Rebirth In Hollywood

Chapter 190: Responsibilities and obligations

The picture has long been restored to color. One by one ‘Schindler’s Jews’ walked by. Stones were placed on Schindler’s tombstone, and finally a bunch of flowers were put down.

The camera zoomed further and further, leaving only Liam Neeson standing alone in front of Oscar Schindler's grave.

The violin music composed by John Williams and played by Yitzhak Perlman sounded melodiously. The gentle and delicate, sad but not sad melody makes the music full of persuasiveness and appeal, which reminds people of the suffering in the movie. The suffering nation is constantly striving for self-improvement.

"Let's go!"

Ryan glanced at the crew members surrounded by the crowd, and took Nicole to stride out.

He just played a small role in the movie, it is difficult to attract people's attention, besides, as long as the key characters can remember him is enough.

This is a film entirely belonging to Steven Spielberg. After the past ten or twenty years, people may forget who the actors are and who the production company is, but who the director of the film is.

"Goodbye, Aunt Katie."

In front of the theater, Ryan insisted on sending the old man to the car despite the chase of reporters and paparazzi.

Fortunately, most of the reporters went into the theater and went to the press conference after the premiere.


Mrs. Katie reached out from the car window and beckoned to Ryan without saying anything.

Watching the Bentley slowly go away, Ryan sighed slightly. He just wanted to build a good relationship with the other people. He only really respected this old Jewish man.

Over the years, his development has been fairly smooth, and he can't even tell whether there is a shadow of an old man with a wide network behind him.

"Ryan, can you say something?"

The few reporters were considered interesting, and it was only then that they got together.

"My car will be here in two minutes." Ryan made a please gesture.

"How do you rate this movie, how do you rate Oscar? Schindler?" a reporter asked.

"This is a great movie!" Ryan thought for a while and said again. "As for Oscar Schindler, I think the words in the movie are the most appropriate. To save one person is to save the world!"


Nicole’s Bentley stopped in front of Ryan. He made an apologetic gesture to the reporter and ignored their questions. While Nicole pushed open the rear door, he got into the car.

"Didn't it say that it was two minutes? Now it hasn't been a minute..." A reporter was complaining.

"It's good that he is willing to speak, let's stop others."

Most mainstream media in North America are controlled by Jews or Jewish descent. The guiding role that the media can play is immense. Although there are many people with ulterior motives. The voice of questioning the film was made, but it was unable to influence the mainstream media's evaluation of it.

Anti-Nazi anti-Hitler is one of the most basic political correctness in the West. No well-known person dares to risk being abandoned by mainstream society and openly deny the existence of the Holocaust.

Those questioning voices. But just take Oscar Schindler's life style as an example, saying that he is a profiteer and dandy, and the purpose of saving the Jews is not pure.

However, the movie is to beautify Oscar Schindler, but no matter what, as a member of the Nazis, it is always a fact that he saved thousands of Jews.

In the United States, there are a large number of Jews and Jewish descents, many of whom fled from Europe that year. The National Jewish Association is also one of the most influential organizations in North America. Under their full promotion, the trend of "Schindler's List" spread rapidly throughout the United States.

Many celebrities were asked what they thought of the film in the interview. None of these people are fools, so naturally they are praised.

When Nicole Kidman and Judy Foster went shopping on Christmas, they were also asked this question by reporters.

"According to Mr. Spielberg, although Ryan is not named in the screenwriter, many of the key plots are from him, such as the brightest color." The reporter asked. "Miss Kidman, is this true?"

"Yes, Ryan happened to see this script at Universal Pictures, so he made some comments." Nicole naturally knew how to answer the most beneficial way. "This is his responsibility and obligation. I want him to do it. Not bad, isn't it?"

When there is a chance for hype, the media will naturally not let it go. So some of the things Ryan did in "Schindler's List" were thoroughly dug up by this group of guys, and they were exposed to the public one by one.

Even the photos that rescued Natalie were turned over, and many reporters discovered that the friendship between Ryan Jenkins and Natalie Portman far exceeded their performance.

Of course, there are people with a strong gossip heart, and naturally they think of another aspect...

What makes people unexpected is that Ryan's fans raised objections to the movie.

