Rebirth of South America as King

Chapter 265: Ready

Among several important research projects of the Academy of Sciences, the research and development of Bayer-type rotating magnetic field alternators and the improvement of electrolysis to prepare metal single substances are all for the production of industrial steel.

Steel production is the main basis for measuring a country's industrial development level. Among them, steel production is an important reflection of a country's industrial technology level due to high costs, low output, and complex technology.

In the second half of the 19th century, crude steel production in major countries in the world also showed different development trends due to differences in technology and industrial markets.

As of the end of 1878, the British crude steel output was 998,000 tons, the US output was 744,000 tons, the German output was 489,000 tons, the French 313,000 tons, and the Russian Russian steel 95,000 tons.

As two representatives of the developing countries, Han's crude steel output just exceeded 7,000 tons, which is 7060 tons, while Japan's crude steel is still hovering around the 2,000-ton production area, and there is no trend of large-scale growth in a short time. .

The scale of annual output of 7060 tons of crude steel is larger than that of major European and American countries, but considering that Han is in its infancy in the steel smelting and processing industry, and the Bayer rotating magnetic field alternator in charge of the Academy of Sciences has already Two and a half months ago, the research and development was successful, then the power and power problem that limited crude steel smelting capacity was successfully resolved. It is not impossible for Han's crude steel output to increase rapidly in the next few years or even reach the level of development in Europe and the United States.

The Royal Academy of Sciences, Li Mingyuan, Liu Pu and others stood near a huge blast furnace and carefully observed the results of this inspection.

"Manganese metal has previously been used as an additive for smelting steel. When the dosage of manganese is less than 10%, the steel product appears embrittlement. After increasing the dosage of manganese, the dosage of manganese is increased to percent. Between 12 and 13 percent, the brittleness of the steel disappears, and then the temperature of the blast furnace is raised to one thousand degrees, heated until the metal is liquefied, and the liquid is placed under water for quenching to reach the hardened steel. "

Harfield, the first white technician who discovered the hard effect of manganese steel, introduced Li Mingyuan excitedly.

"Yes, you did a good job, and I'll have someone write down your credit later."

Li Mingyuan was satisfied.

"His Royal Highness, what use is this manganese steel? Can it be used for artillery?"

Liu Pu asked halfway by Li Mingyuan.

"You should ask Harfield about this, he knows better."

Li Mingyuan smiled and left the problem to Harfield.

"General Liu, you may not understand the nature of manganese steel."

Harfield responded with a smile, explaining, "Manganese steel has a high hardening strength. The production of artillery guns using manganese steel as raw materials on the one hand has a high processing cost, and on the other hand, the high hardening strength of manganese steel also wears out military machinery and equipment. Therefore, manganese steel is not suitable as a raw material for artillery barrels. "

"Lord Harfield, if manganese steel cannot be used in the military industry, what is the significance of inventing it?"

The battle in Argentina was imminent. Liu Pu thought that Li Mingyuan was pulling him to the academy to inspect the technology related to the army equipment, but he did not expect that the answer obtained from Harfield's mouth was completely opposite, so he was puzzled.

"No, General, I think the invention of manganese steel is a milestone in the history of the development of special synthetic steel, and its significance is definitely no less than that of chromium steel and tungsten steel used in the military industry."

Harfield was very concerned about his invention and heard Liu Pu's question. He immediately explained that "the significance of inventing manganese steel is to provide better steel raw materials for industrial production. For example, in railway construction, according to experimental data, manganese steel Under the same conditions, the produced track is 20 to 25 times the service life of wrought iron. In the industries that require high-strength industrial production, such as machine tools and ore mining, the high hardening characteristics of manganese steel can effectively avoid the hardness of ordinary steel equipment. The economic loss caused by the shortage, and the use of manganese steel in the heavy industry field cannot be replaced by other special steels such as chrome steel, tungsten steel, etc., and its value will never be discounted due to the shortage in the military field. "

In 1819, with Faraday's first development of chrome steel in the laboratory, various other types of special synthetic steels were continuously developed. Among them, chrome steel was the earliest found synthetic steel, and it was not used in the military and civilian industries. Small development, and the nickel steel also discovered by Faraday has not been applied on a large scale due to immature technical conditions.

