Rebirth of an Ugly Girl Turned Around

Chapter 39: Fatty Luo

This kind of top-quality jade has always been hard to come by. If you are lucky enough to say, even if you are unlucky, you may not find a piece of such a small gem in a whole truckload of wool.

For a time, the atmosphere in the entire store was heated up.

I don't know that the noisy bidding in the store was too loud, which attracted the attention of outsiders. Some people still called their relatives and friends to watch the novelty, but there were many people who came in from outside to watch.

Qiao Yian didn't care much about these things. She stared at the people who had been bidding and watched their bids. Every time they raised a million, Qiao Yian's heart beat faster. Numb.

She had seen so much money on the accountant's bill in the store in her previous life, but she had never touched it.

Although she followed Ye Lin back to Zhou's house in the last life, no one would give her tens of millions for no reason, not to mention Ye Lin hated her so much at that time, so she couldn't avoid it, how could she even think of giving her money. ?

Even as soon as she started working, Ye Lin drove her to the staff dormitory in the store on the grounds of her work.

That's why she didn't find out about Pei Yayuan and Cao Kangcheng at that time.

Qiao Yian took a deep breath and calmed himself down slowly.

The trajectory of her life is completely different now. At this time in her last life, she was still terrified by tears, but now she has made a lot of money, enough to save her from worrying about life in the future. She will still earn money in the future. More…

The big revenge in the previous life has been avenged. In this life, as long as Pei Yayuan, Cao Kangcheng, and the others don't come to trouble her, she will not care about these people, and only have a good life with her children. In life, you can't live in hatred all your life. She lives again, not for others, but for herself! Otherwise it would be too miserable. Raising his hand to touch his lower abdomen, Qiao Yian became more and more firm in this belief.

That is, people don't offend me, I don't offend anyone, it doesn't matter if he is Pei Yayuan, Ning Yayuan or Wang Yayuan, as long as he doesn't offend her, it has nothing to do with her at all.


As soon as Qiao Yian remembered the strange black death she saw in the mirror yesterday morning, she decided not to go back to the dormitory later, and went to the hospital to check it, otherwise, she would not feel at ease no matter what.

Everyone's bidding soon came to an end, and many people had died down. Only Boss Zhao and Fatty Luo were still gritted their teeth and insisted, while Old Man He was the third one to give up, and Old Man He was smoking even more. Fierce, he looked at the wool with a bit of frustration.

A piece of spring belt color in such a good condition, if you put it on for a few years, the price will have to double several times. It's a pity...

"39 million!" Boss Zhao frowned, his face sinking like water, he could see that he really wanted this piece of wool.

Fatty Luo sweated from his forehead, and stood on the other side staring at the wool on the table, gnashing his teeth. Now that his store is so short of a treasure, how can he let others buy it?

It's a pity that the liquidity in his hands is indeed running out. Seeing that the other party has been unwilling to give up, Fatty Luo gritted his teeth and simply raised the price by another 3 million, "42.08 million! If you can pay 45 million, this piece of I'll give you the wool. Otherwise, how about you, Zhao Sihai, give me a face to Fatty Luo?"

He pursed his lips and didn't speak, Zhao Sihai frowned even tighter, as if thinking about Fatty Luo's words.