Rebirth In Hollywood

Chapter 326: Technology is unstoppable

After entering July, both "Bug Crisis" and "Mulan" have steadily moved towards a box office of 100 million US dollars. Although Disney has successively invested more resources, after the weekly box office rankings are released, "Bug Crisis" "It is always at the end of "Mulan", and the North American box office numbers accumulated between the two have gradually widened the gap.

In addition to the box office, in terms of derivatives that account for the bulk of animation revenue, "Mulan" has shown its inherent flaws, and its sales are even less than one-third of "Bug Crisis."

Even if "Mulan" is essentially a Western film dressed in an oriental garb, the subject matter still brings limitations in the North American market. The vast majority of American audiences in this era don't like movie themes that have nothing to do with the United States. Mulan is different from Aladdin, the latter is widely circulated in the West after all, and the story of the former has a limited audience before the movie.

Gradually, Disney’s management, especially Roy Disney and others who once took charge of the animation department, expressed dissatisfaction with Michael Eisner’s intervention in the release time of "Mulan". Ryan listened to some people. According to the revealed news, the two parties had a fierce quarrel at Walt Disney's routine board meeting, and even Roy Disney and others withdrew from the meeting that day in anger.

Although Walt Disney has a clear gap with Time Warner, Viacom, and News Corporation, it is also an out-and-out media giant with numerous resources in its hands. In the face of such direct competition, it is controlled and related to them. The media launched a massive propaganda offensive.

This time they no longer create momentum for "Mulan", and perhaps Disney also understands that due to the type of subject matter, it is difficult for this animated feature film to be as long as "Insect Crisis" in the North American market.

They aimed directly at the computer animation, and carefully crafted comments appeared one after another.

"Hand-drawn animation. It is a hand-painted artist who uses a brush and his own hands to create strokes strokes. The image of the character is extremely full. It contains the creator's painstaking effort. It is full of artistic vitality. But what about computer animation?"

"Using cold computers and programmed software, the characters are rigid. Every move is like a puppet. As for the artistry, has anyone seen it?"

"The origin of art is to restore our lives. Human hands are the best carrier. It is not a cold and lifeless computer."

Similar comments flooded the pages of many media, and Ryan naturally noticed them. After he contacted Tina Brown, a refuted article appeared in the new issue of Vanity Fair.

"Since the 1930s and 1940s, hand-painted animation has appeared in our vision. No one can deny it. One after another outstanding hand-painted animation masters have used their painstaking work to bring us countless "The Lion King" is a classic that can be remembered in the annals of history."

"Hand painters create with their own minds and hands. Paintbrushes are their tools, while computer programmers also use their minds and hands to create, and computers are their tools. Essentially, paintbrushes are tools, and computers are also tools. Both are human inventions and creations. They are used to bear the wings of our thinking. They both have indispensable significance in our lives. Then why the former can become a carrier of art and represent high-tech The latter can only be a cold machine?"

"Some people may say that hand-painters have instilled countless efforts into their works when they are creating, so that they have vitality. Then why no one sees those ideals who have been studying computer animation since the 1970s The activists, dedicating all their youth and passion to computer animation, aren’t they creating with their hearts? The works they create are not good enough? The characters are not full enough? The characters are just dumb without a soul? If someone says that, Then go and see "Toy Story"!"

"There is no doubt that hand-painted artists have made indelible contributions to the development of animation, but technological progress is the trend of history. Advanced technology replaces backward technology. It is the inevitable law of the development of human society. Those who block all this Or things have been swept into the old paper pile of history."

"Today, the application of computer technology has already penetrated into all aspects of our lives. For the entire film and television industry, computer technology is like flying wings for them. In the past, many images can only exist in our imagination. It can be displayed in front of us by virtue of advanced computer technology. Take the hand-painted animation mentioned by some people, "The Lion King" used a lot of computer technology at the beginning, and it must be in the hot show of "Mulan". exception."

"Some people ridiculously ridicule the advanced technology that represents the future of mankind. Who do they think they are? Do they think they are Mr. John Wormsley? Maybe they don't even know who John Wormsley is, this ignorant Hundreds of years ago, the guy led workers into a textile factory in Manchester and smashed the machines, thinking that advanced textile machines had robbed them of their jobs."

"In each era, we always have to face new things. Some are gradually changing ideas, and some are advanced technologies. Those conservative people don’t know how to absorb the essence of usefulness for themselves, but instead hinder their development everywhere. However, Countless history has proved that people who stand still will sooner or later be eliminated by the times."

