Rebirth: It’s Like Flowing Water

v5 Chapter 241: I want to go back to see the light

Two days later.

Or the golf course in Chicago.

It was still Brother Hei, Qi Lei, and Paulson strolling leisurely on it.

Paulson smiled brightly, as if the dirty things in the past had nothing to do with him.

To the little black brother: "I'm very sorry, the employee who leaked the news has already been punished."

"Also, you can rest assured this time, I have bought this stadium, and no more news will be leaked."

After listening to the little black brother, he laughed at ease, as if nothing had happened before.

"Really? That's great. I'm really afraid of being exposed this time."

Paulson raised his eyebrows, "Actually, it's nothing to be exposed. Members of Congress have to make friends, so can't they be friends with us?"

Brother Little Hei, "It makes sense! However, this time is different from the last time."

Paulson nodded, "It's really different!" With one swing, it was a good shot.

"Oh, yes!" Paulson seemed to remember something, "I've replaced all the staff here, and there is still a manager missing. Is Michelle interested? If she wants, then it's more convenient for us to play. ."

Brother Little Hei, "I think she'll like it! I'll ask her later."

Michelle is the wife of little black brother.


Brother Xiao Hei also came to his own ball and swung a good shot. He seemed to think of something, "Oh, right!"

Apologetically, he spread his hands to Qi Lei and Paulson, "Maybe, I can't help you for the time being. You know, that revelation made me very passive, and my situation in the party..."

Paulson didn't wait for him to finish, "You don't have to worry about this at all! We are friends now, and friends will naturally need to help."

"I'll help you get in touch with a few friends later." He smiled, "In the MZ party, we also have friends."

Little Black Brother, "Really? That's great! But..."

Paulson, "Don't worry!" He walked towards the ball, "Even if it's not enough, we can make some more friends!"

This is a bit domineering. I have money, and some connections. I will do what I say!

After listening to the little black brother, he seemed very satisfied, "Thank you!"

From the beginning to the end, Qi Lei was only a bystander and didn't say a word.

While Paulson was playing, he had a good time talking with the little black brother.

Seeing that they were almost talking about the conditions, he glanced at Qi Lei with a deep meaning, and suddenly started to exert his strength. He was two holes ahead of Brother Xiao Hei in just a few strokes.

"Oh, I'm so lucky today!"

As he was talking, he followed his caddie to chase his own ball.

Here, only Qi Lei and Little Hei are left.

Brother Little Hei knows that Paulson's conditions have been negotiated, and it's time to clear things up.

Maybe it was the last time that Qi Lei's straightforwardness left a deep impression on Brother Hei. Maybe it was this young Chinese man who made Brother Hei look different.

So, Brother Hei didn't play riddles like he did with Paulson. This time, he took it straight.

"Qi, tell me about your conditions!"

"Conditions?" Qi Lei smiled, "I don't have any conditions!"

"Or, my conditions, Paulson has already said, and now there are no additional terms."

The little black brother raised his eyebrows, obviously a little surprised.

However, he is not asking.

And Qi Lei suddenly said, "Do you remember what we said last time we played?"

Brother Little Hei frowned, and the club that was about to be lifted was temporarily put down.

"Which one?"

Qi Lei looked at him with a smile, "I remember I said, let's talk about a deal first, and then slowly make friends."

Brother Hei thought for a while, "It seems so."

I saw that Qi Lei chose one from Brother Xiao Hei's clubs to try out the feel, and then took the place of Brother Xiao Hei and made a hitting action.

"After the transaction is over, I think you can see our strength and feel our determination to invest."

"As for friendship..."

Snapped! !

A ball was swung beautifully, and the ball drew a perfect parabola and flew into the distance.

"As a person, I am absolutely cold-blooded towards business, but I am also absolutely selfless towards my friends..."

Looking at Brother Little Hei, "So, we will get along very happily."

Little Black Brother, "..."

Seeing the small ball fly high over the green and land just a few feet away from the next hole, even a fool can push it in.

In his mind, he thought about the intention of Qi Lei's words. Why did he say these words? What is the purpose?

Finally, with a grin, "Damn it!"

He laughed and scolded, "Qi! I think I'm going to get to know you again, you can play!"

Qi Lei stuffed the club back, "Look, this is the real me."

