Rebirth: It’s Like Flowing Water

v4 Chapter 114: What a loss!

Latest website: I have to say that Qi Lei's plan to restructure the state-owned asset package is a bit too imaginative. Not only has the land resources been utilized, but the existing production capacity and personnel have been fully utilized.

The biggest difference from direct land speculation lies in the realization of employment, reuse of old assets, and adaptation to local conditions.

It is indeed more imaginative than the fried land.

Moreover, there is more profit space, and long-term development, full of stamina.

I want to explain here that the profit of speculating land is indeed huge, but it is not as big as imagined.

Take the asset package Qi Lei now has for example, excluding the mountainous area of ​​Yalong Bay, which he deliberately took out to attract Desheng to take the bait. With this land, this asset package is not a loss.

As for the other aquatic products companies, quilt factories, land plus workers, plant assets, etc., the package price is almost three hundred million.

If the land contained in these 300 million yuan is placed in 20 years, there will be more than 30 billion yuan, which is indeed a huge profit.

But the account is not calculated like this, and it is impossible for anyone to hoard it for 20 years. The general cycle is only two or three years, and some people seize the opportunity to hoard it for five or seven years.

The government is not a fool. Land hoarding has always been the focus of rectification and crackdown. .

Two or three years later, that is, in 2005, the profit margin will be the same.

However, if it is done according to Qi Lei's investment plan, it will be different.

Three years and five years, ten or twenty years ago, these lands, as well as the fixed assets on the ground, were given to you. Not to mention the profit in this range, the appreciation of the fixed assets above is the real profiteering.

However, although Manager Wen knows this truth...

Too idealistic?

How much does this cost? The corresponding investment costs have also greatly increased!

Theme parks, supporting hotels, resorts, and film and television shooting bases covering multiple locations.

Manager Wen stared at the copywriting on the table. Forgive him how much the investment will cost.

However, it is definitely in the hundreds of billions level.

In addition to funds, it is the scale. At present, there is no such large film and television shooting base in the world. And it is the main European and American style, not close to the oriental culture.

Crazy? Who is going to shoot the whole thing?

However, the problem is that Manager Wen has not been able to refute for a while. Because, this matter is mysterious, but it is a little bit feasible.

First, Hainan is a major tourism province. Even if the film and television base does not attract many crews, the income from tourists is quite considerable.

Second, the idiots in the Caribbean are rushing to put the filming location here.

He thought so, what if the Caribbean caught fire? That's more than just adding a theme to Disneyland.

Qi Lei's plan will also take the opportunity to catch the express.

Hey, Manager Wen suddenly wanted to laugh.

Disney's tossing a lot can also make Qi Lei take advantage of it and make him a wedding dress?

Oh no! Qi Lei wanted to put this project in Desheng Gaohua.

Looking up at Qi Lei, he smiled bitterly, "Stone... brother! I call you brother!"

"Isn't it impossible to win 180 billion? The investment risk is too great!"

But he didn't want to, Qi Lei glared, "I won't let you pay a penny!"

Manager Wen: "????"

Qi Lei, "Your routine of scraping the ground is of course unpopular. No one finds out now, and will be able to hide it in the future. Who doesn't hate you?"

"However, our plan is different now, which solves the problem of state-owned non-performing assets and provides a large number of reemployment jobs."

"Moreover, he also endorsed Hainan's tourism."

"It's like we made money, and other people can follow along to drink soup."

Pointing to the next door, "Director Wu of the Hainan SW General Office is waiting there for news, as long as we nod, loans, tax exemptions, preferential policies, and supporting facilities!"

"Right now!"

Manager Wen: "!!!"

chap! ! Does this work too? Wouldn't it be a white wolf with empty gloves?

However, why do you think something is wrong? With such a big film and television base, you can't just use a crew in the Caribbean, right?

What if the Hollywood crew doesn't come after the Caribbean, what if you fooled Codiaz and Haimer and it doesn't work?

Squinting at Qi Lei, Manager Wen is not stupid, Qi Lei can do this project by himself, and everything they can do has been done, so why pull Desheng Gao Hua?

"Speak! What do you need me for?"

After he finished speaking, he added, "We agreed, let's have a heart-to-heart today!"

Qi Lei nodded, "Then make friends!"

Suddenly serious, "First, I don't like your Desheng's style. There is an idiom in China called drying up the lake and fishing. You should know what it means."

