Rebirth In Hollywood

Chapter 374: Star Wars, Star Wars

Please remember the website of this site:; Please post it to your QQ group [Weibo/WeChat] forum to recommend a promotional introduction! The influence of the Star Wars series in North America has long surpassed the category of movies, forming a unique Star Wars culture. With this series, George Lucas became one of the four major directors in the 1980s.

The release of the Star Wars Prequel is undoubtedly a grand festival for many Star Wars fans in North America.

Ryan also saw from TV reports that the most avid Star Wars fans quit their jobs one month before the movie was released, and focused on reviewing the entire series from the beginning, so as to wait for the release of the new prequel.

On the day of the premiere, in front of the Metropolitan Theater in New York, there were a lot of people. The stars walked on the red carpet hand in hand. The most eye-catching ones were the robots R2D2 and Master Yoda.

Today’s protagonist belongs to George Lucas and his movie. Ryan was very conscious and only stayed for a short time at the entrance of the theater. After slightly satisfying the reporter's request to take pictures, he walked into the theater.

"Where is Nicole?" When George Lucas walked into the theater, after seeing Ryan, he found that the other person he had invited had not come.

"Jenkins Pictures has something urgent to deal with, she is back to Los Angeles." Nicole left in a hurry last night.

"What about my heroine?" George Lucas' beard almost curled up, venting his dissatisfaction to Ryan, "This is the person you recommend, Miss Natalie Portman, Some are too maverick."

"Sorry, George, you know, for someone who wants to do something both academically and in film, time is always tight." His lover has to defend himself, Ryan is still very enlightened. of.

George? Lucas was not good to say anything, and after a few more small words, he went to greet others.

No matter how others criticize George? Lucas will only eat his own money, but this is after all the premiere of the Star Wars series. There are countless Hollywood celebrities who have come here, and even some people who have not shown up in the past two years have been invited by him.

"Hello, Mr. Coppola." Ryan said hello to Francis Coppola who was held by his daughter.

"Ryan." The old man shook Ryan's outstretched hand. "Unexpectedly. You would promise to play Anakin Skywalker."

"Not to please women." Sophia Coppola whispered, "Where is Nat, Ryan? Didn't she come?"

"She wants to review her homework." Ryan had to make this excuse again.

"You young people, I'll go and say hello to my old friends." Francis Coppola knew very well that the era that belonged to them was over. Let her make friends with emerging power figures in Hollywood. There is no harm.

"Listen to George, you are not going to play in the second part?" Ryan asked after the two found a quieter place.

"I intend to temporarily end my career as an actor." Sophia Coppola hid the iconic big teeth, "I can imagine now, tomorrow those people will start to laugh at my teeth and acting!"

This can be said to be the biggest obstacle for actors from famous backgrounds. It is normal if they perform well in the film. If you do not perform well, just wait to be laughed at by the media for ‘shameful nepotism’.

"Don't worry too much about those people's voices."

Frankly speaking, the acting skills of Sophia Coppola described by the media are not exaggerated. She really has no talent in this regard. "Sophia, didn't you choose to become a director? I believe you will let everyone who laughed at you, dear. Shut your mouth."

"It seems you have confidence in me?" Sophia Coppola laughed. If it looks like this, her rabbit teeth are actually not ugly, "Then can you invest in my next film?"

"Do you have an idea?" Ryan was curious.

"It's a bit, but it's vague." She stared at Ryan seriously and asked, "If possible, can you help me improve it?"

"Are you sure?" Ryan stopped the passing waiter, took two cups of soda, and handed it to Sophia. "Sophia, you know what I am best at. Are you sure that the next work is a completely commercial theme? "

"Come on, Ryan." Sophia Coppola drank a sip of soda, "Scarlett told me a lot about you, and "Remaining on the Deserted Island" also proved that you can create excellent literary works."

"When did Scarlett become a traitor?" Ryan muttered deliberately and asked. "How is she doing?"

"Excellent, much better than I am." Sophia seemed to be a little embarrassed, hesitated and said, "It is the relationship... She and Kirsten Dunst are not very happy to get along with each other."

"Scarlett is my friend..."

Before Ryan finished speaking, Sophia nodded, "I know what to do."

"That's it for the time being." From the corner of Ryan's eyes, he aimed at an old man who was about to leave. Sophia Coppola asked, "What happened just now?"

