxue is about to pay.

The man blurted and said, "Oh, Wu Shuai, don't you know? The grass of our School of Economics, he is from Jinling, he ..."

"Here you are, three of us."

Su Yingxue did not give him a chance to continue speaking, and took out a hundred-dollar bill and put it in front of him.

The face of the man was embarrassed: "President Wu has greeted him, and we have also collected the money he paid for you. If we accept you again. It ’s not easy to explain it back. Besides, the account will be wrong. It ’s hard for us to make a piece of money, right? "

Li Mu, who was beside him, said, "There is something wrong with too much money? Then you can give that money to the classmates behind."

Talking. Li Mu pointed to a young man behind him and said, "Dude, you don't have to pay your money. A senior with the surname of Wu paid it for you."

"Ah?" The young man was still staggering, and the two people in charge of registration also looked at each other. At this time Li Mu took out a hundred dollars. Take Su Yingxue's money back and pass it to him, then put his own money in front of the man, and point the table with his fingers: "Hurry up and find ten dollars. What do you want?"

"This ..." The two were embarrassed and exchanged a wink. The person who collected the money stubbornly took out ten dollars and handed it to Li Mu, then took out the roster, and said, "You two, please write down. "

Li Muxin said the three of us, are you blind? However, after taking a look at the roster, they found that they had already checked Su Yingxue. Li Mu despised the two people, found his name on it, and checked it first. He was looking for Sun Jian, who pointed to himself. Own name: "Here is mine."

Li Mu nodded ~ ~ and ticked Sun Jian again, so he handed the book to him: "Is everything okay? Can you go in?"

The man hurriedly said, "Wait a minute." Then, he took out three number plates and handed them to Li Mudao: "Each person has an exclusive number, and he goes directly to the second floor with the number."

Li Mu nodded, took a look at the numbers, 50, 51, 52, then gave 51 to Su Yingxue, 52 to Sun Jian.

The two people in charge saw Li Mu and they left, so they took the roster. According to the position where Li Mu ticked, he found his name. One of them said to himself: "Li Mu ... This kid is really **** enough. Ah! "

The other person chuckled, pointing to the place of origin behind Li Mu's name, saying: "Seeing, it is also from Haizhou. He should be a high school classmate with Su Yingxue, and this boy is not bad. President Wu has competitors this time."

"A bit interesting ..." (To be continued.)

PS: Second, thank you to all the friends who subscribed, rewarded, and voted monthly. The words have come together in one sentence: work hard to repay everyone! In addition, there are still a lot of vacancies in the reader base. Come on!