Rebirth In Hollywood

Chapter 728: Why do you have this right?

For Iran, there is a special holiday in August every year. This is the "International Jerusalem Day" set up by Khomeini, who completely brought Iran into the religion. It calls on Muslims to hold a parade on the last Friday of Ramadan each year in solidarity with Palestine. In the struggle between people, Iran holds a large-scale rally on this day every year.

This year is no exception. On the "International Jerusalem Day", tens of thousands of Iranians marched on the streets of Tehran. They burned David satellites and the Israeli flag while shouting "Death to America! Die to Israel!" etc. slogan.

As the representative of theocracy in the secular world, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad also delivered a speech aimed at the West, and "Three Hundred Spartans", which was just released in the Middle East, naturally became one of the targets of attack.

"This movie does not conform to historical facts. It demonizes Iran's ancestors, Persians, and portrays Iran's ancestors as a brutal nation. "The Three Hundred Spartans" is equivalent to a declaration of war on Iran!"

This is Ahmadinejad's speech broadcast on Al Jazeera. He also announced the ban on broadcasting "Spartan Three Hundred Warriors" in China and called on other Islamic countries to ban it.

As if the energy accumulated for several years erupted at the same time, Iranian media, officials and web bloggers condemned the "Three Hundred Warriors of Sparta" for describing the Persian King Xerxes I and Persian soldiers as being too negative-the film seems to tell people , Iran has been the source of evil since ancient times, and the ancestors of modern Iranians are ugly barbarians who murdered others.

Iranian officials directly claimed that this was another "culture war" launched by Hollywood against Iran after "Argo".

They seem to have learned the lesson of the failure of the last public opinion war. Regardless of the voices of the people, the government no longer fires the "map cannon" lightly, and instead clings to the topic of "cultural aggression."

"Cultural invasion is a tactic used by the enemy. This kind of slander and insult Iran will not accept or fear it."

What is the true face of Hollywood. In fact, most countries and regions have learned about it over the years. Those profit-seeking producers have discredited a country more than once.

Although the North American media are still ridiculing Iran—small-minded, like the Persians in the film, with the characteristics of a cruel dictator—but many media in the Middle East temporarily responded to Iran with sympathy.

"At present, the United States and Iran are arguing over the nuclear issue. Western countries are seeking the United Nations to impose tougher sanctions on Iran. Hollywood launched this movie at this sensitive time. It clearly uses cultural and psychological tactics to insult Iran’s ancient culture and stimulate Modern people are hostile to Iran."

This is the view of many Middle Eastern media. After seeing this, Ryan didn't care at all. Hollywood has always been commercial first, and major film companies are marketing masters. Controversy is an effective means to gain popularity.

"The Three Hundred Warriors of Spartan" is played by second-tier actors and second-tier directors, and there are no superstars in the film. The fierce reaction from Iran has turned the film into a hot spot in international news. In addition to the already popular North American market, overseas box office numbers are also rising.

In just twenty days, the North American box office of "Spartan Three Hundred Warriors" exceeded $200 million. The global box office easily passed the 350 million dollar mark amidst protests from Iranians.

Perhaps it was the disastrous defeat in the public opinion war on "Argo". The Iranian government has obviously restrained a lot, always taking the film and culture to speak. Easily not open the group mocking mode...

The North American media jumped up and down at the beginning, ready to do another big fight, but unfortunately the opponents still did not exert any effort. However, in just a few days, attention has also plummeted.

However, the media of another country, which was ignored, suddenly spoke out, breaking the scene of some deserted public opinion.

"International Jerusalem Day" is called "Support Palestine", which is actually anti-Israel. In addition, David satellites and the Israeli flag are burned in public gatherings. If Israel does not respond, it would be strange.

In addition to regular protests, Israel's "Ha’aretz" also brought out the "Three Hundred Warriors of Spartan" to speak out.

"The Iranians’ reaction to "The Three Hundred Warriors of Sparta" is really funny. To be precise, the Islamists destroyed Persia and the Persian civilization represented by Zoroastrianism. Hollywood filmed this no longer existent. A movie of barbaric civilization, is it the turn to get the true enemies and enemies of this group of Persian civilization to defend the dignity of the'Persians'?"

"The modern so-called Persian has lost all ancient culture, including writing, and fully accepted Islam. It has also been reduced from the ruling nation to slaves of Arabs, Mongols, Turks and Azerbaijanis. The modern Persian Iranian They are completely out of touch with ancient history. They are different from us. They are a nation without history!"

