Rebirth In Hollywood

Chapter 511: disagree

The fall of the Petronas Twin Towers is undoubtedly another blow to the already sluggish US economy, and this is most directly reflected in the stock market. Watermark advertising testWatermark advertising test

After 9/11, the New York Stock Exchange suspended trading for four days and then reopened on the following Monday, while the Dow Jones Index fell more than 14% on the first day of trading.

In order to save market confidence and avoid adverse effects on economic recovery, the Federal Reserve and the US Securities Regulatory Commission announced a series of emergency measures.

During the market break, the US Securities Regulatory Commission convened the heads of major commercial banks and investment banks to discuss the situation, unify their thoughts, seek measures to stabilize the stock market, and allow listed companies to raise funds to repurchase the company’s stock in large quantities. The earnings per share performance level is equivalent to injecting a large amount of capital into the stock market. At the same time, the repurchase behavior also shows the attitude of listed companies to their own stock prices. The Fed also cut interest rates twice in the case of seven consecutive interest rate cuts.

The federal government has launched a fiscal stimulus package of more than 100 billion U.S. dollars at the fastest speed.

These timely and effective policy interventions have stabilized investor confidence to a large extent, and the stock market has gradually stopped falling and stabilized. The stock market quickly bottomed out two weeks after 9/11, and basically returned to its previous level in October. The short-term adverse effects of this time have been largely eliminated.

The re-stabilization of the market has also allowed some companies to restart their long-planned listing plans, such as Google.

In the previous life, Google’s previous financings were difficult. In 1999, the two founders tried their best, but they secured an investment of US$25 million. In this life, the investment from Ryan is four times this number. , In the following time, he has received a large amount of investment.

Of course, they paid more than 40% of the equity.

Sufficient funds and a rapidly expanding Internet market. All have brought this company's rapid development speed, especially the it stock myth created by Yahoo, which is deeply related to it, which makes them envious.

However, Google's road to market is full of anxiety.

According to the original plan. Google’s management wants to go public in mid-2000. But encountered the bursting of the it bubble.

According to the company's development and profitability, as well as the secret promotion of Ryan and some people on Wall Street who want to divide the cake. They plan to go public again this year, and just when everything is on the right track and a few steps away from the market, 911 is here again...

but. None of this hit Google's confidence. The stock market picked up slightly, and the listing plan that was about to be completed finally came to an end.

The latest financial report released by Google shows that its profit in the first half of the year reached 445 million U.S. dollars, and several financial institutions on Wall Street evaluated that this number will grow rapidly in the future. Because it faces a huge market with an annual increase of 3 to 5 billion US dollars.

In late October, after long-term preparations, Google officially landed on the Nasdaq public offering, with a single share price of $85. At the close of the day, it rose to $100.4, and the overall market value exceeded $25 billion.

JPMorgan Chase and Credit Suisse have become the largest customers of stock offerings. Not only are they optimistic about Google now, they even predict that Google's market value will double in the next one to two years. It is not a problem at all.

Because of Wall Street's unanimous optimism, Google instantly became a sought-after star stock.

By November, its single-share stock price was close to US$130, and its overall market value exceeded US$30 billion. It even helped the Nasdaq Index to get rid of its decline, and high-tech stocks gradually began to pick up.

Almost the entire Wall Street believes that Google will become the new leader in online stocks, with unlimited potential in the future.

There are countless Google pay orders on the market, and Wall Street investment institutions are actively contacting Google’s shareholders, hoping to get a share of the pie.

Ryan, Google's largest shareholder, naturally became the focus of everyone's attention.

And his plan has come to the most critical moment. Google's early listing did not encounter Waterloo, so that he has enough confidence to no longer need to start alternative plans.

Sharing with Wall Street is affirmative and necessary, but they also have to come up with some conditions. Besides, he has reached preliminary agreements with certain Jewish groups.

Because some intentions were reached before 9/11, the final conditions are naturally much faster now. Ryan transferred 20% of Google shares and 10% of Blizzard Entertainment shares at market price, and then paid a premium. By way of acquisition, most of the Disney shares in the hands of these investment institutions were obtained.

As for Blizzard, the "Warcraft 3: Reign of Chaos" released this year has created a myth in the industry. Its market value has increased by a full 30% compared to the beginning of the year. After the stock market returns to normal, it has become a leader in the stock market together with Google. Star stocks.

When Wall Street invested in Disney not to run an entertainment company, it was more for profit.

Although the relationship of many years of business has played a certain role in it, the key role is undoubtedly the interest. As long as there is enough interest, the vampires don't mind whether the target of the transaction is the devil.

Then, Ryan and Murdoch and Redon Dadda reached the final agreement to exchange part of Blue Sky Studios shares and the copyright of the "Terminator" series for Disney shares in the hands of News Corporation, and cash plus the copyright of "Mission Impossible" In this way, we got the Disney shares in Viacom’s hands.

