Rebirth In Hollywood

Chapter 329: Film critic

What is the criterion for measuring the success of a movie? Different types of movies certainly have different answers, but the audience's recognition of the movie is an indispensable factor.

To put it bluntly, without the support of the audience, the movie is actually nothing.

Looking at a purely entertainment film from the perspective of a literary and artistic film, in Ryan’s words, the critics can not only show themselves differently and put on a look that only me has a clever vision in the world, they can also bring what?

Is it true that their words are really authority? Or is it that they are the spokespersons of art?

Facing the menacing movie-watching boom, they couldn't even influence the status of "Jurassic Park" in the hearts of supporters, and they were destined to only jump around like a clown.

The younger generation doesn’t believe in authority, not to mention that they are not yet authoritative, and Ryan’s influence on this young group, the most important consumer group in the movie market, is at least able to get rid of them from the Los Angeles City Hall to the Santa Monica business. The center is so far away.

It doesn’t matter if these people really don’t like the movie, or they have been hinted and deliberately criticized by some people-don’t think that the critics are fair, and their speech is not much firmer than the media that hosts them-"Jurassic Park 2" "The Lost World" is destined to set off another dinosaur frenzy this summer.

In the first week of the movie’s release, in just three days, the box office exceeded US$90 million. Even if it was only 90 million, it was enough to sweep all other opponents. What made Ryan and his partners even more happy was that the dinosaurs were included. All derivative products, including doll models, are almost sold out.

The surroundings of this series of movies have once again demonstrated a strong power, even last year's "Titanic" peripheral products are incomparable.

The most shocking thing is the top three in the new North American weekly box office rankings. All occupied by Ryan and his related works, "Jurassic Park 2: The Lost World" deservedly occupied the championship, and "Bug Crisis" showed strong stability and overwhelmed other competitors. Ranked second. "Saving Private Ryan" still maintained enough vitality to get the third place.

This is an extremely competitive summer vacation!

Ryan was not worried about being too swagger. He just wants to show his strength to give some people confidence. Besides, these films have many partners and a strategy of sharing interests. Let those people tightly surround him.

After the second full week, "Jurassic Park 2: The Lost World" did not get rid of the normal film rules, and the box office inevitably declined, but the figure of more than 70 million US dollars is still jealous and shocking.

This summer, Ryan Jenkins wants to be his own and his partner. How many dollar bills were taken away? This has become a hot topic for many people.

Almost all eyes were drawn away by these big productions. A documentary called "Ghost" was released quietly in the 30 relatively unremarkable cinema chains in the Los Angeles area.

Many have watched short videos broadcast on Discovery Channel. And through viral propaganda on the Internet, people who learned that this video was taken by a certain missing young couple personally walked into the theater one after another.

Although he received a call from Drew Barrymore, Ryan had no interest in watching. The trembling shots and blurry pictures would only feel boring for someone like him who knows the truth.

Although Ryan only gave a few short ideas, after Drew asked professionals to supplement, all the movies he shot in the past few years have been successful. I believe in his words and set up a special for "Ghost". The propaganda team is responsible for the development of specific businesses.

In this pseudo-documentary, which has almost nothing to do with the previous life, Ryan only gave Drew general publicity advice. Those Hollywood veterans are far more professional than him. Viral marketing is not new. Under his tips , These people quickly developed a complete publicity plan.

I have to say that although this woman can be as bad as her private life, she can develop her company into a later scale in her previous life. Apart from the huge network of contacts, she also possesses quite strong abilities.

Of course, Drew Barrymore is not stupid. It's best to understand this kind of false propaganda only this time. In Ryan's words, it will ‘defeat the character’.

This is also the reason why Ryan is not willing to participate in it personally. Don’t think that he is young. The public and the media will laugh when they learn the truth. I am afraid that all criticisms will be concentrated on him. With his current status and status, doing this kind of fooling things will only provoke a laugh.

As for the quality of the movie? Whether this movie will sell well has nothing to do with the quality.

As long as the theater operators can see enough revenue, let alone move the screening time to the best prime times, it is not a problem to increase the number of theaters within a week.

The prerequisite for all this is to prepare enough copy numbers.

