Rebirth In Hollywood

Chapter 175: 1 river

The Boeing airliner slowly landed at Hong Kong's Kai Tak International Airport. Ryan and his party had just walked out of the border, and the staff of Universal Pictures in Hong Kong had already greeted him.

"A lot of fans gathered outside the airport." Someone reminded.

"Really? Is it more than Sydney?"

The Far East is an extremely strange place to Nicole.

"There are probably thousands of people." Someone said.

"Well, Nicole, I will protect you."

When the group was about to walk out of the VIP passage, Ryan winked at Nicole and was slightly ahead of her by half a step.

The click of the camera shutter, the silvery white light of the flashlight, these have long become a habit for Ryan and Nicole. They took the lead to go out under the **** of George and others, frequently to the surroundings. Wave.

The reporter's attention was almost entirely focused on them. As for the behind-the-scenes personnel such as Catherine Kennedy, they were directly ignored.

"What are they talking about?" Nicole asked in Ryan's ear.

The reporters in Hong Kong were from Britain, and they gathered around at this time, asking a mess of questions. It was just that some people spoke in English and some spoke in Cantonese, so Nicole couldn't understand it at all.

"Nothing, hurry up."

Ryan was not interested in entangled with them in front of the airport, pulling Nicole forward and just walking out of the lobby of the airport, oncoming people were the black crowd and the sound of the tsunami like mountains.

"Your fans, beckon quickly."

Listening to the messy Cantonese, Ryan pulled Nicole's arm. The Australian girl is not an idiot, and rolled his eyes slightly, "Don't say there are no fans of you!"

How could it be possible that there are many people holding posters of Ryan's movies or propaganda posters of his records.

There were too many people gathered here, and Ryan saw that it was not just the airport security. There are also many Hong Kong policemen maintaining order at the scene, especially when he and Nicole waved to them, these people broke out higher screams, and many people moved closer to the front, seeming to squeeze through the road at any time. A thin wall of people in the precarious wind and rain.

After signing a few names in a hurry, Ryan and Nicole got into the car and faced the young men and women who surrounded the car. It was not until more than half an hour later that they left the area in front of Kai Tak Airport. Way.

"It turns out that I am also very famous in the Far East." Nicole sighed with emotion.

"Yes, Nicole Kidman is an international superstar." Ryan said humorously. "Look at those people in front of the airport, they are going crazy for you."

"Oh, is this Hong Kong? It looks great." Nicole ignored Ryan, but looked out the car window.

"Hong Kong is the world's third largest financial center after New York and London, and the world's second largest film production center after Hollywood..."

Ryan talked endlessly, introducing a lot of things about Hong Kong to Nicole, but Nicole stared at him curiously, and then asked after a long time. "My dear, I didn't remember that you were in Hong Kong."

"Of course I haven't been here." With the past and present, he is only here for the first time. "From the travel brochure."

Finished. I pulled out a travel brochure from my backpack and threw it to Nicole.

A fleet of Mercedes Benzes drove all the way to Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon, to the Peninsula Hotel.

Before entering the hotel. It is inevitable to be harassed by reporters again. Fortunately, after so many years, whether it is Ryan. It was Nicole who had adapted to this way of life a long time ago. After passing through the lobby with a Gothic cylindrical roof, they took the elevator directly to the floor reserved by the crew.

Even though he came from Sydney and didn't cross several time zones, Ryan walked into his own bedroom in the luxurious suite under Nicole's drive, and got the jet lag obediently.

It was dusk when Ryan woke up, and when Ryan walked out of the bedroom, Nicole seemed to be awake long ago, sitting on the sofa in the living room, flipping through some English magazines boredly.

"Are you hungry?" Nicole asked.

"A little bit." Ryan sat beside her habitually.

"What do you want to eat?" Nicole put down the magazine.

Can you eat it? Ryan almost blurted out, and hurriedly pursed his lips, "Nicole, should we go out for a tour?"

"Get out?" Nicole seemed to disagree. "I heard Kate say that the security here doesn't seem to be very good."

"Come on, Nicole." Ryan murmured dissatisfiedly. "Last year, the Los Angeles riots even the Marines were dispatched. Will we not go out in the future?"

"You always make sense!"

The dispute between the two will always end with Nicole's compromise most of the time, "Go back to the room and change clothes."

Ryan changed into a short-sleeved sportswear. Nicole's room door was still closed when she came out, and it took a lot of time for women to change clothes or something.

With a click, the door opened and Nicole walked out. Her long golden red hair was tied into a ponytail and hung behind her head. There was no powder on her white cheeks, which was a bit less glamorous than when she was dressed up. A lot more fresh, the exposed arms look smoother than a silky white T-shirt, and the light-colored tight-fitting cropped pants set off the slender and slender legs.

