Rebirth in a Perfect Era

Chapter 1483: Different philosophies of east and west

For capital, sufficient concepts and prospects are equal to sufficient value. Li Mu has experienced the rapid development of the Internet industry for more than ten years and has a profound understanding of this truth.

It is based on this understanding that he knows how to create a win-win situation in front of the capitalists, whether it is a win-win situation or a three-win situation. As long as the trader's structure is large enough, the vision is far enough, and the control is solid, all can be achieved.

The concept that Li Mu sent to Google is: In addition to the world ’s largest search engine and non-Chinese search engine, it is the undisputed No. 1 in any language field, and there is no opponent under the world, the only Makino capable of defeating it Technology has also become its godfather. With Makino Technology as the backing, no matter whether it is Microsoft, Yahoo or any other company, it is impossible to threaten Google's status. Google will become an invincible body in the search engine field. ;

The concept that Li Mu gave to Baidu is: The world ’s largest Chinese search engine is also backed by Makino Technology. Even Google is unlikely to cause a substantial impact on its core business. It will be split with Google. Coexisting peacefully under the coordination of this will ensure its position in the Chinese search engine. Compared with the previous one, the prospect is now very good, and it has a plain 3.33% stake in Google, which is a huge increase in its own market value. In addition, it seems that although Baidu may lose the future overseas market, the capital market originally did not expect it to **** resources from overseas singers. From the perspective of the capital market, Baidu can keep the Chinese search market. Is already the greatest success;

The concept that Li Mu left to himself was: Makino has become the shareholder of the world ’s two major search engines, and it has previously locked in the dividends of the search engine market. In the next ten or twenty years, Google and Baidu will have a considerable part of their mission to replace Makino. Make money, and Li Mu did not pay any substantial price for this. He just sent the search needs of his users to Google and Baidu respectively. For Li Mu, it is not a loss of resources, but a resource. In-depth development

Three different companies, three completely different but not conflicting with each other, and can form complementary concepts, which laid the foundation for the three companies to form a win-win situation in the capital market, which has great appeal to capital.

Soon, the capital market conducted an in-depth analysis of Google's acquisition of Muye & Baidu. Their estimates of Google's prospects are similar to Li Mu's, and even more optimistic than Li Mu's. They think that Google's valuation can reach the end of the year. At a high level of 20 billion U.S. dollars, and doubling in the following year, the IPO will be followed immediately, and there will be absolutely no resistance.

And they are even more optimistic about the prospect of Makino Technology, because Li Mu's current "godfather" status has begun to highlight globally.

Makino Technology owns the shares of Baidu and Google search engines and chokes traffic and viscosity users at the source. Even if Makino Technology does not engage in any search engine business in the future, this dividend has been steadily eaten into the mouth. Based on the capital market's estimation of the search engine market prospects, Makino Technology will likely create a market value of 100 billion US dollars by relying on this part of the shares in the future.

It's scary to think about it.

Let's not talk about the business that you own. The business with its own shares has the potential of 100 billion US dollars market value. Companies such as Makino Technology are already the giants of the Internet industry.

Because of this understanding, the capital market ’s valuation of Makino Technology has exceeded 100 billion US dollars. If Makino Technology decides to conduct a new round of financing now, the capital can be at least 12 million US dollars. If Li Mu intends to conduct an IPO next year. As long as it is announced, capital will definitely give a higher premium in order to catch up with the last chance, and 150 billion US dollars will not matter.

Without being taken by Li Mukeng, Google's valuation has fallen below the 5 billion range, and it may continue to fall in the future;

Li Mukeng was taken aback. Google's valuation can not only return to more than 10 billion, but also may exceed 40 billion next year. This huge contrast has given those who are practical and technical homes a great stimulus.

The capitalists' re-optimism on Google's prospects made these practitioners and technology houses realize that the capital operation was not the addition in their minds, but the multiplication by Li Mu, which originally seemed like Google had suffered a big loss. Because of Li Mu's trading, so that after being put on the capital market, Google has obtained great benefits!

Google's "lucky experience" has made many companies look forward to it, and they can join Li Mu's big ecosystem by sacrificing part of their equity to become the next Google.

After YY landed in the United States with a raptor crossing the river, Paradise Town and Plants vs. Zombies swept the world like a storm, YYtunes integrated the global music enthusiast, and Apple was captured by Makino Technology. Once again, Li Mu once again Shocked the entire Silicon Valley and Wall Street.

This time, Li Mu used the conspiracy left by his ancestors in Huaxia to stage an unparalleled capital operation in Silicon Valley and Wall Street.

