Rebirth In Hollywood

Chapter 452: Surprise series

This film is produced by Marvel Pictures**, and Jenkins Pictures is responsible for its distribution. The beginning of the film is the latest title designed and produced by Pixar Studios for Jenkins Pictures. The two men and two women who cannot see their faces come from four different directions Coming together, four hands of different sizes were held tightly in one place. Watermark advertising testWatermark advertising test

The meaning of the title is very simple, representing the four founders of Jenkins Pictures.

Then, Ryan had seen it countless times in his previous life, and he couldn't be more familiar with the opening of Marvel Comics.

The world of Marvel comics is huge and complicated, and there are multiple parallel spaces at the same time. The relationship between the characters in the comics is even more chaotic. If the movie completely copied the settings of the comics, it would definitely be a disaster.

The entry point of "X-Men" was selected in the darkest era. The first person to enter the field of vision was Eric Lanchel. Magneto appeared in the Nazi concentration camp as a teenager.

Generally speaking, the opening scene has not changed much. Faced with the separation from his mother, the young Eric exploded with the ability to control the magnetic field, but the final shot is no longer the Nazi incinerator, but on the balcony of the dark building. The same shadowy figure stood.

Although it is a group play, there are also primary and secondary points in group play. One of the most critical characters in this movie is naturally a little mischievous.

Originally, Marvel Pictures’ favorite candidate was Natalie, but was rejected by the Long Island Girl on the excuse of school tension. Later, James Cameron’s relative, Catherine Isabel, was born.

After a speech by Jean Gray, the pair of good friends who fell in love with each other and entangled their grievances for a lifetime performed their first rivalry.

"Eric, what are you doing here?" Professor X in a wheelchair stopped Magneto.

"My old friend." Magneto's entire face was covered in the shadow of the brim of his hat, "Why do you ask these questions that you already know the answer to."

"Don't give up human beings, my brother." Professor X showed his position in a few sentences, "You have to have faith in them."

"Confident?" Magneto raised his head. A sharp look flashed in his eyes, "Charles, have you forgotten what happened in 62? Forgot that they used cannons and missiles against us in the Caribbean? Forgot what they did to Ruiwen?"

"If it weren't for your confusion, Ruiwen would not leave me." Charles still spoke slowly. "Nor will encounter those dangers later."

"What about your legs? Did you forget that it was a human agent's bullet. It made you now..."

Before Magneto finished speaking, Professor X interrupted him. "Eric, you did this. I... was accidentally injured by you."

"Yes...I did it." Magneto hesitated for a while, and said still. "I'm sorry, Charles."

"That's all over." Professor X said with a pun. "That's all over, Eric, mankind has evolved."

"Have you evolved into a mutant?" Magneto turned and walked downstairs, "Don't disturb me, Charles. I just fight for the survival of our race!"

Under Ryan's suggestion, Magneto's setting in the movie has a stronger taste of both righteousness and evil, instead of being a pure villain. In some ways, it is closer to a protector who fights for the benefit of mutants.

This movie is not only the opening of the X-Men, but also sets up some corresponding topics, leading to the following series of surprise plans.

The early resolution of the copyright issue has made Surprise more open to the whole series. The way of superheroes in the past life is undoubtedly a good way to trigger the topic.

Of course, this is just the beginning. There is still a lot of uncertainty in the subsequent actors and scripts. This kind of chaos is more reflected in the lines.

Wolverine and Xiaoqi met the saber-toothed tiger. Logan was knocked down on the front cover of the car by the other's sudden attack. The saber-toothed tiger pulled the metal nameplate from his neck.

"My brother, I didn't expect that you still have the dog tag of the Roaring Commando." The saber-toothed tiger, who was talking urnly, with obvious mockery on his face, pinched Wolverine by the neck and said, "Join us, Logan, even if You once fought side by side with Steve Rogers and fought for the free world, so what can you do? Can you become a national hero like Captain America? In their eyes, you will always be a monster..."

"What are you talking about?" Wolverine doesn't remember these things after his amnesia. "Do you know me? Do you know my past?"

In the setting of surprise, Wolverine has experienced World War I and World War II, and once participated in Captain America’s Roaring Commando. It is completely reasonable. After all, copyright is no longer a problem, and collisions can produce base emotions... Ah no, it’s passion.

As for ‘my brother’, it can be understood as either a real brother or a mutant brother named by Eric. Anyway, love and kill each other...

When Ryan remembered his previous life, after Marvel changed his name to Marvel, the Three Views became more and more problematic, and it became commonplace to engage in foundation.

The plot of brothers abuse me thousands of times, and I treat my brothers like first love, exists in almost every movie.

