Rebirth of Extreme Evolution

Chapter 455: .Dangerous 1

"How to do!?"

The princess and the goddess of Goddess have never been anxious and struggling, especially the heart of the goddess of Goddess has a stinging heart, which makes it difficult to hurt her husband.

Since that day, after telling Mu Xiao what happened to Shuanger, the Lady Pitty has subconsciously acknowledged that Mu Xiao is her husband, but she has just met and faced such a dilemma. It is really difficult for her to succeed, especially Shuanger was in the ring of life, how could she suppress her father in front of her daughter.

That was cannibalism!

Thinking for a moment, it seemed that the Lady Pitty was making a big decision, and she conveyed a word to the **** princess, "I'll save him, you stay here."

"You want to betray at this time?" The princess's delicate and snowy face changed completely, "No! You will be killed by branding!"

"Maybe. But as long as Shuang has his care, I'm also at ease."

The lady of the **** said gently, the ring of life in her fingers, the sound of crying of the children's tenderness.

Suddenly, a soft and dreamlike sleep, from the soul of the Lady of the Gotty, sings softly, one by one, like a trickle, spreads through the space of the ring of life, so that the two children calm the soul Weeping in sorrow and dreaming.

The Lady of the Tattoo took out a simple and mysterious scroll in another space bracelet.

She suddenly pulled away, and the countless beautiful and gorgeous notes, like the heavenly girl scattered flowers, drifted away, and the sky turned into a colorful, colorful cloud of notes. At this moment, the heaven and earth seemed to reverberate endlessly.

"Getty! You can't do this!"

The Princess God was anxious, and did not want to arouse the suspicion of Xuanwu and others, and took out a strange and cold huge weapon directly.

The weapon is more than two meters long, the material is iron non-iron, gold non-gold, wood non-wood, flowing a dark blue luster, resembling a giant sword, the sword body is thick and long, sharp, hidden precision parts, carving the texture of countless complex circuits, sharp Among the blades was another icy muzzle, deep and horrifying, as if it contained the smell of death.

"We can make excuses, and we don't necessarily have to use" Qing Ming "and" King Tian "..." Princess God could not help hurriedly when she saw that the **** was injecting the source of soul into the Kokuten movement.

Her words were interrupted by the maiden of the **** the next moment, "Do n’t underestimate the caution of Xuanwu, and there is also a destiny path, especially the destiny path has been promoted to the general, there are many things that are difficult to hide .If they don't make excuses this time, they must try to investigate the reason ... In the end, I can't stay in the shrine, I'm afraid that even the two children have been found by them. I can't take this risk. "

Of course, God Princess knew that once Xuanwu and others knew that the body of the **** was impure, what terrible consequences would be.

It was undoubtedly also a kind of betrayal, a betrayal of the Son of God.

"Let me think about it! Let me think about it! There must be a way!"

The **** princess Xianghan suddenly covered the forehead with a clean, it was difficult to make a choice between Mu Xiao and Feidi.

At this moment, there was a cold and hidden soul language, compressed into a line, and spread to the souls of the **** princess and the goddess of the titty.

The two women's expressions were stunned, and they were ready to refuse to accept the sudden transmission. However, after discovering Mu Xiao's breath, he did not hesitate to accept his words.

"I don't have to keep it, I don't have to worry about my safety, I have my own way to deal with it ... if I am your man, then listen to my orders, and I don't need my own woman to sacrifice!"

Mu Xiao's voice is overbearing and powerful, but full of tenderness and protection for the two women.

At this moment, it seemed as if there was a thick and happy tenderness covering the body and mind of the titty, as if filled with sweet and greasy syrup, with a love she had never had before, and she found that it was so warm and protected by her own man sweet.

"Well, shameless, who's his woman." God Princess powdered her lips slightly, as if disdainful of Mu Xiao's words. But her tender white and pretty face was a touch of shy pink, and her heart gave birth to an inexplicable sweet warmth.

Soon she came back again, looking at the hesitant maiden of Goddess, took a deep breath, and said, "Heidi, we must have confidence in him. And we can't exert the full power of the two secondary artifacts. Probably only the first level of the king. As long as he resists our attack, then we will be unable to continue the next attack, and Xuanwu will not find our loopholes. "

"Is he really able to resist?" The Lady Pitty was worried that Mu Xiao was not sure at all, but she didn't want them to reveal their secrets. She said so intentionally to protect them, but she just wanted to settle their mood.

"We told him the key to the secondary artifact, so he would have the precautionary heart and increase his grasp." God Princess couldn't care too much, after all, she and the Lady of the Tattoo were already sitting on the same boat, or that She fell in love with a man, both Madonna and Gotty.

"Sword artillery and movement are about to activate. We have no time to continue to think of a better way. We can only rely on his own strength to defend us from this attack."

The princess of God suddenly looked tall, and her petite body suddenly became taller, with a sturdy and cold atmosphere, sweeping the sky, faintly giving people a sense of unpredictability and horror.

