Rebirth In Hollywood

Chapter 779: Is it against us?

This incident caused both Ryan himself and Miramax to suffer huge losses. In the follow-up self-investigation, the company’s technical staff found more traces of hacking attacks, and many internal information was very likely to be stolen by hackers. Under Ryan's strong insistence, the management chose to report to the police, and the FBI's Los Angeles branch intervened.

At the same time, Ryan also contacted the FBI through his own channels.

Cybercrime appeared repeatedly as early as the ten's. The FBI has a department that specializes in handling such cases. After a short period of investigation, they quickly confirmed that this was a hacking incident. It was just where the other party came from and within a short period of time. There is no clue.

Perhaps others disagree, but Ryan knows the seriousness of this kind of incident. This is the first large-scale and public attack on Hollywood by hackers. It is hard to say that other hackers will not follow suit in the future. After all, celebrities and scandals are of interest to all the public. topic.

Most importantly, Ryan has never believed that this is just a simple hacking incident.

In the scandal that broke out in Hollywood, when there was no big hand pushing behind him, he suspected that the other party was not only targeting Richard Nanura, but also Miramax as a whole, and even...

After the FBI intervened, Ryan deliberately convened a meeting with senior executives from various Disney departments and labels, focusing on cybersecurity issues, strictly restricting internal personnel from using the Internet to communicate company’s private information, as well as for certain celebrities and the public. Personal views, especially discriminatory remarks, are prohibited from appearing on the company’s internal network.

In addition to solemnly telling Taylor, Scarlett and others to pay attention to protection, Ryan also discussed with Robert Iger and others to set up a special image consulting department within Disney to teach those Disney idols who have little cultural literacy how to Maintain your own image as much as possible in the Internet age.

Disney’s Zach Efron, Miley Cyrus and Selena Gomez, etc., eat the bowl of rice idols, if something that shouldn’t be revealed. It will definitely affect Disney's income on them.

Of course, if Disney abandons them in the future, these youth idols choose to degenerate or something else, that is what their agent and public relations team need to consider.

It turns out that Ryan’s worry is not redundant. Just when the FBI was still investigating, there were new trends on the network again. The person or organization that should be a hacker once again exposed Miramax’s top-secret information. , This time the hapless person was Quentin Tasino's turn.

This is the happiest director working with Miramax, and it is not the scandal of Quentin Tastino that the hacker exposed. It was a new project he and Miramax collaborated on. They directly uploaded Quentin's new script-a story about World War II and Hitler-to the Internet.

Exposure of the script is likely to cause this project to be forcibly cut.

Fortunately, Quentin wrote a very simple script framework, not even the first draft, otherwise Miramax would really cry.

But even so, the revised script and the millions of dollars invested in the initial period will inevitably be in vain.

The whole Hollywood is in an uproar, and many companies no longer pay attention with the mentality of watching the excitement. This has touched the bottom line of the entire Hollywood. There are too many things for each production company to see. Today Miramax’s script was leaked. Who knows if it will be their turn tomorrow?

Accompanied by the leaked script. There is also the identity of the hacker, a white supremacist organization calling itself the "Aryan Nation", claiming responsibility for Richard Nanura and the leak of the script, and at the same time expounding the main reason for the hacking-Richard? Nanura is an African-American executive. Miramax is a standard Hollywood Jewish power company.

They claim to have a lot of secret information about Miramax, and warn Miramax that it is best to cancel the movie's screening plan in the near future, otherwise they will disclose more ugly content.

"Cancel the movie release plan in the near future?"

Tap the desk lightly. Ryan pressed the intercom and said to the secretary's desk, "Jane, send me a copy of Miramax's release plan for this year."

A few minutes later, the female secretary opened the door and put the Miramax's screening schedule on the desk. Ryan took it and glanced it aside first, and then looked at it carefully.

Miramax’s "Teenage Ninja Turtles" released by Warner Bros. has long been released. This is just a simple, mindless commercial film and there is not much controversy.

"Death Surgery" starring Jessica Alba was released this month, and the response seems to be very general.

Robert Rodriguez and Quentin Tarantino’s "Ring Room" is a traditional B-rated film. Although it has not been released, it has been seen in the past life, and it is unlikely that there will be much difference in this life. It should not touch white supremacy. Sensitive nerves.

The Coen Brothers’ "Old Nowhere", this film was distributed by Paramount, but it was produced by Miramax.

Then...there are two movies produced by Disney Pictures, released by Miramax, and going straight to next year’s Oscars for Best Foreign Language Film and other awards.

It was also a strong response from Ryan, Hollywood, and the federal government against Iran.

