Rebirth In Hollywood

Chapter 484: Golden Globe Awards

"Hello, Miss Sarandon. Watermark advertising test Watermark advertising test"

Scarlett’s voice came from one side, and when Ryan saw it, she was smiling and saying hello to the heroine Susan Sarandon, "Can we change seats?"

"of course can."

This is obviously a sensible person. After Ryan nodded to her, he took the initiative to change to Scarlett's position at another table.

Ryan had just said hello to Scarlett, and Sophia Coppola, who was sitting at the next table, also came to this table and sat beside Scarlett.

"Ryan, it's been a long time since I saw you." The famous female director smiled and beckoned here, "Thank you for the suggestion in the email."

"You're welcome." Ryan waved his hand indifferently, "Actually, Sophia, your idea is very mature, I just made a few trivial comments."

"Hey, hello, hello..." Scarlett leaned to the table, "What are you talking about? Why don't I understand."

She has worked with Sophia Coppola and knows each other very well.

"My new movie." Sophia Coppola explained a few words, "The script of the new movie, I exchanged some thoughts with Ryan in the mail, and I was inspired a lot."

"Oh..." The girl nodded, "When will the shooting start?"

"It's estimated that it will take a while. My script has not yet been completed." Sophia Coppola suddenly looked over, "And I didn't find a suitable investor. The film is going to be shot in Tokyo. I can't afford the cost myself. ."

"Sophia, I am very optimistic about this movie." Because I discussed the script with the other party, Ryan knew that the plot was almost the same as in the previous life, and immediately said, "I can invest in this film, but..."

With the experience of "Death of the Virgin". Sophia Coppola immediately understood that this was a condition, and couldn't help but said helplessly, "Ryan, what are your conditions?"

"Same as last time." Ryan's eyes fell on Scarlett.

Sophia Coppola exaggerated. "It seems that we have a good understanding. The first candidate I thought of was also Scarlett."

Unfortunately, the girl in this rebellious period has obviously diverted her energy. Natalie walked in from outside the banquet hall, she stood up and beckoned, beckoning her friend to come quickly.

After a few people greeted Natalie, they sat down again. She asked in hindsight, "You seem to be discussing what role I should play? Isn't it the type of Princess Mia?"

"It's Sophia's new movie." Ryan knew that the current classmate Scarlett was still a literary girl. "The role is the type you like. If you have time, you can talk with Sophia."

Scarlett Johansson clearly believed in Ryan, nodded directly, and said to Sophia Coppola, "I will have a yacht party in a few days. I will call you at that time and rest assured, it is an all-female party. , I have already borrowed Ryan’s yacht."

Talking. Still winking here, Ryan had no choice but to nod.

This is the Golden Globe awards ceremony, and after a few small chats with Natalie, Sophia Coppola returned to his table.

The red carpet outside was still going on, and a steady stream of stars walked into the banquet hall. Because there was no red carpet, Ryan came earlier, chatting with Natalie and Scarlett, and chatting with people who came near. Hello.

"Nate, you bought a villa in North Hollywood." Scarlett made a nuisance on purpose. "Are you planning to settle in Hollywood?"


During this period of time, Natalie has gradually recovered her calm, "Before graduating from Harvard, it was impossible for me to move here."

"Then I will move here in the future?" Scarlett looked very happy. "After my birthday this year, I plan to move out of the house. It's better to be neighbors. I can help you take care of the house when you are away. ."

"Ryan has already greeted Lisa. Lisa will send someone to manage the villa." Natalie's eyes swept across Ryan's face, as calm as when she was a child, "If you can, you It’s okay to move closer, we can still be company in the future."

"I remember..." Ryan looked at Natalie and tapped his forehead lightly. "It seems that the previous villa is also on sale, Scarlett, let your agent ask about it."

Most of the time, the two girls murmured together. The love they grew up together made the relationship between them far better than their previous lives. They can be said to be best friends who talk about everything.

"Hey, ladies..."

Seeing the lights on the front stage, Ryan gently buttoned the table, "Pay attention to your manners, the live broadcast is about to begin."

The Golden Globe Awards are hosted by the Hollywood Foreign Press Association and are held in the form of a dinner. They are very important film and TV awards in North America. They were even dubbed the Oscar vane by some people in the past few years.

