Rebirth in a Perfect Era

Chapter 1496: wild ambition

On the next morning, the signing ceremony of Muye & Baidu and Google is about to begin. Global media gathered at the National Exhibition and race to report this time at least 3 billion US dollars in business mergers and acquisitions.

Just yesterday, several authoritative survey and evaluation agencies on Wall Street revalued Google's valuation statistics and gave a reference valuation of US $ 9-12 billion. After Google announced its acquisition of Muye &, and it was confirmed by Makino Technology, Even though Makino hasn't actually introduced any resources to Google, Google's valuation has staged a big Jedi rebound.

Several agencies believe that Google's next valuation may have a great explosion, but this may not depend on Google itself, but on Makino Technology.

If after the completion of this merger today, Makino Technology really fully supports Google's development, then Google will usher in an explosive period. If Makino Technology is relatively perfunctory to Google after the completion of the merger, the valuation will be less impressive, but no matter Whether Makino Technology fully supports Google, at least one thing is certain. After the merger and acquisition, Makino Technology will not touch any search engine business within five years, which means that no matter how bad it is, Google will be in the next five years. Natural enemy's golden development period.

In the Internet industry, billions of dollars of bulk capital operations are rare, not to mention a successful case of Li Mukong's gloves White Wolf, so they have a high degree of attention worldwide.

In addition to the presence of a large number of media reporters, a large number of elites in the industry also came to join the show, so the whole national exhibition was full of enthusiasm, and it was more lively than usual when large-scale exhibitions were held.

Li Mu was in the backstage lounge prepared for the organizer at the National Exhibition at this time. Although the signing ceremony today is very large, the process is very simple, except for a well-known host who came to help from CCTV to help the opening host and the middle string Outside the venue, the entire signing ceremony consisted of three parts. First, Li Mu, Robin, and Larry Page took turns to give a short speech; second, a three-party signing ceremony was held on the spot; and finally, a question was answered at the scene.

After finally confronting the host with the host, Li Mu was sitting alone in his lounge to take a break. When there were more than ten minutes to open, Li Ziwei knocked on the door and said to Li Mu, "General Manager Li, General Manager Lin You sent her an email from the U.S. and you asked her to investigate what she knew, and she already had preliminary findings. "

"Oh?" Li Mu was energized, and sitting upright asked, "How do you say?"

Li Ziwei took out a large notepad in her hand, opened the page with the mini ballpoint pen, and said, "There are three relatively reliable news. The first one: Microsoft has indeed made relatively large moves recently, internally. The position transfer is relatively large. According to her experience, the internal employee transfer is large, which should represent a relatively large-scale reorganization. She analyzed that a new business unit or project team should be established, but Microsoft has a higher level of internal confidentiality. And they're in Seattle, so secrecy is easier to do. "

Li Mu nodded and said, "If the internal transfer is relatively large, there must be an internal business reorganization. It seems that they have a new direction of development."

Li Ziwei also said: "Second, Microsoft has worked very **** content operations recently. They have snatched some editors from many well-known media in the United States, given them several times the salary, and sent them to Seattle. But specifically No word yet on which project it will be used for. "

Li Mu shouted: "Microsoft recruits so many content talents, this is to work **** the content side. Now the content talents are used for nothing more than portals and vertical products in terms of content, but now vertical products in terms of content It's very few, nothing more than a blog ... "

At first, the Internet's booming development revolved around social networking, games, and information. The three categories that are really related to content are information products. To put it plainly, there are various portals. In addition to portals, content products are currently at the current stage. Development is very scarce. Unlike later generations, encyclopedia products, Q & A products, social interests, and knowledge social products are as many as wool. At this stage, the only mature content-based products are blogs. Others, even the Internet, are still in the exploration stage.

Thinking of this, Li Mu said to himself: "It seems that Microsoft has recruited such multimedia content talents, either to re-establish a portal or blog, there is no third possibility."

Having said that, Li Mu asked Li Ziwei: "Don't you say there are three points? What is the third?"

Li Ziwei said hurriedly: "The third point is that Microsoft has indeed recently made several small and medium-sized investment acquisitions in the periphery, and all of them are game development teams."

"Game development?" Li Mu could not help frowning, and said, "Is it for the XBOX platform?"

Li Ziwei said: "No, Mr. Lin said that these game development teams are all doing PC-based indos platform game development, and there is a company that does online chess and card games."

"Online chess ..." Li Mu squinted and nodded slightly.

If Microsoft is buying XBOX ecosystem and investing in the game team, Li Mu is not surprised. After all, to feed a pure game platform, and to die with Sony's PS, there are few exclusive cooperation game teams in the hands that really play. No, but Microsoft's acquisition of the PC-side game team is a bit wrong, and online chess is even more outrageous, obviously different from Microsoft's tone.