"I grew up in Iran" directed by the Iranian female cartoonist and illustrator Maja Shatabbi and "A Parting" by the Iranian director Ashar Fahati who was deported by the Iranian government.

The former will be released in October; the latter will be screened from the beginning of November, and will be released on a large scale in North America and the world after the New Year...

Compared with the former animated film full of commercial flavors, Askha Farhati’s "A Farewell" is aimed at the Oscar's best foreign language film, the Golden Man. With the current international political situation, it has won the best foreign language film. It's not difficult.

These two films brought together investments from Warner Bros., Disney Pictures and Paramount Pictures, as well as part of the federal government’s sponsorship. It was also Ryan’s idea to hand over to Miramax for distribution and operation. After all, Disney’s main goal is "Black "Swan", it is impossible to disperse too much of its resources, and it is impossible to take too much into account.

A hacker organization whose purpose is white supremacy will care about these two films?

Thinking of this, Ryan shook his head and cast his gaze on the "Ring Room" which was released during Halloween. The other party exposed Quentin Tarantino's future movie script. Will it have something to do with his movie?

Dial Harvey Weinstein's phone. Ryan briefly said a few words with the Jewish fat man, and frowned again.

According to Harvey Weinstein’s words and the FBI’s preliminary investigation, the other party must have a lot of information on Miramax, which can even cause more trouble to Miramax, but the movie’s release plan is delayed or Cancellation, Miramax also suffered huge losses.

Not to mention the liquidated damages for the theaters, the tens of millions of promotional and marketing expenses will be completely wiped out.

The most important thing is that if you compromise with them the first time, there will inevitably be a second time.

Anti-Semitism, white supremacy, racial discrimination, and class contradictions, the seemingly powerful United States is full of various problems. These issues are directly fed back to Hollywood, the largest publicity window in the United States.

Then George walked in, and Rodriguez also had preliminary findings. The ‘broilers’ used by the hackers came from Mexico and Venezuela, and it would be difficult to track their true position in the short term.

South America...the United States also has a lot of problems with its back garden.

A few words to George, Ryan left the Disney building and drove straight to North Hollywood. Natalie held a party at home and attended almost all famous Jewish people in Hollywood.

Natalie is very smart. It does not rely solely on Disney's public relations, and gives full play to the advantages of its ethnicity and blood.

"Any clue?"

At the open-air party in the garden, Natalie walked over after Ryan had a simple entertainment. Asked in a low voice, "What is their real purpose?"

"It should be aimed at us."

Although Ryan did not say clearly, Natalie also knew that ‘we’ was referring to Jewish forces, "do we need to unite more people?"

"No need for now." Ryan shook his head.

Now he hasn't even figured out the true identity and true purpose of the other party. Countermeasures can only stay at the stage of anticipation.


Hearing Natalie's words, Ryan quickly turned around and politely greeted the middle-aged woman who came by. "Hello, Mrs. Shelly."

"Ryan, we haven't seen each other for many years?" Mrs. Herschle was not at all polite. She couldn't control her stubborn daughter, but she always resented certain people. "You haven't visited Long Island for a long time. ."

Any explanation is unnecessary. Ryan wisely chose to be silent, letting Mrs. Herschle vent her dissatisfaction with guns and sticks.

"Mom." Natalie pulled her mother. "Someone is coming."

The person who came by was Scarlett Johansson. She greeted Natalie's mother politely, and then asked Ryan directly, "Do we need to do anything?"

In addition to the friendship that they have established for many years, they are still a community of interests. It is not an exaggeration to describe it as a prosperous and all-lost.

"We need money..." Ryan joked deliberately, "So, Scarlett, donate all your wealth."

"As long as you need it." Scarlett rolled her eyes at him.

Mrs. Herschle suddenly said, "Nate, if you need help, even if you I don't have much contact with your father, but your grandfather and grandmother were still influential back then."

Although it was Natalie that she was facing, Ryan knew that she was speaking to herself, "Thank you."

Taking a look at this side, Mrs. Herschle no longer had the kindness to him at the time, and turned and left here.

Ryan believed that if it were not for the hacker organization to target the Jewish forces, Mrs. Herschle would not have said such things at all.

"Will Miramax postpone the movie release?" Natalie and Scarlett asked concerned.

"No, we won't compromise on this kind of thing." Ryan would not allow this to happen either. "I have communicated with the Weinstein brothers, and the Miramax movie will be released on time."

Even in the open West, ethnicity and blood can bring a lot of convenience, but while enjoying these conveniences, you must also assume the responsibility of maintaining this group. (To be continued...)

