Rebirth: It’s Like Flowing Water

v2 Chapter 68: The motherland will never forget!

(Invitation letter activities are reminded to be updated)




   Seeing the post appeared in the forum list, Qi Lei immediately called Xiao Ma in Shenzhen.


   "Do me one last favor, and spread out the post "Leave Literature..." under the banyan tree."


   "Hey!" Brother Xiao Ma was speechless, "Stone, when did you get to be the boss? Come on!?"


   Qi Lei smiled bitterly, "Can you help me?"


   Xiao Ma was silent for a while, "Wait!"


   "Also, don't move for the last time. Friends say this hurts feelings."


   hung up the phone, Xiao Ma greeted people to work speechlessly.


   But, what is the post Qi Lei said, I turned over the banyan tree and didn't find it.


   Send a message to Qi Lei, "Where is the post you said?"


   Qi Lei: "???"


   Look at the forum, hell? The post is really gone!


   sent a message to Ning moderator, "Did you delete my post?"


  Ning moderator is not very interested, and also knows that this [Nine Million Girl Dream] will soon be their boss, because Zhu Weilian has already flew to the city to get money.


   But, what are you? Still 900 million girl dreams? The net name is fresh.


   replied without angrily, "How dare you!"


  嚓! Qi Lei widened his eyes, "Who will delete my post?"


   In fact, neither Qi Lei nor Ning moderator knew that this was a post directly deleted by the technical department in the background.


   As for why you deleted it? The technical department does not know either. It was known that the supervisor received a call from William Zhu, and then hurriedly asked to delete the post.


   As for how William Zhu knew that Qi Lei had posted a post in such a short period of time, only William Zhu knew about it.


   He got off the plane in Harbin, didn't even live in the hotel, and ran directly to the Three Stone Company. The contract was signed in half an hour, and then the return ticket was booked at Three Stone Company.


   asked Qi Guodong before leaving, "Did you offend anyone? This business is not good!"


  Qi Guodong wanted to scold his mother after hearing this, but the northeast masters were so angry that they almost gave him two pestles, saying something special?


   Anyway, the post is gone anyway.


   Qi Lei couldn't do it, so he had to resend it, but it was...


   is not that the post is gone, it's that the internet is gone!


   Shangbei Netcom carried out line upgrade and transformation, and the whole city shut down the network. The specific recovery time will be notified separately.


   At this point, Qi Lei is really incapable of knowing how to do it, and there is no way at all.


   His plans are over, and nothing can be done!


   sat blankly for a while, it can only be attributed to providence.


   Then, I sorted out the documents that were more than one meter high and piled them in the corner. Turning off the computer, the entire private room became quiet.


   The spring outside is bright and beautiful, and the Shangbei spring blossoms in May. There was a little bit of last summer when Qi Lei had just returned to the shadow of this era.


   It's a pity that things are wrong, but Qi Lei feels like a world away. Unconsciously, he has been suffering for this matter for nearly two months.


   However, it stopped at the last meter and was a little at a loss.


   To tell the truth, this feeling of uncontrollable feeling is very unpleasant.


   He found that in this matter, apart from sending Li Chunyan to CCTV and smacking it under the banyan tree, he seemed to have done nothing and did nothing.


   Those so-called schemes and calculations are not appreciated, and I don’t know if they will be effective.


   seems to prove a truth once again-the rebirth is not omnipotent!


   gave a wry smile. In fact, the reborn are not omnipotent in the first place. It's just that those **** authors who have chosen omnipotent things to write, and those who can't do it are hidden.


  嚓! Unscrupulous authors, deserve to take the blade!


   But then again, if he was asked to do it again, would he give up because he knew he could not do anything?


probably not!


   Qi Lei will still do it, and will still spend two months.


  Because, do more good deeds without asking about your future!


   Maybe next time, he can do better.


   And now, there is only waiting.


  Wait for that day in history, wait for a miracle!


   Waiting for that day to be calm and calm, and the motherland is all right!


   However, has nothing really changed? Is it true that no one appreciates it?


   The rise and fall of a country is never an individual's control.