Another highlight in the movie is the strange relationship between Ruiwen, Charles and Eric, which is occasionally mentioned in the language, but is always obscure.

After the maiden kidnapped the congressman who advocated severe restrictions on mutants, she returned to the base camp of Magneto. Before changing the congressman's genes, Todd Todd made a proposal. (Pingnan Literature Net)

"Since Professor X is always against us, why not kill him."

"Before you kill him, I will kill you first!" The magic girl standing next to Magneto warned sharply, "Without him, there would be no current magic girl!"

"Professor X did more for mutants than you can imagine." These are the words of Magneto.

Compared with the messy world view in the comics, the movie has a clear theme. There is another group of people in the world-mutants, who have super powers due to genetic mutations. Unfortunately, there are also super powers that come with them. Loneliness and loneliness, and isolation from the entire society.

Each mutant has a unique journey, has its own standpoint and method of life. Although the movie goes straight to the story and does not have too many complicated backgrounds, the attitude of Professor X and Magneto towards ordinary humans is undoubtedly the best. Proof.

Professor x is relatively gentle. It is advocated that mutants use their abilities appropriately, can integrate into human society, and coexist peacefully with ordinary humans.

Magneto is more intense, for the benefit of the mutant race. He can do whatever it takes. Even sacrificing the interests of a single mutant.

From another perspective, Professor X is a bit like Martin Luther King. Magneto is Malcolm Aix, both of them are strong and have firm beliefs, but they have taken different paths. A pair of good friends is also destined to fall in love and kill each other.

Of course, in this movie, the most important roles are Wolverine and Little Naughty, Storm Girl, Laser Eye and other characters, which are more like soy sauce fans...

Another important role is Jean Gray. The important member of the X-Men played by Charlize Theron does not seem to be very eye-catching. However, after the Magneto conspiracy failed, while playing chess with the visiting Professor X in the prison, a conversation revealed her extremely important position in the latter two parts.

"Charles, why do you want to limit the ability of the piano?" Magneto played plastic chess. "You are restricting the future of mutants. You clearly know that Qin is the most powerful one among us."

"I don't deny this." Teacher x stared at the chessboard in front of him and said as a reminder, "Unlimited power will only bring destruction, Eric, I told you ten years ago that there is hidden in Qin's soul. With another shadow, once released, you and I will not be able to restrain her if we join forces again!"

"The current Qin is gentle, understands humility and sacrifice, that shadow is blocked by me, I have felt her power, she can only destroy!"

The previous life was probably due to the change of directors. Jean Gray’s sudden transition in the third part was too blunt, and there were enough clues left in the first two parts, and then it seemed a lot more natural.

Of course, unlike his previous life, Brian Singer directly signed a trilogy contract with Marvel Pictures. In the face of that high breach of contract, he would probably not make an unwise choice.

No matter how the movie is changed, it must conform to the current mainstream values. Professor x destroyed Magneto’s conspiracy to use mischief and saved the heads of the world and New York as a whole. Human society has returned to tranquility, and mischief and Wolverine are back. Back to mutant school.

The movie also left enough suspense, such as the topic of Jean Gray, such as the magical girl who became a member of Parliament, such as Logan's memories that flashed from time to time.

"Is this over?" Taylor was about to stand up, and Ryan pressed her back. "Honey, wait a while."

The first part of "X-Men" is indeed over, but this is the beginning of the Marvel series. After the subtitles were over, Marvel Pictures' first official movie egg appeared.

In the mutant school, Laser Eye, Storm Girl, Wolverine, and Jean Gray discussed how to show their abilities in front of people so as not to cause excessive panic.

"Scott, do you mean that even if we get if the other party is just ordinary people, we have to endure?" It was the grumpy Wolverine who was speaking, and he patted the table again. "From another perspective, if ordinary humans are in danger and need rescue, should we take action?"

"I think New York has found its protector." Jean Gray suddenly put a newspaper on the table in front of everyone, "Which of you have seen this little spider? Is it our kind?"

The camera gave a large close-up of the newspaper. A man with a hood and a red and blue tights was crouching on the smooth glass of a skyscraper in a strange posture. The spider on his chest was very eye-catching.

Because there is no final candidate for Peter Parker, Marvel Studios simply adopted such a method to remind Spider-Man fans that your favorite is coming!

In fact, Brian Singer, the director of "X-Men", designed a scene of the confrontation between Spider-Man and the X-Men during the filming. He put the stuntman Scott Lava in Spider-Man clothes. , Inadvertently broke into the mutant school, had a head-on conflict with Laser Eye, Storm Girl and Jean Gray, and then fled in a hurry.

This scene did not appear in the movie, but was included in the DVD discs that will be released later. ()