Rebirth: It’s Like Flowing Water

v4 Chapter 87: creepy


After the previous insight model ended, Qi Lei and Lao Qin talked about the [halo effect].


At that time, there was a set of data that made Lao Qin curious.


The special mission of the 16th class was to beautify the Japanese country, and they bombed them repeatedly, with little success.


However, the turning point came after the school canteen exchanged products.


A large number of Japanese comics, as well as high-end stationery, came in, although not many were sold, but the attitude towards Japanese in the questionnaire has been significantly improved.


Lao Qin didn't understand the root cause, Qi Lei told him that it was the [halo effect].


Second middle school students saw Japanese cartoons and high-end stationery, and regarded them as the overall characteristics of the Japanese country. They subconsciously believed that the Japanese country was good in all aspects, at least much better than us.


Moreover, this subconscious is irrational, blind, and even extreme, and it will radiate to all aspects of Japanese cognition. .


Some immature minds even develop a sense of protection.


Protecting the Japanese country is actually protecting the subconscious fantasy of Japanese comics.


Then why did Lao Qin have such a deep impression on him, which led to this seminar?


Because at that time, Qi Lei was the example he gave Lao Qin in the entertainment industry.


Qi Lei told Lao Qin that no matter how fast the development of the entertainment industry is, it must go through several stages. Unspoken rules and capital chaos cannot escape.


Counting down the entertainment industries in Hollywood, Japan, South Korea, Hong Kong and other places, it is not uncommon for them to come this way.


But the problem is that our entertainment industry developed relatively late. When we were in chaos, Japan, South Korea, Europe and the United States had already reached a mature stage.


A complete industrial system, as well as systems and experience, are bound to be completely unleashed.


However, when Hollywood blockbusters are better than yours, and Japanese and Korean idols are more avant-garde and know how to capture the hearts of fans, the halo effect will appear.


You must know that entertainment and film and television are the most easily accepted cultural outputs, none of them!


Democracy, freedom, heroism, and Western-style values ​​in the West will be thrown in through film and television works and idols, and they can't be stopped.


Even the "mother culture" and "neutralization" with colorful hair will also be thrown in.


At this time, Internal Entertainment is unable to compete.


These stars in the mainland are not saying that their quality is not good, but that the overall packaging is a big gap, and the film and television level and content are also a big gap.


Compared with entertainment idols in Japan, South Korea, and Europe and the United States, he is like a bumpkin.


So outstanding! It will be defined by young people as the main characteristics of Japan, South Korea, Europe and the United States.


And the halo effect is a main feature, masking other features, thus forming a bias.


In fact, the stereotyped influence of the West on China is also caused by the halo effect. However, it is just the opposite of the domestic situation.


Overseas, if you look down on you, no matter how good you are, you will look down on you.


In China, it's too conspicuous, if you don't turn a blind eye to how bad it is.


Don't underestimate this kind of prejudice. Take China as an example. The young people of that generation started to be Hahan and Hari, yearning for the West.


How many later turned into hating the country and hating the party? Exquisitely? How many people have done so much harm to our rise?


After Lao Qin heard this, his heart skipped a beat.


It is just a psychological theory, and no one has ever interpreted it from this angle.


Because of this, Lao Qin was very impressed, so when Qi Lei called him in Hong Kong, he didn't say a few words, only revealed a little bit of meaning, Lao Qin understood it all, and was intentionally pushing his hand.


The reason Lao Qin is also very clear, Hong Kong Entertainment has a mature entertainment system, a complete industrialization level, and mature experience.


Introducing the mainland, as long as the problems of the Hong Kong circle are overcome, and the entertainment industry in the mainland is appeased, it will be of great benefit to the overall level of entertainment works and the standardization of the industry.


At least, it will not make the entertainment culture of Japan, South Korea, Europe and the United States so prominent in the mainland as it is now.


Young people have their own local entertainment content to consume, so they will not be too superstitious about foreign entertainment.


Of course, at this moment, Qi Lei and Dong Beiguo were talking about the "halo effect" on stage, but not to make the people below them, like Lao Qin, worry about the country and the people, and think about the overall situation.


It's impossible for the people below to think so much. Most of them are business people, and they only look at interests.


Therefore, Qi Lei's teaching of communication here is not to make them understand, but to scare them.


He roughly talked about what is called the [halo effect]. As for what he said to Lao Qin and the effects he had foreseen, Qi Lei didn't mention it at all.


As a result, the bosses in the audience were dumbfounded!


The more you listen, the more confused you become? What does the halo theory have to do with the Hong Kong circle entering the mainland?


Hehe, this is what I want.


It doesn't matter if you don't understand, you can guess.


The above asked two outsiders to preside over the seminar, and they also talked about communication, which was enough for them to think about it.


As long as you think about it, then this meeting will not be discussed from the perspective of economic interests.