Brother Little Hei stared at Qi Lei blankly. To be honest, he originally thought he could see Qi Lei clearly, a monster wrapped in the appearance of a good boy, with almost genius ability and a powerful wisdom comparable to any politician.

Before coming, Brother Xiao Hei even did his homework to study Qi Lei's growth trajectory in detail in recent years.

He even used some connections to find Qi Lei's growth record in China.

In the end, Brother Hei discovered that the opponents who stood in front of Qi Lei were those who underestimated this young man. Either he became his friend, or he was completely cold.

The only one who could barely support it was Adams.

However, Adams was obviously not having a good time.

This is an extremely scary guy!

Of course, it depends on where you put yourself.

If you want to be his friend, congratulations, it will be a good experience.

However, if you insist on becoming an enemy, from Liu Jixiang to Hughes, and Sansa and Sharp, it seems that none of them will end well.

Brother Xiao Hei came to such a conclusion, although he did not decide to make friends with Qi Lei, on the contrary, it made him extremely vigilant.

But now, it was clear that Qi Lei had once again frightened him.

The little black brother, who thought he had seen this young man clearly, fell into confusion again.

He actually just stopped talking to you about a deal, and started talking about a relationship.

Moreover, the twenty-year-old face was very confusing, making it hard for the little black brother to doubt his sincerity.

"Damn it!" The little black brother cursed secretly, he began to want to make friends with this young man.

"Qi, are you a devil or an angel?"

Qi Lei didn't answer, but instead asked little black brother, "The coldest thing in this world is human nature, so what is the most beautiful thing in this world?"

Brother Little Hei pondered for a while and gave an answer, "It's still human nature!"

Qi Lei, "Barack, do you only see coolness and only believe in darkness, or do you believe in light and expect light?"

Brother Little Hei pondered again, thinking for a long time this time, and finally said: "I believe there is light! Otherwise, the world would be too boring."

I saw Qi Lei smiling brightly, "Look, you already have the answer, don't you?"

"Okay.!" The little black brother admitted that he was defeated, and the young man persuaded him.

"But!" The conversation changed, "I have something to say first." He looked directly at Qi Lei, "No matter what your transaction is, there are some things that I have to make clear first."

Qi Lei, "Tell me, I won't necessarily promise you."

Brother Hei is still serious, "I will not harm the interests of the United States for the sake of trading!"

Glancing at Paulson in the distance, he didn't give a reason. But the meaning is clear, I am not a capitalist who only looks at money.

"At any time, I will not help your country to harm the United States!"

Qi Lei smiled, nodded and laughed, "Deal!"

This surprised Brother Hei. He didn't expect Qi Lei to agree so happily.


Qi Lei, "I have answered this question to Adams."

Brother Hei, "how did you answer him?"

Qi Lei, "Let me put it another way!"

"Barack, I want to help you, not to make you our spokesperson in the United States. I'm just a businessman who comes to do business, and I just want a fair business environment."

"Is it difficult?"

Little Black Brother, "..."

Shaking his head, "Okay, on behalf of the United States, I apologize to you!"

Qi Lei didn't care, "Oh, by the way, do you need a partner?"

Brother Little Hei frowned and looked at Qi Lei in confusion.

Qi Lei, "Don't get me wrong, I don't want to send someone to stare at you, it doesn't make sense."

Brother Hei was even more puzzled, "Then why did you send me a partner??"

Qi Lei, "Because she is useful to you."


"Sansa Walter."

Little Black Brother, "..."

He really didn't understand Qi Lei at all, "As far as I know, your relationship with Sansa isn't a good one, right? She caused you a lot of trouble, why do you recommend her?"

Qi Lei replied, "Some people need to talk about transactions first, and then talk about friendship. For some people, they need to talk about friendship first, and then talk about transactions."

The little black brother nodded, shook his head and chuckled, "You are really an interesting guy."



Sansa is transferred back to the Commerce Department.

This is not the result of Paulson and Qi Lei's operation, but the decision of the person in the B Palace.

Moreover, Sansa's task after returning is to take over the supervision of the penguins again.

Hughes has been kicked out, and he doesn't mind letting an isolated MZ party member enter the public eye again.

An outdated MZ party is no threat to him. Besides, you can also comply with public opinion and earn a little reputation, so why not do it?

