Rebirth of Extreme Evolution

Chapter 524: Imminent

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"How did you do that?"

The Lady Pitty found that she knew too little about the man in front of her. Even though she was regarded as her husband, she still had the confidence to grasp the capital and means of this man in her heart, but the scene in front of her really made her A wave of confidence became shaken.

The Princess God was as shocked as the Virgin Goddess, and her heart was full of doubts.

Others don't know the value and power of that chip, but it doesn't mean that Princess God is not clear.

That was the spoils that the Lady of the Tattoos almost exhausted all of her hole cards and survived to death. As for what technology is hidden in the crystal card, they don't know, but it is certainly not an ordinary commodity.

Now the crystal card has been cracked by Mu Xiao, and the development of scientific and technological strength is progressing. As long as there are sufficient materials, maybe within a few years, his foundation must become a technological kingdom.

The heart of the Lady Pitty gradually became hot, she saw the hope of contending with the gods, and at the same time she was more determined to obtain the authority here.


In questioning by the Lady Pitty, Mu Xiao said meaningfully: "Everyone has his own secret, doesn't he?"


She didn't expect Mu Xiao to say it easily, but the stronger a man is, the more reassured she will be in her heart, and she won't delve into this question, returning to the topic, "How much can you give me this crystal card? Dedication? What kind of status and identity can you give me? "

The immortal words of the Lady Curtis were full of aggressive power.

"In the future, all the permissions here will be open to you. The two northwestern areas of the central circle belong to your family." Mu Xiao is not a muddy man, and he knows what kind of power the Virgin Lady wants. Status and identity, acting on my behalf. "

As soon as he made such a promise, An Rongru Xiurun's face smiled bitterly, and she clearly felt that Shang Guanyuanxin, who was sitting next to her, trembled and tightened tightly. Obviously, she was very unsettled.

Including, Yan Shaonan, Jiang Yunwei, Sun Xinyue, Shan Miaoyi, Duan Lingling, Xia Meiqin, Xia Qian ... They all felt uneasy waves in their hearts, shocking Mu Xiao to give this woman of unknown origin such a great power.

However, they thought that the daughter of the **** and Mu Xiao had such a lovely daughter. They also understood why Mu Xiao did this, but they were somewhat uncomfortable in their hearts.

You sighed, sounded in their hearts.

"... Are you satisfied with this?" Mu Xiao took a deep glance at the Virgin Lady.

"If the two people disagree, who is the main one?" The Lady Pitty ignored Mu Xiao's sight and asked with all reason.

"You can't intervene in each other's affairs. There are urgent things happening, whoever finds them will be responsible for them. Any mistakes will be borne by you." Mu Xiao said, "As long as I'm here, it's my decision. . If there are contradictions and opinions that ca n’t be mediated, when I ’m not here, Xuan Bing and Yin Mang sum up their opinions, and Rong Ru and Xuan Yin will decide the problem between you. ”

Hearing Mu Xiao's words, An Rongru felt a warmth and love in her heart. Shang Guanyuanxin they also understand Mu Xiao's secretly speaking, do not want them to have struggles and conflicts with the Virgin Lady, but also mean to stand on their side.


At this moment, the Virgin Lady was silent, she began to think that Mu Xiao was reasonable, but the last words were very unexpected, and she also got a message that Mu Xiao valued this mature beauty very much. .

Another Xuan Yin, she also knows, that is Mu Xiao's sister.

Are they reliable? And Mu Xiao is really annoying ...

Suddenly, there was a moment of irritability in Santa Feidi's heart, and she did not want anyone to rest on her head. At the same time, she felt that Mu Xiao did not put herself in her heart. The maiden of the **** was accustomed to being high. Even if she committed herself to Mu Xiao, she also wanted to be the first in Mu Xiao's heart, but it was clear that Mu Xiao had a row in front of her, and she was obviously not in the forefront.

At this time, she found that the twin children held by the **** princess floated back into her arms, like a piglet arching herself, and the eyes of the two sisters were purple and black, staring anxiously, not wanting to not happy.

"Shuanger came to Dad to hug him." Mu Xiao found that Shuanger wanted to please the maiden, and her heart could not help softening, nor did she want her daughter to be too worried, so she wanted to reach out and take over Shuanger. It was just that Shuanger shook his head away suddenly, and seemed to be angry with Mu Xiao, thinking that his father did not love them.

The God Princess cast a cold eye directly, she was not suffocated, Mu Xiao said in the bedroom.

"Little naughty." How could Mu Xiao be stumped by a daughter, and she hugged the pink-skinned cute daughter directly from the arms of the maiden of the titty, "Well, don't be angry. Our biggest enemy now is not ourselves Man, if you really have a chance to rule the world in the future, you will toss as much as you love. "

Of course, what he said was not addressed to Shuanger, but to the Virgin Lady and Shang Guanyuanxin.

