Rebirth of South America as King

Chapter 267: Go to war

Progressing steadily and steadily is the content that Li Mingyuan focused on reminding when he formulated the combat plan.

The main factor that affects the outcome of a war is the country's overall strength. In the case of disparities in national strength, as long as the country occupying a strategic advantage does not commit the mistake of underestimating the enemy and defeats the effective military strength of the opponent step by step in accordance with a sound method, It is difficult to win the war.

The country of Han has passed the most difficult time of founding a country. After ten years of hard work and development, the country's economic strength and military strength have formed an absolute advantage over Argentina. Therefore, during the course of the war, Li Mingyuan's first consideration was to stabilize his strategic advantage and not to give the Argentine troops the opportunity to stand up.

After the Han government promulgated the War Preparation Act, the Han and Argentine governments are intensively preparing for the final preparations. Under the atmosphere of intense war preparations, the time slowly passed to March 4, 1879. This day affects the historical development of South America. The general process changed because of a war.

The war between Han and Argentina officially broke out. Li Mingyuan led the main force of the National Defense Forces to start with 160,000 people after the oath division meeting was held in the Beijing training ground. Wu Fengdian and Chen Shangfa led the 60,000 armed forces as a strategic reserve and delayed their departure for four days. Liu Piao, Zhao Yan, Hu Jinzhong and others stayed in the homeland of Han and were responsible for transporting supplies for frontline troops and maintaining domestic territorial security.

The responsibilities of the 160,000 National Defense Forces and the 60,000 Reserve Forces do not include the transportation of supplies and weapons and ammunition. These tasks are uniformly assigned to the organized militia forces and the young Chinese who support the front line voluntarily.

The Argentine War was a national war that determined the future destiny of Han. Under the call of Li Mingyuan and government officials, the third-line militia and the young Chinese who voluntarily supported the front line were divided into logistic transports of varying scales according to their respective settlements. The team then, under the leadership of retired veterans of each settlement and government officials, prepared their own dry food or cured meats, and traveled along the route of the main protagonist of the National Defense Forces, providing them with the necessary food Material support.

The number of young and strong Chinese in Han Dynasty is more than 1.5 million. Excluding the number of members of the National Defense Forces and the Security Forces, the number of young and strong people supporting the frontline is 500,000, which is more than double the number of combat troops.

The Chinese of the Han nationality are enthusiastically participating in supporting frontline missions, not only because the success of the Argentine war is related to the interests of every Han nationality, but it is more intuitive that participating in logistics tasks can get enough benefits.

The Han government stipulates that the Han people who participate in logistic transportation will grant them the status of former volunteers. After the war ends, the Chinese people who have the status of former volunteers can rely on the pre-service credit issued by the logistics department to receive large-scale services. Waiting fields or money rewards.

In general, a Chinese supporter can receive at least five acres of land, and more can receive thirty acres of land, if other credits are made during the logistics. The area of ​​reward land will also increase.

Encouraging Chinese youth to support the front line by using the land in the occupied area as a suggestion was proposed by Li Mingyuan. When the proposal was handed over to government officials for discussion, some officials reported that the amount of rewarded land was too much, and the size of the rewarded land should be reduced. Officials suggested saving government spending and adopting coercive measures to recruit people to support the front line for free.

After officials' feedback was returned, Li Mingyuan did not adopt it, because based on the experience of later generations, an important decisive battle was launched. Only by letting ordinary people share the benefits of the war can unite most people and make the government's foundation of governance more stable. The ruling classes that have profited from the war or the dividends of national development, even if they can maintain their rule for a period of time, will eventually be abandoned by the general public.

If you do not suffer from widowedness and unevenness, raise individuals or collectives to the height of the country. A country with a balanced distribution of interests is more competitive. When competing with other countries or having a war, the entire country is more likely to consolidate into a whole and play a role. Strong fighting power.

Li Mingyuan is a principled person. He is more inclined to protect the interests of ordinary people in the country under the guarantee of his dominance. Government officials are only a tool for ruling the country. It is the army and ordinary people who can maintain the power in his hands. Therefore, Even though many of the policies implemented are not good for the bureaucratic class, Li Mingyuan still strongly supports the expansion of policies to every corner of the country.