This incident made the two of them sleepless all night.

One is Sansa herself.

When she received the order that she could go back, Sansa couldn't figure it out, why did I go back? I can only sigh about the impermanence of life.

And the other is, Adam!

Damn it, it's really Sansa! ! !

Although he won 100 yuan, he seemed to have won nothing, but lost nothing.

**** it! !

Special! !

That night, no one knew how many times Adams cursed Qi Lei.

That guy won, Adams could even imagine what he would do next, and Qi Lei, sitting on the penguin, could almost do whatever he wanted.

He brought the YS revolution to the United States! !

But, will Qi Lei really do whatever he wants?

He did what he said "once and for all", and it seemed that it was indeed time to reap the fruits of victory.

Unfortunately, Qi Lei didn't mean to do that.

He thought of Adams, farther than everyone else.


Before returning to work at Three Stones, Sansa made a trip to Chicago.

Meeting with the little black brother, the two MZ members who were temporarily isolated naturally came together.

Of course, temporarily!

Although Sansa returned to Seattle and met Qi Lei, the old woman didn't seem to be very grateful.

"Okay, this is all your credit, what do you need me to do?"

The tone was a bit stiff, and reluctant.

To this, Qi Lei replied indifferently, "I don't need anything, I don't need you to open up, and I even need you to be a little stricter on the basis of ensuring that the normal operation of Sanshi will not be affected."

"Huh?" Sansa was puzzled.

Qi Lei, "Yes, you heard that right! Be stricter, don't let anyone talk about it, I'll be satisfied."

Sansa, "Are you sure?"

Qi Lei, "Very sure!"

He stood up, walked around to Sansa, and took the initiative to stretch out his right hand.

"Forget about the 40 million, forget that you came back because of me."

"I hope that we have a normal relationship between supervision and supervision at work."

"I also hope that in private, I can become friends who don't need to be suspicious and wary."

Sansa, "..."

Well, she admits that she wants to treat this big boy differently.

Shaking lightly with Qi Lei, "Qi, I apologize for my previous prejudice!"

Qi Lei smiled brightly, "I accept your apology!"

At this point, the development of the North American Three Stones in the United States can really be regarded as an escape from the predicament, and there is no need to worry about being stumbled by people and angels, at least they can go into battle lightly.

At least...there is a moderate room for development.

This should be a fair business environment naturally owned by any company, but for his company, it was not easy to come by.

Qi Lei wants to go back to China!

He walked too much at night, he wanted to go back to see the light.


Of course, penguins also have a strange problem that many people can't figure out.

Among them, including Paulson, including the B Palace, including those politicians in the United States who hate China, including Adams, Sansa, and even far away in China, Qi Lei is a well-informed Pittwen, and Sharp.

That is:

It seems that Mr. Qi... seems to have really come to the United States to do business, without any other purpose.

This answer is unquestionable to ordinary American people.

For Paulson, Palace B, and Political K, well, I misunderstood him, misunderstood him, it seems that they are indeed here to do business.

But for Adams, for Manager Wen who knew how much of Qi Lei's patriotic plot, and for Sharp, who had experienced Qi Lei's tactics and lost his shorts precisely because of his tactics:

What, it's just a joke!

Qi Lei has no other purpose?

Dogs don't believe it!

But the problem is that he has done it all, he has made the penguin so big, and he has cleared all the obstacles, why is he not moving at all?

Especially the Chinese section that makes people daydream, it's really, clean like a little girl who doesn't care about the world, sensible and well-behaved, without the slightest tricky and conspiracy.

"Why is this?"

Even Wu Ning and Zhao Wei wanted to ask, "Why?"

They know more. Qi Lei talked about a lot of external effects and internal effects that day.

What is there to increase the value, selling 11 yuan to 100 yuan or something.

Hearing it makes people's blood boil.

But looking around, it doesn't seem like there is any turbulence. Whether he did it or not is a question.

"What exactly did you do?"

Wu Ning really couldn't see it.

Moreover, what Wu Ning was struggling with was that if Qi Lei didn't do anything right now, it would be okay to say, it was justified.

But, think about it, if he did something and was still so calm, that would be the most frightening thing.

"Did you do it?"

And Qi Lei's answer was, "I did, and a lot!"



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