Rebirth: It’s Like Flowing Water

v4 Chapter 90: 36 count to 1 time?

Dong Beiguo was quite apprehensive.

Don't look at the old man Dong is not a good person, he has a lot of hearts, but it must be this era, and the old man has never been abroad, and he does not know foreigners.

In addition, in Beiguang, whenever you come up with a masterpiece of journalism and communication, the column for the author must be a long list of foreign names.

Therefore, Dong Beiguo is really a little embarrassed.

Don't let this foreigner named Levistan mess up the game, right?

Seeing that Qi Lei and Lao Qin didn't take it seriously, Dong Beiguo was a little anxious, "What's the matter with you two? Be serious!"

"A proud soldier will be defeated! Do you understand!?"

Over there, Qi Lei was answering the phone, just nodding.

After putting down the phone, I had time to talk to Dong Beiguo.

If you want to say something, think about it.

"Okay! Listen to you, be serious!"

As he spoke, he glared at Lao Qin, "Uncle Bei, be more serious too!"

Lao Qin, "..."


At the meeting in the afternoon, Mr. Wang really showed up at the venue with Levistan...

When I met Qi Lei, I really had the aura of "meeting enemies, especially jealous".

As a result, as expected by Dong Beiguo, Qi Lei really underestimated the enemy!

At the beginning of the meeting, Levistan was almost full of firepower, refuting the [halo effect] and [cultural shock] that Qi Lei had mentioned before.

You know, even though old Levi liked ducks, he wasn't very good at coming up with those ideas after eating them. However, when it comes to the basic theory of communication (not counting the forward-looking of rebirth), ten Qi Lei together can't beat an old Levi.

It's called a master-level lecture on communication, the translation can't keep up with his point, and Qi Lei can't say a word.

Dong Beiguo's Khan has come down, Te Niang's! Are you saying this is not easy? I should have called Liao Fanyi, Chen Xingfu, and Pang Qingfang.

But then again, even if you call them all over, you may not be able to argue with this foreigner.

The confidence of all the private bosses was greatly boosted, and Mr. Wang finally did a serious job. This person hired a cow! The old man and the young man on the stage could not be found in the north.

And after refuting communication studies, Levistan can only be considered hot, and the next step is to enlarge the trick.

He advocated, "Since it is a discussion about Hong Kong films, it is obviously impractical to leave out Hong Kong film colleagues. Why not invite them to the seminar?"

As soon as these words came out, all the bosses watched the excitement.

At noon, Mr. Wang had already agreed with them. Knowing that this was an old Levi's plan, he only said that the old white man had a good understanding of the Chinese art of war.

However, the directors of the film studio, as well as actors and directors, have red eyes.

Originally they acted by chance, but now you call your Hong Kong people over, doesn't this give them a chance?

But there was no way, the voices of the private bosses were very high, not to mention them, Qi Lei and Dong Beiguo on the stage couldn't stand it.

Dong Beiguo's old face flushed red, knowing that he was not at ease.

Qi Lei was also cold-eyed and silent, with a bit of resentment in his eyes.

Old Levi felt so comfortable, Bo Y! !

There was no winner last time, this time, I must let you know what a master of communication is.

The final result was not what Levistan expected. Qi Lei and Dong Beiguo couldn't stand it, so they had to break up the meeting in despair.

Although there is no result, he is not in a hurry, because the king has not exerted his strength yet!

the next day.

As soon as I entered the venue in the morning, the atmosphere changed.

First of all, the staff who organized the meeting above quietly moved Dong Beiguo and Qi Lei to the corner of the rostrum.

On the contrary, Mr. Zheng of the Bayi Factory and Mr. Wang of the Beiying Factory were placed in the middle.

In China, this is very important. Explain what? It means that the old man and the young man are no longer the protagonists.

What's more, what is even more surprising is that the king stepped onto the rostrum in a grand manner, occupying a seat.

Dong Beiguo is also like an eggplant beaten by frost, even his face is the same as an eggplant.

In the end, Mr. Zheng from Bayi Factory finally made the final decision and agreed to the participation of Hong Kong colleagues and invited them immediately.

