Rebirth of the Burning Era

v1 Chapter 125: Female Wenqing and Stinky Man

A securities company and an exchange are not the same thing. To use an inappropriate analogy, the former sells vegetables, while the latter is a vegetable market, a trading place.

Of course, securities companies themselves generally do not grow vegetables, but listed companies are hired to help sell vegetables.

That's why Wang Ziwei said that those in the exchange are all part-time workers and have no future.

The work of stock issuance and sales undertaken by securities companies, and one thousand subscription certificates, except for securities companies, few other units and individuals on the surface can eat them all at once.

A year later, the China Securities Regulatory Commission was established. There are clear regulations. Liang Yifei would not ask that because it is illegal. But now that there are no regulations, it is not legal or not, but depends on Wang Ziwei's personal operation. Ability, how to operate, how to talk to leaders, or how to sell to those big business he knows.

Here, Wang Ziwei's profit is also very amazing.

"Hey hey..." Listening to Liang Yifei's words, Rao is that Wang Ziwei is usually cheeky, but he couldn't help but smile: "How can I be embarrassed for such a big benefit? So, what kind of agency fee? I don't want it anymore. Tomorrow morning, I'll send money to those two security brothers. That's what I think, I'll..."

"You don't need to tell me how you do it. I'm dealing with you personally. As for what you do, I don't care."

Liang Yifei waved his hand to interrupt him and said, "Can you tell me when to answer?"

"I have to... um, can you wait another week?" Wang Ziwei said.

"Okay, when the time comes, you call me, I'll give you the account number, put in the money, and I'll give you the subscription certificate." Liang Yifei patted his waist.

"Huh? You don't live here anymore?" Wang Ziwei was taken aback.

"It's boring and unsafe to stay in a hotel all the time," Liang Yifei said.

"Yes, all ninety-nine prayers have been worshipped. In the last step, don't make any fools. Safety first, safety first!"



After Wang Ziwei stepped forward, Liang Yifei and his entourage moved on the back. They left Hilton and went to the New Jin Jiang Hotel, which is slightly different from the majority of foreigners staying at Hilton. New Jin Jiang has a major job: receiving foreign guests, especially foreign political figures, In contrast, it is more secure.

It was the days of staying at home again. During this period, Wang Ziwei came to page twice, both of which asked Liang Yifei to get a batch of subscription certificates first, one for 32 and one for 28.

What to do, don't ask, Liang Yifei doesn't bother to ask, since people do things, they always have to give enough benefits.

Wu Sanshou and Zhang Deyuan brought their certificates to meet Wang Ziwei twice, all in cash, and they went to the bank and deposited them into the New Era account designated by Liang Yifei.

Liang Yifei was in the hotel, mainly responsible for making phone calls, and by the way, he could relax his nervous mood during this time.

This trip to the Shanghai stock market to re-sell the subscription coupons seems to be very simple to buy and sell, but at his level, the difficulty and danger of buying thousands of coupons have increased, far from those of ordinary people. Hundreds of small fights are comparable.

Even if you bring people with you, it is not your own territory after all. The safety of life is not a big problem, and the safety of property can be said to be tested all the time.

Wang Ziwei can only be regarded as half of his own person, Tang Qian, who is even more ignorant, is both a partner and a competitor.

Including the people he brought, it can be said that Liang Yifei has to keep turning his mind on all the people he has met these days to ensure the stability of these people and let the events develop in the direction he expected.

The spirit is also highly tense.

very tired!

In Jinjiang for a few days, I can barely rest and make a few phone calls.

Gu Wenming, who was far away in Binhai City, received two calls from Liang Yifei. After the two calls, Gu Wenming went to check the account, and the account was over 320,000 and 280,000 respectively.

Lao Gu had nothing to say, Liang Yifei took away 500,000, and returned 600,000 in less than a month.

What is there to say about this boss?

"Stop flattering me." Liang Yifei leaned on the sofa, his eyes were slightly closed, he gently rubbed his eyebrows, scolded with a smile, and said to the microphone, "How is the regularization work going?"

"The system process has been formulated according to what you said. Come back and check it out. If there is no problem, it will be posted." Gu Wenming said on the other end of the receiver.

"Okay, in addition, the summer enrollment must be accelerated. Taking advantage of the blank period of the universe, we will strive to occupy the entire Binhai market." Liang Yifei said.

Gu Wenming said: "It goes without saying, there is no doubt about it. I discussed with Zhu Linlin yesterday that we can't go to big cities in other provinces for now. Is it possible to recruit students this summer besides Binhai? Go to the other two big cities in Nanjiang Province to set up classes and start classes, not to make money, but to gain fame and cultivate a group of talents, and when next year, when the money and people are available, you will be able to expand to the big cities in other provinces calmly.”

Liang Yifei smiled, his brain and energy have really been overused during this period of time. He never thought of such a simple thing, and he was still thinking about the Binhai market.

Now, this Binhai Market is already in your pocket, it's a strange thing to be able to escape!

"Okay, I won't be too wordy anymore. Now our Principal Gu is not the teacher Gu of the past." Liang Yifei laughed and said, "You are the master of school matters, you can't make up your mind, ask me again."

Gu Wenming also smiled, and then said: "Another thing, didn't you let Song Zhongshi run the school by himself last time, but he really did it, this guy is very capable, even after you've been away for a few days, you have already started to work on it. We are recruiting teachers, and we are still putting up small advertisements one after another. It seems that more than a dozen people have signed up. Although the scale is small, it seems to have formed the prototype of a small school."