"So, I can't let you scrape the ground."

"However, blocking is worse than getting through! Personally, and China, there is no substantial conflict with Desheng."

"Then, we can try to solve the problem our way."

Manager Wen nodded, obviously knowing that Qi Lei was indeed telling the truth, only heard him continue.

"The purpose of Desheng is to make profits, and our purpose is to develop. There is no contradiction between the two, and a symbiotic point can be found."

"It's better to make money, solve the problem, and get a good reputation than you have a chicken feather, right?"

Manager Wen, "..."

After pondering for a long time, he reluctantly accepted Qi Lei's statement, "What else?"

He knew it couldn't be the only reason.

Qi Lei, "Second, as you think."

Qi Lei guessed Manager Wen's thoughts thoroughly, "You're afraid that after the Caribbean crew leaves, no one will come."

Manager Wen raised his eyebrows, "This is the key! If the film and television base does not have a crew, the depression will also affect tourism and eventually lead to the failure of the entire project."

Qi Lei, "So!"

"So what?"

"So looking for you!"

Manager Wen, "????"

Qi Lei smiled, "You Desheng, there must be a way to make the film and television base operate normally, right?"

Manager Wen: "..."

chap! ! This grandson is really calculating, and hit Desheng with his idea.

However, don't say it, it is indeed an idea, otherwise why would people find you?

He lowered his head and pondered, wondering if it was feasible.

After a long time, I came to the conclusion, "It's hard!"

Looking at Qi Lei with a bitter face, "Stone, we are businessmen and we have no absolute enemies, so it's not that I don't want to cooperate with you. However, it's really difficult."

"The Caribbean is a special case, and they just needed one of those conditions, so they wanted to shoot here."

"But other crews don't necessarily have to come to the East, there's no need for that."

"Not all crews can endure so many obstacles in order to save costs."

Hainan, China...there are indeed too many inconveniences.

But he didn't want to, Qi Lei still insisted, with a smile on his face, "Think of a way, there will always be a way."

Manager Wen pouted, "What do you think? You can't let Desheng go from house to house and beg people to come, right?"

Seriously, "In Hollywood, there are not a few celebrities and businessmen who oppose China."

When Qi Lei heard this, "I think there is a way!"

Manager Wen is in a hurry, do you really think you are Zhiduoxing, what about Zhuge Liang?

Staring at him, "What do you think? You have to do something. I'll listen to you. I'll obey you, right?"

Manager Wen is a little over the top. When has he served Qi Lei?

As a result, "Really?"

Manager Wen, "Really!!"

Qi Lei, "I have a way, you listen to me?"

Manager Wen, "I call you brother!"

When Qi Lei heard it, he looked like you were finished. He was sold out and poured himself a glass of water first.

After taking a few sips, he held the water glass and said slowly, like a veteran cadre, "Now... the one who is busy fighting terrorism is from the Democratic Party, right?"

Manager Wen hesitated, and instinctively replied, "Is there anything strange about this?"

The chief executive of the United States is indeed from the Democratic Party.

Qi Lei continued, "But most of the people in Hollywood are from the Communist Party of China!"

Manager Wen has a question mark all over his head, does it matter?

Although they belong to different camps, what does it have to do with your film and television base?


Qi Lei sighed perversely, "You said, how good would it be to go back to before the Reagan era?"

I poof, Manager Wen was full of old blood and looked at Qi Lei like a monster.

In...Reagan Era...before?

His eyes were out of focus, his eyes changed, and he stood there for a full two minutes.

Suddenly, he jumped high and pointed at Qi Lei: "Sun Thief!! You are not human!"

Qi Lei laughed, "Just say, are you convinced?"

"Me!!" Manager Wen's bones were itchy, wanting to beat him.

However, in the end, he still said awkwardly, "I'll take it! Okay?"

Can he figure this out? What kind of brain? ? ? ? Too bad, right?

Manager Wen wanted to cry. Anyway, he could never think of such a wicked trick.

So the question is, why did the Pitts get mad at the mention of before the Reagan era? What the **** is this idea?

Well, this is a sad story...

Hollywood stars once experienced a period of extreme darkness and were the most exploited group in the United States.

Don't get me wrong, it's not unspoken rules, it's income tax.

The income tax of Hollywood stars used to be outrageous, as high as 95%! The minimum starting price must also be 50%.

