Rebirth in a Perfect Era

Chapter 592: Talent shows

There is a sentence in Tanaka's works that Li Mu particularly likes, saying: My journey is the sea of ​​stars.

The sea of ​​stars represents the vast and vast universe, represents all the unknown and dangerous, and it shows the endless future and the long road. It is the same for Li Mu. The Internet is the sea of ​​stars that he will continually conquer in the future, and He hadn't even built the boat yet, so how could he be satisfied with everything in front of him.

Chen Wan is not a woman with a very serious career, but after she met Li Mu, he was forced into a strong woman step by step, so Chen Wan also knew in her heart that Li Mu's pursuit of the future, this big boy would like Ah Gan kept running like that, and unless one day he was willing, no one could stop him.

Thinking of Li Mu's courage to move forward bravely, Chen Wan felt that she just wanted to take the picture too far and was too impractical, so she laughed at herself, shook her head, and talked to him about work, and in her opinion, Li Mu should be more interested in talking about work.

As it happens, Chen Wan also wants to talk to Li Mu about some of her work, and let him make a comment or take an idea for himself.

For example, Chen Wan's shoulders are very heavy at the moment. Li Xiang has already decided to leave from Shonan Satellite TV. She has lost interest in the host field and thought of Yanjing's development of film and entertainment. For a long time, I have started to find a new female host now. I will match it with Chen Wan in the future, and the positioning on the stage will be very clear. In the future, Chen Wan will be the core of the female host in Happy Camp. Got to seek her opinion.

Chen Wan said that the current program team hoped that she would choose a suitable partner, but Chen Wan did not find a suitable candidate for a long time in the selection of several candidates, but Li Xiang's side meant that it would drag on for a month or two at most. She will be leaving from Shonan Satellite TV. Counting the cycle of the newcomer transfer, the time left for the program group is not much, even a little urgent.

Li Mu's view on this is: "Happy Camp" does not necessarily require two female hosts, on the contrary, Li Mu feels that one female host is sufficient, but can focus more on Chen Wan.

However, Chen Wan felt that if she asked her partner He Wei and Li Weijia to support the whole program, it would be very stressful, let alone talk to her on the stage a few days ago, and show that she wanted to make a draft show. Intent, I hope that they will be able to take the burden of the host at that time, so that Chen Wan may be completely busy. Now it is only one month to work in Xiangdu for about ten days. If Li Xiang resigns, There are no new partners in place, and the draft show has started again. It is estimated that at least twenty days of work in Xiangdu a month.

When Li Mu heard of the draft show, he asked curiously, "What kind of draft show does Shonan Satellite TV do?"

Chen Wan said: "Leader means to want to make a singing show and it is a national election, but this is only a rough idea. It's not clear how to operate or what mode to operate."

Li Mu asked her: "If the production company has a good draft program model, will your station consider cooperation?"

Chen Wan asked: "Production company? How to cooperate?"

Li Mudao: "It is the production company that formulates the operation mode of the entire draft show, and at the same time the production company participates in the promotion, production and distribution to a certain extent, and then shares the profit with the TV station in proportion."

Chen Wan said, "I haven't heard of this. Is there such a cooperation model? It seems that the variety shows and draft shows of TV stations are produced independently by themselves, and rarely cooperate with external companies in production."

Li Mu laughed: "Everything is the first time, otherwise we Makino Echo will come back with a plan for a draft show, and touch with your station leader, if they are interested, everyone can make a nationwide draft. The support that Makino Technology can provide online is still very powerful. It is propaganda, registration, warm-up and even voting. "

Chen Wan said, "Do you have a general idea? Let's hear it."

Li Mu said: "At present, I have a general idea, but I'm not very mature yet. I'm probably doing a singer show specifically for young women."

"Ah?" Chen Wan asked in amazement: "Why do you want to do a singer show specifically for women? Wouldn't it be better if it wasn't limited to gender?"

Li Mu laughed: "The bigger and the more complicated it is, the more difficult it is to do well. Most young people dream of stardom are girls, so if there is a draft program specifically for girls, it will not only attract models Female contestants will also give female contestants the illusion that they would lose half of their competition without the participation of men. This would allow more young women to participate and cause more women. The most important thing for the audience is that although the male contestants have been sacrificed, because they are all female contestants, they can attract more male audiences, so the overall effect will be very good.

