Rebirth In Hollywood

Chapter 575: Evil. Religion harms people

Tunisia is located at the northernmost point of the African continent. It is one of the few countries in the world where beaches, deserts, mountains and forests and ancient civilizations are concentrated. Cheap products and hospitable customs.

Since entering April, the ancient city of Carthage in Tunisia has become more lively than ever before, and the crew of "Star Wars 3" came here for shooting.

Although strictly abide by the management regulations of the ancient city of Carthage, after communication, the crew built a large-scale blue screen in a spacious area, and the filming also attracted a large number of tourists to stop and watch.

Regarding the shots taken here, Ryan was very strange. He was sure that none of the movies and extended DVDs released in the previous life were included. It should be a plot completely abandoned by George Lucas in post-production.

However, he still completes his work meticulously, even if most of the time, Master Yoda facing him is either air or just a small cylinder wrapped in a blue screen.

"I'm fed up with the hypocrisy of the Jedi Knights. You used selflessness and justice as an excuse to kidnap the entire Republic on your will."

With the ancient city of Carthage as the background, Ryan, dressed as Anakin Skywalker, held a blue chrome-plated rubber rod and pointed directly at Master Yoda who did not actually exist under the blue screen on the opposite side. “There can be no love, no family. , You can’t have private property, you can’t have family affection, you can’t even have your own thoughts, you can only care for the world with selfless compassion..."

Anakin seemed paranoid, but what he said was sensible.

"Skywalker, give up these dangerous thoughts and don't fall into the darkness."

In order to increase the feeling of the drama, the actor who dubbed Master Yoda read the lines next to him, "These will only turn into the original force in the end."

"The Force? What a high-sounding reason." Ryan's expression contained indescribable mockery, "If we wipe out and contain the beautiful feelings of mankind one by one. How can selflessness and compassion start? This so-called so-called. I am afraid that selflessness can only come from a condescending sense of superiority and paranoid sense of justice, right?"

"This... is the Jedi!" His voice was full of hatred, "What is the difference between the force of the Jedi and the force of darkness?"


"Let's compete in swordsmanship!"

Interrupting the unfinished words, Ryan waved the chrome-plated rubber rod and made several beautiful moves one after another, strictly following the pre-designed routine, and fought against the air in front of him.

The filming came to an end for a while, Ryan threw the rubber rod to the assistant of the crew, walked into the trailer on the side, replaced the black Jedi uniform that was almost soaked in sweat, and simply washed it.

After the bang knock on the door. Natalie walked in with their lunch, Ryan put on loose casual clothes and turned on the air conditioner.

"What's for lunch?" He looked at Natalie who was sitting at the table and fiddling with cutlery.

"Beef stew with potatoes, Spanish seafood bibimbap, Madrid ham soup." She cleared the table and went to make a pot of coffee. "You have been shooting all morning, should you be hungry? Eat quickly."

"It's still you comfortable. Just filmed two scenes and it was done."

Sitting across from her, Ryan took the stainless steel cutlery, and Natalie swallowed the beef in her mouth and muttered. "I am a complete vase in Revenge of the Sith."

"I'm going back in a few days," she said again.

"Why is it so fast?" Ryan picked up the coffee cup and took a sip.

"Don't you forget?" Natalie complained, "I will graduate soon, and many things need to go back to Harvard to deal with."

"of course not."

The two talked while eating. Natalie also has no plans to continue her studies. After returning to New York to deal with some personal affairs, she will directly settle in Los Angeles. She made an appointment with Scarlett Johansson to be a neighbor.

The weather here is relatively hot, and the shooting in the afternoon will not continue until late. After dinner, Ryan and Natalie sat together and chatted about the scene filmed in Tunisia.

The script of this play was also handed over to the actors after arriving in Tunisia. It was obviously George Lucas who had newly joined it.

"It feels like George wants to pass the words of Anakin and Master Yoda..." Natalie held the coffee cup and talked about her own thoughts, "express more things."

"It's normal."

Sitting next to her, Ryan nodded in agreement, "This may be the last movie directed by George. He definitely wants to make Star Wars a perfect end."

"He seems to have more thoughts about the Jedi Knights."

After that, Natalie looked at Ryan and suddenly asked, "What do you think?"

"which aspect?"