"I dare say that it will not take more than ten years for hand-drawn animation to be eliminated from the mainstream of Hollywood..."

————Ryan Jenkins

In recent years, Ryan has rarely published such critical articles in the media. After the current issue of "Vanity Fair" was released, it quickly attracted a lot of attention. This article with a clear purpose and sharp rhetoric has not only become a public leisure time. A rare topic has also become a lot of people in the industry thinking about the future of animation.

After all, past achievements have been proven several times, and Ryan's vision is extremely forward-looking.

Moreover, the reputation and response of "Toy Story" and "Insect Crisis" in the audience all prove his point of view.

"Ryan, thank you, thank you for defending us." John Lasseter and Ed Kamel also specifically called. No one would like to have a child born in their own hands and be criticized as a soulless doll. .

When it comes to computer technology, the founders of Pixar Studios are well-known roles in the entire IT industry, but Ryan can get rid of them ten streets instead of talking.

The media subsequently issued remarks against him, and Ryan's film achievements were in front of everyone. They couldn't open their eyes and talk nonsense, so they had to say that he'doesn't know to respect the artist's creation'. One was soaked by business. The movie creators of the soul' and so on.

On the other hand, Ryan took out the end of the fight with Natalie when he was a child, and published a review article after another through the media such as Vanity Fair, Los Angeles Times and News Corporation. A mockery of some people.

Since the other party rejected the kindness he released and wanted to drag himself into the quagmire, and stepped on a few more feet, he would naturally respond. Although cooperation is the kingly way, with the resources he has at his disposal, he will not be afraid of anyone. .

What's more, this is a good opportunity for publicity. Ryan will occasionally mention the "Insect Crisis" and "Saving Private Ryan" that are currently in theaters, and continue to use the upcoming "Jurassic Park 2" and "Peerless" that are about to land in North America. "Heavenly Tribulation" is an example, saying that these two works will prove the help of computer technology to the film and television industry.

After returning to Los Angeles, Ryan, apart from chatting with people in the media, was also rushing to catch up with the two scripts prepared for him. During the time he stayed in New York, whether it was him or Natalie, it was like all the passions. Like the men and women in the movie, it is always difficult to control themselves. The so-called script creation and study of the roles of the two are nothing more than nothing.

Perhaps due to frequent and long-term high-volume exercise in New York, Ryan’s weight has reached the requirements of the remaining scenes of "Remains of a Deserted Island". The hair that has been kept since the beginning of this year is gradually approaching the shoulders, and the makeup artist's Help, you can start the rest of the shooting plan.

Ryan doesn't want to delay too long, his request is simple, this movie must be released at the end of the year.

However, before that, he still has a series of things to solve, first of all, he must complete the agreement with Harvey Weinstein.

In the bowling alley of a high-end clubhouse in Malibu, Ryan is wiping his hands with a towel. He is here to talk about business, not to play. A few rounds are enough.

"Jane, get in touch with your friends. I'm going to have a party tonight." Harvey Weinstein patted his girlfriend's buttocks. "Remember to call the most beautiful ones."

"They must be happy."

This little actor named Jennifer Garner turned his head and smiled at Ryan, twisted and walked out. She is a smart person and turned around and closed the VIP room door after she went out.

"Harvey, I didn't expect your taste to change again." In Ryan's view, the other's figure and appearance were really strange.

"Recently, the pressure has been too great. I always find some suitable way to relax."

The two walked to the rest table, Harvey Weinstein made a please gesture After Ryan sat down, he continued, "Jane is from Texas, and she is very conservative in her life. But unrestrained, there is the unique wildness of Texas cowboys."

"Don't forget, you are no longer in control of Miramax." Ryan joked.

Hollywood is not only the investors and producers, but also the countless actors. Without enough capital, how can these actresses get posted.

"But we will have Weinstein Pictures soon." The big fat man seemed to have regained his ambitions, and he thought of another thing. "The horror films shot by your classmates are really going to be in theaters?"

"The title of the film is "Ghost"."

Ryan laughed. This pseudo-documentary, which has nothing to do with the previous life, but borrowed the propaganda methods of "Blair the Witch", has been handed over to Flower Pictures, and is currently making a lot of noise on the Internet.

"Well, we are waiting for you to create miracles again."

"Come on, Harvey. This time it has nothing to do with me. This kind of excessive publicity is not good for reputation." ()