She Baiyu held a huge cold sword and cannon. Dark particles kept condensing on the sharp blade. The radius of several kilometers set off a terrible death storm, as if the world had fallen into a dark despair, invisible. Redemption of life.

The Lady of the Tidi looked deeply in the direction of Mu Xiao. At this moment, he seemed to turn into a monster full of magic, the dark armor of the light condensed on the armor, and the source of basalt and Suzaku was sputtered continuously. In the "Mixed Yuan" battle, the skies on both sides collapsed.

"Do n’t do anything wrong, otherwise the children will be sad because of this, and I ca n’t forgive myself ..." The goddess of the **** gradually converged, and the "Golden Movement" held by the tender and tender jade suddenly became bright, and the notes were like a brilliant one. The beautiful rainbow crosses the void and forms a paradise.

The weapons and powers released by the goddess of the **** and the princess of the gods form two unusual extremes.

One is like a wonderful fairyland, with countless brilliant notes, playing a tune of nature, making the soul unknowingly sinking into beauty and unable to extricate themselves. On the other side is a world of death, like a graveyard where countless corpses are buried. Nine quiet winds, roaring and cold, shave the soul and make the flesh old.

The Celestial Movement has the "law of sound" and "law of illusion", which greatly affect the spirit, change the soul attributes of the creature, control all the emotional memory of the creature, and even cause the soul to dissipate the world in fantasy.

Qingming Sword Artillery is a real and malicious weapon with the "law of death" and "the law of darkness", which is exactly the force that puts everything in the heavens and the earth to death.

After the goddess of the **** and the **** princess activated the secondary artifact, there was a divine power that surpassed all beings. Their soul and source broke through to the realm of the king in an instant, like a queen with the power of life and death, cold and majestic.

"Longevity uses a mixed blow to fight for the best chance of suppression for the **** princess and maiden!"

Xuan Wu drove like a thunderous thunder, and he did not retain his backhand. He suddenly surged into a giant man more than ten meters in height and punched out. The source of the earth, the source of metal, and the source of gravity were like a torrent of torrents. Go away.

"The fire burns the sky!"

Suzaku's anger and hatred erupted in an instant, and the flames of bloom bloomed around him, rolled into a roaring storm, as if the entire world was burning with destruction and destruction, and turned into a crimson glow everywhere, like a volcanic eruption, everyone shrouded in this terrible flame In the flames.

With the order of Xuanwu, the battle formation formed by Tian Changsheng and others also changed. A twilight and a ghostly shadow floated on the bodies of the twelve of them, quickly forming a majestic lightman, which contained "fire and lightning" In the body of the law, there is a cosmic sky power, as if a **** came.

The villagers of Shushan in the mountain all lost their contempt and fell to the ground one by one, some of them fell directly to the ground. If there were no spirit birds to protect them, their souls would probably collapse at once.

However, Xia Qian, Ying Caimei, Guo Xiaojing, Nie Qianqian, Zhang Xiongli and others could barely support such terrible coercion.

"Hit yuan hit!"

Tian Changsheng and others combined their bright voices. At the same time, light and shadow completely merged twelve different sources of sources into a chaotic figure, which contained a trace of cosmic power that destroyed the world. The void began to tremble, and the world was eclipsed.

Xingying blasted a punch, the space shattered numerous ripples, the source of Taotao flooded, boundless, vast, landslides, and imposing attack on Mu Xiao.

"Qi Wu Qi Wu Quan!"

"Endless sword system!"

"Broken pole!"

"Icestorm black magic fist!"

"Mind the Divine Power!"

Mu Xiao is like a demon's majestic body ~ ~ A sudden explosion of roaring magic gas, the violent and cold evil power erupts from the black crystal armor, and the battle method completely changes into a magical evil Negative, like a demon raging on earth.

Panic, cold, violent, cruel, **** ... all kinds of ominous negatives such as the dark tide, devouring the flame of Suzaku, and annihilating the source of basalt. There was a sound of clicking and clicking in the void, and there were huge cracks, as if they could not bear the power of Mu Xiao.

At this moment, Mu Xiao has become an ominous alienation. At this moment, the source of blood in the whole body has entered an extreme, the power is extremely extreme, the soul is even more terrifying, beyond the peak of the war, and even the king may not be suppressed. He The evil devil of the soul.

"Death nightmare!"

"Dark nature!"

"The Law of the Universe!"

In the moment when Tianchangsheng and others were hit by a huge amount of mixed yuan, Mu Xiao ’s evil soul passed the “Tianjing Jewelry” worn on his body, and the “Ten God Twelve Speeds”, which worked extremely, increased the soul power by six times, inspiring Containing the "source of the universe", the source of the soul urges the two evil soul mysteries, and all thoughts suddenly fall into the endless dark end.

"Broken Blade-Go!"

Mu Xiao shot six intangible objects that broke into space extremely secretly, and attacked sharply, and the goal was the core of Tianchangsheng.

"Qing Ming!"


At the last moment, the divine power of the princess and the goddess of the **** came. At the same time, two voices were sent to Mu Xiao's ears, which gave him the weakness of two offensives.