   The great rejuvenation of a nation is not to run 99 meters, then the last 1 meter can only be handed over to God’s will.


   Chinese people have never believed in the sky, but also have the courage to defend against the sky. Where can God come from?


   In the eyes of Qi Lei, the prophet, the motherland is about to suffer disaster, and he is unable to return to heaven.


  In the eyes of ordinary people, the motherland's flowers are flourishing.


  In the eyes of those who hate the country, the motherland is ruined and gloomy, and it is useless.


   And in the eyes of some people:


  The motherland is the motherland. If she is not good, then change her; if she is in trouble, then save her! Whether it’s the journey of a thousand miles or the last meter


   and it is precisely the last meter, in a corner that Qi Lei can't see, and I don’t know how many people are walking forward in silence and giving selflessly.




   May 8.


   Qi Lei took another day off. Sitting at home, watching the TV, worried, as if waiting for the verdict of the doomsday.


   He prays that nothing will happen on this day. No news is the best news.


   It's a pity, things are counterproductive, a piece of news broke all the illusions in Qi Lei's heart.


   "The news that our station just received... is stationed in South..."


   "Yingying sauce..."




With a buzzing sound, Qi Lei's brain almost exploded, and the buzzing in his ears suddenly sounded, and the announcement he heard was also intermittent.


   Looking at the pictures in the news, listening to the familiar history echoing in my ears, I only felt a twitch in my heart.


   After all...have nothing changed! ?


Hold! ! Fuck you uncle!


   In spite of preparations, he still wanted to smash the TV madly.


   "Ah!!!" Angrily shouted, there was no way to vent.


   After all, no one heard his voice. Eagle-chan will not change the overbearing established strategy because of our domestic public opinion.


   My rabbit will not be shaken by a madman on the Internet.


   Damn naive!




  The news is still going on.


   The host was expressionless, insisting on professional ethics, without any emotional interference, as if he was stating an irrelevant fact.


   This makes Qi Lei even more frustrated.


   "According to the latest news sent back by our reporter..."


   "The explosion destroyed... the main building, and the scene was a mess..."


   "Fortunately because.....precautions have been taken.....early warning..."


   "Except for two minor injuries caused by the explosion, no casualties have occurred so far."


   "After the incident, our country...the first time a Ministry of Development was held..."


   "The following is the content of the conference."


   Ga! ?


   Qi Lei's teeth and claws were petrified in an instant, his tinnitus disappeared in an instant, and he stared at TV in a daze.








   "Fuck fuck!"


   My heart was pumping again, and my whole body was numb, and my whole body...that's called a refreshing.


What the hell? No... casualties?


   There were no casualties! ! ! ! ?


With a sound of   , Qi Lei jumped up again, "No casualties!"


   I don’t know why, but the tears came down suddenly.


   Someone heard it, some were wary, some saved lives!


   This is the purest appearance of the motherland.


   His two months... worth it!


   Although the embassy was bombed, it still humiliated the people.


   But, it's really worth it!




   He didn't know, because his two months of hard work had brought about more changes than three lives.


   May 8, the day the incident occurred.


   When my rabbit issued a statement of condemnation for the first time, it also closed the communication channel with the leaders of Eagle Sauce, and the phone calls from President Huaxin were not answered.


   On the 8th, Yingjiang made a public speech to indicate that it was bombed by mistake.


   While expressing my deep apologies, I also hope to restore diplomatic channels with us and send a special envoy of the president to visit h. After being rejected by our side, President Huaxin had to make a temporary decision to come to h to put out the fire in person.


   On May 11, President Huaxin flew to my rabbit.


   On the 13th, the Eagle and the Rabbit finally reached an understanding.


   On the same day, Yingjiang’s President Huaxin issued a statement supporting China’s accession to the WTO, and signed a bilateral trade agreement for Eagle Rabbit’s accession to the WTO a day later.


   This is a key hurdle for our rabbit to join the WTO.


   As long as Yingjiang signs the WTO accession agreement, there will be no major obstacles to the negotiation of China's WTO accession.


   This is not over yet.


   On the 15th, the Ministry of Commerce issued three announcements one after another.