The online chess and card game platform relies on social connections and also follows the social line. If Microsoft's MSN is still there, then it will not be surprised to play online chess and card games, but the key is that MSN has already kneeled and Microsoft has lost Develop the soil for social games, and suddenly doing social games at this time is tantamount to building a tower in the air. Microsoft should not do such a stupid thing unless they are ready to make the soil again.

Li Mu analyzed several clues that can be sorted out at first. First of all, the points that can be determined are: there are big moves within Microsoft, a large number of content workers have been found, and social games are going to be prepared;

Secondly, the points to be determined are: Microsoft may be a portal, it may be a blog, or it may be social.

Li Mu thought for a moment, patted his thigh, and said, "Microsoft is going to make a comeback!"

Li Ziwei hurriedly asked, "Mr. Li, do you mean that Microsoft will re-socialize?"

Li Mu nodded and said, "I don't think he just wants to be social, he wants to do a full set! At least what Makino is doing now, he wants to do it! And quietly, he wants to hit me by surprise!"

Li Ziwei stared at Li Mu with a stunned look, wondering why Li Mu would come to such a serious conclusion. At least from the paper, the news sent back by Lin Qingya was not enough to support Li Mu's judgment. After all, if any company, To compete fully with Makino Technology, I am afraid that it will have to pay a huge price and cost, and bear a huge risk of failure, making such a decision is not so easy.

After a moment of hesitation, Li Ziwei tentatively asked, "General Li, is it really so serious?"

Li Mu nodded without hesitation and said, "I think the possibility is at least ten or eight."

Li Ziwei hurriedly said, "Would you like to call Lin back and let her investigate further?"

Li Mu pinched his chin, thinking for a moment, and said, "Investigation must be investigated, but we must change the starting point."

After all, Li Mu asked Li Ziwei: "Do you know the dimensions Americans use to judge the progress of North Korea's nuclear weapons?"

Li Ziwei shook her head gently and asked tentatively: "Shooting with a spy satellite?"

Li Mu laughed: "This is the most direct way, as if we are trying to visually investigate the situation inside Microsoft, but if others deliberately hide the intuitive clues, then it is difficult for us to find out the true situation of the other party."

Speaking of this, Li Mu said, "In contrast, there are many non-intuitive clues that cannot be hidden anyway, such as monitoring the mining situation of North Korea's uranium. However, this may be used for nuclear power plants, not necessarily for users to develop nuclear weapons. So, how to confirm that they are conducting nuclear weapons research and development, it is necessary to control their changes in power generation at the same time. If the civilian and industrial power consumption does not increase significantly, However, their power generation has risen a lot, which proves that they may have invested thousands of centrifuges to prepare highly enriched uranium, because nuclear power plants only need about 3% concentration of uranium-235, but nuclear weapons need more than 93% concentration "The amount of uranium mining, as well as the amount of electricity generated, is a non-intuitive clue that they have a hard time hiding."

Li Ziwei pondered for a moment, nodded, and asked seriously: "What do you think is Microsoft's non-intuitive clue?"

Li Mu said, "I said, remember it."

"OK." Li Ziwei immediately took out her pen and notepad.

"The first ~ ~ let Lin Qingya find a way to check the personnel records of Microsoft. They have done MSN-related business for so many years. The information of all MSN-related employees in the early days should be relatively transparent. Can find out who has always been doing MSN business at Microsoft, after checking these people, take a look at how many people left and how many people left after Microsoft closed the MSN business, in addition, left Of those people, how many have recently returned to Microsoft. Microsoft wants to be a social business and will not go far. They will pack up the old MSN team and old products for secondary development, which is more labor-saving, and With sufficient experience and higher efficiency, these people are like Microsoft's uranium mine. Microsoft will not give up mining, and it is even mining at high speed; "

"Second, let Lin Qingya find a way to check if Microsoft has made any big moves in data processing recently. If he wants to be a social ecosystem, then it is impossible to make a product that is weaker than ours. I doubt they will revive MSN, but As I said just now, the resurrected MSN must be reborn and reborn, so the resurrected MSN will definitely have the online and offline file transfer function, voice and video call function of our YY, and support these functions, It needs strong data processing capabilities. To put it more generally, Microsoft wants to make a product like YY, either to build a large number of computer rooms by itself or to rent a large number of computer rooms. The demand for computer rooms, bandwidth, and data processing capabilities, Just as it takes a lot of electricity to make highly enriched uranium, no matter how they hide it, they can't hide it. As long as these two points are confirmed, Microsoft's wolf ambition will be clearly revealed! "