And promised that the three parties will jointly invest in the production of a new spy series "The Bourne".

Capital is always profit-seeking, and in the face of huge enough immediate interests, it will make natural choices.

All of this was secretly signed by the authorized representatives of both parties on the last working day of this week.

After transferring a series of equity and copyright, and paying more than 7 billion US dollars in cash, Ryan's shares in Disney increased to 45%, becoming the largest shareholder of Disney.

According to relevant regulations, information must be released to the public with more than 10% of the shares of a listed company. However, the day the agreement is signed is already the last working day of the week, and it is fully in line with the regulations to postpone the release until next week.

And next Monday is Disney’s shareholder meeting.


Disney’s general meeting of shareholders was not held in the Disney headquarters building. Instead, it chose the No. 1 meeting room of the Hilton Hotel in Beverly Hills.

After annexing Pixar, what new measures Disney will have is undoubtedly the focus of the entertainment media's attention, since the sun has just risen. A large number of media reporters gathered in front of the hotel.

"Disney and Pixar are a strong alliance, and we will return to the glory of animation."

Before Michael Eisner entered the hotel, he deliberately accepted an interview with reporters, and the head of Disney was proud of spring breeze. It is as if the entire Disney Group has changed the surname Eisner. "I have made a detailed plan, and Disney will continue to follow my vision..."

"Mr. Eisner. Ryan is currently Disney's second largest shareholder. It is said that there are irreconcilable conflicts between you. Will this affect Disney's next development?"

"There is no problem between us."

Michael Eisner waved his hand casually and walked into the hotel.

After the general meeting of shareholders. He will start a new round of financing and other plans to dilute the shares in that guy's hands until he is finally forced out of Disney.

Shareholders with no rights and no duties? He smiled and shook his head.

"Hi, Michael, there is something so happy about it."

Just in front of the conference room, Ryan came from the other side and happened to see Michael Eisner. "It's better to speak up and share it."

Good luck guy! Michael Eisner snorted softly. He naturally knew some of the situation after Google went public. Apart from such emotions, he didn't know what to say.

Ryan shrugged. First walked into the meeting room.

He turned around and changed seats with a retail shareholder.

On the left are the agents from Wall Street. Although most of their shares have been transferred to Ryan, they still hold a certain amount.

On the right are Ed Camel and John Lasseter. After the share swap, the core of their Pixar group owns a total of nearly 3% of Disney's shares.

Saying hello to the people on Wall Street first, Ryan stretched out his hand to Ed Kamel, "It's been a long time, Ed."

"Everything is going well?" Ed Kamel asked.

"Successful." Ryan nodded, and then said in a low voice, "Are you and John ready to take charge of the entire Disney animation department?"

The two smiled knowingly.

Suddenly, Ryan felt a needle-like gaze, turned his head and looked over, it was Nicole, the Australian girl was still expressionless, and the look in his eyes was still a bit cold.

Well, he admitted that after losing Pixar, he hadn't changed too badly. Nicole couldn't vent his anger, and it was normal.

There is not much difference in the general meeting of shareholders of each company. After two hours and a rest period, the most important topic in the morning came to the election of a new president, chairman and One-Michael Eisner.

In the eyes of most people, Michael Eisner has just led Disney to annex Pixar and continue to serve as chairman is a logical matter.

Don't even prepare a competitor who walks through the scene?

Ryan looked at the big screen at the front of the conference room, showing how powerful the tyrant's desire for power is.

And Michael Eisner looked at him, and the corners of his slightly puckered mouth were clearly mocking and smiling as a winner.

Even if his net worth has once again become richer, at Disney, he is always just a shareholder who has little right to speak. Now with the shares in his hands there is still a bit of weight. After a period of time, the shares are diluted and they are of no importance. .

These are some very cryptic thoughts of Michael Eisner.

Moving his gaze to another place on his own initiative, Ryan shook his head slightly.

I still vaguely remember the relevant reports I have read in previous lives. Now it is almost a copy of Michael Eisner’s step down. At the original shareholder meeting, the chairman and the candidate were only himself, but the shareholders did not buy it. With more than 40% of the votes of no confidence, he was forced to step down.

Of course, Michael Eisner in his previous life did not take Pixar, nor was he the largest shareholder of Disney. He is now even more powerful.

However, the power of Wall Street in the previous life was too scattered, and it was not concentrated by him like it is now.

"I agree!" Michael Eisner was the first to express his position.

As one of the most traditional Hollywood companies, Disney uses the most traditional voting method




The large screen showed that the supporting shares quickly reached 30%, and a smile appeared on the face of the Disney tyrant.