"Honey, don't you recognize me?"

Nicole put on a wide-brimmed hat and sunglasses, and after stepping on her handbag, she took another pair of sunglasses and put it on her nose for Ryan.

"You are so beautiful now, Nicole."

Ryan couldn't help but complimented, and Nicole raised her eyebrows, "Then you mean I was not pretty before?"

A woman can tolerate someone saying that she has a flawed personality, and absolutely will not tolerate someone saying that she has a flawed appearance. Ryan is not an idiot, and his head is shaking like a pendulum.

Hearing these words, Nicole’s eyes flashed, seeming to be extremely happy, and she used to pinch Ryan’s ear, "Well, for the sake of your mouth, I will cover all your expenses tonight. Up."

You are so generous! When he walked out of the room, Ryan was still rolling his eyes. From his childhood until now, she has been responsible for his expenses except for the large amount of expenses.

Calling George, and asking for a car and driver from the hotel, Ryan took Nicole and started a short sightseeing trip.

"Mr. Jenkins, Miss Kidman, where do you want to go?"

Driver who can serve at Peninsula Hotel. They all possess considerable qualities, and the English spoken by this person has a hint of London accent.

"Find a restaurant with a special point, and settle for dinner first."

Ryan looked at Nicole and remembered that she had never been used to eating pure Chinese food, so she said, "Western style is best."


When Nicole was about to say something, Ryan interrupted, "That's it, Nicole. I can't wait for you to watch it, right?"

Although he is very troublesome to jump off, he is so careful when he cares about people. He knows all his habits, hobbies, and everything about himself except for the most hidden secrets in his heart!

Before she knew it, Nicole found herself holding Ryan's hand when she peeked. I found that he was still so calm and energetic, just like when they held hands tightly these years.

Nicole's hands are unusually slender, Ryan knows this very well, and his hands are equally slender. Although she is not older than hers now, one day she can be fully contained in it.

With age, Ryan's confidence is also growing.

The car made a round in Central, and the three of Ryan were introduced by the driver. Entered a French restaurant, enjoyed a Hong Kong-style French meal, and then went straight to the sightseeing spots in Mid-Levels.

Standing high. Looking down on the dimly lit Oriental Pearl Tower, there is something special. The boats passing by in the Victoria Harbour in the distance are a busy sight.

"It's no different from other metropolises." Nicole muttered.

"Then what difference do you want?" Ryan looked over with a smile, and Nicole shrugged, "When you go to different places, you have to see different scenery."

"You are biased, dear Nicole." Ryan felt the sea breeze and stretched out. "Why didn't you say that when you were in Sydney?"

"My dear, because that is my hometown."

hometown? Ryan sighed and said, "Well, Nicole, I will show you some different places."

"Let's go." Ryan pulled up Nicole, greeted George and the driver to get into the car, and said, "Go to the East Rail Station in the New Territories."

Hong Kong East Rail Station? It’s not a scenic spot, so what to do? The driver is a bit strange, but he has good professional ethics. It is only natural for the customer to spend money on his service.

The journey was a bit far away, and there were several traffic jams. When I rushed past, it was already close to ten o'clock in the evening.

The driver parked the car in a nearby parking lot, and George fell behind not far away. Ryan and Nicole chatted without a word and walked towards the brightly lit place.

Ryan turned his head and looked across the river from time to time. The red and white building was very conspicuous. Although it was late, there were still a lot of people who cleared the customs. Vaguely you can see many people in uniforms patrolling back and forth. .

The two quickly chose a place where they could easily be seen. Nicole didn't understand why Ryan brought her here.

"The opposite is China?" she asked curiously.


Ryan nodded, just looking into the distance.

"They look no different from here."

Nicole is very curious ~ After all, no one does less of the dirty water.

After about half an hour, the night wind gradually cooled down, and Nicole stroked the exposed skin, "Let’s go back, Ryan, it’s a bit cold."


Ryan nodded, took a last look, no longer nostalgic, turned and strode to catch up with Nicole Kidman who was walking in front.

The past, let it go with the wind, the other side of the river is two completely different worlds from yourself.

Your future is in Hollywood. Climbing to the most powerful layer in Hollywood is your next goal! Ryan got into the car following Nicole.

"What happened, dear." Nicole seemed to feel some fluctuations in his mood.

"Nothing." Ryan made a relieved gesture and said to the driver, "Go back to the hotel."

A river separates two worlds and also separates two lives. (To be continued ()