Rebirth In Hollywood

Chapter 458: Speculate

"There are more and more reporters blocking the company's door."

Hearing Julius Stewart’s complaint, after signing the signing, Ryan handed over the fourth script of "Scream" he had confirmed, and said, "I'm sorry, Julius, because of me. The personal problems of the company have brought a lot of inconvenience to the company."

"Ryan..." Jules Stewart seemed to want to say something, but after hesitating for a while, he still endured it.

Faced with this situation, Ryan wisely chose to turn a blind eye and asked questions about his work, "How about the movie adaptation rights of the female killer on the road?"

"We have reached an agreement with Hilby."

That woman surrendered directly in front of the money, and the other was the trouble. "Eileen Warnos herself hasn't responded yet."

“Find someone to find a way to contact her.” Although it’s okay to skip her filming, Ryan doesn’t want to cause some trouble in the follow-up. “Even people who want to die, there are things that care about and are tempting. If you can, let Hill Than to see her."

As for the woman Hilby, money can be done easily.

Since Charlize Theron firmly chose to stand by his side, Ryan would naturally reward him accordingly.

After saying a few other things, Julius Stewart left this office. When passing the corridor near the outer floor, it seemed that he could still hear the clutter from the front of the company building. It appeared from Ryan to Jenkins Pictures. From that moment on, more and more reporters gathered.

To be precise, this is Ryan's personal affairs, but Julis is very worried that these personal affairs are likely to have a bad effect on Jenkins Pictures.

Compared with other Hollywood production companies, Jenkins Pictures’ shareholders and management are extremely united, which is also an important reason for the company’s high efficiency. Now, Wall Street people are the first to buy shares. With this incident again, can everything be the same as before?

You know, Nicole Kidman has always been the chairman of the company...

Shaking his head, Julius entered her office. She believes Ryan can handle all this.

After entering the working state. Ryan has thrown away all the troubles and has been in Hollywood for so many years. He knows exactly what the foundation of this Vanity Fair is.

In addition to film matters, Ryan rarely interferes with the company's normal operations, but he will take the initiative to understand what he needs to know.

Not to mention the low-cost series released in the first half of the year. The most heavyweight work of Jenkins Pictures this summer is "The Matrix 2: Reloaded". Although this movie has dropped a lot from the first word of mouth, it still created a hacking boom in North America and has become so far. The highest-grossing movie in North America this year.

It has been more than two months since the movie has landed in North America, and the box office has exceeded 300 million U.S. dollars. It became the first North American film to exceed 300 million U.S. dollars this year. However, there are currently less than 1,000 theaters remaining. The number of viewers has shown a plummeting state, and the potential of the market is almost squeezed out.

If nothing else, the North American box office of "The Matrix 2: Reloaded" will increase by another 10 to 20 million US dollars at most, and it is impossible to exceed 350 million US dollars...

but. Among the movies that have been confirmed to be released this year, Ryan did not see the name of the previous life that was super popular. The performance of "The Matrix 2: Reloading" can basically be booked for this year's North American box office ranking champion.

Whether it is "Men 100%" with Paramount or "Gladiator" produced by Jenkins Pictures**, it is difficult to shake "The Matrix 2: Reloading" at the box office, its biggest competition The opponent is from Pixar Studios, and the upcoming "Monster Electric Company" chose the Thanksgiving Christmas file.

Because of Ryan's relationship, this animated feature film was approved earlier and completed earlier than in the previous life.

Also because of the lack of Disney's constraints and sufficient funds, Pixar is also faster in technology research and development than in the past. I believe that the protagonist of "Monster Electric Company" will bring a shock to the industry.

Looking at the email sent by Pixar, Ryan naturally thought of Disney. Compared with the beginning of the year, Disney’s management, who was busy stabilizing the stock price, had less private snooping on Pixar. After all, the stable internal is external expansion. basis.

For the details of the stock market crash in the previous life, Ryan only knows some superficial things, and the specific chain reaction is unknown. Now the sharply declining Nasdaq index has driven the stock market to a collective decline, and panic selling has continued one after another. The emergence of even media groups such as Time Warner, Conscat and Viacom have been affected.

Walt Disney is no exception. Many shareholders have chosen to cash out, and some small shareholders have changed hands.

Ryan will naturally not let this opportunity pass. The investment team has bought Disney stocks through more than a dozen secret accounts.

