Rebirth In Hollywood

Chapter 712: Love is born

In order to boost the ratings, the organizing committee of this year's Oscars has done everything possible. For example, Jon Stewart's jokes have been opened up on a larger scale.

"Oscar is the place where you can see the most celebrities, and you don't have to donate money to the Democratic Party."

"Don't look at piracy! Look at these stars, you are stealing from them! Look at those actresses, they are so poor that they can barely cover their breasts!"

"Hundreds of millions of people are watching this Oscar live broadcast... half of them are waiting to be adopted by Angelina Jolie."

Politics, female celebrities, and the recently hot Angelina Jolie have all become the targets of his ridicule. The latter’s lace news not only has her relationship with Brad Pitt, but also includes her tireless travel from Cambodia and Ethiopia. Waiting to adopt a child...

But these jokes are significantly less effective than Billy Christo's personal opening show. These are most directly reflected in the not-so-loud laughter and applause in the theater.

In addition, the organizing committee once again awarded the heavier best supporting actor out for the first time, probably also hoping to use heavyweight awards to arouse the emotions of the audience.

The first to be on the podium was George Clooney, the famous Hollywood male vase. After directing and starring in "Argo", he finally ushered in a turning point in his career and was recognized by the Oscar.

"Good Night, Good Luck" is only the third film directed by George Clooney. Like "Argo", it has been nominated for multiple awards including Best Director and Best Picture, but after all, George Clooney His fame is more in actors than in directors. The college gave him the best supporting actor. It almost means that he has no chance with the best director behind.

George Clooney also understands this, so his first sentence on stage is-it seems I can't get the best director!

This sentence seems to be the best portrayal of this year's Oscars. The following awards are divided into cakes and the tone of egalitarianism is very clear.

The best supporting actress was given to Rachel Vichy, who is already pregnant, and the film is "The Immortal Gardener." This is also the only award for this film.

Peter Jackson's masterpiece "King Kong" was thought to dominate the technical awards beforehand, but only won three awards for the best sound editing, best sound effects and best visual effects, Disney's "The Chronicles of Narnia" and DreamWorks "Memoirs of a Geisha" shared awards for best makeup, best photography, best costume and best art director.

Nearly half of the awards ceremony, Disney only received the best make-up figure of "The Chronicles of Narnia".

The biggest attraction during the period was Jennifer Aniston. Although Jon Stewart kept teasing Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie, she could not mobilize Jennifer Aniston’s emotions at all. She was disheveled and dressed. simple. After reading the nomination list blankly, the figure of the best costume was awarded to the costume designer of "Memoirs of a Geisha" without a word, and then quickly stepped down.

She is definitely the most depressing guest to present this Oscar night.

Next, as Ryan expected, "127 Hours" was basically the fate of running, even if it was the best original song that Disney focused on, Taylor lost to the singing of "It's not easy to pimp" because of his age. Combination 3-6 Mafia.

"It doesn't matter."

When Ryan comforted, Taylor just shrugged casually. She had experienced too many big occasions since she was a child. Don't care much, "There will be opportunities in the future, so don't worry."

Ryan also understands. Taylor’s main battlefield is still music. This year’s Grammy has won the best newcomer, best album, and best country female singer with three phonographs. She won’t see the best original song of the golden man in particular. weight.

However, the host on the stage will not let go of the opportunity to tease. After all, the 3-6 Mafia group is not only good for the film industry, even for the pop music industry, they are all very unfamiliar names.

After the award recipient stepped down, Jon Stewart said. "Everyone must remember this reality, Martin Scorsese. Zero Oscar statuettes; 3-6 Mafia, one Oscar statuette!"

Although talking about the quality of the song. Taylor's theme song for "127 Hours" can surpass the three streets of "It's Not Easy to Pimp," but her age is bad.

This is the Oscar, 99% of its time, it discriminates against young people, especially when the target is still a blonde girl.

This year’s Oscar seems to be destined not to make any movie a real big winner. The rhythm of dividing the cake is still going on. "Brokeback Mountain" and "Crash" took away the best adapted screenplay and the best original screenplay respectively, but In the following heavyweight best actor and best actress awards, nothing was won.

"The nomination list for the best actor is..."

Hilary Swank introduced the nomination list with the big screen, "Philip Seymour Hoffman "Capote", Terrence Howard "The River Bustling", Ryan Jenkins "127 Hours", Joaquin Phoenix "Go Forward", David Strezern "Good Night, Good Luck"."

