Rebirth of a Supermodel

Chapter 120

Remember [] for one second, update fast, no pop-up window, free to read!

The German psychologist Ebbinghaus once discovered a phenomenon that he called the "forgotten curve."

Probably means that when you remember something, you must be very impressed at first, but in a very short period of time, your impression of the thing will drop sharply, reaching a very low level, and Start slowly and forget it at a constant rate.

In order to prevent this process from happening, the solution is to choose the fastest time to forget, and immediately enhance the memory.

The time chosen by Nedland is now seven months later.

In the past half year, the sales volume of “Nedland” smoke perfume in China has changed from the initial explosive growth to the normal sales that tend to be flat. It has been slowly familiar to the public. But also forgotten together.

Consumers know the "Netherland" scent perfume, but this perfume has no more freshness in their hearts. Together with other perfumes, it is just a "buy if you need to buy" existence.

This result is naturally "Nedland" is not willing to see. Therefore, in mid-July, they put their own four advertisements on the major TV stations and video websites in China, which attracted the attention of the audience.

Lu Lele was suddenly stunned by the advertisement when watching the variety show (╯_╰)╭

In the last second, I also put a variety show on it, and I cut the ad in the next second! You said that this year, the advertisements are so arrogant, really a big man?

After a few seconds of spitting, Lu Lele began to look for the remote control at the full bed, and planned to change the station quickly. But this time, her remote control was hidden by herself and she couldn't find it after looking for a few minutes.

Lu Lele is rummaging! When I finally found the remote control in the quilt's mezzanine, Lu Lele had not turned the table. When she looked up, she saw a familiar face!

"Where?! Ming Xiaoyu?!!!"

I saw the boy who suddenly appeared on the TV screen at this moment, not a simile, but who?

In the low-sounding music, the handsome young man wore a white tights and walked slowly toward the glass treasure chest in the middle of the room. His face was calm, his eyes were calm, and he was not worried, but the background music could not help but worry about him.

I know how it feels to suddenly see this face on a 46-inch TV set.

For Lu Lele, she is burning all over the whole person!

Mom! ! ! Ming Xiaoyu’s face can’t be found even with a pore. How can it be so beautiful! Hurry up, what? 3=3=You said that her family’s temperament is so good! Cold, cool, and most importantly, a prince-like! This is where the advertisement is being made, this is completely at the height of the show! ! !, don't waste time, or oh, o(*≧▽≦)ツ

At the same time, similar situations have occurred in various cities in China. Many fans of Ming Xiaoyu, that is, I never imagined that I would be so unprepared to be confused!

Looking at advertising in the past, it is the saddest thing in life! It’s terrible to have wood!

What "we don't produce oil, we are just nature's porters", "your xylitol, no, it's your xylitol", "Who am you? Ah, I am just your coffee?" "... This kind of advertisement, for the first time, can be a bit new, but looking at it... Mom, you dare to change a word!" ! !

However, this time, the film advertisement of "Nedland" did not have a single line of words. It only attracted the attention of everyone and even saw it with the powerful and awe-inspiring atmosphere of the teenager. Finally, there are still people who think that this is a trailer.

This quality, said to be a movie trailer, is completely proper!

Soon, many fans found such an advertisement, and on the Internet, many people began to publish their own screenshots of advertisements and share their feelings.

[I wipe it! I have forgotten that there is a "Nedland" advertisement, and it has suddenly come out now! It’s so troublesome, it’s okay, it’s okay to feed! No, I will take the time to pick up the mushrooms...]

[Hey, I have seen the dynamic video of mushrooms for a long time.]

[ls is right, beg the gods to edit! Begging for the big **** to edit! Begging for the big **** to edit! ← Important words say three times, ps: I am "nameless party" _ (: 3" ∠) _]

["No name" is a promising drop! The sister above, joining our "Yin Fufu" party, is the right way 2333]


Although the advertisement of "Nedland" seems to be unprepared on the line, but a few people have already known the meaning of "Nedland". In the first time when the advertisement went online, Ming Xiaoyu took an advertisement with her own photo and published a message: [Suddenly saw this person on the TV of the hotel, this person is so handsome! Look, I don’t look like him like ~[/图]

But for a moment, the reply came.