Chen Wan tilted her head and thought for a while, and nodded in agreement: "I think what you said makes sense ..."

Li Mu said with a smile: "At that time, several major cities in the country will be selected as the sub-regions. Each region starts from the sea elections and continues to the top 100, 100-80, 80-50, 50-40, and so on. Then the last few players selected in several major regions were brought to Xiangdu for the finals. The finals are also the same as the sub-regions. They are not determined by one or two games, but they are eliminated and promoted. At the same time, planning audiences in various places to support local players, it is best to stimulate the enthusiasm among fans, so that fans can mobilize more people to pay attention to it, and thoroughly make the draft show a national cultural symbol and label. "

Chen Wan's mind didn't keep up with the pace. The plan of Li Mu is indeed a bit big for the current TV people. Currently, variety shows are basically local influences, and few of them can achieve national influence. The same is true of the draft program. The structure of Li Mu's plan is simply huge and scary. If the division system is from the beginning of the sea election to the selection of the winners, this is a long process. After the winners are selected in the divisions, then Bring these winners to Xiangdu for the final round. The entire game must not be broadcast on TV for half a year or more? This cycle is really too long.

Facing Chen Wan's doubts, Li Mu said: "The half-year cycle is not long. If you really want to do it, the sea election will start from the winter vacation, then keep the rhythm a little bit forward and control the final final to eight. The time period around mid-month is perfect. Across the summer and summer vacations, a little bit of the culture of the draft has been infiltrated into the hearts of the people across the country, so that they pay more and more attention to this game and the players participating in the game, all the way to develop In summer, its influence is definitely unprecedented. "

Chen Wan marveled: "This investment should also be amazing."

Li Mu said with a smile: "If the advertisement is tendered in advance to cash out, the program's cash investment will not be large, and the profit will be received even at the beginning of preparation. However, the investment in resources will be slightly larger. Manpower and material resources are one aspect. If we cooperate In your station, you have to make sure that you have two hours or even longer on the weekend night every week. This draft will be broadcast continuously, and I will always use the online resources of Makino Technology to promote it. To make this draft show more and more influential. "

Chen Wan couldn't help saying, "For Xiangnan Satellite TV, if the plan of this draft program is really great, they must have the human and material resources to do this, but do you have the energy to do this kind of thing?"

Li Mu said with a smile: "I'm afraid I don't have the energy to participate in person, but I will provide the solution in the early stage, and I will provide the resources in the middle and later stages and how to integrate the resources and improve the influence. The specific implementation must be to let the people under you cooperate with you. Yes, I am not specifically involved. "

Chen Wan nodded: "That's good, otherwise I won't let you do anything more."

Li Mu said, "My mind is not on this, but I just want to take this opportunity to broaden the way of Makino Yingxiang's future development. If you encounter good talents in variety planning, execution and public relations, you can introduce it to me. Makino Imaging will continue to need this talent in the future. "

Chen Wan then said, "Yes ~ ~ I will help you pay attention."

Li Mu wanted to take out the supergirl model first. The supergirl was born in 2004 and reached its peak in 2005. The supergirl is really not an exaggeration at all, and the operation method of the supergirl was very innovative in that era. The PK, voting, elimination, and resurrection link settings have also opened up a short message voting channel to incite fanatics to canvass for their idols. A fan often appears in life to find all the relatives who have mobile phones in the family and let them do it for themselves. Idol voting has turned every fan into a propaganda machine at once, so the influence of Super Girls has been continuously increased to a peak. The ratings of the Super Girls Finals in 2005 have also become the highest record for the China Summer Draft and Variety Show. No program can match it in the next ten years.

Moreover, Super Girl is also the most recent draft show from 2002. If you take it now, it will not cause too much soil and water dissatisfaction. On the contrary, if you take the model of Huaxia's good voice now, Li Mu is worried that it can't be expected. Effect, because the best-known and most unique of the good voice is the "instructor swivel chair" mode. The audience will be particularly interested in this new model only after watching more judges directly facing the player's draft, and now The audience is very simple, and the type of content experienced is also very monotonous. It is estimated that any draft is interesting, and now I have a good voice, I am afraid that it will be wasted.

(To be continued.)