The capital market hears more daily operations such as acquisitions, mergers, acquisitions, investments, shares, splits, mergers, etc., as well as the unconventional operations of monopoly, malicious competition, and malicious mergers and acquisitions, but involves a large amount of "malicious mergers and acquisitions." "Events have rarely happened in the world capital markets.

Li Mu let Google eventually accept the acquisition of Muye & at a huge price, which is actually a successful textbook-level "malicious acquisition" case.

Silicon Valley and Wall Street's reports on this merger and acquisition almost covered all the front page headlines, but there are serious two sides to everyone's views. One side feels that Li Mu's operation is unparalleled and impeccable, and can even be written into a textbook in the financial field as a classic case On the other side, Li Mu's operation is really a bad precedent for the capital market. In the future, such "malicious mergers and acquisitions" may emerge endlessly.

However, a report by the Wall Street Journal analyzed Li Mu's approach from another perspective. The author of this report is named Rui-Liu. It looks like he should be a Chinese or Chinese. He commented on Li Mu in his article. The "malicious merger":

"Westerners have their own philosophy of life, and so do Orientals. The two cultures are so different that this makes it difficult for Westerners to learn the strategies of Easterners. It is also difficult for Easterners to learn the logic of Westerners. Orientals , Especially the Huaxia people, since the generation of the old ancestors, they have paid attention to everything and then moved. This makes the way of doing things for Huaxia people more complicated than that of Westerners. From the perspective of Westerners, there are only one or two solutions. In China, there are many solutions resulting from strategy. "

"The most representative of these is the debt solution. In the West, there are basically only two types of debt solutions, either pay back or not pay back. From the perspective of Westerners, there is no third solution to this kind of thing. Solution, but in Huaxia, there are countless kinds of solutions to this kind of thing. For example, Li Mu ’s "malicious acquisition" of Google this time is not common in the West, but in Huaxia, especially in Huaxia folk, such cases are almost daily It's happening. "

Rui-Liu gave an example to Western readers in the text: "Suppose A and B are business partners, and A owes B 500,000 yuan, but the two parties still have cooperation, and the amount of cooperation and the profits generated are huge. At half a million, B ’s demand for these half a million debts will become weak and lacking in confidence. Unlike Westerners who do business, all accounts are clearly organized, one yard at a time; "

"Although A will not directly lie down these 500,000 debts, he will work hard to come up with a solution that is more suitable for him. At this time, he thought that he had an Audi A6L that had been in operation for five years. When the car was purchased at Huaxia five years ago, it was exactly half a million, but the current market price is up to 200,000. So he said to B: I'm sorry, I have a tight hand recently, and the debt of 500,000 is not convenient for now. You, but my A6L was brought up by half a million. Otherwise, you drive the car away, and we'll clear the bill. "

"A really meant to be released to B: you either accept this car to offset half a million debts, or you can wait indefinitely, maybe you wo n’t get a half a million. This solution is in In the eyes of Westerners, it is incomprehensible and unacceptable, but in Huaxia, most people like B will choose to accept this apparently inappropriate sale, because for them, it is not hurt and meanwhile, The best solution to recover as much as possible; "

"So, the ultimate practical solution to this debt is: A gave B a car worth up to 200,000 yuan at most, offsetting his 500,000 debt with B, it seemed that A was very shameless ~ www. ~ But it must not be denied that this is indeed a legal transaction that you like. From this point, A is successful. He has successfully settled 500,000 debts with a real value of 200,000. This is the common 'malicious acquisition' among Chinese people. "

This article has caused a lot of repercussions in Silicon Valley and Wall Street. Many people are discussing the cases mentioned in the article, discussing this Eastern style strategy, and using it as a measure of Li Mu's "malicious acquisition". Many people are surprised to find that Li Mu ’s method of selling Muye & Baidu to Google has a very similar point to Rui-Liu ’s debt repayment by car. They both use strategy to rationally play rogues and use strategies instead of schemes. Use violence to make the other party willingly accept a cooperation that is obviously unreasonable and unfair.

But there is another passage in Rui-Liu's article that is highly recognized by western elites. He said: "In fact, any commercial transaction is strictly unfair. The actual material cost of a Coca-Cola bottle may be only a few cents, but Is it fair to sell almost a dollar in the United States, a gap of several dozen times, is it fair? Is it fair for middlemen to buy a certain product from a supplier for one dollar and sell it to users for a few dollars? "

"Since Coca-Cola can sell half a gallon of water with white sugar and other additives for three dollars, why can't Li Mu sell billion-dollar companies to billions of dollars?"