In other words, some celebrities have to pay 9,500 yuan to pay taxes for every 10,000 yuan they earn, but they can only get 500 yuan. The landlord's family, Yang Bailao, has never been so miserable.

For example, Oscar-winning actress Kesudai Kaurbai, she was paid $150,000 for one movie that year. If she shoots three movies a year, she can get it... 30,000!

The tax rate is 93%..

If she is not good at math, she will take a few more movies... Then the income will come up, and the tax rate will have to be higher.

If you can't get it at 30,000 yuan, it's like playing in vain.

Also, don't even think about evading taxes.

As we all know, the U.S. tax department is not a joke. They have their own armed organizations, which are more beasts than the CIA and FBI.

Who dares to evade taxes?

As a result, a bunch of Hollywood stars were tortured crazy by the US tax law.

It wasn't until Reagan became president of the United States that the tax code was changed to lower the tax rate for Hollywood stars.

Why was Reagan so kind? Hehe, he is not kind, but empathy.

He is a Hollywood actor, and he was tortured to death by high tax rates.

Reagan's tax rate when he was an actor in Hollywood was... 91%.

What does Qi Lei mean if he can go back to before the Reagan era? Just raise the tax rate for Hollywood stars.

What does it have to do with building a film and television base in Hainan?

Because there are high tax rates, there are tax avoidance methods!

Thanks to the high tax rate of that era, the tax avoidance methods of Hollywood stars have a glorious tradition, which can be described as varied.

Including personal consumption, expensive luxury consumption in commercial packaging, and thus tax-free, this is all pediatrics.

Among them are several of the most effective and well-known tax avoidance methods.

For example, not shooting locally.

The U.S. tax law stipulates that working outside the U.S. for a certain period of time can be tax-free.

So during that period, a large number of Hollywood films chose to shoot overseas, and the classic film "Roman Holiday" was born from this.

Another example is the establishment of a leather bag company overseas.

Many Hollywood stars choose to set up a leather bag company in Europe or some island countries that are tax havens, and then charge 90% of their salary to the company in the name of co-production expenses, in order to evade US tax laws.

It is conceivable that once the star income tax is raised, the overseas shooting wave of that year will surely be staged.

The film base...

Manager Wen looked at Qi Lei a little bit dumbfounded, how did you come up with it?

Damage or not? Let those Hollywood stars know that this is your idea and have the heart to kill you.

But then again, is this possible?

Really doable!

Where to start, Qi Lei has figured it out for you.

Now the chief anti-terrorist is the Democratic Party, and most of the Hollywood stars are from the Communist Party. This is not just a partisan confrontation.

Due to the unique appeal of stars, before the chief executive came to power, he was often tripped up by these **** stars and hated them.

And Desheng does have the ability to lobby some congressmen and related people, even the chief executive, and then influence the legislation.

The ability of the top five investment banks on Wall Street is beyond doubt.

Manager Wen fell into deep thought, is this okay?

"No, I'm just a small regional manager. I can't control such a big thing. The above won't listen to me!"

Qi Lei spread his hands, "Let's leave it to the top to decide!"

Remind Manager Wen, "Desheng is prosperous in any industry, but Hollywood, you have been unable to impress those Jews."

"Perhaps your boss sees this as a chance to break through?"

Manager Wen: "..."

Thinking again, "However, the six major Hollywood film companies, those Jews will not let us succeed? Their energy is not small."

Qi Lei flattened his mouth, "Is this easier to do? My principle has always been this, it is better to have more allies than one enemy."

"Just pull them in." Gao Shen smiled, "Brother Wen, you must know that you can save costs and take the opportunity to make money. No film company will refuse."


"And what?"

"Besides, I think these film companies have already had enough of those trade unions, right? Besides, Hainan is a special economic zone in China and has good preferential policies, and there is definitely no restraint by trade unions here."

Manager Wen, "..."

After being told by Qi Lei, he became even more tempted.

Because he was right, unions are a cancer in the United States.

In the end Manager Wen compromised and said, "Stone, I still can't decide this matter, and I need to discuss it with the headquarters."

Qi Lei pouted, "Then you have to hurry up, Kodiaz and Haimo happen to be there, maybe Disney is our first ally."

Manager Wen: "..."

I'll contact headquarters tonight, okay! ?

Not now, it's midnight in America.



【Monthly pass coin slot】

【Recommended ticket coin slot】

Second more.

The daughter-in-law slept, did not correct the typo, deal with it, and check it again after writing the next update.