Rebirth In Hollywood

Chapter 302: Environmental Protection Organization

""Titanic" brought more than just huge box office numbers and brand-new records."

In his studio, Ryan was being interviewed by a live broadcast program. He talked to the camera, “It brings about a phenomenon that breaks the restrictions of the country, region, religion, and culture. Leading a trend all over the world, it is through the common film language that we spread American culture to all parts of the world."

Ryan has always been happy to set up a halo for himself.

"Everyone knows that you are participating in the shooting of a new movie. Can you reveal some exclusive news?" The interview was about to end, and the host asked another question that attracted much attention, "For example, the subject matter? What? When will it be released?"

"This is a modern Robinson story."

Without waiting for the host to ask questions, Ryan hurriedly said, "Jenkins Pictures will hold a press conference soon to introduce the general situation of this film."

After the interview, Ryan made a special trip to Jenkins Pictures, and after a short wait, James Cameron walked into the office with an appointment.

"Wow, see who this is, our king of the world is here!" He exaggerated admiration.

"Come on, Ryan."

James Cameron was not at all polite, and sat directly across from Ryan's desk, "What are you looking for? I'm going on vacation."

"I want to rent a boat to dive again?" This is the biggest hobby of truck drivers.

"Yeah, I am going to the Mariana Trench this time! Together, Ryan?"

"Forget it, Jim." Ryan shook his finger. "I'm going to Fiji. The whole crew is waiting for me."

"Fiji?" Cameron seemed to think of something. "By the way, I heard Kate say that the new plane you ordered has arrived. Can I take a ride?"

"Where is your private jet?"

"I don't have money to maintain, and I don't have money to hire a crew member!"

"Well, let's leave at ten o'clock tomorrow morning. It's out of date." Ryan knew that James Cameron was just joking.

He opened the desk drawer, took out the check that had been prepared long ago, and pushed it over. This was his main purpose for looking for James Cameron.

"Wow, wow, you are so generous, Ryan!"

Seeing the number on the check, Cameron admired a few words, "50 million U.S. dollars. A whole lot more than I expected!"

"You deserve it, Jim."

The share of "Titanic" and various bonuses have been paid out long ago, and James Cameron is the latest one to receive.

Of course, the subsequent sharing of peripherals and derivatives is not yet in time.

"Want to hear suggestions?" Ryan knuckles, and gently knocks off the table.

"What advice?"

"Jim. I heard Linda say that you were writing a story about aliens years ago." Nicole heard this from Linda Hamilton.


James Cameron nodded first, then shook his head. "The current photography technology simply does not meet my requirements."

"Why don't you develop it yourself?" Ryan encouraged, "You are a technology madman, the leader of Hollywood's most advanced film technology!"

"Is this your suggestion?"


Ryan shrugged and explained, "We can jointly fund and acquire a technology-based manufacturer, which doesn't cost much."

The core patent of the future 3D technology is in the hands of James Cameron, which is a lucrative business.

"It's really a good idea." Cameron thought for a while. Said, "Let's do it, Ryan. After my vacation is over, we will talk more about it."

Fifty million dollars is enough to support James Cameron's madness for a long time. This guy should have no plans to continue working in the short term.

Leaving James Cameron away, Ryan also left Jenkins Pictures and returned home to prepare for the next long-distance flight to Fiji.

In the hall of the manor villa, a huge glass showcase was added. Not only the little golden man that Ryan kept on Nicole’s side, she took it over, and even her best actress, the little golden man, was also placed here. At the same time, the Australian girl seems to want to use this way to show her status in this manor.

However, after spending two crazy nights, Nicole flew to Australia one step earlier. The trilogy of "The Matrix" was filmed at the same time, and the time was very tight.

Back in the bedroom, Ryan almost laughed when thinking of the trick he had played these past two days.

In order to avoid those paparazzi, with George's assistance, Nicole can always sneak here to stay overnight without knowing it in various ways. The Oscar queen who just got it seems to have given her unlimited passion.

Especially on the second day of the Oscar night, Nicole could not get out of bed all day due to being too crazy and intemperate. He rarely slept until the afternoon.

Shaking his head, Ryan looked at the time, forced himself to dissipate the thoughts about Nicole, and dialed the phone in Morocco, where Natalie was out on the scene.