The meeting will be adjourned for three days, and the discussion will continue when Hong Kong colleagues arrive.

Qi Lei and Dong Beiguo didn't even have a chance to talk from beginning to end. Dong Beiguo was so angry that he threw off the stool and left, and his image was gone.

Back in the office diagonally across from the door, Principal Dong Da was even more angry at Qi Lei.

"Tell you not to underestimate the enemy, what do you say now!?"


"It's hard to do things with no hair on your lips, it's you who said it!"

It could be heard all over the hallway, including many of those who attended the seminar.

There was also Qi Lei's sophistry, "That old Levi has a brain! It's better for him to invite people from Hong Kong, just as we have allies!"

It was also heard by the public.

The directors of the film studios frowned even deeper.


Three days later, several Hong Kong representatives came to Beijing for a film industry seminar.

Just as the king thought, he almost didn't fight.

There was a three-way fight, and the people from the film studio were no longer reserved and ended up tearing it up in person.

In fact, the representatives from Hong Kong didn't have much hope when they came, knowing that this was just a passing game, and they would not be let in so easily.

As a result, it not only went through the motions, but also made people humiliated.

Can you bear it? Fire was also fired.

So it became more and more uncontrollable, and finally turned into a farce. The seminar did not study any serious topics, and it was nothing.

Levistan, the communication master and the public relations expert of Desheng, gave full play to his strength and jumped out to clean up the mess just before the end of the meeting.

It is clear that since the cooperation between the mainland and Hong Kong is unlikely to be achieved, he is willing to use some Hollywood contacts to bridge the gap between the mainland and Hollywood to make up for the loss.

However, there are two conditions:

First, the mainland must relax the review of imported films so that Hollywood films can land in China smoothly.

Second, enable copyright protection to safeguard the interests of intellectual property owners.

This is his ultimate goal!

In this era, the review of imported films is extremely strict, and it is generally not allowed to enter. Moreover, there are quotas, and there are only a few films a year, which cannot meet the needs of Hollywood at all.

As long as it can come in without hindrance, then mainland China is the second treasure island, the second Japan and South Korea.

No country in the world can resist the charm of Hollywood, and the local film industry can only be destroyed and controlled.

At that time, the mainland film market will be dominated by Hollywood.

Although the mainland box office is not very good now, as long as you have a little brains, you will know that a country with a population of one billion is in a stage of rapid development, and the box office will take off sooner or later.

It's like taking over in advance.

And with copyright protection to prevent piracy, they can further ensure their interests.

Compared with these, what is the point of the promised condition?

Finally, the official came forward to respond.

Can! !

However, to comply with the WTO, the term of protection for new members is limited.

After the protection period, China is willing to open the film market to the West.

In other words, there is no problem with increasing the quota, but you have to wait for the protection period.

In this regard, whether Levistan, Desheng behind him, or those bigwigs far across the ocean, have long expected.

No one is a fool, it's impossible to let you in now and watch you crash the local film industry.

Besides, even if they are allowed to come in now, political considerations are a bit profitable, but economic considerations, the total box office volume of a year is a little more than 100 million US dollars, people really look down on it.

As for the conditions of the promise to go out, they are actually trivial matters.

Appropriately open theaters, but it depends on the box office.

Increasing the appearance rate of Chinese movie stars can also smear you, and supporting roles without a single line can also be counted.

Action special effects outsourcing, so no problem.

The key is to reduce costs, which is what the big Hollywood companies are willing to see.

Moreover, the action design of the East is indeed stronger than that of Hollywood.

Besides, Levistan said, just one or two plays, see the effect.

As for the Oscars, let’s not talk about whether you have any films that can be nominated for the Oscars, and even if there are, how can a film be?

In short, Levistan thinks, he earned it!

Earn big!

Not only did he get things done, but he also beat Qi Lei.

Or the same sentence, the young man is a talent, but me and Bi? You are still far behind, lacking strategic ability and vision!

At the end of the meeting, Levistan first shook hands with Mr. Wang, "Wang, happy cooperation! I look forward to your movie landing in North America as soon as possible, and it will shine."