Under Ryan's solemn instruction, Drew did not hesitate to invest a lot of money and prepared more than two thousand copies in advance.

"Ryan, if this movie doesn't sell well, I will bring two thousand copies and set it on fire at the entrance of Jenkins Manor!" This was what Drew said painfully at the time.

In addition to the fact that the distributor of Flower Pictures has made sufficient preparations, things related to "Ghost Shadow" are almost a reprint of the previous life "Blair the Witch". This pseudo-documentary that is not even third-rate or even fifth-rate is released. On the first day, all thirty theaters were full.

On the second day, the theater chain increased to 50 colleges and departments, which were still full, and on the third day, it increased to 200 theaters, which were still full...

In addition, various speeches appeared on the Internet. According to Ryan's suggestion at the time, the propaganda team deliberately guided, so that more people entered the theater because of curiosity.

The production cost of this film is only 50,000 US dollars. The film made by four students from the Film Academy of Southern California University finally attracted the attention of more theaters. In addition, the public relations of Flower Pictures will wait for the next week. The number of theaters has surged to nearly two thousand, and the copies prepared in advance are not only useful, and even more need to be prepared.

In the first week, the box office of the movie exceeded 5 million U.S. dollars, and the cost has almost been recovered.

Although the production cost of the film is less than 50,000 U.S. dollars, the follow-up publicity, public relations, and printing and copying costs amount to millions of U.S. dollars.

As a result, after the second week, the North American media suddenly discovered that a movie that they didn’t pay much attention to, and was barely named, ranked second in the North American weekly box office rankings with a box office of more than 30 million U.S. dollars. , Second only to "Jurassic Park 2: The Lost World", which was released for three weeks.

Where did this movie come out? Who is the director? Who is the leading role?

Soon, these traditional media picked up relevant news from the Internet, and also found the film’s distributor, Flower Pictures, but the staff of Flower Pictures had long been severely warned by Drew and faced reporters’ inquiries. , The tone of the answer is unusually uniform—no comment.

The film critics also found that they had ignored an important work, and then walked into the theater.

Those film critics who had a sufficiently professional level and a fast enough brain response immediately discovered the nuances.

As for all film critics and industry insiders, they would foolishly think that this is really a documentary editing. Is that possible? This kind of student-level technique can only fool the lay audience.

Even if Ryan does not like most film critics, he has to admit that some of them still possess considerable professional qualities. Such a film whose quality can be described as **** is naturally beyond their eyes.

The media began to expose the facts, and Flower Pictures remained silent. Many viewers walked into the theater again under curiosity.

After the third week, "Ghost" once again won more than 30 million US dollars in the box office, but Flower Pictures was under tremendous pressure. Both fans and the media asked them to give prepared answers.

Just like "Blair the Witch" in the previous life, Flower Pictures very simply admitted that the film is not a real documentary, but an experimental feature film made by the students of the USC Film School. As for the publicity, it is just some special techniques.

Generous audiences laughed, and some audiences who felt they had been fooled vented their anger in protest. Although the media felt that this propaganda method was somewhat novel, several mainstream newspapers slammed Hua Ying. Industry practices.

Although there are still many people who walked into the theater curiously, the box office of the movie began to plummet, as if the movie would be recognized by professionals that this is not a documentary, this is something that no one can stop.

However, the film signed a nearly two-month exhibition contract. As long as the number of viewers does not exceed the lower limit, the energy will continue to generate profits.

Only a limited number of people, such as Drew and Darren, know about Ryan hiding behind the scenes. He likes things that can make money without hurting people's morals.

As for Miss Drew Barrymore, who was called a liar, would she care about this voice? In the past few years, she has been attacked more vigorously than this many times. As long as she has money to make money, she doesn't care. ,

When "Jurassic Park 2: The Lost World" made great progress, the North American box office exceeded 200 million U.S. dollars, and "Ghost" was gradually approaching the 100 million yuan box office mark, Ryan disturbed all the most lively summer files and Los Angeles. Throwing it behind his head, he took his own business jet and left North America, and once again set foot on an island belonging to Fiji.

More than one-third of the remaining shots of "Remains of the Deserted Island" need to be filmed. The crew needs to close the shots as soon as possible to allow enough time for post-production for Robert Zemeckis. ()