"Unsurprisingly, Song Zhongshi was trained in our new era after all, and he has worked as a vice-principal in the world. He still has this ability." Liang Yifei smiled lightly: "I just didn't expect that he would be able to figure it out so quickly. ."

Gu Wenming said: "He thinks very well! These things were all after get off work yesterday. He waited at the school gate and took the initiative to tell me. He also said that in the first phase, he plans to recruit 30 to 40 people and start the class. The teaching materials of our school. He also said that he will always report the progress to me in the future."

"Then you can figure it out, and you don't have to be too close. After all, it's not our branch school."

Liang Yifei picked up the water glass on the table, took a sip of water, and then sighed softly, saying, "Old Gu, tell me, there is not necessarily a right or wrong in this kind of life choice. If Song Zhongshi doesn't change jobs, He will never be able to start his own business in his life and suffer a loss, I hope he can grow wiser."

Gu Wenming said: "I still want to come back when I look at him. I can understand the pressure of starting my own business to some extent. You still took me with you back then. That's called a night of whiteheads."

"So on the other hand, life choices also have to pay a price." Liang Yifei said.

Gu Wenming laughed dumbly: "You are a person, you flatten and round people, and in the end you have to say anything. By the way, if you give me 600,000 yuan, is the big universe enough money?"

"Almost, I'll buy it when I come back this time. In the future, our teachers of the new era will go to the big universe to eat, and I will give it a fair price. By the way, the name of the big universe can't be called. Think about it, give me a Western-style name, The best pronunciation in English is popular now." Liang Yifei said.

Gu Wenming was silent for a while, so much so that Liang Yifei thought it was disconnected.

The tone was obviously lost.

"It stands to reason that I should be happy for you, but I also know that you can't be idle. After the big universe is bought, everything is left to be done. Your focus of work should be shifted to that side, right?"

Liang Yifei didn't expect that Gu Wenming was actually depressed because of this matter, and he was silent for a few seconds before saying, "Old Gu, the road to a new era has just begun, and the future will be very good. Since I have run this school, I am very concerned about it. The positioning of the company is not as simple as a few cities or a well-known school in one area. This time I came to the Shanghai Stock Exchange and saw so many listed companies, I was thinking, in the future, our new era may have a day of listing!"

Gu Wenming said unexpectedly: "Can private companies also go public?"

"Of course not now, but who knows in the future? Five years ago, who knew that China would have its own stock market, and it would still be like this?" Liang Yifei said: "Old Gu, our country, our new era, both of us are still young. , the future is full of infinite possibilities!"

After a pause, his tone became more relaxed: "There will be an IPO one day in the future. I am the largest shareholder, and you are the second largest shareholder. Damn, don't the Yankees like to watch the little Asian wild cat escape? At that time, let's Brother two go to California to buy a bar on a street, and let American girls wriggle their bare buttocks to show us every day!"

Liang Yifei sounded nondescript words, but he really raised his eyebrows to the depressed Gu Wenming. He laughed and scolded: "Grass, you rascal! Okay, then I'll go and meet you when you come back."

"it is good."

Liang Yifei hung up the phone and called Lin Zhixian again.

As soon as he said a few words, Liang Yifei was stunned, blurted out, and cursed at the phone!

"What? Are you **** crazy?!"

He was born in the bottom of the prison, and his mouth is often dirty, but most of it is when joking, but when he is really angry, he will not swear.

Not to scold women!

Because what Lin Zhixian said just now surprised him!

The last undercover incident in the dance hall was highly praised by the leaders of the newspaper. The Youth Daily planned to set up an investigation department to dig deeper into social hotspots. Lin Zhixian became an undercover girl and became addicted, and requested to be transferred to the investigation department.

Investigative reporter, is that what a girl should do?

Doing character interviews is not only safe, but also makes various contacts, which will be of great benefit to her future development.

What about being an investigative reporter? Not to mention suffering and tiring, and even personal danger!

As for the future, within ten years, it is very good, after ten years, it is pure bullshit!

It stands to reason that Lin Zhixian chooses to be an investigative reporter. In the future, she can help Liang Yifei much more than being a celebrity interview reporter, but Liang Yifei really thinks it is too dangerous!

It was useless to persuade her for a long time. Before the girl hung up the phone, she read Shu Ting's To Oak Tree through the phone.

'I must be a kapok next to you, standing with you as the image of a tree.

Roots, clinging to the ground; leaves, touching in the clouds.

We greeted each other with every gust of wind, but no one understood our words.

You have your copper branches and iron like a knife, like a sword, and like a halberd; I have my red flowers, like a heavy sigh, and like a heroic torch. ’

On the other end of the phone, the little girl read with 50% perseverance and 50% tenderness. After reading it, she hung up the phone shyly and ashamed.

But all the winks were thrown at the blind man. Liang Yifei held the receiver that heard the busy tone, and was stunned for a long time, then threw the phone on the table.

"Grass, these young literary and artistic women are sick in their brains!"

Fortunately, the news of Wang Ziwei followed closely, diluting his inexplicable annoyance.

The matter is settled, the remaining 840 subscription certificates for Wang Ziwei who have won the lottery are all sold through the channel. According to the previous agreement, they are all sold at a fair price, 10,000 yuan a piece, 8.4 million.

With so much money, it is inconvenient to use cash, and ordinary banks can't immediately ask for it. The transaction is very inconvenient. For the sake of safety and convenience, I will go to an Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, which their securities company has a partnership with, to do a face-to-face transaction tomorrow morning.

After hanging up the phone, Liang Yifei sighed again: "Fuck, it's still a stinky man who is full of money!"