If you wait for everyone in your circle to finish their speeches, all of them are talking about interests, and they are talking about the market, then it will be over, Dong Beiguo and Qi Lei will not be able to make a difference.


Let them know that the protagonist of this meeting is communication, not the market, nor the economy, nor is it the little 99 in your heart.


In this way, Qi Lei spoke vaguely.


The people below were dumbfounded, but Dong Beiguo on the stage couldn't be complacent.


Looking around the audience, I found that some people still understood, and some people pretended not to understand.


After Qi Lei finished speaking, the principal of Dongda laughed, "That's probably what it means, everyone, go back and study."


Looking at his watch, "it's time, continue in the afternoon! Afternoon..."


Looking at Qi Lei, "What do you want to say this afternoon?"


Qi Lei laughed. Principal Dong is trying to turn the seminar into a communication class?


But it's pretty good. I can't guarantee anything else. He can teach communication for a year.


"Let's talk about [Cultural Shock] in the afternoon!"


Dong Beiguo Xin said, what is cultural shock? Didn't you hear what Xiao Liao and the others said?


But he said, "Well, that's all! Tsk tsk, this is the benefit."


After speaking, lift your **** and leave.


President Hua Yi, who was still on the stage with a pestle, didn't open his eyes, so why did he continue in the afternoon? I'm not finished yet!


Unfortunately, Dong Beiguo was the first to get up and leave.


When the others see it, the "protagonist" is gone, so let's go!


Mr. Wang was left in a mess on stage.


After leaving the conference room, Dong Beiguo and Qi Lei turned around and entered the principal's office.


Okay, diagonally across the door.


Dong Beiguo had the attitude of winning the first battle, "Are you frightened?"


Qi Lei gritted his teeth, "It's almost there, did Boss Wang, who didn't look at Hua Yi, have a green face?"


Dong Beiguo, "That's good, otherwise the next meeting won't be able to open."


Qi Lei also felt the same way. The seminar depends not only on the results, but also on the attitude.


If some problems can be solved at the meeting, Lao Qin's implementation will save a lot of trouble.


As he was talking, someone knocked on the door.




Dong Beiguo and Qi Lei looked at the door at the same time, and what was surprising was that the two factory directors who pushed the door into the door—Director Zheng and Director Wang of the Bayi Factory and Beiying Factory.


As soon as the two came in, they smiled at each other, "Mr. Dong, President Qi is here! Let's sit down, I wonder if we are welcome?"


He stretched out his hand and didn't hit the smiling face, but Dong Beiguo couldn't stand it any longer, let the two in and made tea himself.


After the four of them sat down, they chatted at first, and it took a long time for them to figure out what they wanted.


Pharaoh from the Beijing Film Studio spoke first and asked Dong Beiguo, "Mr. Dong, did the [halo effect] mentioned at the meeting mean that foreign film and television works will affect the Chinese people's judgment of the West?"


Dong Beiguo and Qi Lei raised their eyebrows when they heard it.


You must know that Qi Lei just made a term explanation, but he didn't go into it, Pharaoh could actually think of this step.


Dong Beiguo said with a smile, "Director Wang has a vision!"


I saw Lao Wang waved his hand, "Foresight is nothing, it's just a coincidence."


With a wry smile, he said, "Let's put it this way, what I studied back then was journalism, which came out of Zhejiang."




That's no wonder, it turned out to be an expert.


In fact, the purpose of Director Wang's visit is not to discuss the halo effect. He is here to find out.


how to say?


Since he knows what the halo effect is, and he also thinks of the purpose of talking about the halo effect at the meeting, it is not difficult to think that if the above instigated Beiguang to talk about this at the meeting, then the above should have adopted Beiguang. , I have the intention to introduce Hong Kong Entertainment.


Confirming this news is very important to Director Wang.


You know, the Beijing Film Studio should be the best among all the film studios in the Mainland.


Of course they don't want someone to grab their jobs, but if that's what the above means, then it's another matter.


Even if someone grabs it, for the North Film Studio, it is a matter of eating more and less. At least there is not too much pressure on survival, at most it will be difficult to live!


However, Director Wang is still naive. With Dong Beiguo's shrewd energy, can you make a statement?


As soon as the Tai Chi session came down, Director Wang felt that he asked everything, but he didn't ask anything, so he was very confused.


As for Mr. Zheng from the Bayi Factory, he is also here to talk, but the starting point is not the same as Mr. Wang.


It’s still a matter of situation. Bayi Factory doesn’t have to worry about not being able to make films, and there is no problem of not being able to survive.


They are more relaxed than the Beijing Film Studio. They are too busy with shooting tasks within the military and the party!


Old Zheng is not concerned about the "halo effect" either. As a soldier, he has an innate sense of mission and responsibility.


What he cares about is [cultural shock]!


Although he didn't understand the word, it sounded quite scary.


"Old Dong, tell us, what is called cultural shock?"


Mr. Zheng is also from the Northwest, and he and Dong Beiguo are half fellows.


