Rebirth In Hollywood

Chapter 432: income

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Even Ryan, a guy who has no faith, agrees with this very much.

He would rather abandon the gains he might get-of course, the unexpected may be greater-than take unnecessary risks. The stock market is unpredictable, and even the top people on Wall Street don't dare to say Nasdaq. When will the index collapse.

The act of selling tens of billions of dollars in stocks before the stock market crashed and making money is doomed to appear only in fantasy.

In the past year, in addition to the transfer negotiations with Yahoo and Cisco, Scott’s team also hired a large number of traders to slowly sell stocks through multiple accounts to cash out. The specific operation in the middle was unknown to Ryan, only Knowing that Scott remained cautious enough and used a lot of methods.

Stocks do not represent how much market value they represent, but actually have as much value. Even laymen like Ryan know that every sell-off will bring a certain amount of volatility to the market, if billions of dollars are thrown away. It’s hard to say that Nasdaq will collapse last year.

Fortunately, Scott is a good player in this area, and the team is professional enough. Although a considerable part of the money was inevitably lost, he successfully fulfilled Ryan's requirements at the time.

Appropriate greed will keep people motivated, and excessive greed will only bring disaster.

Ryan was satisfied with the income he was able to get last year. Besides, Nasdaq will soon be hit hard. Google, which accepted his investment last year, is planning a new round of financing. There will be opportunities to make money in the future. , There is no need to take those huge risks at all.

"Ryan, if your actual net worth is announced, you will definitely enter the top ten of the Forbes rich list next year." Scott smiled very brightly, not to mention his own investment, only Ryan's dividends. , Is enough to make him one of the top richest in North America. "And you are different from Bill Gates and the others. Most of what you have in your hand is cash."

"Can you tell me a specific number?" If you have more wealth, it is actually a game of numbers.

"The specific number is still being calculated, and I estimate it should be between US$16 billion and US$18 billion."

Hearing what Scott said, Ryan just let out a sigh, and didn't change too much, and asked casually, "Is that all?"

"Part of the funds were used to invest in Google last year, and part of them to acquire a small amount of shares in Walt Disney." Scott roughly explained the whereabouts of some of the funds. "Don't forget. Also pay dividends to the investment team and traders."

"This is the number after tax payment?" Ryan asked again.

"Yes, after paying taxes."

Hearing what Scott said, Ryan nodded in relief.

If this money is exploited by the greatest and most powerful department of the United States, the Inland Revenue Department, how much will be left in the end?

State taxes, federal taxes... Thinking of some taxes that he can't even name, Ryan only felt that his head was two times bigger.

Whether the United States is heaven or **** has nothing to do with him. With Ryan's current status and status, he has no perception of these for a long time, maybe after the stock market crash. Those who jumped off the Empire State Building and Brooklyn Bridge will have a clearer answer.

With money, Ryan has the confidence to promote the next plan, otherwise everything is just fantasy.

He made such a compromise with the Jewish group on Wall Street. Accepting their investment is not about sharing for the sake of sharing.

"Ryan, if things are really as we expected, we need to determine the next investment direction." A large sum of money is in hand. It is definitely not a wise choice.

"IT industry!" Ryan didn't care about Scott's surprised expression at all, and said to himself, "These are not in a hurry. I'll talk about it when the stock market really changes."

Ryan doesn't know how much influence a person has on a world. He only knows that someone in his previous life said that what he can affect is only the area covered by his palm.

To use Nicole’s joke back then, there is a little **** named Ryan Jenkins in this world, and some changes will definitely happen.

But this change is more reflected in Hollywood. For the United States, for the stock market, he is just the wings of a weak little butterfly.

Nothing unexpected happened in the previous life. At the beginning, people expected this to be only a temporary decline, but the panic in the market quickly spread to all corners, and the Nasdaq index was more than 5000 points from its peak in March. , Fell to less than 2000 points a few months later.

The myth of it has been shattered. The Empire State Building, Golden Gate Bridge, and Brooklyn Bridge, which are popular suicide sites in the United States, have once again become lively. The loss of husbands’ wives and fatherless children has become the focus of media attention and benefited Those people will only hide in the dark to enjoy the dividends they get.

Of course, as usual, the rich will always show their generosity at such moments. For example, those famous Wall Street tycoons call for attention to family bankruptcy. Who would have thought that the foundation they control through secret means is precisely this. One of the winners of this sharing event.