"Iran, this alien species in the Middle East, from a certain perspective, is a low-level version of its own civilization failure. They have lost their own history, writing and religion, and have become a subculture conquered by other cultures..."

Being ridiculed by Hollywood and North American media, Iran can bear it, but being ridiculed by Israel, which he said must be eliminated, Iran almost immediately fell into a state of rampage.

On the second day of Ha’aretz’s remarks, Iranian President Ahmadinejad delivered a fierce speech.

"Israel's'Zionist regime and Zionists' are a malignant tumor, and this malignant tumor will soon be removed!"

"A new Middle East is about to be built. Because of the protection of God and the help of the people, there will be no more Americans and Zionists in the new Middle East. The existence of the Zionist regime is extremely important to all mankind. Great shame. In fact, to attack the Zionist regime is to protect the rights and dignity of all mankind!"

At the same time, Ahmadinejad ordered the banning of world-renowned websites including the "New York Times" website, Amazon website, Google search, etc., and all radio and television stations across the country ban Western music and foreign films, especially those that violate Iran. Movies of Western cultural factors of Muslim culture.

Of course, the aforementioned websites and cultural products could not enter Iran through formal channels before.

The Iranian government's attitude towards Israel and Western culture finally triggered a series of chain reactions.

The first thing that jumped out must be the federal government. The White House spokesperson severely condemned Ahmadinejad. He said-if the Iranian government really cares about protecting the rights and dignity of all mankind, then the Iranian government should stop nuclear testing, liberate women and eliminate them. Extreme religiousism is truly a contribution to all mankind.

On the same day, the spokesperson of the UN Security Council issued a statement stating that the Security Council was strongly dissatisfied with Ahmadinejad’s speech. He believed that leaders of countries in the Middle East should use their influence to “defuse, rather than aggravate, tensions in the region”.

Even France and Russia, which have always had a loose attitude towards Iran, suddenly changed their faces, calling Ahmadinejad's speech "outrageous and intolerable."

Finally, a cultural controversy has once again evolved into the focus of social politics.

At this time, Ryan received an invitation from the National Jewish Association and rushed to the world media capital of Burbank to participate in an informal cocktail party. Although the recent hot topics were not explicitly discussed at the cocktail party, many Jewish people from the media industry All the children understand the purpose of the reception, and they have reached a silent understanding.

Subsequently, many North American media began a new round of smearing actions against Iran. The major media under Walt Disney, including the Children's Channel, once again set off a propaganda campaign to smear the teenagers.

For Ryan, the Iranians are neither compatriots in the previous life, but also the opposite of this life. He doesn't care whether their reputation is good or bad.

The TV station soon played a video tape about Ahmadinejad, sternly accusing him and the Iranian government of his denial of the Holocaust.

"In a TV speech broadcast nationwide in Iran in December 2005, Ahmadinejad called the Holocaust a legend made up by people. A year later, he also held a two-day Holocaust denial conference!"

After the video was broadcast, the TV station also quoted the comments of several well-known social commentators-Ahmadinejad and the Iranian government's remarks will only deceive the ignorant and illiterate, and in Western civilization, it will make them look ridiculous. The truth is It was the Jewish Holocaust, the most fully documented event in human history!

The program also declared that the Iranian government was either shamelessly provoking the Jews, or it was shockingly They should immediately stop this act that made the world angry.

Similar arguments appeared on TV programs, even pointing out that Ahmadinejad’s Iranian government is a religious puppet.

“As a unique country with theocratic and political dualism, Ahmadinejad is actually not the real head of state. Khamenei and the great Ayatollahs around him are the real masters of Iran. Iran’s internal affairs today, The main axis of diplomacy is not so much Ahmadinejad’s proposition, but rather the position of those great Ayatollahs who have no secular experience. These people who are not current and isolated from the world are bringing Iran into the abyss of extremism... "

The situation in the Persian Gulf suddenly became tense. The Security Council warned Iran to abandon nuclear testing as soon as possible. Ahmadinejad’s answer was-why do you have this right, but we don’t?

This is simply blatantly provoking the authority of the five rogue states. The United Nations passed a new round of sanctions against Iran almost as quickly as possible, and the federal government even imposed additional unilateral sanctions...

Subsequently, the person in charge of the White House specializing in Hollywood affairs found several major production companies and urged Hollywood to further produce movies on Iranian subjects. The federal government will pay for some of the costs. (To be continued...) ()