The production of steel pipes for artillery, machine guns and rifles generally requires the addition of chromium, nickel, molybdenum, platinum and other metal elements, but because trace elements such as molybdenum and platinum have been applied late in the synthesis of special steels, coupled with some other factors, making ten The artillery barrels of the 1970s and 1980s had shortcomings such as rough manufacturing and short life, and they could not be widely used in the military as the artillery guns of the middle of the 20th century.

Of course, after the past few decades, after the problems that restrict the large-scale use of manganese steel have been solved, manganese steel can also be used to manufacture helmets, tank armor, warheads of armor-piercing bullets, and the like. Now, Li Mingyuan can only temporarily put aside the idea of ​​using manganese steel to upgrade the Weapons and Equipment of the National Defense Forces, and instead use manganese steel where it should.

The exploitation of mineral resources and the development of railways are the development goals of the next stage.

The Congolese colony has many prospected mines. Due to concerns about leaks of the mines, other colonial countries have snooped. Those mines have been unexplored. By the end of the war, the international pressure on the Han country has eased. Manganese steel is used as a raw material for machinery and equipment.

When the Congolese colony was in the hands of the Belgian king, the mineral resources mined from there federated many mining companies such as Belgium and the United Kingdom, and the volume and technological development potential of the Han country was much higher than that of Belgium. Li Mingyuan believed that there were more suitable special With steel materials, Han's economic development in Congo will be more adequate and smooth.

In addition to the role of manganese steel in the development of the colonies, the development of railways is an important task in Han.

The existing railways in the Han country are mainly left by the Brazilian and Argentine governments. After Li Mingyuan led the National Defense Forces to occupy these areas, considering the backwardness of the current level of railway construction technology, the railways that do not want to work hard to build fall behind after a few decades. There was no plan to build a large railway. After the invention of manganese steel, the service life of the rails was greatly extended, and the corresponding cost of building the railway was greatly reduced. Therefore, the construction of the railway related to the development of the Han country could be put on the agenda.

Professional matters are left to professional people. In terms of special steel synthesis, since Harfield can develop manganese steel four years in advance, Li Mingyuan will naturally respect his research results, so he will make some contributions to Harfield's results. After affirming and rewarding him personally, Li Mingyuan ordered Tomaniste and Harfield to cooperate with other technical personnel to apply manganese steel to industrial production as early as possible. Then accompanied by a group of technical personnel, Li Mingyuan inspected the imported internal combustion engine, Arc light, electrical and other projects, and finally left the research institute when it was going to be dark.

After returning from the inspection institute, Li Mingyuan immediately convened major generals and officials to discuss plans for an early war. After the meeting, the Han government immediately issued three policies.

One: An additional 37 million yuan of national debt was issued, equivalent to 20 million silver.

2: Grain and livestock in the hands of the people at a price that is 10% higher than the market price

Three: The number of closed fields corresponding to the rank of titles was promulgated:

Each hereditary baron received 300 acres of duty-free fields ~ ~ 500 acres of official fields,

Viscount 500 acres of duty-free fields, 1,000 acres of official fields,

Earl 800 acres of duty-free fields, 1,500 acres of official fields,

Marquis 1,200 acres of 100 duty-free fields, 2,000 acres of official fields,

The duke has 1,800 acres of duty-free fields and 2,500 acres of official fields.

Duty-free fields continued for three generations, and after three generations, taxes were collected in accordance with uniform standards.

The three policies promulgated by the Han government are all military-related. When the news spread to other countries in southern South America, especially Argentina, they understood that the war machine of the Han country had begun.

Thanks to Tu Haitao, Black Maple Bison, Haihua Empire Emperor, Jingxue Zhiyou, Si Che, Han Dean i for their support!