Five days after Li Mingyuan led the main force of the National Defense Forces on March 9, a Chinese team serving as logistics transport lined up more than ten miles and traveled along the Uruguay River.

"Brother Lu, the town has crossed the national border after the front. The Uruguay River is not very flat these days. Argentine soldiers who have been scattered often attack the transport team. Should we be careful?"

Wang Shizhen, who was riding on a brown-haired horse, asked Lu Rongting, who was traveling with him.

"Be careful."

Lu Rongting nodded and instructed, "Brother Yang, notify the brothers behind to be more vigilant, and don't let Baipi get out of the way."

"Yes, Captain."

Yang Guangzong, who was just sixteen years old, replied, then turned his horse and ran back.

"Brother Lu, the wounded soldiers who heard back said that the army resistance in Argentina and Uruguay was very fierce. It took two days for the brigade of Chen Brigade to capture the city of Sandu. Do you think we have a chance to go to the front? "

After Yang Guangzong left, Wang Shizhen asked.

"Should not, the second mix of Chen Brigadier plus other troops has more than 10,000 people. In the past two days, only seven or eight hundred wounded soldiers have been returned, which is less than ten of the total number of troops under Chen Brigadier. One second, so the Second Mixed Brigade still has full offensive capabilities and does not need to be supplemented by militia forces for the time being. "

Lu Rongting's judgment roughly matched the real situation on the front line. After Li Mingyuan led his troops, he first traveled down the Uruguay River south, and after conquering the city of Salto on the right bank of the Uruguay River, he left Chen Zongbai's second mixed brigade and a cavalry regiment. An enhanced reconnaissance battalion and a 105mm artillery regiment continued to advance along the Uruguay River, while Li Mingyuan himself led a protagonist of more than 150,000 people across the Uruguay River, heading south all the way, pointing the first attack on Barra Santa Fe, a town along the river.

The city of Santa Fe is the capital of the Santa Fe Province of Argentina. It is also the confluence of the Parana and Sarado rivers, and is an important strategic hub in the Parana river basin.

The strategic position of Santa Fe is critical. Once the Defence Forces successfully occupy there, it will cut off the communication between Buenos Aires and the northwestern provinces of Argentina. At the same time, after occupying the city of Santa Fe, it will be separated from the large front of Buenos Aires. There was only one Rosario left in the fortress, and the loss of the mutual cover of Santa Fe City. An irreplaceable loophole appeared in the defense of Parana in the southern part of Santa Fe City. Therefore, as long as the IDF took it within the planned time, In Santa Fe, Parana ’s gains and losses are between Li Mingyuan's thoughts.

After the focus of the IDF's offensive shifted to the Santa Fe and Parana river basins, the offensive in the direction of Paraguay became an offensive led by Chen Zongbai.

The offensive does not mean that the combat task is easy. Unlike ordinary people, Chen Zongbai's offensive task is, to a certain extent, as difficult as the main force's attack on Santa Fe.

First of all, the offensive needs to show the main attacking position ~ ~ Therefore, on the first day of attacking Sandu, Chen Zongbai pulled out the 105mm artillery group that had been strengthened to the second mixed brigade. Sandu City fired two bases of ammunition. At the same time when the shelling ended, it dispatched more than 3,000 troops from six battalions to launch uninterrupted attacks. In the end, it relied on violent artillery attacks and continuous rotation tactics to bring the six thousand. The city of Paisandu was beaten down.

Secondly, Chen Zongbai must ensure that the facts of the attacking forces are not detected by the enemy in advance, and the Argentine troops ahead will be dragged before the main forces reach the set strategic goals.

Finally, if possible, break through directly from Uruguay, march under Buenos Aires, merge with the main force, and form a siege to Buenos Aires.

Overcoming Pai Sandu is the beginning of the offensive mission. If the situation worsens, Lu Rongting and other militias and logistic teams will also join the army to confuse the enemy army with their numbers.

However, from the perspective of Lu Rongting, this possibility is very small.

Their militia forces and transport teams are likely to stay until the end of the war and have no chance to participate in frontline wars.