When Dong Beiguo heard it, what should I say? I just heard this word too!


However, since people have asked, let's just say it!


Fortunately, the literal meaning of this professional term is easy to understand.


"Brother Zheng! Maybe it means... Cultural shock! Culture is the foundation of a country or a nation. Once you fall into shock..."


He glanced at Qi Lei inadvertently, and saw this kid shaking his head with him without a trace, meaning, "Don't talk about it!!"


However, the words are already half said.


Dong Beiguo: "..."


"This, this..." I suddenly remembered that Liao Fanyi and Qi Lei were talking about the [sleep effect] when they chatted before.


Probably the meaning is very close!


"This, this... Shock, as the name suggests, is the collision of Eastern and Western cultures. We may..."


When Qi Lei heard his beginning, he rolled his eyes, please stop! Say it again, I can't come back.


The head of the conversation forced the result, "What Principal Dong means is, [cultural shock], the professional explanation is: During cross-cultural communication, the familiar things suddenly become unfamiliar, and various psychological discomforts also follow. This form of , known as [culture shock].”


At this time, the old king of the North Film Studio said, "President Qi's professional knowledge, I have to say, it's solid!"


Turning to Lao Zheng, "Old Zheng, let me give you an example!"


"The so-called cultural exchange, let's take the cultural exchange between the East and the West! We all know that Westerners like to hug each other when they meet each other. In France and Italy, there is a kiss."


"Is it commonplace in cognition? I don't think it's anything, it's just that people's etiquette is different from ours."


"However, when you really face a Frenchman, he will hug you and kiss your face when he comes up, and you will be very uncomfortable."


"It's called culture shock."


Old Zheng understood immediately, "Oh, what's going on!"


Dong Beiguo, "Mr. Zheng, you haven't studied communication. It's normal. This stuff is quite uncommon for ordinary people."


He also pretended to understand.


In response, Mr. Zheng just smiled politely, "It's very interesting."


Looking at Qi Lei, "According to this, does this [Cultural Shock] have anything to do with our movie?"


At this time, the three of them all looked at Qi Lei, waiting for his answer.


Even Lao Wang of the Beijing Film Studio didn't understand what was the point of mentioning cultural shock here.


I saw Qi Lei straighten his body, "Actually, whether it's a movie, a song, or a TV series, from the perspective of communication, they are all media."


"And the output is actually culture."


The three nodded in approval.


Qi Lei continued, "[Cultural shock] is mentioned here because we are already in cultural shock."


When Old Man Zheng and Old Wang heard this, they frowned.


Already in culture shock? So... what's the problem with that?


As Qi Lei said, when Eastern and Western cultures collide, we are shocked and uncomfortable with the etiquette and forms of Western culture.


But what Qi Lei said next made the three of them horrified.


"The two of you are wrong. Our people are not shocked by Western culture, but because of their unfamiliarity with our own culture and discomfort."


A nation is uncomfortable and unfamiliar with its own culture! ?


Scary or not?


Accidental or not?


However, in this era at the beginning of the twenty-first century, this is actually happening.


At that time, it was not like twenty years later, when there was a Hanfu Festival, young people wore Hanfu to the streets, made historical jokes, and praised the wisdom of our ancestors.


Everyone is arguing whether Li Bai is the master of the past and the present, or whether Su Dongpo is superior.


Popular science is a hero in a war era, a hero who has done his best, everyone is full of emotion, and even weeps.


In this era, it can be said that traditional culture is at its weakest. Many people are really unfamiliar, disgusted and uncomfortable with our own culture.


Elder Zheng: "..."


Old Wang, "..."


Even Dong Beiguo widened his eyes.


If some things are not summed up, everyone tends to ignore them. But once it was pointed out, it really made people's faces turn pale.


At this time, Qi Lei looked at Old Man Zheng and Old Wang, "Two elders, I know that for the two of you, the outcome of this seminar is actually not very important."


"To put it bluntly, just follow the crowd and make no mistakes."


"But, both of you are responsible I'll just say a few words from the bottom of my heart!"


"The mainland's film industry and entertainment industry really don't need blood from Hong Kong. We do it ourselves, be careful, and it will be on the right track in ten or twenty years."


"During this period, we must experience highs and lows, madness and blindness."


"It's nothing, the entertainment industry in any country comes here like this."


"But in the past ten or twenty years, we can't help the current state of shock, and even do it a disservice!!"


"However, if we can take over the entertainment industry in Hong Kong and transform it, we can save 10 or 20 years of time and start taking action against the chaos of people's cultural shock to themselves!"


Speaking of which, Qi Lei looked directly at the two of them, "Both of you are involved in movies. You know better than me how terrifying the publicity and dissemination effects of movie works are!"


Two people: "..."


Mr. Zheng fell into deep thought. He wondered whether what Qi Lei said made sense.


And the old king...


Pharaoh regretted entering this house and was trapped here!






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