   1. "1998 Internet Industry Development Report".


  Among them, the growth rate of our rabbit personal electronics consumer market in 1998 was gratifying. The domestic Internet industry has huge potential and is expected to usher in a greater growth momentum in 1999.


   2. The "Trial Measures on the Tax Exemption for the Introducing of Foreign Investment", the main purpose of which is to attract external investors to settle in our rabbit.


   3. "Five-year plan for vigorously supporting high-tech industries."


   The basic content is to open up the market, preferential policies, local support, welcome developed countries' technology, and capital intervention, while building our own high-tech industrial chain.


   These three announcements are in stark contrast to the fact that Yingjiang has only a media platform but no substance, and it is exactly half a year ahead of Yingjiang’s favorable policies.


   There is still drafting, and it has to be voted by the Senate and the House of Representatives!


   Although I don’t know how many European investors will come, let alone whether such a big environment can match the temptation of the market.


   However, the signing of the bilateral agreement with Yingjiang's WTO accession also gave investors a shot in the arm. My rabbit’s entry into the WTO is undoubtedly the greatest good news for investment and the international free trade market.


   is at least a choice, a good choice!


   Moreover, due to the early report of my rabbit, the possibility of capital flight from Europe was first exposed, and the decision makers in European countries were actually well prepared.


   It's a pity that the N-Alliance war is still going on, and it's getting more and more unoptimistic. Capital flight is inevitable.


   However, where to escape is a question that European policymakers can think about.


   is to go to Yingjiang to beat the dog with meat buns and never come back, so that the euro dream is completely disillusioned?


   Or to a third world country that is relatively safe, easy to detach, and underdeveloped?


   After all, in their opinion, I am still very backward, capital inflows, and it hurts to promote a wave of economy. And as soon as the war ends, the European market will stabilize. It is also far less difficult to withdraw from my rabbit than Yingjiang.


   Therefore, investors have not yet made a choice, and leaders have begun to deliberately guide the direction of capital.


   What the final result will be is unpredictable. But what is certain is that there will be some discrepancies between the future generations and the influx of European capital.


  History has undergone a huge deviation at this moment. No one expected that the characters who appeared on the Balkan Peninsula: robbers...infighting brothers...peacemakers...shocking sticks.


   was originally a win-win for the whole family, taking all.


   But, joining the WTO...


   The final winner is not only Eagle Sauce, but also the humble rabbit.


   It's just that Qi Lei is going to waste his brain cells again. He just wants to save a person. Why is there such a big deviation?


   Of course, to release good news and attract European capital, Qi Lei wants to get it.


   Li Chunyan is so obvious, my rabbit must have moved.


   But apart from these, what the **** is President Huaxin’s emergency visit to China? What the **** is the signed WTO agreement?


   There is no such period in the time and space where he came.


   Moreover, the signing time of the Eagle Rabbit's WTO accession agreement seems to be half a year later than this, right?


   What is it because of?


   Of course, these are all things later, so I won’t mention it for the time being.




   It was the second day of the bombing, on the morning of the 9th.




   In May in the south of the Yangtze River, green willows are hanging along the bank, Xiaoqiao people.


   In an elegant courtyard outside the west wall of the Lingering Garden, the gray-haired Tang Zhanshan sits a few distances from a middle-aged man in front of him under the plum tree in the courtyard.


   If Li Chunyan is here, he must recognize that the middle-aged person is Lao Qin.


   "Little Li, try it, new tea, it tastes good."


   The old man apologized, but he didn't do anything. It was all up to Lao Qin to make some tea.


   Lao Qin, who was called Xiao Li, made tea while saying, "This is how things happened."


   "At first, we just preliminarily determined that Li Chunyan's manuscript was not written by her herself. Before that, she had never been involved in international current reviews, and I had talked with her and it was not very professional."


   "It's just that, at the time, I thought it was Longjiang Station deliberately cultivating youth benchmarks, so I didn't dig deeper."


   "Then "Love in Belgrade" appeared, but only focused on the content itself. To be honest, the idea at the time was that the author was unusual!"