The king always smiled sincerely like an honest man, "I borrow your auspicious words, this time thanks to you!"

Old Levidon was modest, "I can't say that, I also learned a lot from Mr. Wang!"

"Like this... lure snakes out of their holes? This is a good Chinese strategy."

The king immediately smiled, "Next time you come again, I'll discuss something else with you."

Old Levi, "It's a word!"

Mr. Wang, "A word is settled! Next time, I will tell you the whole set of thirty-six strategies."

Separated from the king, of course, the old Levi had to show off his might in front of Qi Lei.

Taking the initiative to step forward, he reached out his hand to shake, "Qi, I'm very happy to meet here for the second time!"

Qi Lei narrowed his eyes, "Mr. Levistan, in China, we pay attention to benevolence after the fact. It's not the way of a gentleman to sneer and ridicule after winning once."

Old Levi raised his brows, "I don't quite understand it. However, I probably understood what Mr. Qi meant."

"In our West, winning is winning, and the winner has everything. Your Eastern thinking is too hypocritical."

Qi Lei, "Really?"

"Yes." Levistan changed his words, "However, this time I can win against you, but it is your oriental strategy. I have learned a lot."

Qi Lei raised his eyebrows, "Oh? Are you still planning on the East?"

Levistan, "Yes, the Eastern Stratagem is actually very interesting. Wang also agreed with me that the next time we meet, let me experience thirty-six strategies."

Qi Lei, "..."

You still forget it! Thirty-six counts? I'm afraid you'll go back.

Glancing at Mr. Wang, he didn't want to continue wrangling with Levistan.

Some loneliness turned back out of the venue and entered Dong Beiguo's office.


Then there was Dong Beiguo's roar, "Smash it!! Let you play it!! I shouldn't trust you, you little bastard!"

"From now on, when you are here with me, there is no trust at all!"

Old Levi listened, shook his head and smirked, "Young man, you still need to practice!"

"Young people, you still need to exercise your strategic vision!"



From the beginning to the end of this seminar, Mr. Wang of the Beijing Film Studio was quite confused.

Mr. Zheng received the above instructions and accepted the host of the seminar.

But Pharaoh, since Levistan appeared, even if the Hong Kong representative came, he has not said a word.

He felt absurd:

First of all, the above handed over the development decision of an industry to Qi Lei.

However, Qi Lei is obviously not as good as the rumors from the outside world.

Secondly, what he didn't understand the most was, [Halo Effect] [Cultural Shock], this is a grand strategy for the collision of Eastern and Western cultures!

If he and Zheng Lao hadn't heard Qi Lei's thoughts with their own ears, it might have been nothing.

However, he listened, knowing that this is an important node related to the national cultural security in the next few decades.

How can you let the 250-year-old, boneless thing, Mr. Wang, invite a foreigner to come in as a consultant? It's too playful, isn't it?

What made him even more puzzled was that since Beiguang had already identified the theme, it was a matter of rise and fall!

how come...

Just Levistan threw out two jelly beans, what Oscar, what theater, and it was tempted? Just change direction?

In his opinion, the whole thing is a farce, and it is really difficult to calm down.

Therefore, after the meeting was over, Pharaoh didn't leave. He wanted to knock on Dong Beiguo's door when everyone was gone.

He wanted to question Qi Lei himself, "What are you doing!? You are wronging the country!!"

Just like that, Pharaoh sat in the conference room for a full twenty minutes.

He was the only one left, so he got up heavy and packed his things.

During this period, Pharaoh's brows did not unfold.

Don't think that he does have a little bit of his own thoughts, but when it comes to major issues, Lao Wang is not ambiguous, he has a party spirit.

Walk to the door of the conference room and take a deep breath.

Across this door, there is a corridor, which is the answer.

In other words, the person who can give him the answer is in the principal's office.

slowly push away...

The door only opened a crack, but the scene in front of him made Old Wang froze and his three views were shattered.

I saw that in the empty corridor, two people, Mr. Hua Yi and Mr. Wang, sneaked past and entered Dong Beiguo's office.


