Rebirth of an Ugly Girl Turned Around

Chapter 1032: A plan of heart 11

The two nannies called at the same time, but no one answered, there were beeps of busy tones, and Mrs. Zhou's face immediately turned pale.

Sister-in-law Zhou's eyelids throbbed, she stopped standing still, and hurriedly walked into the hall to find Zhou Manqing.

"How is it? Did the phone get through? Where are they? If there is nothing else to do, let the nanny clean up and bring the child back... It's so late now, the two children should pack up and have a rest." Zhou Manqing Sitting on the sofa, as soon as she heard the footsteps of Mrs. Zhou, she slowly turned her head to look over, but Zhou Manqing was taken aback by this look!

As soon as she saw Mrs. Zhou's whole face was a little unsightly, she immediately noticed that something was not right, and hurriedly turned around and asked Mrs. Zhou: "What's the matter? Could something have happened? "

"Madam, I just gave two babysitters, but none of them answered. Madam, what do you think? Do you want to send bodyguards out to find them?" Mrs. Zhou's expression was solemn.

"No one answered? Did you call the young lady and the young master?" Zhou Manqing's eyelids twitched, and her expression was a little unsightly. These two children each had children's mobile phones in their hands. Nowadays, this science and technology is so Developed, in order to prevent the two children from getting lost, Qiao Yian bought a small children's mobile phone for the two little guys after the two children returned to China, saying that the mobile phone is actually a watch and a mobile phone together, a very simple one little things.

"Not yet……"

"Then you can call and take a look... Forget it, I'll call myself." After saying that, Zhou Manqing stood up, and without waiting for Mrs. Zhou's action, she walked quickly to the phone in the front hall not far away to call When she got up to call, her cell phone was placed in the previous study, but now, Zhou Manqing doesn't have any time to go up and look for her cell phone.

"Dudududu---! Dudududu---!" Zhou Manqing couldn't sit still any longer with the busy tone coming from the phone.

As soon as she turned her head, her face was full of anxiety, and she quickly ordered the other servants to act. "Hurry up and notify the bodyguards and ask them to find the young lady and the young master! And immediately notify the security guards at the gate of the villa area to see if there is any suspicious vehicle entering or leaving. Mrs. Zhou, go upstairs and look for it. Master and Young Master, let them quickly put down their work and come down to help find someone!"

Zhou Manqing's heart beat faster, and her whole body's blood was surging rapidly. She didn't expect that in such a short period of time, something would happen to the two children under their noses.

It would be fine if there was no accident, but the current situation clearly means that something has happened!

When their family was choosing a nanny, they had signed a contract with the nanny, which stipulated that the two nanny's mobile phones could not be turned off for 24 hours, and when they called, they had to answer the phone anytime and anywhere to report the two children of Zhou Shanshan and Pei Wenbo. The situation, the two nannies are doing very well. There has never been a call that neither of them has received. Even if one of them does not receive a call, the other person must be able to receive it at the same time. phone.

His fists were clenched tightly, Zhou Manqing's brows were furrowed, and his lips were sternly thought.

If something happened to the two children today, she felt that she really didn't know what to do.