"He mentioned a key point that can influence the direction of the situation but was ignored by us. That is, the friction between the U.S. President and the military. This awakened us. The bridge in the book is not impossible in reality. . So I became vigilant."


"But to be honest, if there weren't the post of the old grandson of Qi, no one would have thought that Li Chunyan's manuscripts, crazy children, 900 million girl dreams, the Shenzhen company, and the Three Stones company would be linked together because of him. , Did such a big thing!"


   "Commander Tang, tell me, what's the situation with this kid? It's amazing!"


   Tang Zhanshan was happy, and stretched out three fingers: "First, it is not only Lao Qi's grandson, but also my grandson!"


   "Secondly, this matter has nothing to do with me and Lao Qi, you should ask himself!"


   "Third, the gods slapped their conscience and said, "You have more gods than him, are you? You don't have to boast in front of the old man."


   Old Qin hurriedly hit haha, "That's different. Our top-notch ones are mostly science subjects. They are either in the Internet or in mathematics."


   "If the grandson of Qi not under your guidance, then his strategic vision and analytical ability is a bit scary. It is really a talent that we don't have."


Before he could finish talking, Tang Zhanshan rushed to confess, "Say it again, that's my grandson too!" squinted and cursed, "Don't think I'm old, don't know what your kid's idea is. Don't think that the level of old Qi is not enough, you just Be able to do whatever you want."


   "To tell you the truth, if you dare to touch Lao Qi's grandson, if he starts a fire, I will be afraid!"


   Old Qin laughed, "Yes, yes! You can't escape your old method, right? We respect Qi Lao too."


   I saw Tang Zhanshan sighed, not doing Tai Chi with him: "Xiao Li, you can find a stone, you can ask it clearly. But if you want to take him away, he has to be happy."


  Old Qin, "You always said that, no matter who he is, whoever's grandson or son, you have to take him away if you want to, and we are not robbers."


   Tang Zhanshan, "That's good! But..." Tang Zhanshan smiled playfully, "I really hope you took him away."


   Old Qin Dale, "Look, I guess that's what you always think."


   Tang Zhanshan: "Go and ask to understand, and tell me when you come back. To be honest, I am also curious as to how he came to such a conclusion."


   Old Qin, "No problem! But I have to beg of you."


   Tang Zhanshan, "Speak."


   "Don't tell him we are looking for him, I want to see his first reaction."


   Tang Zhanshan can do nothing, "Okay."


   In fact, Tang Zhanshan was also curious. Qi Lei hadn't seen him for several years. He usually only had a coaxing mouth on the phone, but he didn't know the change was so great.





   Lao Qin in Shangbei finally met this 17-year-old "man behind the scenes".


  Although he had prepared well and learned some of Qi Lei's deeds from the investigation, Lao Qin still couldn't believe it when he saw him.


   Somewhat dumbfoundingly watching Qi Lei at the door of the class, he was scolded by the head teacher carrying the back of his neck, this...this is too far from what you imagined!


   Then, when facing Qi Lei, Old Qin was even more speechless.


   "Can you explain to us what is going on with Li Chunyan, the crazy child, the 900 million girl dream?"


   After changing to someone else, the biggest secret in his heart is revealed, and he will be more or less panicked, and Lao Qin is best at capturing this kind of micro-expression.


   but didn't want to, the half-sized boy in front of him stared at him, "What are you doing? Seek my second grandfather if you have something to do!" An out-and-out image of the second generation ancestor.


   This makes Lao Qin unable to.


   chuckled, "Grandson, you don't need to talk about your second grandfather! To tell you the truth, your second grandfather asked us to ask."


   "Oh." He lowered his lips, "Then what's your name?"


  Old Qin, "My name is Lao Bei."


   Qi Lei, "Then what's the matter? Just ask? What Li Chunyan, crazy, you've known it for a long time, so why did you ask him?"


  Old Qin: "......"


   "That's good!" Talking to this kid was a bit overwhelming, and Lao Qin simply let it go, "You just have to answer one of my questions, who taught you?"


   Until now, although Lao Qin saw the facts, his instinct still made him not believe that Qi Lei could have this ability.


   In this regard, Qi Lei was also a bachelor, "I figured it out by myself!"


