Rebirth of Extreme Evolution

Chapter 396: Soul blend

Although the bed and the ground were simply cleaned up, the room was still filled with a rich and greasy woman's fragrance, like a warm spring breeze, which was addictive, but there was a strong male flavor, An Rongru and Zhou Xuan , Yan Shaonan, and Jiang Yunwei are all here. Naturally, I understand what kind of panic war has just begun here.

But they are not little girls, but their jaws are slightly blushed, but their expressions are calm.

"Xiao, it turns out that you are really hurt." Zhou Xuan released her soul perception and found that Mu Xiao was suffering for a while. She had no doubts and walked forward with concern. Both Jiang Yunwei and Yan Shaonan felt that Mu Xiao's soul seemed to be full of sores, constantly healing and tearing.

This kind of pain is unbearable for ordinary people. They can't imagine how great the pain when Mu Xiao was most injured.

An Rongru majored in the treatment of soul and peace. Compared with Zhou Xuan and others, she knew more clearly the crisis of Mu Xiao's soul. If it was not resolved, it would likely leave permanent pain. She even gave birth to Shangguan. Yuan Xin the idea that they came together.

"What are you talking about?"

Mu Xiao opened his eyes, still clear, but from time to time, he hurried past and couldn't hide An Rongru's eyes.

"Xiao, don't you really need Yuanxin them?" An Rong Rumei's eyes were full of caring heartache. She sat on the bed, holding Mu Xiao's hand gently, like water. Yan Shaonan and Jiang Yunwei also sat on the head of the bed, stroking Mu Xiao's cheek and forehead, both of them had anxiety on their faces, and the original embarrassment was also left behind.

"It's enough for you to perform well." Mu Xiao smiled narrowly.

"The soul is in a mess, and you are still so serious." An Rongru was ashamed and pitiful.

"He can't wait, then I'll come first."

Zhou Xuan was hot and bold. She took off her waistcoat and tube top with her backhand, and her hot pants were pulled down. Her soft and tender wheat-colored jade body was naked in front of everyone. Her healthy and soft wheat-colored skin was soft and delicate. The crispy **** are tender and straight, such as gentle moisturized fat, the light buds on the top of Yufeng are light and crimson, and under the strong and delicate belly muscles, there are light and tender little white tigers hidden.

She lifted the quilt on Mu Xiao's body, and the wild and charming face floated with an intense redness. Her tender tongue licked her red lips, and she buried her head directly into his chin, and slowly swallowed, seeing An Rongru, Yan Shaonan, Jiang Yunwei blushed for a while, but they also understood that Mu Xiao could not drag on, or he would have a pain.

In a short while, the three of them also undressed each other, showing a jade body that is as beautiful as a creamy jade. Their snow muscle jade bones are soft and white, dazzling, and their snow-white jade bodies have no flaws, The lines are smooth and beautiful, and they are full of beauty, slender and tall, and Tingtingyu stands in the bedroom. The spring light is unlimited and the meat is full of fragrance.

At this time, Zhou Xuanmei shyly dropped an emotional eye wave to Mu Xiao, slightly raised her body, squatted down at her position, and her pink and smooth wet and hot valley gradually swallowed an Optimus Prime. The spirit of the double cultivation practice.

Her soul gave birth to a source of warmth like sunlight, covering the wounded soul of Mu Xiao, the blood source power turned into a smooth and warm vitality, merged into the intersection of the two, and began to engage in spiritual and flesh union, nourishing and merging with each other. Xiang Xiang Yi Mo.

Yan Shaonan and Jiang Yunwei hugged Mu Xiao's waist one by one, and they wrapped his thighs softly and fragrantly, rubbing affectionately, stimulating each other's pleasure. And An Rongru gently put Mu Xiao's head on his plump and tender thigh, and let him pinch his huge snow fat, biting the bright red bud ...

In their fascination and shame, they appeared to serve Mu Xiao in a tacit manner. In a posture of female and male, they took turns to give Mu Xiao a fragrant treatment. Originally, Mu Xiao could simply enjoy lying on the bed and enjoy bone erosion. Pleasure, but once so rare with them, Mu Xiao reluctantly turned over and pressed down the rich and tender An Rongru, such as the mighty Lion King, to seek the soft and snowy jade body of An Rongru, to prove his majesty.

Under Mu Xiao playing with them many times, he enjoyed the thrill of being extremely immortal, especially the mutual connection of minds, souls, and entanglements, and he felt a sense of integration.

The dual cultivation method of the spiritual desire blood element makes An Rongru, Zhou Xuan, Yan Shaonan, and Jiang Yunwei not let out as fast as they used to, and enjoys the fulfillment and satisfaction brought by the waves of Mu Xiao, as if he ca n’t leave this for a lifetime. the man.

However, Mu Xiao's soul gradually healed and his blood became richer.

An Rongru's Secret Code combines the self-healing ability of a source of water and the ability of spiritual healing to form the soul secret method of Anshen Lingquan. This is the soul mystery that Mu Xiao chose for her. Among the many mysteries of Mu Xiao, it belongs to the most effective method to heal the soul and increase the strength of the soul. Xiao exclusive treatment of the nurse.

