Rebirth of an Ugly Girl Turned Around

Chapter 1233: The new role of power

Pei Yayuan, who was lying on the ICU bed in the hospital, didn't know anything about it.

She only thought that she would never dare to go back to the Zhou family villa. Huo Tianchen was a lunatic. Once Huo Tianchen knew that she was not dead, Pei Yayuan felt that she would definitely be cut off by Huo Tianchen and sent to the dog. of! She hasn't avenged yet, she doesn't want to die!

And even if Huo Tianchen will no longer retaliate against her, but when Pei Yayuan thinks that Huo Tianchen will tell Pei Yian and Zhou Manqing about these things, then if she returns to Zhou's house now, isn't that just throwing herself into the trap? Pei Yian will definitely not let her go!

Even with her toes, she could imagine that as long as the woman Pei Yian knew that she did what happened to the two children, she would be tortured to death by the woman Pei Yian secretly stumbled! Because Pei Yayuan felt that if something like this happened to her children in the future, she would definitely deal with each other mercilessly! That woman Pei Yian is not a good person, how could she let her go?

With a guilty conscience and fear, Pei Yayuan never thought about going back.

I just hope that the burns on her body can be cured as soon as possible, and then go to a neighboring country for skin grafting plastic surgery, and then come back to look good with Pei Yian and Huo Tianchen. Without the financial support of the family, she can still Think of other ways!

Pei Yayuan closed her eyes, lay on the bed and silently thought about all the contacts she could think of that could be used...

It will take at least half a month for things on Pei Yayuan's side to break out, so now both Pei Yayuan and Cao Kangcheng are very quiet. The people Huo Tianchen sent to monitor didn't gain anything else, they all regarded it as a distraction, and chatted with other colleagues here.


On the other side, Pei Yian saw that after his son took apart the gauze, the wound had scabbed over and had several stitches stitched up.

But things have already happened, and she has no other way but to accompany her two children during this period of time to make some compensation.

For Mommy's compensation, the little girl is very happy, she can eat a small cake every day to have a round belly, and by the way, she can also distribute the small cake in her hand to the little fat in the kindergarten!

Ok! As a good friend in kindergarten, Shanshan children feel that they can't be stingy! The most important thing is that there are too many small cakes, and she and her brother can't eat them all. In this case, there is no problem in sharing a little bit with Xiaopang! (=ω=)!

Although Pei Wenbo, the elder brother, didn't say anything, the upward curvature of the corner of his mouth revealed his good mood.

In this way, recuperating at home, the time with the children passed quickly, and Pei Yian has figured out some of the uses of the upgraded abilities in his eyes... The most important point is that Pei Yian found that his abilities could be like novels The spiritual energy of the cultivator attaches to other people like that. The effect is completely different from the previous effect. The effect of this power on other people is exactly the same as when it is used on oneself!

Therefore, Pei Yian immediately thought of using those spirit dew to wash the tendons and marrow of the two children, sweeping every cell in the body from beginning to end.

It's just that there are not many spiritual dew on her body now, and it is obviously not enough to recuperate the bodies of the two children. She needs to collect some anger in the antiques to meet this condition!