  Old Qin, "How did you figure it out?"


   "Hmm..." Qi Lei groaned: "Come with me!"


   took Lao Qin out of the school, came to the Sanshi Internet Cafe, and took him into the private room belonging to their group.


   Old Qin came for the first time and looked around.


   However, Qi Lei took out a printed article, which was exactly the manuscript he wanted to participate in the essay solicitation in the province.


   "It was for writing this essay, so I started to check the information."


   Old Qin took a look, "Go Back One Year Before".


   frowned, does this essay have anything to do with what happened in the past two months?


   However, Qi Lei looked through the information pile in the corner to find a printed copy of the forum post and handed it to Lao Qin.


   "But I checked too much, but this post attracted my interest and attention."


  Look again, old Qin, this is a post by a netizen who analyzed the situation of the n alliance and asserted that it will deteriorate. The time is at the end of February.


   To tell the truth, from the current perspective, it is very forward-looking.


   So Lei Qi is the inspiration for this post?


At this time, Qi Lei pushed the information that was more than one meter high to Lao Qin. "In February and March, I checked all the online information about the n alliance situation, and the euro policy, and after President Ying Jiang Huaxin came to power and the army Reports on party relations."


   "I also found out the idea that the n alliance situation will deteriorate, the eagle sauce will delay the battle, and may even make extreme moves."


  Old Qin: "......"


   Looking at the information that was almost as high as his chest, Lao Qin was a little surprised.


   "Just... just rely on these?"


   Qi Lei was happy, "Aren't these enough? Don't you have data analysis?"


   Old Qin Mangran, "Yes, but it's not so analyzed."


   Qi Lei frowned and thought for a while, "Do you know that Sanshi Company is mine?"


   Old Qin, "I know."


   Qi Lei, "I should also know that the website under the banyan tree was acquired by me, right?"


   Old Qin, "I just found out."


   Qi Lei, "Then let me give you an analogy. Take the three-stone company and the Rongshuxia website as examples."


   "The needs of each customer of Sanshi seem to be different, but in fact there is a pattern, and this pattern is in our company's grasp."


   "Where is the most common location for Internet cafes, how large is the approximate size, mainstream requirements for equipment, future Internet pricing, renovation costs, etc."


   "Do you know what information this reveals? Let me tell you that almost all of the region and personal information are in this. The consumption level, number of consumers, and consumption habits of a place are all in the data."


   "For another example, under the banyan tree, in a novel, which paragraph has the most comments, what is the tendency of comments, whether there are more readers watching romance or readers watching martial arts."


   "From this, I can analyze the preferences and tendencies of readers, and then adjust the creative direction of the website author."


   "I call this big data. In the Internet age, it's really important. You can study it. It's really important."


  Old Qin: "......"


   Old Qin seems to understand but not understand, well, this is indeed a talent, or a monster! !


   With so much information, it is not something ordinary people can do. It can also sum up experience, and it is not what ordinary people can do.


  Old Qin: "The last question, how did you think of connecting Li Chunyan, [Neuropathy], and the Shenzhen company together"


   "I'll be honest, if you don't post the last post and expose yourself, no one should find you."


   I saw Qi Lei still calm, "I'm afraid that no one will take it seriously, so I'm a little anxious."


   Old Qin nodded. This was the only flaw that Qi Lei revealed. To be honest, he didn't reveal it himself, they would not be able to find out.




   Qi Lei, "Not why, do good deeds instead of asking about your future."


   Old Qin, "This sentence is good, I like it too. Then why hide it?"


   Qi Lei, "Get used to it? Don't like being too high-profile, just like my parents don't know about starting a company."


   Old Qin nodded again, this explanation is also reasonable. It is a matter of personal habits.


   But... he hid himself so well, but exposed at the last minute, and he said to do more good things, regardless of his future...


   To be honest, Lao Qin likes it a bit! This is what they are doing! Low-key, keen, and the most important thing is to have a sense of mission.


   Qi Lei became more and more interested, "Then tell me, how this bureau is designed without letting people know you."


   This is the last question. It is such a precise round that most people cannot do.