Lao Wang looked at the king and the little king with round eyes.


Can anyone tell me what's going on here?

Your Majesty, this two-hundred-fifty, soft head, isn't it...

Isn't it against Qi Lei?

Didn't he invite the white-skinned foreigner?



At this moment, in Dong Beiguo's office, Mr. and Mrs. Wang looked at the old man and the young man, and the two were in that pair of eyes!

Dong Beiguo, "You are a real ghost, when did you start calculating?"

Qi Lei, "How do you think Desheng knows we are having a meeting? How do you know the content of the meeting?"

Dong Beiguo, "..."

Qi Lei, "Then since when did you always know?"

"I'm hiding it from you on purpose! I'm afraid that old Levy knows some psychology or something and sees that you're acting."

Dong Beiguo, "Humph! You answer that call, and I'll know before you tell me who called it."

Qi Lei was dumbfounded, "How did you see this?"

Dong Beiguo flicked his arms, "I'm not looking, I'm listening! Old man, I have a good ear!"

He pointed at Mr. Wang, "Did he make the call? He said everything about old Levi on the phone."

Qi Lei, "..."

However, Dong Beiguo tilted his head and looked at President Wang.

In front of others, this is the boss, the big boss. But here in Dong Beiguo, he really can't put on the air as a boss.

"I'm just curious, when did you hook up with this kid?"

Over there, Mr. Wang smiled, as if taking credit, "At noon on the first day of the meeting, Desheng approached me, and I called Mr. Qi and tipped me off!"

Well, Manager Wen is still there fooling around, what common enemy, and find him a consultant?

If the king is really 250, Hua Yi can't be that big.

In an industry seminar hosted by the official, I brought a foreigner in to harm Qi Lei? Do you still want to mix up?

Besides, what is Desheng? Eat people without spitting bones!

Therefore, after separating from Manager Wen, Mr. Wang did not hesitate to contact Qi Lei.

As soon as Qi Lei heard it, he was hooked, of course, to let the king take the bait.

Otherwise, how could Mr. Wang say he would think about it when he broke up, but it took less than half an hour to think about it?

At this time, Qi Lei no longer pretended, and suddenly wanted to say a line.

"The ball certificate, circumstantial evidence, plus the organizer and co-organizer, all are my people!"

"How do you fight me?"

But just thinking about it in my heart, I can't ruin the classic of Xing Ye.

He said, "Now, the big situation has spread, and what achievements can be made next depends on your own filmmakers."

The big and small kings looked at each other with doubts in their eyes, "Mr. Qi!"

Mr. Wang spoke first, "Actually, we don't quite understand until now. Are these things from Levistan useful?"

From the perspective of the moment, from their perspective, the benefits that the king always wants are actually the same thing. It is better to order the shares of the big Hollywood labels, or some other benefits.

And Qi Lei's answer is also very simple, "If you want it, others have to give it?"

Mr. Wang, "However, wouldn't it be better to fight for some joint venture filming opportunities? Would it be more able to train our filmmakers?"

Qi Lei, "Stop! Stop as soon as possible! Don't think about those unrealistic things."

"Joint venture? Cooperative filming, you have to be equal!"

"Now that movies in the mainland are commercialized, even Hong Kong can't see the taillights of cars, and they still go to Hollywood?"

Those who cannot climb up will only be marginalized. Even being affected, it's the best form right now.

The opportunity for Chinese movie stars to appear is not to be famous, but to learn. Learn from other people's actors' dedication and learn from other people's professional abilities.

An Oscar foreign language film, which is a great boost to the overall morale of Chinese films.

Qi Lei knew too much how the Chinese people reacted when Lao Mouzi's "Hero" hit the Oscars.

Then there are theaters.

At least it is an opportunity, whether it can be grasped is another matter, but at least there is this opportunity.

And the most important thing is actually the action effects.

We are absolutely good at this.

In fact, the special subcontracting of action special effects, in later generations, the era when Qi Lei passed through is also an emerging model.