With enough shares, when Disney holds the next shareholder meeting, he will have the right to speak, maybe he can squeeze into Disney's board of directors, then what will Michael Eisner look like?

Of course, Ryan is just thinking about it. Wanting to be a member of Disney's board of directors is not something that can be done with shares in his hands.

According to the New York Stock Exchange’s listed company governance rules, all listed companies should have outside directors, who should account for more than half of the board of directors. The nomination committee under the board of directors should consist of all or more than half of outside directors. Disney has a nomination committee. , The vast majority of members are outside directors, and the chairman of the committee is an executive director.

According to the design of the legal system, the responsibility of the nomination committee is to make opinions on the company's important personnel appointments, make reasonable judgments on the qualifications of the proposed personnel, and conduct regular evaluations of the competence of the current senior staff of the company.

However, this rule does not apply to Disney at all. Since coming to power in 1984, Michael Eisner has not only developed Disney into a media group with a market value of tens of billions of dollars, but has also turned the management into his arbitrariness.

This greedy professional manager is a master of power. He uses the loopholes in Disney’s management to constantly reject dissidents in the management. For example, Jeffrey Katzenberg, who made great achievements for Disney, left Disney angrily, and The creation of DreamWorks by the other two is not unrelated to Michael Eisner's suppression.

Knowing yourself and the enemy, a hundred battles never end, even if reborn from the other side here, Ryan still thinks this is the most reasonable saying.

Michael Eisner is doing moves in private, how can he choose to give in because of his character?

In fact, his investigation and consulting company has found a large amount of information about the other party, and there are not a few things that have inspired Ryan and awakened his few related memories.

And he also thoroughly understood Michael Eisner's ambitions.

A few years ago, Roy Disney and Michael Eisner had a sharp contradiction. The only member of the Disney family in the company once proposed to let his son enter the management of the company in order to prepare for the future handover of the Disney family. Michael Eisner's merciless obstruction.

Faced with this situation, the Disney family can do nothing. The only share they have has long lost control of Walt Disney. On the other hand, board voting has become synonymous with Eisner’s personal will. .

These are all smooth and wide-ranging things, and Ryan has heard about it a long time ago. It was not until Garcia Rodriguez sent some of the investigation data to George’s hands that he knew that Michael Eisner’s ambitions were not only in the hands of George. this.

At the level of ownership, the Disney tyrant continued to increase his salary and stock options. He invited Grave Cristal, the most outstanding salary consultant in the United States, to draft a contract between the two parties. The core of this contract is high salary and a large number of stock options. .

To put it simply, it is to take the opportunity of taking control of Disney to increase its holdings when the company raises funds to issue additional stocks.

By the mid-nineties, Michael Eisner became the largest shareholder after Roy Disney. By last year, Michael Eisner’s stock had approached 6%, completely surpassing Roy Disney and became The largest individual shareholder of Walt Disney.

Although most of Disney’s shares are held in the hands of numerous investment groups large and small on Wall Street, these people invest for profit. As long as the people in charge of Disney can bring enough profits, they don’t care if the people sitting on it are. The last name is Disney, but the last name is Eisner.

In the process of controlling the Disney Company’s board of directors for nearly two decades, one step at a time, little by little, he stuffed his "persons" into the board, and he took advantage of various opportunities to win over the alliance to increase his shareholding. Michael Eisner did just that. The board of directors, who exercised the power of the company on behalf of the shareholders meeting, was hijacked and turned into his personal board of directors.

Although there are many voices of opposition, he can always think of ways to solve it, such as using the common interests of Pixar studio.

Benefits can blind many people's eyes. According to Ryan's speculation, even if Disney swallows Pixar, Roy Disney will inevitably roll out the fate of the board of directors.

He remembers very clearly that Disney has a clause that directors over 72 years old must retire. This clause used by the Disney brothers to keep the company alive will definitely become the end of the Disney family's blood in the company.

When the biggest opponent, an "outsider" on the Ehrlich board of directors, a "person who is not his own," and a "after the stumbling block disappears" that needs to be eliminated at the end, Michael Eisner will be able to achieve complete control of the Disney company, and even Disney steals it for itself and becomes its own kingdom.

The servant has since become the master!

Although this is a speculation based on existing data, Ryan knows people's greed and what he wants to do. Why would Michael Eisner, the current chairman and chairman of Disney, let it go? ()