Rebirth Of The Apocalypse Queen: On Your Knees, Young Emperor!

Chapter 511: Escape

Qin Yi suddenly snorted, and then sprinkled powder toward the front. The yellow powder fascinated people's eyes. Dr. Lin narrowed his eyes. When he opened his eyes, Qin Yi and the others were gone.

When the powder entered the eyes, Dr. Lin found his eyes uncomfortable, and he was confused when he saw everything. He gritted his teeth and made people run away.

Asen also felt very uncomfortable. He couldn't see things clearly, but he could still see that Qin Yi and three were gone.

Asen bent down and asked, "Doctor, what should I do?"

Dr. Lin squinted his eyes, his thin blood-stained lips spit out a few words, "Chasing."

Here Qin Yi rode Ji with Qing Jue and Ze Ning quickly away from Dr. Lin. After a while, seeing no one coming, Qin Yicai patted Ji on the head, "Stop."

Ji stopped obediently, and his hairy head rubbed Qin Yi's arm, and Qin Yi chuckled and touched its head.

Qin Yi got down from Ji's back, and Ze Ning and Qing Jue followed. For a while, the three of them didn't know what to say.

Qin Yi spoke first, "What are you going to do next?"

Ze Ning glanced at Qin Yi, she still had zombie makeup on her face, but the aura on her body was human. Ze Ning felt sad for a moment, and then changed to let go.

Whether she is a person or a zombie, she is his good friend Xiao Qi.

"I want to go back. Dr. Lin used us to fight humans in this way. I must stop him. The best thing now is to go back and tell other people, for fear that they will be deceived."

Within ten minutes, Ze Ning thought about everything.

Qin Yi glanced at Ze Ning appreciatively. She didn't make a mistake at the beginning. This zombie is very smart. Perhaps one day in the future, he can really achieve his heart's wish.

What Ze Ning thought was what Qin Yi thought. She couldn't let Dr. Lin's conspiracy come true, although she still didn't understand the purpose of Dr. Lin's doing this.

Dr. Lin wouldn't have been so troubled if it was only aimed at her.

"I think so too. Dr. Lin must not be allowed to succeed, Zombie King. This time, we must put aside the contradiction between the two sides and solve this matter first."

Qin Yi looked towards Qing Jue with a serious face.

Qing Jue looked uncomfortable, "I see."

Although he was confused, he still had a clear distinction between light and heavy. There must be a battle between humans and zombies, but it was not at this time.

Qin Yi still believed Qing Jue's words and did nothing else. With so many subordinates, Qing Jue was reluctant to give up, so they would come back again.

"You have to be careful when you go back. Dr. Lin is afraid that things won't let you off so easily, but my powder will make them uncomfortable for a few days. You should still have time."

After Qin Yi finished speaking, he took out a few bottles of powder from the space, "If you can't match it, you can use this, and you can escape in the end."

This medicinal powder was prepared by Qingge for her, and when it was sprayed in her eyes, she would not see anything for a few days.

Ze Ning took it and gave Qin a deep look, her beautiful cat eyes were full of dismay, "Xiao Qi, take care."

"Okay, I will." Qin's impression of Ze Ning is not bad, and just now, if this boy hadn't saved her, she might really be injured. Although she wouldn't die, her brain was attacked. It's a joke.

After Ze Ning and Qing Jue left, Qin Yi finally couldn't help but vomit blood. She was still injured. She couldn't beat Dr. Lin at the eighth level. Although she took a little advantage in the end, her brain was also a little turbulent.

Ji walked to Qin Yi, Huang Chengcheng's tiger eyes were full of worry, "Master, are you okay?"

Qin Yi wiped the blood on his lips and turned on his back with a firm voice, "Go, go back to the base."