   However, Qi Lei took out a novel from the file cabinet next to him and handed it to Old Qin, "The answer is in this book."


   Old Qin frowned and looked down. It was a Japanese detective novel "Computer Villa Murder".


   Qi Lei, "This is about a perfect fz, splitting a murder case into several parts, and each part is responsible for one person."


   "Every part seems to be a trivial matter that is unrelated and harmless, and does not even constitute any fz. However, when these trivial matters are combined, they can kill people!"


   "Afterwards, all people saw was an accident."


   Old Qin nodded, and finally solved all the mysteries.


   Qi Lei continued: "Li Chunyan is just a reporter who writes current reviews and does his own job."


   "The crazy kid is a writer, and writing books is his duty."


   "Brother Xiao Ma is an entrepreneur who helps crazy children with hype."


   "There are those who are well known, and post them up after smelling them."


   "It's just that everyone did a little thing, and it finally caught your attention."


   Old Qin frowned, "You know? He hasn't heard the word yet."


   Qi Lei, "Oh, that's right." Turning around, drew out the small notebook, and handed it to Lao Qin, "Let's check one by one, there must be unclean **** among these people!"


   Old Qin, "What do you mean?"


   Qi Lei, "Human instincts are self-protective. It stands to reason that these people have just suffered a setback with Li Chunyan. They shouldn't take the risk of jumping out because of a piece of the novel that they know is a fiction."


   "And they jumped out, indicating that there must be other psychological motives."


   "Not bad!" Old Qin smiled, "Really good!"


   Qi Lei grinned, "Not bad, right? Then you are finished?"


   Old Qin, "It's over."


   Qi Lei, "Then I should ask?"


   Old Qin raised his eyebrows, "What do you want to ask?"


   Qi Lei, "Why is President Huaxin rushing to visit h?"


   The news has been reported, and President Huaxin will arrive tomorrow, which does not match the original history.


   "Why is he so anxious?"


   Old Qin Ze said: "You are so good, so you can analyze it?"


   Qi Lei frowned, pondered for a while, and then popped out two words, "Military exercise?"


   Old Qin’s eyes are brighter, "Smart!"


   Qi Lei, "In the Strait?"


  Old Qin, "Yes!"


   Qi Lei, "I'm talking about it, or it's already..."


   Old Qin was a little arrogant, "Talking about it, can he come so fast? Hundreds of thousands of people in the three military districts! He doesn't want to fight on both sides, so he can only come to extinguish the fire himself."


   Qi Lei stared at his eyes, "Hundreds of thousands? When did it happen?"


  Old Qin, "I have been preparing for more than a month. I also want to thank Comrade Li Chunyan, she has bought us time."


   More than a month?


   Qi Lei immediately realized, that is to say, Li Chunyan just took out the manuscript, my rabbit is already in action. The military exercises and investment policies are two-pronged.


  In other words...


   gave Lao Qin a thumbs up, "I'm not good, you guys are really good!"


   but didn't want to, Lao Qin suddenly said, "Boy, have you thought about going to college early?"


   "What?" Qi Lei didn't hear too much.


  Old Qin, "I’m interested in going to university now?"


   This is the purpose of Lao Qin's trip.


   Qi Lei was speechless, "What university?"


   Old Qin pondered for a moment, "They are all good schools that others want to get into but are not easy to get into."


   "You can choose from three schools, the National Security College of the Public Security University, the National Defense University, and the Foreign Affairs College."


   Qi Lei: "..." Does it sound cramped?


   shook his head without thinking, "No!"


   Old Qin raised his eyebrows, "Why?"


   It was Qi Lei who said something about Super Versailles, which made Old Qin speechless.


   "Uncle, I'm very busy!"


   "I have a company with a national technical team."


   "I just took another website, and a bunch of poor writers are waiting for me to feed."


   "There is also a chat software, begging me to invest every day."


   "I still have a girlfriend.


   "My head teacher forced me to take the first place every day, but I have already dropped out of twenty."


   "I'm still the squad leader, the sixty **** in the class are waiting for me to clean up."


   "My parents don't know yet. I have let myself go in these two months. I have to do well before they spank."