Because nominations for the Golden Globe Awards are generally announced in mid-December, "Gladiator", which was only released before Christmas, naturally missed this award.

In fact, Ryan doesn't care much about this award. The so-called Oscar weather vane is just a weather vane, and it does not have much influence on the Oscar award.

The most typical example is the awarding agency of the Golden Globe Awards. The inclusion of members of the Hollywood Foreign Press Association is not based on the qualifications and achievements of the members in the press. Members only need to publish four articles with remuneration every year. The only punishment for this requirement is to turn the member into a'cold-hold' state.

Many people in this association rely solely on pensions and do not rely on news to feed on. Among them, there are even some **10-year-olds. More than two-thirds of these so-called journalists are part-time. , Real estate, auto and insurance sales, etc., just occasionally write articles for small foreign publishers.

It is conceivable whether the awards selected by more than 90 people will be affected in some way.

The famous comedian Groucho Marks once said, "If the Hollywood Reporter Association really wants me to join, I don't want it. Once I join them to participate in the Golden Globe Awards, my credit will plummet."

In North America, the shady scenes of the Golden Globes are almost universally known, and some members openly admit that they will be more affected by small favors and flattery, regardless of the quality of the work itself.

In recent years, the Hollywood Foreign Correspondents Association has also been working hard to reform the association’s system, responding to external criticism, stipulating that gifts are now only allowed in champagne, bouquets, and movie accessories.

However, the media is still not well-received, and many mainstream media even use "the judges of the Golden Globe Awards are basically stupid" to evaluate the Hollywood Foreign Press Association.

Because "Gladiator" was not nominated, Ang Lee and "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" became the biggest winners in film awards tonight.

"Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" won the best foreign language film, best original music and best original song three awards, and Lee Ang won the best director.

In terms of public relations about "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon", Jenkins Films and Weinstein Films can be said to have won a lot.

As for the performance award, this movie can be completely ignored.

According to the weathervane, Ang Lee is very likely to get the best director of this year's Oscar, but unfortunately, the bald head that still smiles brilliantly after losing the Golden Globes is the real hot spot.

Even if there is no memory of previous life, according to the current state of Hollywood analysis, Ryan feels that even Ridley Scott is more likely to win the best director statue than Ang Lee.

The Twin Towers have not yet collapsed, and "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" is not a work that attracts the support of a large group like "Brokeback Mountain".

The awards were awarded one after another. Ryan knew almost nothing about TV dramas. Most of the TV stars who came to the stage to receive the awards were very strange to him.

Soon, Ryan saw interested people. This year's "American Idol" champion Kelly Clarkson, as the guest of honor, awarded the best actor in music and comedy.

That's right, this is the female singer who was taken away by Ryan. "American Idol" appeared early in this life. She also made her debut early. She still won the championship and successfully signed with the record company.

In any case, she is the first champion of American Idol. Even for the future ratings of this show, Jenkins Pictures and Fox TV will make great efforts to support her. If she is willing to work hard, like her previous life. It is not impossible to become the most successful champion of American Idol.

Then came the next award, which is why Ryan appeared here.

"The best supporting actress in a musical comedy was..." Julia Roberts, who stood on the stage, read the name of the winner aloud, "Natalie Portman "The End of the Grass."

"Congratulations, Nat!"

Ryan was the first to give a hug, and Scarlett leaned over, "Wow, Nat, you won the prize."

"thanks, thanks……"

Natalie unanimously thanked the director Pooh Wang and When finally passing in front of Ryan, she loosened her lips that she had been pursing, and seemed to have thrown away all her scruples and took the initiative to lighten up with him. Gave a light hug.

"Give me back my pendant, okay?" she said softly.

Ryan didn't say anything, just gave Natalie a relieved look.

The only thing that has to do with him is completed, Ryan's energy is obviously not on the stage, Natalie's smile obviously increases, and Scarlett looks at the golden ball with some envy.

"That's right, Nat." She whispered while the camera was removed, "Our yacht party can be used as your celebration party."

Seeing Ryan's eyes shifting, Classmate Scarlett immediately said vigilantly, "Although I borrowed your yacht, Ryan, we will not invite you. This is an all-female party."

"I didn't say to participate either." Ryan shook his head. ()