The daughters also understood that the overall situation was the most important thing, and they also tacitly assumed that as long as the Virgin Lady could really do a good job, they would naturally not oppose and cause unnecessary contradictions.

"I see." Shang Guanyuanxin stood up for the first time, and the beautiful beauty was full of determination and grandeur. "From now on, as long as it's your business, I will not intervene."

"Very good." The Lady Pitty looked slightly up at Shang Guanyuanxin. "Similarly, I will not intervene in your business."

"Xiao, I'll be back to handle my work." Shang Guanyuanxin said calmly.

"Go on."


At the banquet, as soon as Shang Guanyuan Xin left, all the girls left, and An Rongru didn't bother Mu Xiao, the maiden of Goddess, and the princess of God, and it was clear that the three of them had something to talk about.

"Do you know that there was a Xiao family on the moon?" Mu Xiao's hand exudes a soft light, fumbles for exploration in Shuanger's petite body, and raises another thing calmly.

"Well? It seems like the family that was destroyed about ten years before the moon ..."

A stunner of the Goddess of Goddess and the Princess of God, she immediately looked at Mu Xiao and said, "You are from the Xiao family?"

"It turns out that you are really a man of the moon." The Lady Pitty did not guess Mu Xiao's identity, but soon she shook her head and said, "We don't know much about your Xiao family. At that time we should all be Expeditions in the Divine Realm, I came out only to hear that it was related to the two demon sons, the Purple Demon and Reese. "

It is also said that those families on the moon are simply watchdogs raised by the gods, and there is no need for the goddess and princess to pay close attention to them.

"The two godsons are extreme people, but they have nothing to do with us." God princess clarified the relationship, and thought of the distress of the Mu Xiao family, because of concern or other factors, intentionally help, "I have Go back to the temple to check it for you, most things will be recorded. "


In fact, Mu Xiao did not have any expectations, because the memories he found from Shen Tu Zhanguang and Grace's soul, the two gods did nothing leaking, including this matter, they also did very secretly, as if they intentionally concealed a major secret.

The Lady Curtis and the Princess God did not speak in silence, watching Mu Xiao groping back and forth in Shuang Er's small body, causing Xiao Nizi to laugh giggly.

They knew Mu Xiao was exploring the blood potential of Shuanger.

In this regard, the goddess and princess of Goddess are very confident, but they have used many precious resources to train their twins, and have always given her the best things. It can be said that Shuanger now has a level of fighters, but for the time being, most of her power has been sealed by the saint-goddess. For fear that she cannot control her power and destroy it everywhere, the most important thing is that she does not want her breath and is perceived by the **** Qinglong get.

"You have fed so many medicines and Shenyuan to Shuanger. She has not yet fully digested. Although there is no harm in staying in her bloodline genes, she has merged with Shenyuan step by step and purified a higher bloodline, but she is like this. Maybe the growth cycle will become very slow. "

Mu Xiao took back her strength and held Shuanger's small hand, and said, "In this way, she may be a small girl who can't raise a lot for ten years. I don't know when she will become a slim girl."

"It doesn't matter. It ’s good for her to grow slower. Her soul and blood will accumulate. When she is an adult, she will be the king." The Virtuous Lady said, "When I was pregnant with her, I missed the best innate training. I can only make up for this mistake now. "

Every parent wants his child to be a good one, and naturally the Virgin Mary is no exception.

If a new human is pregnant with a child, the longer the child's growth is, the better the child's growth, because the mother's blood source will constantly nourish his child, and he can use the precious drug to soften the drug to the child to absorb it ~ ~ At that time, the Virgin Lady just secretly hid in another base to give birth to two children, and failed to do all the things that would benefit her daughter. Although Shuanger is more powerful and has more potential than the average new human child, the Lady Pitty clearly feels insufficient and thinks that Shuanger's potential can still grow.

"Fortunately for you." Mu Xiao hugged Shuanger and sat on the path of Virgin Mary.

"I'm only for the twins, not for you." Madame Kitty said very directly. But what she thought in her mind, only she knew it.

"Then I will do my part." Mu Xiao pressed the essence of the five elements that she had been preparing and gently pressed into the small body of Shuang Er. Suddenly, she exuded a scent of nature, soft and comfortable light. .

"This is the source of the laws of nature?" The princess of God exclaimed, not that she had never seen it, but it was difficult to obtain such a treasure in the realm of God.

"There is only one trace of the law of nature." The Virgin Mary said: "However, this trace of law just happens to accompany her daughter's growth, so she can take a big step ahead of others in the future, and realize the complete laws of nature. may."

"This gift, I hope your daughter likes it." Mu Xiao looked at her daughter who was gradually wrapped in warm light and fell asleep sweetly, her heart filled with soft tenderness.

But soon the lady of the **** broke Mu Xiao's warmth, she only said a word.

"Qinglong will soon break through and become a king. If you ca n’t stop him, it ’s best not to go out in the past few months, and only to wait for a disaster in the world. It's a good time to go out. "