""Schindler's List" shows us a real and cruel history, which brings us a lot of feelings. Ryan has not many roles in it, but his performance is very good." The person interviewed was a young girl," What I want to say is that Ryan was right in front of me and was killed by a crazy Nazi officer. The moment I saw him lying on the ground coldly, my heart broke."

"I understand that Ryan wants to do something for his ethnicity, but if possible, Ryan, will you stop taking this murdered role in the future? Please consider our feelings!"

After this passage was published, it received support from many fans, and Ryan also voiced his own voice through the Los Angeles Times.

The general idea is to thank them for their continued support. Taking on this role is like Steven Spielberg, fulfilling the responsibilities and obligations of a Jewish person, and will definitely consider the feelings of the fans when taking the role in the future.

Finally, I made a strong appeal to my fans, "I urge you to watch this movie!"

Such an excellent, it should be performance, coupled with the promotion of some people behind, the mainstream media's evaluation of Ryan suddenly increased by more than one level.

Even after President Zipper saw "Schindler's List", he borrowed his words at a press conference-I urge you to watch this movie!

Israel introduced the film for the first time, and sent an invitation letter at the same time, hoping that Ryan could participate in the premiere of the film in Jerusalem.

Have you played it a bit? Ryan thought so when he received the invitation letter.

Although he wanted to invite Natalie to visit her hometown, Ryan politely refused. After all, in his mind, Jerusalem was not a very safe place.

"I declined the invitation from Jerusalem."

Ryan brought up the invitation while talking on the phone with Natalie.


Based on Natalie's understanding of him, she quickly thought of the reason, "Jerusalem is not what you think!"

"What do I imagine?" Ryan naturally wouldn't admit it.

"Ryan? Jenkins!" The rebellious girl made a gritted voice, "Don't think I don't know what you are thinking."

"Let's do it, Nat!" Ryan had a good idea. "If you are willing to go to Jerusalem together, I will accept this invitation."

"Come on, Ryan, you know Dad won't ask me for leave!"

"That's why I refused!" Ryan found a sufficient excuse. "Jerusalem is your hometown. Wouldn't it be boring if you don't accompany me, Nat."

"Hmph~ You are obviously making excuses." As you can imagine, Natalie's nose began to face the ceiling, "Wait when I grow up..."

"When we grow up, I invite you to travel around the world, how about this idea?" Before she finished speaking, Ryan rushed to change the subject.


"Then we're settled."

"The people who don't go are puppies!"

"Yes, a little dog named Natalie!" Ryan took it smoothly.

"Ryan Jenkins..." Natalie gritted her teeth on the phone, "I swear to God, I will bite your ear off next time I meet!"

"Come on, Nat." Ryan said nonchalantly, "You haven't bitten!"

"Come on, Ryan." Natalie was clearly following his tone. "If it weren't for my soft heart, your ears would have been gone."

"By the way, Ryan, I heard that you just took the test. How did you do?" Natalie asked suddenly.

"It's the same, it's all a."

"Why is there no c?" Natalie seemed regretful, "That way Nicole will teach you a lesson."

"Although I only receive two to three hours of family education a day, this knowledge still can't trouble me!" What Ryan said is the truth. This brain in this life is still very useful.

"Then what you mentioned in the letter is true?" Natalie showed a little concern.

"Yes, after the new year's second album is released, I will devote myself to studying and creating. I plan to finish all the courses in middle school in two years, and then apply to the California Academy of Arts or the Film School of the University of Southern California in 1996! "

"So will you temporarily quit the entertainment industry?"

"That's not the case." Ryan explained again, "I will still write scripts and novels, but I don't plan to attend those time-consuming and labor-intensive public events."

"Well then, I think you will succeed."

Natalie is not worried. She knows how good her friends are, and certain rules of the entertainment industry do not apply to him.

"That's it, Nat." Ryan looked at the time. "I'm going to help Nicole prepare. The party is about to begin."

Before the arrival of the new year, Ryan and Nicole convened a small party, inviting all the friends or people with close interests in the past few years.

The two films they invested in this year have returned a large amount of income, which is also a celebration party.

It was not cold in Los Angeles in December. The party was placed on a large lawn in front of the living room. Although there was a professional company taking care of it, Nicole was not very relieved and kept staring at it. ()