And Zhou Xuan ’s secret book, combining the power of the sun with her own innate vitality, and then fused into a blood source of life, with a very strong healing power, explosive power, physical endurance, vigorous energy, etc. The powerful fighting traits belong to a tenacious and hard-blooded source secret.

Yan Shaonan is inclined to ancient martial arts. She has an innate ability to specialize in rare weapons. Mu Xiao has given her a martial arts secret book with swords and swords, with the sharp source of metal springs, the sensitivity and perception of spiritual systems, Integrate the extraordinary consciousness and sharp spirit of practicing sword and sword.

Swords are difficult to master, but her weaponry is refined into weapon control, and multiple forces are integrated into it, which is more effective.

However, Jiang Yunwei didn't have any outstanding innate abilities, but with the cultivation of Mu Xiao, she developed an evolutionary path for her. She has a sophisticated mind. Mu Xiao thinks that she is very suitable for practicing the soul secrets of the psychic warfare.

The psychic warfare has the anticipation of the enemy and the extremely sensitive consciousness of fighting. At the same time, it can break through the enemy's mind and truly achieve a dexterous, meticulous, and calculation-oriented battle.

They are in perfect harmony with Mu Xiao. The source of soul and blood vein genes are very active. Mu Xiao is already in the fighter's realm. They are only in the basic stage of building the foundation, but with the close and intimate spiritual flesh, their blood gene and source of soul are constantly being Mu Xiao Nourishing, the essence of Mu Xiao's life is like nectar, which optimizes their life and genes.

However, An Rongru's bloodline source also fed back a pure and pure Yuanyin to Mu Xiao, making his energy and bloodlines more and more vigorous and pure.

An Rongru, they have the method of double cultivation, unlike Xia Meiqin, they have to do treatment in a random way. A simple analogy, Xia Meiqin can only be a kind of paralyzing Mu Xiao painful medicine, An Rongru they are really good medicine for Mu Xiao rehabilitation.

Until the evening time, An Rongru stabilized Mu Xiao's soul collapse, but the injury was still not fully healed, which could only reduce the greatest pain. An Rongru exerted his soothing power to make his soul stand still and went to sleep. .

The effect of the double repair cannot be sustained. If the effect is lost, there is only one, An Rongru, they have no benefit, otherwise they are as paralyzed as You Meifei, Shi Jingjing, Love, and Bei Mengli, and Xia Meiqin is born with There is a charming body and a famous device, which only takes a little advantage.

After an hour of rest, An Rongru recovered from the wonderful aftertaste.

An Rongru put on a thin coat and went to get warm water. She carefully cleaned Mu Xiao's body, and then said to Zhou Xuan, Yan Shaonan, and Jiang Yunwei, "Let's stay here during this time."


The three women had no problem. They also started to clean up the messy room and changed the pile of sheets on the bed that made them feel ashamed. After a while, they went to the bathroom to bathe together.

With this intimacy, I thought of serving Mu Xiao together in the next time. They did not have any big embarrassment in their subconscious, but got closer and closer together. An Rongru's body is extremely exaggerated and seductive. Zhou Xuan, Yan Shaonan, and Jiang Yunwei looked at An Rongru's body and understood what is called fat buttocks and breasts, and why Mu Xiao loves her so much.

Of course, Yan Shaonan's beautiful long legs are also seductive, including Zhou Xuan's strong and beautiful wheat jade body, which has a unique beauty, and Jiang Yunwei's body is said that the jade body has a young woman's charm and a girl's delicate skin. It's also a wonderful person.

After finishing the double repair, An Rongru sent a message to Mu Xuanyin. When An Rongru and they washed themselves out of the room, they saw that Mu Xuanyin was sitting next to Mu Xiao's bed. Heartache and sadness.

"Rest assured, your brother's problem is no longer significant."

Zhou Xuan gently held Mu Xuanyin's thin and painful body. An Rongru, Jiang Yunwei, and Yan Shaonan also stepped forward to persuade him, but Mu Xuanyin let go of a little worry. Soon after, Shangguanyuanxin, Jiang Yue, Shan Miaoyi, and Sun Xinyue also came to visit, and only one Jian Hanyao mumbled when dinner would start.


For dinner, An Rongru called a group of maids to prepare. Only Mu Xuanyin personally made a medicated meal for Mu Xiao and An Rongru to make up for themselves ~ ~ They also reserved Xia Meiqin for them, after all They served Mu Xiao for two days, and they were already one of Mu Xiao's women.

Mu Xuanyin was a soft-hearted little Nizi. Naturally, they did not forget their credit. Even Xia Meiqin's mistakes, Mu Xuanyin forgave.

An Rongru had just finished their supper, and Xia Meiqin woke up with all their weakness, waking up completely hungry.

Mu Xiao tossed them for two days, and the energy of his body was exhausted before he woke up, but when they got out of the room and saw a group of 'authentic mothers' sitting in the hall, they suddenly The confused intellect woke up, trembling, and bowed his head.


During this time, there are more women writing, because there is a turning point in the next, about the world changes, so my head is slightly agitated, and a few romances. If readers do not like this kind of plot, Tianji is sorry, after all, it seems a bit out of place. However, the next chapter will end this romance plot and enter the beginning of the world change. :)

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