"My brother also lost...Oh, yes! My brother Tang Yi, 80% of them went to the capital to protest and smashed the embassy. Can you help me find it? That's my second grandfather's grandson. !"


   Old Qin, "..." This reason is truly incredible.


   dumbfounded, "I just asked you to go to college, and I didn't make arrangements for the future. Is your reaction a bit overwhelming?"


   Qi Lei, "Uncle, who are you bluffing?"


   "My three grandpas are all the old Red Army. There is not a simple person in my dad's generation. My old father-in-law is still the No. 1 person in Beibei. Do you think I don't know?"


   Old Qin, "But, it's a pity, you are very talented."


   "When you get to me, you don't need to be so circumspect, you have a lot of opportunities to let you play!"


   Qi Lei thought for a while, and finally shook his head.


   "I can't do you guys!"


   "You are too pure to reach."


   "I still have desires. I am only seventeen years old. I want to climb the highest mountain and walk the farthest way."


   "I want to do a lot of things, very complicated; the scenery I want to see is far away and very casual."


   "You can't think that I shouldn't be scolded in class tomorrow because I did an amazing thing today."


   Old Qin failed to convince Qi Lei.


But Lao Qin also realized that this capable Sanshi company can impress Nan Guanghong, plan a big show, and take the opportunity to collect the evildoers under the banyan tree. Maybe his margin will not stop at "them". That level.


   let him join, a bit selfish.


   In the end, Lao Qin took out a card, "If you have any similar ideas in the future, don't have to be circumspect, just make this call and find Lao Bei."


   Qi Lei took it with a smile, "This is good! This is the best! You see, even if we don't go with you, we are still in the same group."


   Old Qin was taken aback, "You are still willing to help with this kind of thing in the future?"


   Qi Lei said without thinking, "Of course, I am Chinese! And..."


   Qi Lei smiled mysteriously, "I have a hunch, when I trouble you in the future, there will be no less!"


   Old Qin nodded, very pleased.


   And Qi Lei, "Can I ask you another question?"


  Old Qin, "Of course."


   "Are you really called Lao Bei?"


   Old Qin smiled, "Whether it is Lao Bei or Lao Qin, as well as Lao Li, Lao Wang, and Lao Zheng, they are just a title, not important."


   "Then what the **** do you do?"


   Old Qin, "As long as you do good things for this country, do everything!"


   Qi Lei immediately respected and admired even more.


   What comes to mind, "You wait!"


   was talking and rummaged in the file cabinet desperately. Finally, he drew out a piece of a4 paper, and immediately showed the silly smile of the child.


   With a crash, he threw him in front of Lao Qin, "Give it to you!"


   Old Qin frowned, took a look, "Did you write?"


   Qi Lei, "Yes, what's the matter?"


  Old Qin: "......"


   Damn, he can also write songs! ?


   On the paper is a score of a song.


   Old Qin: "It's so good."


   Qi Lei, "I am writing a song with a pen, and you are writing a song with your life."


   Old Qin, "Accept it, and go."


   turned around and left the private room, but Qi Lei had already picked up the guitar in the corner and sang softly.


   In the vast sea of ​​people, who am I


  In the galloping waves, which one am I


  In the army that conquered the universe


  It’s me who gave silently


  In the long river of brilliant career


   I'm the one who runs forever


   don't need you to know me


   I don’t want you to know me


   I melt my youth


   Melt into the rivers of the motherland!


   The mountains know me, the rivers know me


   The motherland will never forget it will never forget me


   The mountains know me, the rivers know me


   The motherland will not forget, will not... forget me! ! !




  Old Qin...not can be a soldier or a frontline worker.


   can be a decision maker or every Chinese person.


  Lao Qin is a symbol, a group of people, people who don't appear in the book of credit, and give silently.


  Lao Qin never said "I", he only said... "we"!


   Putting down the guitar, Qi Lei yelled toward the closed private room door, "Lao Bei... salute you!"




   Standing at the door of the private room, Old Qin smiled faintly, contented and heroic!


   held tightly in his hand, a song that belongs to "us"!



