Rebirth In Hollywood

Chapter 309: Jerusalem

After arriving in Taipei, Ryan and his team changed to their own planes. They did not continue to stay in the Far East. After waiting for the route, they flew directly to Natalie's hometown, the holy city of Jerusalem.

This city is located in the mountains of Judah between the Dead Sea and the Mediterranean. It is the holy city of Judaism, Christianity and Islam. Jerusalem is its pronunciation. If it is interpreted literally, it is the "city of peace".

But the irony is that since ancient times, the war around the holy city has never disappeared.

Jerusalem is now the capital of Israel. Although the United Nations and most countries in the world do not recognize it, the city is firmly in the hands of the Jews.

Now that they are in the holy city, Ryan and Natalie are naturally going to visit several holy places.

In front of the huge stone wall, hundreds of Jews or Jewish descent stood there with solemn faces, and tears were rolling down the corners of many people's eyes.

For thousands of years, when Jews living in all corners of the world returned to the holy city of Jerusalem, they would come to this stone wall to pray in low voices and cried out the suffering of exile, so this place is called the "Wailing Wall".

"You don't believe in Judaism, so you don't need to cry." Natalie reminded in a low voice.

"I remember your family doesn't believe in Judaism, right?"

The two walked to the ‘Wailing Wall’, Ryan straightened the hat on his head, followed Natalie’s movements, and put on a pious prayer.

Natalie first supported the wall with her hand, and then stuffed a note full of words into the cracks in the wall. Her pious face, like the stone on the'wailing wall', glowed like weeping. As in the case.

Although he is a Jewish descent, Ryan doesn't understand these things. In the principle of saying less and making mistakes, he has no extra words or extra actions. After all, this is not only the boundary between Eurasia, but also the first holy place for the Jews.

And the girls around them are about their own nation. Have an extraordinary sense of identity.

As a bystander and an atheist in a previous life, Ryan could not understand the God in the minds of the Jews. It is also incomprehensible that all the people are soldiers and face several national wars on the first day of the founding of the nation.

But he still maintains the necessary respect, which has nothing to do with faith, nor blood, but only with interests.

In any case, the Jewish identity is for his development in Hollywood. Provides too many hidden conveniences.

"What's on the note?"

After walking out of the square where the Wailing Wall was, Ryan took off his yarmulke and put on his own baseball cap.

"It's a prayer, a prayer about the future. It's a secret." Natalie looked back and saw that George and other bodyguards were following behind, shook her head, "Ryan, the security here is not what you think. So bad. This is the Jewish Quarter."

"Hmm~" Ryan nodded, noncommittal.

"Go to the Avenue of the Righteous and the Holocaust Memorial?" Natalie naturally knew Ryan's other purpose for coming here.

Unlike the ‘Wailing Wall’, these two places carry the most tragic history of the Jews. Perhaps both of them participated in the filming of "Schindler’s List", a cruel history of fifty years ago. All have their own understanding.

Because of the limitation of the area, the latest "righteous people" certified by the Israeli government no longer planted trees to commemorate, but the righteous people here maintain a considerable number, and Ryan and Natalie turned around a few times, soon Found his goal, the most famous of all righteous people-Oscar Schindler.

The influence of "Schindler's List" is enormous. Such a character who was originally unknown and can only be passed on by word of mouth among some Jews, with the help of this movie, has completely become a hero and has won the whole world. The memory and admiration of the Jews.

As Spielberg and others have said, no matter what his original intention was to save people, it is an indisputable fact that he has saved so many Jews.

Standing quietly under the tree for a while, the two turned around and walked into the Jerusalem Holocaust Memorial.

This memorial is 5,000 feet long, and the shape is the lower triangle of the big satellite. The missing part of the upper triangle symbolizes the 6 million Jews who were slaughtered in World War II, which is nearly half the number of Jews at that time.

Walking into the memorial hall is like entering a space-time tunnel. In order to show respect for the dead, you can’t take pictures or speak loudly. Everyone will send a headset before entering. On the huge screen that came, some children were singing. This was the "Song of Hope" by some Polish Jewish children before World War II.

"This is Israel's national anthem." Natalie whispered.

Maybe others didn't know it, but she knew that this guy next to her hadn't even read the Bible and didn't know much about Jewish history.

Ryan nodded, and did not say much, but to experience all of this with his heart and all his energy. According to the predetermined plan, his role next year is bound to intersect with the Holocaust again. The experience here is for him. It is certainly helpful to grasp the role.