[I have never seen such a brazen person...lx come]

[I have never seen such a brazen person 1]

[Ming Xiaoyu, I did not expect you to be such a mushroom! 】

[Ha ha ha ha, you don't want narcissistic small mushrooms, I want! Where are the mushrooms sold, give me a dozen! 】

[Shameless little mushrooms, really delicious! I also want to hit 23333]


The advertisement of "Nedland" was too fast, and it was released on all major platforms at once. It was unprepared for everyone. While the fans shouted surprises, the sunspots were also active.

According to the fans, they did not understand it at all: [This mushroom has a high height, high value, and high activity, which are all three high! By the way, it is very polite, especially cute, and it is quite fun to play games. It’s so cute, ps: narcissism is also cute. What are you dissatisfied with? 】

However, some people have to have rivers and lakes!

Since there are fans, the blacks are absolutely indispensable!

The black spots that the sunspots like most are: [Oh, height, it’s really high in the circle. 】

Fans: Oh, peat! ! ! (/=_=)/~┴┴

This time, the sunspots also grabbed the black spot and came to the height of Heming Xiaoyu. Because in one of the advertisements, the female model who is playing with Ming Xiaoyu is tall, this is almost in the circle, and it is almost the height of the sky. So in front of her, even if Xiao Xiaoyu’s gas field is very strong and fierce. It also avoids being a bit short...

For those who are indifferent to the things that are the blacks of the feathers, the attitude of the fans is unexpectedly consistent.

[It seems that I have something like it~ My Ming Xiaoyu is bare 187, you come to Bibi~]

[Little Asia raised her head disdainfully: Although I only have 187, my world supermodel ranks second! Come and bite me! 】

[The height of the mushroom is more than 180, it is enough to be sad! Whenever I think about it, I will kiss the mushroom in the future, then I have to step on the stool. 嘤嘤嘤嘤qaq...I hope the mushroom is short, but the only girl you can’t afford to hurt...]

[The battle of ls! Mushrooms are mine! 】

[You both are smashing eggs, mushrooms are the gods! - "Yin Hufufu Party" 撸 over]


This kind of blacks who squirmed from time to time, it was really lethal. After a while, they were drowned by the fans' spurs into the Pacific Ocean, and even a splash of water could not be flooded.

At the same time, the "Nedland" official has carried out some public relations measures. Soon, all the praises will flood the entire network, but there are some neutral and ironic remarks in this, which makes this kind of prosperous scene It doesn't look so fake.

It is still relatively easy for a perfume advertisement to be on the Internet hot search of the day. As long as the quality of your advertisement is good and the characters you invite are big enough, you can enter the hot search and let the netizens discover it.

However, an advertisement wants to be the top three in the whole network, which is really very difficult. The last ad that reached this indicator... don’t mention it, it’s all about salting McDonald’s!

That advertisement tells the story of a god-level spare tire and a shameless green tea. It has been smothered by netizens, and McDonald’s is almost angry with the advertisers. !

Therefore, it is very easy to have black spots to search on the hot. But as a luxury advertisement with no plot and pure beauty, do you want to go to the top three? It’s not easy to mention it!

So on the same day, after the fans discovered that their advertisements for mushrooms had become the headlines of the day, the fans who were very excited said that “I have to go downstairs for five laps” and “I want a cup of perfume to suppress the shock”... surely, these Some of the hot searches are the waters that were bought by Nedland, but most of them are real fans.

Xu Yizong’s level of instruction, coupled with the sister skills that Ming Xiaoyu often plays, don’t say the girls, even the men have to bend!

Within three days, the sales of “Nedland” smoke perfume suddenly doubled in China!

Five days later, this boom has not yet been extinguished, and the more fierce momentum is rushing toward higher sales! This time, not only netizens, but also many women who have not touched the network have bought this perfume. After all, in today's society, TV advertising is still an important way of product promotion.

On the seventh day, as the heat wave slowly cooled down, the sales of perfumes became more stable. But at this time! Cx Entertainment suddenly posted a message on its official website, which immediately attracted everyone’s attention -

[The 2018 Lunar New Year movie "An Li", which was shot by cx Entertainment Investment, has been turned on a few days ago. Thanks to the following members for joining us, next year, let us harvest more fruitful fruits together -

Director: Xu Yizong

Male lead: Fang Liangxiu

Actress: Xiao Biqing

Male No. 2: Jiang Kaiyang


Male No. 4: Ming Yu


.................. lying trough groove? !

Male number four