Rebirth of an Ugly Girl Turned Around

Chapter 491: Sleepless night tonight

The captain of the criminal police saw that the two couples were not looking very well, and the other party even comforted: "Mayor Pei, the thing that Chairman Zhou is worried about should not happen for the time being, if the other party only intends to kill ... then directly in the bathroom at first. Killing people and escaping alone will obviously be more convenient than being kidnapped now!"

"So the other party must be plotting something, asking for money or something..."

"According to the other kidnappers we have contacted before... Now the other party has not called, it is very likely that they have not found a place to stay, or they are tired and want to rest." The captain of the criminal police team helped Zhou Manqing and his wife analyze. : "As soon as they call back, the people on our side will immediately lock the other party's communication location! Arrest people directly!"

Saying so, the captain of the criminal police team was also in trouble. Xinghai City is one of the largest cities in China, its traffic is extremely developed, and the roads leading to the surrounding area are even more numerous, and after the other party took people away Going straight into the alleys without cameras, they found that the other party even changed cars in the middle, and when they changed cars, they even hid the replaced car in a hidden garage.

If they hadn't sent a large number of police officers to search from house to house in that area, it would have been impossible to find out that the other party had changed cars.

This shows that the other party's action is extremely planned, and it may even have been planned for a long time before this! It was a premeditated and planned kidnapping operation!

It's just that the captain of the criminal police did not show it on his face, but continued to comfort Zhou Manqing and his wife.

"Hopefully this is the case. As long as Yi'an and Yayuan are safe and sound, it's nothing to lose a little money." The police captain's persuasion had an effect. Zhou Manqing's originally frowning brows eased a little, but he still couldn't relax. .

Or ordered people to step up their search.

The chief of the police station sitting next to him said to Pei Jizhou: "Mayor Pei, don't worry, for such a bad kidnapping incident, we will definitely use all our strength to search for the culprit without delay!"


There are white methods to find white, and black methods to black.

In the Longhu villa area, Huo Tianchen set foot in his villa for the first time three months after he was injured.

Before he returned to the villa, he had already called to inform his subordinates to help find Qiao Yi'an's trace, especially those places where the more secretive and fewer people were, must not be missed!

"Huo Shao, we have followed your instructions and found someone to see the news from the police station. Once there is news, we will know it as soon as possible."

"Well, let's deal with this first. Those who ordered us to go down should also strengthen the search, no matter what means." Huo Tianchen looked at the busy subordinates and instructed in a low voice, Huo Tianchen narrowed his eyes, thought for a while and said: "If you find it, let someone directly pass the message to the Zhou family."

"Okay, Huo Shao." The bodyguard who has been with Huo Tianchen all the year round immediately nodded in response.


Throughout the night, there were still many people who stayed up all night!

Not only the Zhou family's Pei family's Huo Tianchen, but also the organizer who held the charity banquet before, was also sweating profusely.

The other party never thought that after so many years of charity banquets, someone kidnapped the guests at their banquet! Moreover, the person who was kidnapped was the daughter and niece of Zhou Manqing and Pei Jizhou.

How can you not make up for it?

They have sent the following people to use all their relationships to find people!

Otherwise, who would dare to attend the charity banquet they held in the future?