Rebirth of an Ugly Girl Turned Around

Chapter 852: Ye Lin's conjecture

So, a large group of people just took root in the hospital, taking care of Huo Tianchen.

Qiao Yian looked at Huo Tianchen, who was lying quietly on the bed, and was really uncomfortable. The air was full of depression. She said a few words to the two children and left the ward, planning to go to the hospital. The doctor asks about other things, like how to take care of the patient.


Zhou Manqing and others went home all the way. Because of Qiao Yian's incident, everyone was very silent in the car. Even if they said a few words occasionally, the atmosphere in the whole space would soon sink.

Zhou Manqing, his wife and Pei Yi were not seriously injured because Qiao Yian and their two children were not seriously injured. Although the atmosphere was a little heavy along the way, they were relieved.

Only Ye Lin frowned at this moment, her heart was beating so fast, as if she could jump out of her throat in the next second, she looked nervous and even a little restless...

About Qiao Yi'an's car accident...

I don't know what happened, Ye Lin subconsciously thought of Pei Yayuan's malicious eyes that she saw back then. The other party's eyes looked at Qiao Yi'an as if they were poisoned and brought a knife...

One of them is her daughter, already her niece, what should I do?

Even on weekdays, Ye Lin hates Pei Yayuan again and doesn't want to live in the same space as Pei Yayuan, but this still doesn't change that Pei Yayuan is the flesh and blood between her and her husband... What should I do now?

Touching the sandalwood beads on her hand, Ye Lin felt numb for a while.


However, on the other hand, Huayue Foreign Trade Company is currently conducting an important meeting.

Just after the meeting ended, a young and handsome man suddenly rushed out of the meeting room and grabbed the arm of a woman in a white dress.

"Yayuan, why are you here?" Cao Kangcheng looked at Pei Yayuan with a puzzled face, with disbelief on his face, "Shouldn't you be at home? Even if you want to work, you should go to your jewelry store, why? be here?"

"Kangcheng, let go hurt me..." Patting the back of Cao Kangcheng's hand, Pei Yayuan's eyes were filled with resentment and jealousy.

Cao Kangcheng was agitated, his whole body seemed to be soaked in warm water by Pei Yayuan's eyes, and his whole heart was bulging and soft to the extreme.

"Yes, I'm sorry... I was just too strong." Cao Kangcheng quickly let go of Pei Yayuan's arm, only to see that two red marks had already been pinched on the white and tender arm. This time, Cao Kangcheng looked even more embarrassed. He looked at Pei Yayuan with a guilty face, and said softly, as if his voice was a little louder and would startle the bird across from him, "Why did you take so long? Why don't you answer my phone?"

"I lost my previous phone by accident, so..." Pei Yayuan apologized.

This made Cao Kangli Ma's heart softened, and he quickly waved his hand and said, "It's okay, it's okay... It's just a small matter... Yayuan, I'll invite you to dinner at noon... We haven't seen each other for so long, you How are you doing recently?"

"I have to go to work later..." Pei Yayuan declined politely with a blushing face.

For Cao Kangcheng, Pei Yayuan was a little disdainful. The reason why she contacted each other before was mainly because of Huo Tianchen. Then since she can't get Huo Tianchen now, there is no need to aggrieve herself to interact with each other.

However, at this time, Pei Yayuan's cell phone suddenly rang...