"Hey, Nat."

"Ryan, you are ten minutes late today."

"Really? Ah, I was thinking about things just now." Ryan quickly changed the subject, "Is it hot in Morocco? You have to be careful when shooting in the desert, and don't get sunburned."

"It's okay, it's not as hot as expected." Natalie's voice hesitated, "Ryan...When will you come to see me? We haven't seen each other for a long time!"

"Soon, I promise!" Ryan figured it out. "My shot in Fiji will not take long. When the shooting is over, I will go over to see you. Don’t forget, we have made an appointment to go to the world together. travel!"

"Yeah!" Natalie's voice was crisper than before. "Let's stop here today, Ryan, I'm going to put on makeup."

"Well, goodbye, Nat."

Pressing that feeling of guilt into the deepest part of my heart, Ryan sat at the desk and crackled the laptop keyboard. In this blank document, a brand new script was slowly born.

This is a machismo who can listen to the stories of the women around him.

Now that Helen Hunt's post-sealed work was taken away, Ryan naturally thought of another masterpiece of hers. Although this story is absurd and clichéd, it is a heavy box office bomb.


A brand new Gulfstream business jet taxied across the runway and slowly entered the apron.

This is the private jet ordered by Ryan. Gulfstream not only provided the most advanced and luxurious equipment, but also specially recommended him an experienced crew with a long safety flight record.

Of course, the plane belonging to Nicole has the same treatment.

This is the Nadi International Airport located in the western part of Viti Levu and is the most important port of entry and exit in Fiji.

As early as when the film project was just approved, the staff of Jenkins Pictures began to find the main location for the film in the Caribbean, the Hawaiian Islands and the South Pacific region-a suitable island!

There were many twists and turns in the middle. They found a remote private island in the northwestern part of the Fiji Islands. After personal inspections by Jules Stewart and Robert Zemigis, they finally determined it.

After getting off the plane, several cars sent by the crew were already waiting here. After Ryan, George and the others got on the car, the cars drove quickly towards the pier. They were on the pier again, changing the leased boat, shaking Huang embarked on a journey to the isolated island.

The island is not too far away, and after a short while, Ryan stood on the bow and saw it.

"This is a volcanic island."

The young woman talking was Robert Zemigis’ assistant, named Anna Howard. She held on to the railing of the bow and introduced some basic information to Ryan, “This island is only ninety-nine acres, and it’s two walks. You can travel across the island in just an hour, and its beaches, reefs and coconut groves are very distinctive."

"Are the boat parking and transportation convenient, Anna?" Ryan retracted his gaze.

"This is a private island. It has a suitable small port that can accommodate our small fleet."

Hearing the explanation from the other party, coupled with the understanding of Julius Stewart, Ryan was completely relieved. You must know that a lot of large equipment will be used in the shooting. If the transportation is inconvenient, it will definitely be a nightmare.

Because of the Oscars ceremony, Ryan had to stay in Los Angeles temporarily, and the crew came to this island two weeks ago. They can adapt to the environment in advance and take advantage of this time to shoot a lot of landscape shots. In post-production, there will be more choices.

"Hi, Robert."

Walking out of the port, Ryan came directly to a sandy beach, "You look black."

"Trust me, Ryan, as long as you stay in the South Pacific sun for a few days, it will also turn black." Robert Zemigis took off his and shook Ryan's hand firmly. Congratulations, the twelve statuettes won in a single movie are shocking."

Ryan smiled and looked at a young woman who was following Robert Zemigis. He looked at each other's dressing, and it didn't seem to be a crew member.

"Who is this……"

"Oh, Ryan."

He should have noticed his attention, Robert Zemigis introduced, "This is Miss Helen Kisson, a representative of an environmental protection organization in Fiji who is stationed in the crew."

"Hello, Miss Helen, it's nice to meet you." Ryan offered to extend his hand.

"Hello, Mr. Jenkins, it is said that this is a movie you invested in. I hope you can restrain the crew and cooperate with our work." This Miss Helen Kisson is very fluent in English. "I belong to the Fiji Islands Environmental Protection Organization. ."

Representative of an environmental protection organization? Ryan frowned slightly. Regardless of how the other person is, these organizations are almost synonymous with trouble. What do they send people to the crew? ()