Ryan took Natalie’s coffee cup, walked to the table and filled a cup again. After returning, Natalie said, “For example, to Anakin, the Jedi, Master Yoda and Master Windu, etc. Isn’t the media always saying that George is alluding to the politics of modern society, what do you think?"

"Do you really want to hear?" Ryan suddenly laughed, and Natalie couldn't help rolling her eyes, knowing that this guy was going to say something wrong, but nodded with interest, "Want to hear."

"History has proven that there is one thing. Organizations under the banner of annihilating human sentiment and democracy are all cults."

This is just a private discussion between the two people. Natalie will not spread it out. Ryan naturally has no scruples when he speaks. "Think about it. Obi-Wan has said several times that Kui Gang and Jin Huai are not met, and Earl Dooku left directly, even Even Master Yoda complained about the impurity of the Jedi. This was supposed to be an ascetic group, but it had to join the world and participate in politics, and once wanted to control the parliament. How does this organization feel?"

"Falsehood." Although Natalie replied, there was a clear disapproval on her face.

Ryan didn’t bother to persuade the girl, and continued to say, “Attachment to relatives and yearning for love are the most beautiful feelings of mankind. From this perspective, Anakin’s pursuit is not wrong, but Jedi What did the meeting do when faced with the distress he complained about?"

Natalie slowly sipped her coffee and gestured to please continue.

"It's just saying some vain and ethereal rhetoric." Ryan, the Anakin actor, seemed very touching. "Master Windu is like a Soviet bureaucrat who pays attention to class struggle, and Master Yoda...not to mention it."

"Okay..." Natalie barely dropped the coffee cup. She squirmed and asked deliberately, "Well...if you are replaced, Ryan, how do you want to design these plots?"

"Anakin retired from the Jedi Knights and established a new organization with Padmé Amidala."

Now what he said is purely a joke among lovers, almost nonsense, "Doesn’t Padmé have a maid? Look for the most beautiful one, just the one played by Sofia, to seduce the old Obi-Wan The virgin, and then think of a way to win over Earl Dooku. Don’t they have a Jedi Knight? Let’s build a knights holy Order and form a triangle of checks and balances with the Jedi Knights and the Sith Emperor, and make mutual checks and balances. It’s a true balance of force."

"Uh..." Natalie looked over deliberately, while Ryan continued to joke, "In this way, the Sith the Great will not become a wicked Nazi, and the Jedi will not turn into a totalitarian and misguided Soviet Union and be destroyed. Anakin has the power and power to live with his mother. The stepfather and younger brother and his wife will not die tragically. At the same time, they will have a complete love with Padmé’s siblings and their children will grow up healthy and will not become premature babies."

Having said that, he finally came to a summary sentence, "Cults harm people!"

"My dear, don't include some of your practices in reality." Natalie tilted her head and looked at him for a while, and said, "If you shoot as you say, the box office of the movie must be very bleak."

"Wow, is Nat also considering the box office of the movie?" Ryan turned to her face, and Natalie deliberately hit his forehead with her forehead. "That's the end of the joke, I'm going back." Take a nap."

Regardless of George Lucas’ true thoughts, every Star Wars fan will always have his own unique view of the Jedi Knights and the Skywalker family, and Ryan’s jokes are just one of them.

The crew shot in Tunisia. In addition to the newly added Ryan and Master Yoda's head-on conflict, there are also several battle scenes and plots of the Jedi being attacked by clone soldiers. Generally speaking, the filming time spent here is not It will be too long.

Most of the shooting time Ryan needs to stand in front of the blue screen and compete with the air.

In today's big Hollywood productions, whether it is epic or science fiction, more and more shots need to be completed in front of the curtain, and actors acting against the air are just the most basic quality.

However, from these newly designed plots, Ryan can vaguely see the conflict of George Lucas' thoughts. If nothing else, these plots may not be used a lot.

“In the prequel trilogy, it’s not just Anakin Skywalker who needs to change.” George Lucas once said in private discussions, “There are also Jedi Knights, Obi-Wan and Master Yoda. I will think about the past dogma and way of dealing with the Jedi Knights, and then there will be more humane Luke and Leah."

Ryan will not express too much opinion on this. This is the work of George Lucas. Even his teacher who is touted to the sky may not understand this series as well as him.

After staying in Tunisia for half a month, the crew ended the related scenes and detoured to London, while Natalie ended all the Padmé Amidala shots in the film and returned directly to North America. (To be continued...) ()