In addition to this is Natalie's hometown, this is also one of the reasons why he made a special trip to Jerusalem.

Following Natalie, Ryan entered the "Memorial Hall of Names", which is the most dramatic memorial space in the memorial. The 30-foot-tall conical structure opens up to the sky, and on the top is placed the millions of Jews who died in the Holocaust. Names and personal records, below are cones carved out of natural rock beds to commemorate those nameless victims.

Looking at the densely stacked archives on the surrounding shelves, Ryan didn’t know what to say. When the Israeli government built the memorial, it vowed to find every Jew who was slaughtered. So far, it has established detailed information for more than one million people. And the work of collecting clues about the dead Jews around the world is still in progress.

Including Ryan and Natalie, those who visited the memorial kept silent and seldom spoke. Even if they needed to communicate occasionally, they would try to keep their voices down.

Finally, they came to the Children's Memorial Hall.

In the darkness, the three candles were reflected by the mirror with countless light and shadow, like stars in the night sky, without any pictures or images, only the name and age of each dead child were continuously broadcast on the radio. This is a pair of American citizens. A memorial donated by Jewish couples to commemorate 150,000 children who died early in the Holocaust.

In fact, since the filming of "Schindler's List", Ryan has donated millions of dollars to this memorial through the National Jewish Association. If he removes his sunglasses and hat and reports his name, he will definitely Received a warm reception by the Israeli authorities.

After leaving the memorial hall, the two went to Mount Zion. There are many tombstones of "righteous people". One of them is a Chinese. The Israeli government specially built the tombstone of He Fengshan here to commemorate this "life and death visa". 'The issuer.

"This is the Jew, we have a clear love and hate. We will remember everyone who has helped us, and we will not let go of any executioner who slaughtered the Jews." Perhaps seeing Ryan staring at the handwriting on the tombstone in a daze, Na Tally said this in a low voice, and then asked, "Will it help you?"

"Be brave and stay strong." Ryan took Natalie's hand, "I think I have a lot of things."

"Want to listen to a song?"

This is a very rare thing. Natalie wants to sing to him. Ryan nodded quickly, "Okay."

Natalie coughed slightly, cleared her throat, and started singing in a low voice.

"As long as our hearts,

It also hides the soul of the Jews,

Eyes towards the east,

Still looking at the top of Mount Zion,

Two thousand years of hope,

It won't go to nothing,

We will be free people,

Based in Zion and Jerusalem. "

Thinking back to the icy movie in his mind, Ryan shook Natalie's hand firmly, "Thank you, Nat."

"I hope it can be of some help to you."

Natalie touched his shoulder lightly with her forehead, and said complicatedly, "Are you going to use this role to hit the best actor?"

"This is just one of the roles I prepared."

Seeing Natalie's somewhat complicated look, Ryan said, "Nat..."

"Ryan!" Natalie naturally understood what Ryan was going to say, and quickly interrupted, "You have helped me too much. Because of you, almost no one makes things difficult for me. Can I try it myself? If not, If you do, I will take the initiative to speak."

"okay then."

After the "Star Wars" series, Natalie will be completely popular in the United States. The most difficult period for her transformation will only appear in a few years, and it will not be too late for her to make a move.

"Have you been authorized by Mr. Spearman?"

In the car back to the hotel, Natalie was still asking about the notebook.

"It has been negotiated. According to the agreement reached, half of the proceeds from this movie in the future will be donated to the Jewish Survivors Organization."

"When do you plan to start shooting?"

"Probably next year." Ryan seemed to think of Oscar again, "I'm only eighteen years old, don't worry, there will always be opportunities."

"What about the director? Which director are you going to look for? Mr. Spielberg?" Natalie suddenly laughed, aren't you a top student at the USC Film School? You might as well direct yourself. ? "

"I am not interested in the job of director."

How could Ryan couldn't hear Natalie's weird accent when she said the word "high-achieving student", and she quickly shook her head.

"If one day I become a director, the first movie will be shot in Jerusalem." Natalie looked at the khaki building outside the window, talking to herself and Ryan. "Don't forget, you said at the beginning that if I became a director, you would publicly declare on the three major TV networks that Ryan Jenkins is not as good as Natalie Portman."

"Dear Nat, please don't confuse the concept." Ryan will naturally not forget what he said at the time, "My promise is after you win the Oscar for Best Director!"

"Really? I seem to have forgotten." Natalie's expression was very serious.

"Nate, I think you need my reminder again." Ryan glanced at him maliciously. ()