The martial arts, martial arts, action design, and special effects that were originally implemented into the crew were deducted from the crew. Like the post-production special effects, they were produced by a fixed professional team alone.

Qi Lei has visited an action special effect company in later generations, which has a great advantage over the traditional model.

Compared with the original martial arts instructor who brought the team into the group, temporary design, and on-site shooting, the subcontracted action company can start work from the moment the script is finalized.

For example, in a melee scene in a martial arts drama, the action company can use a professional art team and action design team to polish the details for a long time.

After designing the movements, they also have professional martial arts personnel and professional rehearsal venues to conduct real shooting simulations.

Every detail, camera position, and atmosphere rendering can be deducted to the extreme.

In addition, the professional action studio and equipment are incomparable to the filming location of the crew. Wu has cooperated with the actors for a long time, and the tacit understanding is also displayed there.

It also has absolute advantages in the display of some difficult movements and safety.

Qi Lei had seen a preview, and he said from his heart, the effect was explosive, and it was too advanced.

This thing can not only subcontract martial arts action, war scenes, urban action scenes, but also sci-fi scenes, and it has a wide range of applications.

Moreover, Qi Lei's idea is not just action special effects.

If the action special effects are done in China, the relevant personnel will have to cooperate.

Gradually, in order to facilitate collaboration, 3D special effects and prop manufacturing can be moved over.

There is an advantage to moving here, and the labor cost is a lot less than Hollywood.

These seem to be insignificant basic projects, but isn't what we lack is the foundation?

When many people mention the film industry, they first talk about directors, actors, and works.

Let it go for a while, I don't have that ability yet!

Starting from the basics, what about being a horse boy for Hollywood, and what about working as a worker?

With these foundations, we can talk about the superstructure.

After listening to Qi Lei's explanations, Mr. and Mrs. Wang actually felt a little speechless.

To be honest, none of their insiders necessarily have a deep and far-sighted view of Qi Lei, a layman. This is really looking at the problem from the perspective of the overall situation.

Thinking back again, Qi Lei calculated the whole thing from the beginning to the end.

I have to say: playing strategy, the heart is really dirty! !

What Levistan? It's a straight-up comparison. He didn't even pass the test of President Wang, and he was still competing with Qi Lei?

Mr. Wang suddenly complimented him, "I don't know how old Levi would feel when he knew he was fooled and lost for a while."

When Qi Lei heard this, "Don't!!"

"This matter, you know, some people will know tonight, it's over."

"Levy old Levi thinks he won and is the best."

The two nodded, and the matter was over, no one could mention it. As for who...

At this time, Dong Beiguo said, "What about Hong Kong movies?"

The purpose of the seminar was to integrate Hong Kong films, but Qi Lei went around and calculated Hollywood.

(Really. Lie the gun)

"Don't care about Hong Kong?"

Qi Lei glared, "It's okay! Why don't you care?"

Glancing at his watch, "At seven o'clock tonight, the conference room of the Bayi Factory, 40 domestic film studios, plus representatives from Hong Kong, will officially hold a meeting! Film industry seminar!"

Looking at Mr. Wang, "You are lucky, you are the only private production organization participating in the conference."

Big and small Wang: "..."

Although it is good news, but sweat is down.

Shit! It's really yin!

He didn't let anyone go, he took it all!

Suddenly I was a little fortunate to hear Wang Zhendong's words.

Well, Mr. Wang sold Desheng and contacted Qi Lei. In fact, there is another reason.

They knew Wang Zhendong, and it was a little friendship.

As soon as the seminar came Mr. Wang made an appointment with Wang Zhendong. The original intention was to get to know Wang Zhendong and Qi Lei, so as to make friends.

However, Wang Zhendong didn't take it, he knew that Qi Lei didn't like it.

However, he gave Mr. and Mrs. Wang a suggestion.

"Unless it is a last resort, don't fight against my boss, and don't think he is easy to bully when he is young."

"On the surface, he is a businessman, but he is actually a scholar, but scholars are not his main business."

"That's a strategy, and he hasn't missed it yet. In the future... it's unlikely to miss!"


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Probably not today.

Let's see what time we can be back tonight...