Listening to the nomination list, Ryan is very calm compared to the others. He has no public relations, and the possibility of winning is infinitely close to zero.

The final winner read from Hilary Swank's mouth is indeed not him.

"The Oscar winner is Philip Seymour Hoffman, "Capote."

This actor, who is determined to star in "The Hunger Games 2: Catching Fire", won the first Oscar statuette in his life.

However, compared to his dry acceptance speech, perhaps Jon Stewart's ridicule is more interesting.

"Capote showed to the American public that not all homosexuals are cowboys, and some are sissy New York intellectuals."

Everything is developing in the direction of past life memory, Reese Witherspoon picked up the best actress, and another Hollywood vase completed its transformation at the Oscar.

When Dustin Hoffman stands on the stage with a big envelope, whether the Chinese can win the first Oscar for best director trophy will soon be announced.

"The following five directors have produced wonderful films for us in the past year."

Listening to the list read by Dustin Hoffman, Ryan turned to look at the crew of "Brokeback Mountain", Ang Lee's face was tight and filled with tension.

"Ann Lee "Brokeback Mountain", Natalie Portman "127 Hours", George Clooney "Good Night and Good Luck", Steven Spielberg "Munich", Paul Haggis "Crash" ..."

Looking back from the other side, Ryan gently shook Natalie's hand, "There is always a chance."

"I see."

That being said, it is absolutely impossible for Natalie, who was nominated for the Oscar for the first time, to not be nervous or eager, even if she knew she would never win.

"The winner of the best director is..." Dustin Hoffman opened the envelope and read, "Ann Lee, Brokeback Mountain!"

With applause, Ryan and Natalie stood up slowly with the people standing in the back row, patted their palms lightly, and watched the first Chinese director step onto the stage of receiving the Oscar for best director.

"Now the best director is given to Ann Lee."

Looking at the director who was accepting the award and preparing to speak on the stage, Natalie suddenly said softly, "Then, as usual, the probability of "Brokeback Mountain" winning the best picture should be great."


After sitting down, Ryan raised his index finger and shook it a few times. “This time the Oscars are divided into cakes. The meaning of the cake is too obvious. The probability of "Crash" will be greater, and the theme is more in line with Oscar's taste."

If it is the default normality to say that the best director and best film were won by the same movie in the past, the number and frequency of the division of these two awards will become higher and higher in the future.

"I hope I know how to quit you!" Li Ang's first acceptance speech mentioned the most classic line in Brokeback Mountain.

"First of all, I want to thank two people. These two people are the protagonists in the film. They do not really exist. However, I should say that they existed through the rich imagination of our filmmakers, and these two characters are Ennis and Jack. "Brokeback Mountain" is not just a story between **** men or women, it expresses love in a broad sense, love is born with it, thank you!"

Li Anneng stayed in Hollywood and gradually became one of the top directors. He is obviously a smart man. He knows that interpersonal relationships are equally important in Hollywood.

"Thanks to the American Academy of Arts and Sciences for giving me this honor, and to everyone in the producer, especially Miss Drew Barrymore and Mr. Ryan Jenkins, for their great support to make this movie~www.mtlnovel .com~ I also want to thank my wife and my sons. I love you!"

Finally, he changed Chinese, "Thanks to my mother and family, as well as all the fans in mainland China, Taiwan and Hong Kong."

The award ceremony came to the end. When Jack Nicholson opened the envelope and read the answer, the crew of "Crash" who participated in the award ceremony with the most cheers, they staged a big reversal at the last minute and won the best film. The little golden man.

In other words, the Oscars are always the Oscars of the United States, and they will never be separated from the influence of politics and American main themes. "Crash" is a specimen-style Hollywood movie, with suspense, horror, racial issues, and human nature discussions. The film is also a logical thing.

Don't forget, although there are a bunch of **** groups outside who are supporting "Brokeback Mountain", there are also many people who oppose it. The total number of people who have risen to more than 100,000 signed the opposing action, and Oscar couldn't ignore it either.

Besides, "Crash" tells the story of racial confrontation in Los Angeles, and many film school judges are either Los Angeles or live in the Los Angeles area. Under similar public relations conditions, how will these people choose? Think about it. (To be continued) ()