Rebirth of 1985’s Best Doctor

Chapter 212: Pink jade

"Leave this to me, are you still used to it at the Medical University?" Zhan Yihan asked. After his actual combat drill was over, the first thing he did when he returned to the army was to call Jinyue, but her phone couldn't get through. He called Yuanxing and asked about Jinyue. He estimated that Jin Yue's phone number was in her storage bag, so he couldn't get through.

Su Jinyue smiled and nodded, "I'm used to it. I have made some friends. Yihan, do you think we can send jadeite?" There are many rough jadeite stones in her storage bag. All are priceless. It is definitely a good birthday gift if the jade is carved into a peach.

Zhan Yihan thought for a while, "Then I will go to the jewelry store tomorrow to see if there is something suitable." Jinyue is going to school now, and of course he can't ask her to ask for leave specifically for him.

"You don't need to go to the jewelry store. You forgot that I bought a lot of rough stones last time in Yuncheng. We opened one and carved it into a birthday peach as a birthday gift. What do you think?" Su Jinyue felt that this idea of ​​her own Okay, I don’t know if Yihan feels good. After all, he is more familiar with Mr. Bai.

"Good!" Zhan Yihan agreed with a smile. He also thinks this idea is good!

"Then I will pick and see which piece of jade is more suitable for carving into a peach." Su Jinyue had already taken out the rough stone from the storage bag while she was talking, and at the same time her eyes penetrated into the rough stone to observe one by one.

"What a coincidence, there happens to be a piece of pink jade." Su Jinyue said happily. Pure pink jade is relatively rare, and the general color will have some purple. In the funeral of the Empress Dowager Cixi in the Qing Dynasty, there were ten peaches carved with pink jade.

Putting away the other jadeites, the rough stone containing the pink jadeite was left, "Yihan, let's cut it open and take a look."

Zhan Yihan nodded, stepped forward, took out the short knife bought at Liuli Factory last time, "How do I cut it?" With his current strength, he could easily split the stone even without a knife.

"Cut down from here, and then from here." Su Jinyue squatted down beside Zhan Yihan, talking with her fingers on the rough stone.

Zhan Yihan nodded clearly, and cut the rough stone with the short knife in his hand. The rough seemed to be hard, but it was like tofu under the short knife, so it was easily cut open. He has not yet figured out what material the short knife in his hand is made of. It clearly looks rusty on the outside, but it can cut iron like mud.

"This knife is so fast, it really doesn't seem to be visible from the outside." Su Jinyue sighed. The rust on the short knife was wiped by Yi Han last time, but he couldn't wipe it off no matter how he wiped it. She didn't think much at first, but after seeing the formation, she suspected that there should be a formation restriction on this short knife. It's just that her formation level is too low to tell.

The jade inside was quickly cut out by Zhan Yihan. It was a pink jade the size of a football. The texture was fine, pure and flawless, and the color was pure, bright, and crystal clear.

"It's so beautiful!" Su Jinyue looked at the jade in admiration. The cut jade was more eye-catching than in the original stone.

Zhan Yihan nodded in agreement, "This piece is indeed a rare treasure."

"Is it too late to find someone to carve?" Su Jinyue asked about this question. There are still two days to be the birthday of the old man, I don't know if it will be too late.

"I can sculpt by myself." Zhan Yihan said. In addition to completing various difficult tasks to enter the special forces, you must also learn various skills. Because they may sneak into a certain force as an undercover agent at any time, and as an undercover agent, they must integrate into that force and cannot be discovered. So if you learn more, you will be less dangerous. He learned to sculpt because he was going to an undercover force in Myanmar, and he was posing as an apprentice of a sculptor.

"You can sculpt?" Su Jinyue asked in surprise. Then she remembered a wooden doll that he had given her in his previous life. The wooden doll looked very similar to her. She remembered that she asked him how he bought the wooden doll. Thinking about it now, that wooden doll should have been carved by himself.

"Learned a little." Zhan Yihan said with a curled lips. Thinking of such a big piece of emerald, he can't use it up, so he will carve an item for Jinyue by then, and give her a surprise.

"Then I'm looking forward to your finished product." Su Jinyue said with a look of expectation. The more you get along with Yihan, the more she thinks he is excellent. I was really blind in the previous life, why didn't he find him so good?

Zhan Yihan smiled and nodded. He looked at the time and said, "Go and rest. You have to go to school tomorrow." He started carving today, and two days should be enough.

"I'm not sleepy, do you want to start carving now?" Seeing Zhan Yihan nodded, Su Jinyue said: "I want to look at you." They only spent three days together. She really didn't want to waste being with him. Every minute and every second together.

"You will have no energy if you don't sleep tomorrow." Zhan Yihan looked at Su Jinyue gently. He didn't want to be with her every minute and every second.

"Cultivate for a while in the morning." Su Jinyue blinked playfully. Since cultivating, she rarely sleeps at night, and is basically used to cultivate and improve her strength.

Zhan Yihan shook his head helplessly, smiled dozingly, and lifted the emerald on the ground, "Let’s go to the house." If she goes to the house, she can sleep for a while if she gets tired, and he can see her every minute and every second. .

"Yeah!" Su Jinyue nodded with a smile.

When she came to the room, Su Jinyue took out Ye Mingzhu, and the whole room suddenly became like daylight.

Zhan Yihan looked at the pink jade, thought for a while, picked up a short knife and started carving. The length of this short knife is just right for carving.

Su Jinyue moved a chair and sat beside Zhan Yihan, looking at his perfect profile, serious expression, unknowingly she was a little silly. Love one may be like this, just looking at him, there will be a deep sense of satisfaction.

Feeling Su Jinyue's gaze, Zhan Yihan turned his head and smiled softly at her. As long as he looks at her like this, he will feel very happy in his heart. That feeling is more satisfying and joyful for him than completing the task.

A little bit of a night passed.

Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan didn't realize that it was dawn before Su Yanxi came over and called them to eat breakfast.

The two looked at each other and smiled, Zhan Yihan stopped the sculpting movement in his hand, and took Su Jinyue's hand into the bathroom. He planned to wait for Jinyue to go to school before continuing to sculpt.

Help Su Jinyue squeeze the toothpaste on the toothbrush, and squeeze her own toothpaste, and stand beside her in front of the mirror to brush her teeth.

The eyes of the two met in the mirror, and they smiled contentedly. It would be great if we could do this every day.