There is also Ryan, a charitable foundation under his name, which is selectively helping some bankrupt families, especially some capable securities brokers and financial practitioners.

"Hey, Nicole, that big sum of money..."

Ryan was sitting in his garden, talking on the phone with Nicole who had gone to Australia, "How are you going to spend it?"

As the person who helped him the most and the closest person, Ryan has never forgotten Nicole Kidman since the day he started investing. She is the second largest shareholder in all of his industries, and she has also made a lot of money this time. Pen dividends.

If you put it on the bright side, it can occupy an important position on the list of rich women.

"Judy, Annie and Kate, I are on a farm in Queensland. We plan to buy all the other two nearby farms, and then re-plan to build the most beautiful holiday estate in Australia." Nicole As soon as he finished speaking, there was a woman's laughter in the receiver, followed by Antonia Kidman's words, "Ryan, if possible, we will buy the Gold Coast and the Great Barrier Reef."

"Anne, don't mess around." After Nicole scolded his sister, Grid laughed. "The four of us will form a joint negotiating team. After our vacation, we will go to Hawaii to negotiate with David Murdoch and the Hawaii State government. , I will buy Lanai for you."

"Me?" Ryan's question had just been sent out, and Nicole said again, "You pay the money, and of course it must be in your name. That's it. I have to contact the lawyers to make preparations."

Hanging up the phone, Ryan looked boredly at the helicopter on the tarmac in the distance, thinking of Lanai Island that Nicole had said before.

Soon after the two went on vacation, they officially joined the ranks of buying. The sale of such a large island is by no means a short-term thing, and just as he had expected, after his buyer appeared, Bill Gay Sure enough, he lacked interest and put all his energy back on dealing with the antitrust investigation in the Federal Court.

The most powerful competitor is naturally Larry Ellison, but this madman does not have much energy to worry about Lanai Island. Oracle, a standard IT company, although the stocks are falling, it is far better than nothing. Going to Cisco and other companies was enough to keep him at the helm for a while.

The collapse of Nasdaq has just begun. Blizzard Entertainment and Pixar Studios have also been affected, but the market value of these two companies is not high, and in recent years, they have achieved large profits every year. Last year Scott also cooperated with the executives of the two companies to curb the rapid rise in stocks. Coupled with the current sufficient capital reserves, the impact can be minimized as much as possible.

When will the IT industry pick up? Ryan thought for a while. There was no concept of time at all. He vaguely remembered that after Google went public, it led to the revival of the entire IT industry.

If you count it this way, don’t worry, Google is now just a very humble small company. Larry Page and Sergey Brin originally planned to raise funds on Wall Street and go public soon, but now the changes in the stock market will definitely let them. After the infinite delay of the plan, investors will also look down on this industry in the short term, and Google may not be able to accept its own investment again.

If it goes well, will you become Google's largest shareholder? Even if the market will be diluted after a few years, that is one thing that can wake up in dreams.

This unreliable random thinking made Ryan feel very happy, and the corners of his mouth curled up slightly under the not-so-hot sunlight.

In the future, I have three women to raise, to promote my dearest sister as a superstar in the pop music world, and to overwhelm the enemy whose fangs are becoming more and more visible. All of these need money.

"Ryan, Miss Theron is here." George, who was sitting on the other side, reminded.

Converging the imperceptible smile, Ryan stood up and walked towards the garage. He met the black masked face masked man with a hood and took over the large travel bag she was carrying.

"Ready?" He upturned his travel, it's not very heavy, it should be some clothes.

"Didn't you say that, you just need to bring close-fitting clothes, do you have preparations on the other boats?" Charlize Theron generously took Ryan's arm, "Can we set off?"

"Here." Ryan took her to the tarmac. "The yacht has already sailed out of the port. Let's go directly by plane."

"good idea."

Hearing this good way to avoid reporters, Charlize frowned slightly, then let go, "Honey, do you drive by yourself?"

"If you don't mind falling into the sea." Driving a car is okay, but if Ryan is flying a plane, I am afraid that the plane crash will happen before he is outside the range of Jenkins Manor.

The helicopter circled low and quickly followed the scheduled route to the Santa Monica Pier. Ryan's newly arrived yacht was waiting for them in the deep sea area outside the pier.

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