"After you have a clear idea, you can send it to my mailbox, and I can help you with some comments. This is your work, Sophia.

After leaving this sentence, Ryan took a few steps and caught up with the old man, "Hi, Mr. Scott."

"Ryan..." The old man looked over strangely.

"Can you talk about it?" Ryan made a please gesture.

"of course can."

Ridley Scott followed Ryan to the other party just now, Sophia watched him go and returned, guessing that the two might have important things to talk about. When he wanted to leave, Ryan waved his hand and did something. It's okay gesture.

As a woman, curiosity is an essential factor. Sophia Coppola simply pricked up her ears.

"Ridley, can I invite you to direct a film?"

This is Ryan's voice. Sophia Capola knows that his directness and decisiveness in handling film affairs is well-known throughout Hollywood.

"Oh? Can you ask which one it is? Isn't it "Man Hundred Percent"?" Sophia rolled her eyes and asked whether this theme is suitable for you? Besides, the news that Nancy Miles is in charge of the film's guide has long been circulated throughout the circle.

"Gladiator!" The voice was still so simple.

"The script of the Roman Empire that Hollywood preached some time ago?"

"Yes, that's it."

"Don't you..."

"Yes, Ridley, this is the script I prepared for myself."

Hearing this, Sophia Coppola knew that as long as Ridley Scott was not confused, he would definitely take the job. What is Ryan's biggest goal now? From his transformation in "Remains of a Deserted Island", it is already obvious.

Moreover, he is the guarantee of the box office, this kind of fame and fortune, if you change yourself, you will definitely respond directly.

Sure enough, as she thought, Ridley Scott, who was in desperate need of turning over, nodded happily, "I need to see the script first. If I guess correctly, this is an epic theme?"

After Ryan nodded, Ridley Scott's voice came over again, "You know, Ryan, this type of film requires a very long preparation time, budget..."

Sophia’s eyes kept falling on Ryan. He raised his hand and interrupted Ridley Scott, “The movie won’t start until next year at the earliest, and I’m preparing a 100 million dollar production for the movie. budget."

Well, generous, much more courageous than my cousin who only knows how to eat, drink, play and spend money indiscriminately. Sophia Coppola sighed suddenly.

"What are you thinking about? So ecstatic?"

After Ridley Scott left, Ryan saw Sophia Coppola still staring at him, and immediately walked over, "Sophia?"

"Nothing, just thinking about when I will be able to direct a multi-million-dollar production." Sophia Coppola lowered his eyelids, covering the glistening eyes.

"There will be this day." Ryan casually comforted.

In the previous life, the great success of "Lost in Tokyo" established Sophia Coppola's position as a director. Everyone believed that she would become the first female director to win the Oscar for Best Director, but this honor finally fell. On the head of the truck driver’s ex-wife.

"Hopefully the investor will be you, Ryan."

Sophia Coppo joked, looked at the time, and made a please gesture, "The movie is about to begin, let's go in."

Apart from the dazzling stunts and the reputation accumulated by Star Wars, from the point of view of the filming and editing of this movie, and the least logic of the plot, George Lucas’s indeed can only be the bottom of the four major directors. , The whole story is full of too many coincidences.

Although all movies are almost a collection of coincidences, if they are used unlimitedly, they will lack sufficient persuasiveness.

Well, logic, story, plot, reasonableness, and even the unreliable fights of the Jedi Knights can be thrown long as the movie is Star Wars, as long as the special effects of Industrial Light and Magic are dazzling enough, for this For a fully commercialized work, it is enough.

George Lucas’ Industrial Light and Magic possesses the most advanced film special effects technology in Hollywood, which is undoubtedly evident in "The Phantom Threat."

The main plot of the movie is the appearance of Anakin Skywalker and the acquaintance with Queen Amidala played by Natalie, and at the same time lay the groundwork for their subsequent love.

Anyway, in Ryan's view, the plot in many places can be improved. Lucas had asked for his opinion at the beginning, but Ryan remained silent, as he said at the time, this belongs to George Lu. If you don't want to create unnecessary contradictions in Cass's work, it is better to keep your mouth shut.

Kui Gang Jin died in battle, Obi Wang avenged him, the real and false queen messed up the sight of the trade alliance, the planet of Naboo was restored to peace, Obi Wang took away the young Anakin Skywalker, Insistently accepting him as a student, the first movie came to an end.

Ryan believes that the wave of criticism will surely drown out the small praise tomorrow.

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